View Full Version : Pride and Prejudice sucks!

01-21-2004, 07:56 PM
Hafta read it for english class. This has to be, the most boring book I have ever read. I couldn’t stay concentrated on it for more that 5 minutes. It’s full of drama about the troubles of aristocrats and I could care less!
First sentence, Chapter one: “It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.” He’s rich because he doesn’t have a wife! Jeeze, he knows the local population, he doesn’t want them to spend his money, they’re women! Some “universally acknowledged truth” I sure didn’t agree with it. The wife/money thing is a joke on my part, but really…what does a single man with money have to do with wanting a wife? Most single men, who have always been single, are in want of a wife, regardless of wealth. So is this how she sets up the book to make fun of Aristocrats? I can’t stand this book, it’s nothing more than a soap opera.

01-21-2004, 08:19 PM
Get the DVD boxed set! It's today's "Cliff Notes."

01-21-2004, 08:21 PM
Get the DVD boxed set! It's today's "Cliff Notes."

We're watching that after we finish the book. I'm ready to skip to it. I've been using sparknotes.com.

01-21-2004, 08:26 PM
Ahhh... Ciff Notes I remember them well :)

01-21-2004, 08:26 PM
We're watching that after we finish the book. I'm ready to skip to it. I've been using sparknotes.com.
Sparknotes rule, cept when it comes to just reading them and trying to take a test off of them (never doin that again):nono:

01-21-2004, 08:42 PM
Mary....Bowman9....didn't you give Cliff back his notes? He's been looking for them for years! You you :beatnik: ng men have some heavy duty overdue fines to pay......

01-21-2004, 08:59 PM
Can't help ya, I never read it.

01-21-2004, 09:05 PM
woaface : Just read the damn book it won't kill ya!!

Start taking short cuts now and your life will be filled with them.

So the right thing and read it...........I'll bet you enjoy after your done!

01-21-2004, 09:28 PM


Come on now, woeface, stop being one of the the "I'm lazy and it's okay because I'm young" crowd. Just bite the bullet and read, K? This world is full of 30somethings that think they could slide by too, slide through.

We have a few of them posting here too, can't you see how "well" they get by us? Please read your book more, and again, as tired as it makes you please push on. Please?

In my line of work, I know some things.
The 50some crowd can do, everything.
The 30some crowd will not touch anything.
I am unsure of the 40some crowd because they are curious,
and do little about any of it.

I'm going to retire from my speciality some day, woeface, maybe someday soon. Thinking about that, I wonder who will patrol then, and who will respond. Moreover, who will supervise them.

I'm hoping for a 50some supervisor, and a 20 some cop.

What will you want, once you're in my shoes?

Read this book, damnit!

I want to retire.

01-21-2004, 09:54 PM
Sarge - When the time comes to retire you will know. Trust me. :up:

01-22-2004, 03:41 AM
If you think that's boring I guess you've never read Great Expectations ..yawn.

Maybe you'll get lucky next semester and have to read All's Quiet on the Western Front or The Count of Monte Cristo (yeah, I know you could watch the movie! but it's worth a read!)

In fact, you should do yourself a favor and read them anyway. I know it sounds crazy! I was like you when I was in school, I couldn't care less about English Lit.

Somewhere over the past dozen years or so, I've picked up an appreciation for the classics,... and reading in general.

It's not all bad,... you'll live!


01-22-2004, 05:58 AM
I've seen the Count of Monte Cristo movie. It was good. Reason I complain about Pride and Prejudice, is because I've read a lot of stuff in English Literature that I really like, and was happy with reading. I haven't minded a lot of old boring crap, and after reading it I've been able to enjoy it, but this one I can't seem to get along with...

2003 MIB
01-22-2004, 06:53 AM
The worst for me was "Ethan Frome".

01-22-2004, 07:04 AM
Hafta read it for english class.


What grade are you in? How old are you?


01-22-2004, 07:24 AM

What grade are you in? How old are you?

