View Full Version : Occupy America sit-ins

Joe Walsh
11-22-2011, 06:05 PM
This should be broadcast over large video screens at all the "Occupy America" Sit-in events.

Bravo to Bill Whittle!


11-22-2011, 06:13 PM
Nothing to see here.....


11-22-2011, 06:13 PM
lol, hipsters occupying everything. getting pepper sprayed. sleeping in the cold. having unprotected robot sex. crazy kids.

11-22-2011, 06:13 PM
3.5 days would not teach these jagbags anything. You cant change or cure stupid.

11-22-2011, 06:20 PM
I can do 3.5 days, can you? I know the protesters can't.

11-22-2011, 06:21 PM
535 people, members of Congress, control 25% of our Economy. This makes Congress inherently corrupt. The so called Super Committes "job" is to cut Fed Spending $1.2 Trillion over 10 years. Per the CBO this only represents 58% of the INCREASE in Federal spending.

The Fed is projected, based on no new spending programs, to increase Fed Spending $200 Billion each year for the next 10 years. A $1.2 Trillion "cut" only reduces the increase in spending. Over 10 years Fed Spending will increase 54%.

Directly from the CBO;
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

3,655 3,794 3,975 4,202 4,491 4,691 4,885 5,185 5,451 5,726

I think about the Blood, Sweat and Tears I and my Clients have put into starting a business. In most cases they pledged their home, life savings while having personal liablity under numerous statues. 60+ hours a week EVERY WEEK, the business owns them. I have seen several go bust, losing it all.

For what? To subsidize some snot nose kid who has never sweated in their life to attend an "Animal House" college?

The reward for most business owners today does not outway the risk.

11-22-2011, 06:39 PM
Yup! Another way to look at it, it won't stop 'em (protestors). Let them say what they need to say it's their rights but as long as they keep it peaceful.

11-22-2011, 07:26 PM
I say 13 weeks at Parris Island SC!

11-22-2011, 07:42 PM
I say 13 weeks at Parris Island SC!

Good call, but I have a feeling a lot of them would not be qualified. :2thumbs:

11-22-2011, 08:49 PM
Good call, but I have a feeling a lot of them would not be qualified. :2thumbs:

Qualified? They wouldn't get past the first hour before calling their mommy!

11-22-2011, 10:35 PM
Funny how they all arrange their protests using smart phones and computers produced by the evil corporations........and get to the evil corporations HQ using transportation made by the evil corporations, wearing clothes made by the evil corporations, after eating breakfast made by the evil corporations, after being woken up after drinking and drugging all night by alarm clocks made by the evil corporations, in a tent made by the evil corporations.................. .............................. ........................

11-23-2011, 04:22 AM
Well all jokes aside I applaud them. May as well stand for something. I think the government could spend less time and money on a few things and more time and money on other things. I hope all these protestors are actually voters, nothing like complaining and then not actually exercising your right to try and make a change at the election booths.

11-23-2011, 05:44 AM
Well all jokes aside I applaud them. May as well stand for something. I think the government could spend less time and money on a few things and more time and money on other things. I hope all these protestors are actually voters, nothing like complaining and then not actually exercising your right to try and make a change at the election booths.

How do you think we got into this mess in the first place?

11-23-2011, 05:54 AM
None of these "evil corporations" are taking your money through force or the threat of force. Who takes your money through force or the threat of force in the amount of 46.4% of our economy?
Answer Gov't. Who got $390Billion from the Federal Gov't? Answer 2 Government Sponsored Entities, Fred/Fan. Who bailed out WS? Anser Gov't.
Why aren't they protesting Congress, WH and Fred/Fan?

They are truly "usefull idiots". At least they are "usefull" to someone. Who would that be? Answer Socialist.

11-23-2011, 05:57 AM
Most of these people weren't old enough to vote when this mess began in 1980.

How do you think we got into this mess in the first place?

11-23-2011, 06:04 AM
Most of these people weren't old enough to vote when this mess began in 1980.

It is just a continuation of the same ol' *****. Get ride of the lifers in Congress and their pensions.

11-23-2011, 06:06 AM
Most of these people weren't old enough to vote when this mess began in 1980.

