View Full Version : Just for our LEO's

01-21-2004, 08:24 PM
It looks legit to me!

01-21-2004, 08:37 PM
It looks legit to me!
That Chief must have some sense of humor...:P

01-21-2004, 08:52 PM
It looks legit to me!
I don't think that could be a genuine picture. I will admit it sure looks good but the public would be in an uproar. :lol:

01-21-2004, 08:56 PM
Give the man a Marauder :rock:

01-21-2004, 08:58 PM
Give the man a Marauder :rock:

Thanks Cruzer, I could use another Marauder! make it BLACK please.

01-21-2004, 09:22 PM
I have seen that one before, but not with the doughnut part, just the kick your ass part. Neither of which is really on their police cars.

Cute though.

01-22-2004, 05:28 AM
It was authentic. And once the press got ahold of it, the sheriff & chain of command denied knowing who authorized it or who placed the decals on the car. Was a big story not long about it, I can't find the link right now. The credibility of the entire department was tarnished. :mad2:

01-22-2004, 05:52 AM
Ahh, here's the news link.


Again, it is a true story.

01-22-2004, 09:48 AM
Again, it is a true story.

I believe that it happened to one or two cars but they were not on all of their cars and they were not on there for very long. From what I hear it was done for some in house photos. Kinda like the LAPD baseball caps that had "To Protect and Serve When We F*** Feel Like It" on them back in the 80's.... :)

01-22-2004, 11:05 AM
Again, it is a true story.

I believe that it happened to one or two cars but they were not on all of their cars and they were not on there for very long.

Of course they didn't stay on for long. The public will not and does not have to put up with that type of attitude from law enforcement agencies. I am willing to bet the sheriff does not win re-election because of this event.

I think the department actually thought they could get by with it though. It's very clear nobody denied the decals weren't suppose to be there, they simply couldn't recall who ordered them or approved the use of them.

The only thing they could have possibly done worse was have the decals read "We Kick Black Ass!". Let there be no mistake, myself having been on the inside looking out for 30 years, ignorant racists are alive and well in law enforcement everywhere. I saw a guy on another auto forum just the other day say he couldn't get a job with the Highway Patrol because of "affirmative action". He couldn't get a job because he is stupid and has the mentality of a 17-year-old kid. If he ever finally gets into law enforcement he will be the ignorant racist I spoke of above.

01-22-2004, 11:29 AM
>I am willing to bet the sheriff does not win re-election because of this event.

That is a bet I would not take...I am quite sure he will be shown the door very soon. It amazes me the depths that they went to, to try and cover up a small thing like that. We have real big one going on here right now with the undersherriffs son being arrested for rape and getting preferential treatment.

I am looking forward to retiring this year and getting away from all of it. :)

01-22-2004, 02:53 PM
I actually posted this to be funny, I screamed when I saw it and I viewed it as a harmless prank, I never intended for it to be a slam or a diss of our LEO friends here and know that such things would never be taken seriously. Or so I thought!

Please except my apology's if this has offended anyone here, as I said I saw it as good clean fun and a way to rib the Sheriff, Mac and other LEO's here, I never dreamed this really happened!

I'll go stand in the corner, I'll be the one rolling on the floor LMAO.(at the idea,not the reality)

01-22-2004, 03:28 PM
Please except my apology's if this has offended anyone here, as I said I saw it as good clean fun and a way to rib the Sheriff, Mac and other LEO's here, I never dreamed this really happened!

Didn't offend me at all. There are stupid cops everywhere. Thank God, they are NOT the majority.

I am sorry I had to report the story was a true account. :)

01-22-2004, 03:36 PM
We have real big one going on here right now with the undersherriffs son being arrested for rape and getting preferential treatment.

A local event........ a known pothead goes into a bar, gets into a bar room brawl, and is shot in the eye. He eventually loses his eye to the injury.

He was shortly thereafter hired as a deputy sheriff.

When the sheriff came up for re-election, he was booted out of office. The kid with one eye was HIS SON! He threw his career away by taking a chance at giving his one-eyed pothead son a job.

In another Virginia locality a while back, the Sheriff was being investigated for embezzlement. The morning the State Police showed up at his office with a search warrant, the Sheriff blew his brains out all over his desk.

There's horror tales like these from every end of the country.

01-22-2004, 10:54 PM
Please except my apology's if this has offended anyone here.

Didn't offend me either...and Kern County is in my state! :)

I'm too close to retirement to be offended now....LOL

01-23-2004, 12:22 AM
Well I kinda like it. but then again what do I know?

