View Full Version : WW II gun collection

12-06-2011, 10:13 PM
My son-in-laws father passed away unexpectedly last month and left a great collection of German pistols dating from the '30s. I have a Pdf file showing photos, identification, serial #, etc of over 20 beautifully preserved Lugars, Mausers, etc. His son would like for them to find good homes,, since he has no one to pass them on to. If anyone can help us , please advise and I will send you the document. I do not know how to post this type thing in a thread. I will attach it to an e-mail to anyone who can help me. I think you will be surprised at the rarity and quality of this collection. I know Richard and his Mother would appreciate anything you can do. My phone # is 817-296-3819. Thanks, Maury

12-07-2011, 04:53 AM
I just sent you a PM. Hope these can find a home!

12-07-2011, 08:04 AM
Maury, If he is wanting to get rid of them maybe he should rent a table at one of the local gun shows at Market Hall or Mesquite. Im pretty sure you can sell a gun at the show on a bill of sale (they can tell you). Also, most good gun shops (Bachmans) will buy used guns and there are lots of books online or at Barnes and Noble with current wholesale/retail prices. That stuff is worth a lot of money, I sold an old Korean War vintage scope for $500 a few years ago at a gun show.

12-07-2011, 08:47 AM
Some could be worth $3,000+. You need to have them looked at by a person knowledgible with WWII German Guns.
Do not bring them to a show! They will keep pushing money on you until you sell only to find out latter it's worth a lot more.

12-07-2011, 09:04 AM
They are worth a mint. Don't sell at a gun show the sharks will circle you and steal them. Private collector on individuals. I collected Jap erapons from WWII and some are worth alott.

12-07-2011, 11:40 AM
I agree with the caution expressed on gun shows and maybe I didnt word my post clearly enough that you need to have an idea of their worth ahead of time. Once you know, the local gun shows are great places to sell guns.

White Knuckles
12-07-2011, 01:14 PM
PM Sent......

12-07-2011, 01:58 PM
Once you've done your research on current prices, the owner could list them on firearms aution sites. It is also a good place to do research on current prices s the firearms market is volitale. If you list them be sure to set a high enough reserve price. Gunbroker.com is a good place to start your research.