I'd wager he was talking about the public not voting in general, not specifically any group.

11-23-2011, 06:14 AM
Most of these people weren't old enough to vote when this mess began in 1980.

I think you mean 1977. No, he is putting the "Blame" on Pres Reagan.

The begining of the subprime;

"Excerpts from


Office of the Press Secretary

For Immediate Release December 8, 1993

An important component of that strategy is todeal with the problems of the inner city and distressed rural communities

CRA reform will generate billions of dollars in new lending and extend basic banking services to the inner cities and todistressed rural communities around the country.

I want to briefly tell you about it and how it fits into the Clinton administration's initiatives for change

make credit more readily available for smallbusiness, for small farms and distressed areas of our country.

What we're seeing is a chance for these men and women out there with dreams being achieved because of the access to more credit.

We said the Clinton administration was going to get money flowing into community development financial institutions

Passed it to ensure that banks and thrifts served the financial needs of their entire communities; and in particular economically empowered persons of low and moderate income.

It will channel billions of dollars a year in new credit into America's distressed communities

We walked through South Central Los Angeles, in a predominantly minority neighborhood in New York City to see with our own eyes and to listen with our own ears to what should be done.

to poor people in rural North Carolina and elsewhere.

this package would stimulate bank lending,investment and service in low and moderate income communities

It reduces the examination burden, particularly on smallbanks without reducing their obligation to serve their communities

target of what we're talking about here which is getting loans and services and investments out to our communities. And the simple three tests…..Are you making loans?

but we're going to listen hard to what institutions have tosay and what the community groups have to say.

And the test is, one, are you serving low and moderate incomegeographies. In the same way, you have the same market share that you do inyour service area generally. In other words, basically are you red-line ordiscriminating against low income geographies --you'd say no; in other words,that's what the screen is about.

And number two, are your loans either disbursed through out the low and moderate income geographies, or are there a significant number that are targeted in certain are

the CRA, for all its flaws, since 1977 it is generally agreed has increased lending in low and moderate income areas by tens of billions of dollars. We're all convinced that this is a material step forward. So it's very safe to say billions of dollars.

the President wanted performance, not process --and that's what we've emphasized, what are the dollars -- increase in lending

Q With regard to enforcement actions for an institution that's not applying for a merger, what specific enforcement actions might you envision being taken if it's in substantial noncompliance?

MR. LUDWIG: Well, we'll have the full panoply of all our enforcement armorarium, which includes cease and desist orders and civil money penalties in some cases.

Q So you could apply those, because you hadn't up until --

MR. LUDWIG: We have not, and it has not been part of the regulation. It will be part of this regulation.

Thank you very much."

If you have 20% of a market then you must also loan to 20% of the "poor" in that market.

We are told by the "Left" problems are a result of a lack of laws and regulation. There are over 4,700 Criminal Laws in the Federal Registry. Criminal Laws are primarily left to the States. In my lifetime over 55,000 new laws have been passed.
Federal Regulations over 75,000 Pages
IRS Code over 17,000 Pages and over 700 Forms
Federal Criminal Code over 1,400 Pages.

Clearly the Problem is a Lack of Laws and Regulations. Since Gov't knows best it is best for Gov't to tell us what to do instead of what not to do.

11-23-2011, 08:01 AM
You have no clue what I meant, obviously.

Keep your crap to yourself.

I love how some of you guys can't make a point unless you get to speak for both sides.

Are you aware that being able to google, copy and paste does not an argument make?

I think you mean 1977. No, he is putting the "Blame" on Pres Reagan.

The begining of the subprime;

"Excerpts from


Office of the Press Secretary

For Immediate Release December 8, 1993

An important component of that strategy is todeal with the problems of the inner city and distressed rural communities

CRA reform will generate billions of dollars in new lending and extend basic banking services to the inner cities and todistressed rural communities around the country.

I want to briefly tell you about it and how it fits into the Clinton administration's initiatives for change

make credit more readily available for smallbusiness, for small farms and distressed areas of our country.

What we're seeing is a chance for these men and women out there with dreams being achieved because of the access to more credit.

We said the Clinton administration was going to get money flowing into community development financial institutions

Passed it to ensure that banks and thrifts served the financial needs of their entire communities; and in particular economically empowered persons of low and moderate income.

