View Full Version : Goverment cant fisure out why USPS loosing $$$$$

12-16-2011, 02:36 PM
Figured That You all would get a kick out of this,USPS always in the Red. Thinking of closing Post offices. Well ordered something of E-bay 2 1/2 weeks ago PS-3 games for son. Well upon checking tracking it has since twice gotten to the local sort facility In St Louis,Mo it has both times left there and once went to Memphis & a 2nd time After getting to St. Louis it now took a ride to Denver,CO ,, WTF and we cant figure out why we always lose money. One might think poor hand writing on the package, Mislabled Zip or something but None of them are the case, considering the young lady on the phone confirmed my mailing address. Is it because the employees are not thnakful to just have a job and dont care? Personally I really dont know, But I do know now why they loose $$$$$.

12-16-2011, 03:01 PM
Figured That You all would get a kick out of this,USPS always in the Red. Thinking of closing Post offices...... But I do know now why they loose $$$$$.

I have rarely had a problem with USPS service. The same mail carrier has been on my route for the past 10 years ... never a problem. However, recently she retired for health reasons and they have decided to double-up on the route. Mail delivery has slipped about 2 hours and it is not unusual to see delivery after 7:00 PM when it used to come before 5:00 PM.

What's worse is that the new carrier just doesn't get it. 3 times in the past 2 weeks the mail on our street has been delivered to the wrong houses. I got my neighbor's mail. He got his neighbor's mail all the way down the street. Seems the carrier has been off by one house several times. The mail boxes and the houses are clearly marked. There just seems to be a lack of attention to detail.

Unfortunately, I see this "just do enough to get by" attitude in many professions. Seems to be prevalent among younger people -- but not exclusively. "Mediocrity and Incompetence" is the new standard. Sometimes I'd be happy with a 3/4 azz job .... when 1/2 azz is typical. When the cutbacks start in full ..... watch out.

Mr. Man
12-16-2011, 03:05 PM
I have rarely had a problem with USPS service. The same mail carrier has been on my route for the past 10 years ... never a problem. However, recently she retired for health reasons and they have decided to double-up on the route. Mail delivery has slipped about 2 hours and it is not unusual to see delivery after 7:00 PM when it used to come before 5:00 PM.

What's worse is that the new carrier just doesn't get it. 3 times in the past 2 weeks the mail on our street has been delivered to the wrong houses. I got my neighbor's mail. He got his neighbor's mail all the way down the street. Seems the carrier has been off by one house several times. The mail boxes and the houses are clearly marked. There just seems to be a lack of attention to detail.

Unfortunately, I see this "just do enough to get by" attitude in many professions. Seems to be prevalent among younger people -- but not exclusively. It seems that "Mediocrity and Incompetence" is the new standard. When the cutbacks start in full ..... watch out.Unfortunately what you say is becoming the norm but it flows both ways. When employers do everything they can to screw over their employees what do you expect.:)

12-16-2011, 03:16 PM
Unfortunately what you say is becoming the norm but it flows both ways. When employers do everything they can to screw over their employees what do you expect.:)

Partly my point. The small guy isnt the reason why they are in the red but there the ones who suffer. Bluerauder I got same problem here theve doubled up every carriers route so again the employess at the bottom suffer. Not the guy sitting behind a desk making alot of $$$$. I generally dont have problems either but in last 4-5 monthe this will be #3.

12-16-2011, 03:21 PM
They are in the red because of excessive pensions.

12-16-2011, 07:52 PM
They are in the red because of excessive pensions.

One of several key issues! A friend of my brothers is a assistant postmaster at main St Louis hub. Like any larger business in financial hot water, and is lacking Key oversight in several areas. Hey it is run by the government not a private firm what can one expect?

12-17-2011, 07:27 AM
I hope I don't cause a uproar with my comment.
Those good old boys over in congress have been stealing from the postal service for
years now to fund there pockets. The Postal service is a government owner enterprise
Dosen't mean both sides of GOP and Dems are not dipping into that biggy bank.
Just like SS It was ment to be for the retirement of elders exclusively but those
Senetors and Congressman/Woman seem to think the original charger does not
apply any more. Look at the original bill that was passed on both services.

Stay Safe

12-17-2011, 08:36 AM
I have relatives employed there.Deliveries are going to get a lot worse not better.The Postmaster General knows not what he is doing. He wants to close the number of processing plants from over 750 to 130 and get rid of 33% of the employees. Also close one half of the post offices. This causes problems with deliveries.

12-17-2011, 09:06 AM
I hope I don't cause a uproar with my comment.
Those good old boys over in congress have been stealing from the postal service for
years now to fund there pockets. The Postal service is a government owner enterprise
Dosen't mean both sides of GOP and Dems are not dipping into that biggy bank.
Just like SS It was ment to be for the retirement of elders exclusively but those
Senetors and Congressman/Woman seem to think the original charger does not
apply any more. Look at the original bill that was passed on both services.

Stay Safe

No uproar from me I would say youre spot on. When the people that are there because of us (well supposed to be) basically blindly take from which ever piggy bank they want to that day. Like Ron Paul said robbing Peter to pay Paul does not fix NOTHING It simply magnifies the problem but hides it on paper for the moment. They should simply fire all of senate and congress and start over. #1 rule you cannot come froma rich family, Then folks like us would be elected. Like Pelosi that woman comes from a long time billionare family, Same with the Bush family it's all old $. Then theres Obama he didnt come from big money family he was only elected fom payouts from billionaire People.. Its all just a plain mess and alot of issues have come from greed. Rome the Longest strongest world empire It turned to ashes cause of power's within the government:shake:.