Life was so simple before we need to be politically correct. (sucks)

I use to have a bumper sticker stuck in the drivers window if my road coach that read

"don't like my driving? call 1-800-eat-sh**"

Got suspended a few times..........Sometimes you need a day off:)

Dr Caleb
01-23-2004, 08:50 AM
Life was so simple before we need to be politically correct. (sucks)

I'm with you Big Dog. Life was better before.

Get this - my cousing has two little ones. Did you know that the story "Ugly Duckling" has been replaced due to it's nature of one duck being an outcast? "Now I lay me down to sleep. . ." is not reccommended for children to recite before bed because it deals with "Death".

Politically correct my arse. I'm going to remain as subtle as a barbed wire enima. I don't go out of my way to tick people off, but having to avoid hurting other feelings offends my sensibilities of direct thought and speech. If people get personally offended by my attitudes, they should get a thicker skin. Run that through a political correctness meter. :mad2:

Just MHO. YMMV :)

01-23-2004, 07:20 PM
I think it is extremely funny and I would hope that the average citizen would see the intended humor. Everyone is well aware that the media and news organizations will blow something way out proportion to make a buck reguardless of the consequences. Very funny!

01-23-2004, 07:51 PM
I think it is extremely funny and I would hope that the average citizen would see the intended humor.

Well, they don't. The suspect beaten up last night could very well be the son of the president of the town's biggest bank. Well to do family, boy has never been in any type of trouble whatsoever. Not to blame the police, but the boy went to a party and had too much to drink. When the police arrive the boy is drunk and made all the wrong moves. The next morning after sobering up he claims he was beaten without cause and without mercy. The other "witnesses" at the party make the same claim. The boy's physical appearance seems to support the claims.

You think the town is going to view "We'll Kick Your Ass' on the side of a police car as humorous? :)

Even as a 30 year veteran deputy sheriff..... when I first saw the decals on the car, and suddenly realized they were REAL........ the first thing that came to my mind was the Rodney King beating. Because of the exposure of the King case for years..... I suspect 95% of others seeing the decals thought the same thing immediately.

01-23-2004, 09:40 PM
Well I kinda like it. but then again what do I know?

Life was so simple before we need to be politically correct. (sucks)

I use to have a bumper sticker stuck in the drivers window if my road coach that read

"don't like my driving? call 1-800-eat-sh**"

Got suspended a few times..........Sometimes you need a day off:)

I know what you mean, I used to have a bumper sticker that said "If you don't like the way I drive, stay off the side walk!" and one that said"Hell yes I'm Drunk, did you think I'm a stunt man?" next to it.

I also liked the joke one I saw where LAPD changed theirs from "To protect and serve" to "We treat you like a King" :)

01-23-2004, 09:49 PM
I also liked the joke one I saw where LAPD changed theirs from "To protect and serve" to "We treat you like a King" :)

In case you don't remember...... that wasn't a joke. It was a racial slur being used by many LAPD officers after the Rodney King beating. The city issued a memo that any person caught saying it, or any person that can be proven to have said it..... would immediately be terminated. The slogan came to an end as fast as it was created. :)

01-23-2004, 10:11 PM
You think the town is going to view "We'll Kick Your Ass' on the side of a police car as humorous? :)

Even as a 30 year veteran deputy sheriff..... when I first saw the decals on the car, and suddenly realized they were REAL........ the first thing that came to my mind was the Rodney King beating. Because of the exposure of the King case for years..... I suspect 95% of others seeing the decals thought the same thing immediately.

Most of us here have a since of humor, but in the mainstream publics eye, I tend to agree with you on this one. Speaking as a regular Joe citizen, my hats off to you and your fellow LEO's.

When soldiers go to war, they have some idea of what they are walking into.

When a police officer makes a traffic stop for 12 MPH over the limit, they don't know if it is some one that is already 15 min. late getting to where they are supposed to be, or some 3 strike criminal with nothing to loose that just killed a gas station attendant while robbing the Minnie Mart across the county line. :uzi:

In either case the public eye is on you, and you are held to a higher standard.
I for one have a great deal of respect and appreciation for the job you guys do. :up:

(teamrope steps off his soap box)

01-23-2004, 10:17 PM
In case you don't remember...... that wasn't a joke. It was a racial slur being used by many LAPD officers after the Rodney King beating. The city issued a memo that any person caught saying it, or any person that can be proven to have said it..... would immediately be terminated. The slogan came to an end as fast as it was created. :)

I was stationed in Germany when that happened, our only news sources were Armed Forces Network and the Stars and Stripes. I heard it as a joke, I had no Idea that some of LA's finest were stupid enough to really do it. I gess you learn something new every day.