Here's a clue: He is in Todd's grade (or the grade Todd last completed when he dropped out), but he is exactly 20 years younger than Todd.

Now Take a look at Todd. He is a perfect example of what not to do and why school is so important. Let that be a lesson to you.

01-22-2004, 07:39 AM

What grade are you in? How old are you?

Lol, why? I'm in 11th grade. I'll be 17 on the 21st of April.

01-22-2004, 07:42 AM
Here's a clue: He is in Todd's grade (or the grade Todd last completed when he dropped out), but he is exactly 20 years younger than Todd.

Now Take a look at Todd. He is a perfect example of what not to do and why school is so important. Let that be a lesson to you.
I've got plenty of those ALL around me, I see them every day. Like the lady at the diner who said to the cook while I was waiting on my meal (and I kid you not) "It's the people who don't have jobs, who are most desperate for them"

01-22-2004, 08:26 AM
Pride and Prejudice is an action thriller compared to Silas Marner. Trust me on this, I was an American Lit major. (now working as a techie)

Dr Caleb
01-22-2004, 09:25 AM
Pride and Prejudice is an action thriller compared to Silas Marner.


Woaface, read the book. It's not about entertainment value (it does get better) more about a snapshot in time. I love books like that. You aren't going to have time to experince everything in life, reading lets you experience someone elses life for a while.

Shogun! and related books are my favorite books - period. Red Badge of Courage is up there too. I learned Russian just so I could read "War and Peace" in Russian, and from there discovered Russian Mythology.

It sounds like a cliche, but reading is better than any movie or TV show.

Just read the book! :cool:

01-22-2004, 10:20 AM
Hafta read it for english class. This has to be, the most boring book I have ever read. I couldn’t stay concentrated on it for more that 5 minutes. It’s full of drama about the troubles of aristocrats and I could care less!

First, let me say better you then me.

First sentence, Chapter one: “It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.”

Second, an Aristocrat not only wants a wife, but needs one to produce a Heir.

He’s rich because he doesn’t have a wife! Jeeze, he knows the local population, he doesn’t want them to spend his money, they’re women! Some “universally acknowledged truth” I sure didn’t agree with it.

Third, the lady that becomes his wife will have come from a good family, usually with in the same social group and have money of her own.

The wife/money thing is a joke on my part, but really…what does a single man with money have to do with wanting a wife?
Fourth, a man (fool) and his money are soon parted. :stupid:

Most single men, who have always been single, are in want of a wife, regardless of wealth.

Fifth, one is such a lonley number.

So is this how she sets up the book to make fun of Aristocrats? I can’t stand this book, it’s nothing more than a soap opera.
Sixth, read the damn book so Mac can retire. :lol:

01-22-2004, 11:06 AM
I guess from everyone suggestions, I'll read the book. But either way, I HAVE to read it if I want to pass this test at the end. Trust me, it's NOT a test I can make lower than a B on. I'm just b*tchin about the thing. I'll be reading it either way, I KNOW it's not for entertainment, and I read all the time. All the time, I love to read...


01-22-2004, 11:21 AM
[QUOTE=woaface]Hafta read it for english class. This has to be, the most boring book I have ever read. I couldn’t stay concentrated on it for more that 5 minutes. It’s full of drama about the troubles of aristocrats and I could care less!QUOTE]

I agree, it can be boring, it was written long ago, written by a woman and you feel like you can't connect with it...true. But becoming educated is about learning about more than just the things we like. Tough it out !!!

Maybe this will help: http://www.pemberley.com/janeinfo/pridprej.html

01-22-2004, 12:50 PM
Woaface, you have to remember that some of the things we think of as entertaining and well written today (like Marty's posts about Todd) will be looked down upon in another hundred years, just like you find this book uninteresting. You can learn several good things by reading this book:

1. People usually have different perspectives than we do. Learning to understand those people and their perspectives (whether we agree with them or not) can open our eyes (and minds).
2. Things we read stay with us a lot longer than the momentary satisfaction of a movie on the same subject.
3. EVERY job in life, including school, has parts of it that we don't like. What marks us is not how well we do the parts of our jobs that we like, but how well and faithfully we do the parts that we hate.