It will channel billions of dollars a year in new credit into America's distressed communities

We walked through South Central Los Angeles, in a predominantly minority neighborhood in New York City to see with our own eyes and to listen with our own ears to what should be done.

to poor people in rural North Carolina and elsewhere.

this package would stimulate bank lending,investment and service in low and moderate income communities

It reduces the examination burden, particularly on smallbanks without reducing their obligation to serve their communities

target of what we're talking about here which is getting loans and services and investments out to our communities. And the simple three tests…..Are you making loans?

but we're going to listen hard to what institutions have tosay and what the community groups have to say.

And the test is, one, are you serving low and moderate incomegeographies. In the same way, you have the same market share that you do inyour service area generally. In other words, basically are you red-line ordiscriminating against low income geographies --you'd say no; in other words,that's what the screen is about.

And number two, are your loans either disbursed through out the low and moderate income geographies, or are there a significant number that are targeted in certain are

the CRA, for all its flaws, since 1977 it is generally agreed has increased lending in low and moderate income areas by tens of billions of dollars. We're all convinced that this is a material step forward. So it's very safe to say billions of dollars.

the President wanted performance, not process --and that's what we've emphasized, what are the dollars -- increase in lending

Q With regard to enforcement actions for an institution that's not applying for a merger, what specific enforcement actions might you envision being taken if it's in substantial noncompliance?

MR. LUDWIG: Well, we'll have the full panoply of all our enforcement armorarium, which includes cease and desist orders and civil money penalties in some cases.

Q So you could apply those, because you hadn't up until --

MR. LUDWIG: We have not, and it has not been part of the regulation. It will be part of this regulation.

Thank you very much."

If you have 20% of a market then you must also loan to 20% of the "poor" in that market.

We are told by the "Left" problems are a result of a lack of laws and regulation. There are over 4,700 Criminal Laws in the Federal Registry. Criminal Laws are primarily left to the States. In my lifetime over 55,000 new laws have been passed.
Federal Regulations over 75,000 Pages
IRS Code over 17,000 Pages and over 700 Forms
Federal Criminal Code over 1,400 Pages.

Clearly the Problem is a Lack of Laws and Regulations. Since Gov't knows best it is best for Gov't to tell us what to do instead of what not to do.

11-23-2011, 08:02 AM
And on term limits, we agree.

It is just a continuation of the same ol' *****. Get ride of the lifers in Congress and their pensions.

11-23-2011, 08:12 AM
And on term limits, we agree.

...and probably on other things.

11-23-2011, 08:18 AM
I listened to a 'coast to coast" show last week with guest William Black.
Quite the eye-opening for me on just how corrupt the bankers, wall street and corrupt politicians are\were, and the systematic screwing American homeowners recieved in the housing mortgage scandal.

Thankfull that my government didn't sit back and allow that to happen to me.

Joe Walsh
11-23-2011, 08:19 AM
It is just a continuation of the same ol' *****. Get ride of the lifers in Congress and their pensions.

And on term limits, we agree.


And lose all our illustrious and distinguished politicians!??!?......:eek:

Why....why......who would be on the Super Committee!??

I'm really getting depressed....I have to choose either Obama.....for 4 more years......or someone from that pack of bumbling idiots who debate on TV every week.

11-23-2011, 09:07 AM
I listened to a 'coast to coast" show last week

Did they talk about "alien abductions" & the "night people" like normal? That program makes me chuckle....

Joe Walsh
11-23-2011, 09:09 AM
Did they talk about "alien abductions" , BigFoot & the "night people" like normal? That program makes me chuckle....

There....fixed it for ya!

11-23-2011, 09:21 AM
Did they talk about "alien abductions" & the "night people" like normal? That program makes me chuckle....

Yes i have lots of time to kill at work and tune in quite often. Some of the stuff they get into is kinda out there and if you listen too much you become convinced we are all doomed!

It is entertaining!


11-23-2011, 09:27 AM
Did they talk about "alien abductions" & the "night people" like normal? That program makes me chuckle....

I was flipping through and caught Raleigh public TV, televising a radio show with Farrakhan as the guest. He was telling the story of his alien abduction. A lot more makes sense now.

