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11-23-2011, 10:53 AM
Follow up to the Mullet clan be-bearding other Amish dudes...

FBI, deputies arrest 7 Amish men in early-morning Ohio raid
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
By Torsten Ove, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
The FBI and local sheriff's deputies this morning raided an Amish compound in Ohio and arrested seven men, including reputed breakaway sect leader Sam Mullet, < --- if my last name was Mullet I'd change my first name to Awesome. on federal hate crimes charges and related state violations in connection to a series of beard-cutting attacks against other Amish across Ohio.
Agents and deputies swept into the compound and waded through horse, cow, chicken, and pig poopie in the village of Bergholz, Jefferson County, at 6 a.m. and took the men into custody without incident. <---I saw ONE Amish buggy leading 50+ Marauders down the highway, I would have tried to escape.
In addition to Mr. Mullet, agents arrested three of his sons: Johnny, Lester and Daniel, along with a nephew, Eli Miller, and a minister, Levi Miller, who is unrelated to the Mullet clan. <---Okay, he is un-related, why the need to mention that? Also arrested was Emanuel Shrock, implicated in the most recent beard-cutting attack in Jefferson County.
All the men were jailed in Youngstown, Ohio, and face arraignment later today. A news conference on the arrests is scheduled for noon at the courthouse in Holmes County, where the local sheriff is expected to join FBI agents from the Canton resident office and the U.S. attorney from Cleveland to discuss the case.
Sheriff Fred Abdalla of Jefferson County has described Mr. Mullet as a dangerous cult leader in Bergholz, where he is the patriarch of some 100 followers, almost all of them related to him. <---Uhhhhh...I retract my previous question.
Sheriff Abdalla and others in law enforcement have said Mr. Mullet is the ringleader who has orchestrated the beard-cutting assaults against other Amish leaders in four Ohio counties. <---They were ramping up to more serious crimes such as "Got your nose!" and prank "hog-calling".
In the Amish world, cutting a man's beard is a symbolic assault meant to degrade and humiliate. <---But cutting the womens beards is still okay, whew!
Authorities believe Mr. Mullet ordered the attacks <---"Mulletonians, ATTACK !!! in retaliation against leaders who had ex-communicated him from the Amish community because of what they said was the domineering way he ran his church in Bergholz, particularly in regard to sexual practices. <---Practice makes perfect, not seeing the problem here...
Sheriff Abdalla and his counterpart in Holmes County, Tim Zimmerly, asked the FBI in Cleveland for help last month. Sheriff Abdalla said agents from the Canton office wasted no time and quickly pieced together a hate crimes case against Mr. Mullet and the others.
He said this morning that those who have been intimidated and bullied by Mr. Mullet over the years should no longer fear him. "Free at last," he said, quoting Martin Luther King Jr.
Torsten Ove: tove@post-gazette.com or 412-263-1510.

First published on November 23, 2011 at 8:51 am

Read more: http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/11327/1192050-100.stm#ixzz1eYDvZiU3

11-23-2011, 11:04 AM
i have to share this one

11-23-2011, 11:14 AM
Fred Abdalla, isn't he the guy that stole map to a million onions in a 3 Stooges short?

11-23-2011, 11:21 AM
Fred Abdalla, isn't he the guy that stole map to million onions in a Stooges short?

I'm not sure. But I don't think they had deoerant back then so I'm going to go ahead and call him a smelly bastard.

11-23-2011, 12:00 PM
Hang him. By the time court day comes won't the beards be grown back? Those Amish what will they do next. Tip cows and horses? Put boots on carrages, attend MV 10?

Granddaddy Marq
11-23-2011, 12:33 PM
If the Amish don't partsipate in our society who reported the crimes? And who's going to testify? Sounds like an up hill battle for the DA. Where can you get an Amish attorney with carpantry scills? Good news is they can build their own gallows when they'er convicted.

11-23-2011, 01:09 PM
If the Amish don't partsipate in our society who reported the crimes? And who's going to testify? Sounds like an up hill battle for the DA. Where can you get an Amish attorney with carpantry scills? Good news is they can build their own gallows when they'er convicted.

Them poor dudes are going to be soooo popular in prison when people find out it was for a hate crime:

Mr. Johnson - "Why you talk funny?"
Mr. Mullet - "I'm Amish."
Mr. Johnson - "Nice! I always wanted to rape a foreigner!"

11-23-2011, 01:39 PM
Hang him. By the time court day comes won't the beards be grown back? Those Amish what will they do next. Tip cows and horses? Put boots on carrages, attend MV 10?

:lol: good one.

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