Just some cowboy philosophy for what it's worth.

2003 MIB
01-22-2004, 01:17 PM
Well said, Ross...However, I think people will buy the "Marty vs. Todd" book. It's mindless entertainment like "Cats" or CSPAN. I enjoy "Marty vs. Todd" threads more now that everyone knows it's theatre. The Three Stooges didn't really poke each other in the eyes and Marty and Todd don't really hate each other. It is now the fabric of this site akin to oil threads, 300A/300B and a place Sheriff isn't hated :beer: .

01-22-2004, 01:20 PM
This subject has been fun so far....

Another chapter in "What I Learned On The Internet"....

I learned ......

1) Todd is a dummy. :)

2) Woaface is 16 years old. :)

01-22-2004, 01:23 PM
I enjoy "Marty vs. Todd" threads woaface...

Believe me when I tell you that BOTH Jane Austen AND Marty......SUCK!!!:lol:

2003 MIB
01-22-2004, 01:28 PM
1) Todd is a dummy.

Redundant- Sorry Todd- it was too easy to pass up.

01-22-2004, 01:31 PM
Redundant- Sorry Todd- it was too easy to pass up.
See...I wouldn't have known...I don't get to see folks on my "Ignore List"....:flamer:

2003 MIB
01-22-2004, 01:41 PM
See...I wouldn't have known...I don't get to see folks on my "Ignore List"....:flamer:

Touche' I'll crawl back under my rock now.... :bows:

01-22-2004, 01:58 PM
I've seen the Count of Monte Cristo movie. It was good. Reason I complain about Pride and Prejudice, is because I've read a lot of stuff in English Literature that I really like, and was happy with reading. I haven't minded a lot of old boring crap, and after reading it I've been able to enjoy it, but this one I can't seem to get along with...

Listen to us old folks just READ the book, Try reading the History of WW2 by
Winston Churchill. Talk about a long read........... Seriously Read the book !

Joe Clancy

01-22-2004, 02:00 PM
ACK! I'm not trying to be a slacker. I need no one to infer this again. One more time. I love reading, I've read lots of older stuff that I like, shakespear and all. I enjoy it very much. To add to that, I watch the national Fox News for entertainment Thanks for the advice everyone, I really appreciate it (honestly, no sarcasm!!!), but this is not what I meant by posting how much the book still sucks. I know I have to read it, I know I should just read things like this. By the way I'm SO FAR FINISHED FOR THIS WEEKS ASSIGNMENT!!! :rock: But the book still sucks, and I thought I'd mention. If anyone is interested on 35 ways in which this book is a vampire book, PM me. I found this from some guy on the internet:D :up:

01-22-2004, 02:04 PM
Woaface, I sympathize and think I understand. Let me see if this is your position:

This is a boring book.

You WILL read the book but you aren't happy about it.

You can't understand why THIS book is a big deal.

You're getting tired of being preached at by old farts.

Have I got the essence of it?

01-22-2004, 02:37 PM
Woaface, I sympathize and think I understand. Let me see if this is your position:

This is a boring book.

You WILL read the book but you aren't happy about it.

You can't understand why THIS book is a big deal.

You're getting tired of being preached at by old farts.

Have I got the essence of it?

Not old farts...but yes, that would be an apt perspective!

01-22-2004, 03:41 PM
See...I wouldn't have known...I don't get to see folks on my "Ignore List"....:flamer:

I don't get it?? Who is on the ignore list?

01-22-2004, 04:23 PM
I don't get it?? Who is on the ignore list?We're pretending to not know he's there...

Unless it's me, I'm just obvious...:P :cool:

01-22-2004, 04:45 PM
I don't get it?? Who is on the ignore list?

You are Sheriff.

01-22-2004, 05:30 PM
You are Sheriff.

10-4. Thanks.