11-23-2011, 09:45 AM
Yes i have lots of time to kill at work and tune in quite often. Some of the stuff they get into is kinda out there and if you listen too much you become convinced we are all doomed!

It is entertaining!


Yep, we used to listen regularly at work when it was quiet, good for a chuckle.

Ever notice where these occupy knuts are doing their thing? I don't see any where I live... Good ole case of spare the rod, spoil the child. Think its bad now? Wait till they vote in another 4 years of socomms.... Belize is looking better and better.

11-23-2011, 11:42 AM
You have no clue what I meant, obviously.

Keep your crap to yourself.

I love how some of you guys can't make a point unless you get to speak for both sides.

Are you aware that being able to google, copy and paste does not an argument make?

Happy Thanksgiving.

This is a board to post on. Preferably in a civil manner.

Knowledge based on Facts does make an arguement.

11-23-2011, 12:15 PM
Can't we just get along. That is why I am starting my own country. You have to have at least one Maurader to live there. The folks with two or more will run the country. If you have all 4 colors you can be president. 3 colors and you can run your own township. 2 colors and you can pick your position. Remember owning 3 Marauders of one color only counts as one. Applications are being taken now.

Comin' in Hot
11-23-2011, 12:50 PM
All I know is that I get a kick out of honking my horn when I pass them every morning at 0530 on my way to a real job..... I figure if I have to be up, they should be too

Joe Walsh
11-23-2011, 01:15 PM
All I know is that I get a kick out of honking my horn when I pass them every morning at 0530 on my way to a real job..... I figure if I have to be up, they should be too


Horn honking harassment of hovel habitating hopeless Hippies!

11-23-2011, 02:29 PM

Horn honking harassment of hovel habitating hopeless Hippies!

Ha ha ha, how humorous!

11-23-2011, 02:48 PM
Happy Thanksgiving.

This is a board to post on. Preferably in a civil manner.

Knowledge based on Facts does make an arguement.

And if you didn't back up your points with copy and paste facts, you would be attacked for that too. :shake:

11-23-2011, 03:05 PM
I'm thankfull the founding fathers of our country didn't hold sit-in's or we would still be paying taxes to England!

11-23-2011, 03:15 PM
And if you didn't back up your points with copy and paste facts, you would be attacked for that too. :shake:

There are two sides to every debate and you can copy and paste all day long on either side.

So which side is fact?

That would be your opinion, and thats a fact!


11-23-2011, 03:23 PM

Horn honking harassment of hovel habitating hopeless Hippies!

I would like this setup for air horns to drive by OWS hippies & bad drivers installed on a Marauder;


11-23-2011, 03:26 PM
another good report by him

http://www.youtube.com/watch?src_vid=OAOrT0OcHh0&annotation_id=annotation_55732 6&feature=iv&v=N_iniUNtFoc

11-23-2011, 04:54 PM
And if you didn't back up your points with copy and paste facts, you would be attacked for that too. :shake:

And accused of plagerism for using Gov't Publicly Published Data.

11-25-2011, 06:26 PM
How many facts do you guys have when you are telling me what *I* meant? :lol:

How about this? No more political threads. The mods seem to delete threads and boot people off this board for just about everything else, but not the policy set forth in the sticky (http://www.mercurymarauder.net/forums/showthread.php?t=22600) that has been here for several years.

I challenge the mods to follow their own stated rules. It is pretty obvious which two or three people are responsible for 95% of these threads, and it ain't me. If there is anything that warrants deletion, its that stuff.

I find it pretty hypocritical for any one of the offenders to quote rules to me. But hey, hypocrisy in these threads from these people is nothing new.

And if you didn't back up your points with copy and paste facts, you would be attacked for that too. :shake:

11-25-2011, 06:34 PM
Take note...

We moderate/close/delete threads; we are heavy-handed.

Because of that, we have been accused of denying someone freedom of speech.

We don't close the thread, we suddenly practice hypocrisy.

Yes. There are a few select individuals that love starting these types of threads, and there are many who feed upon them.

Quite frankly, I have been a bit busy watching a thread started by someone, in retaliation, who is a little pissed over me giving them a weeks vacation.

On that note.

Move on.
