View Full Version : uti or lincoln tech

12-19-2011, 01:17 PM
wanting togo to a automotive school and i live in marlyand and i seen that both these school are only two hours away in pennsyvania and want a good automotive school

12-19-2011, 01:32 PM
wanting togo to a automotive school and i live in marlyand and i seen that both these school are only two hours away in pennsyvania and want a good automotive school

I'd look at their placement rate, ie. how many graduates get hired.

12-19-2011, 01:51 PM
right yeaim going ot go check out both campuses next week there both only 10min away from eachother so im goin to check them both out

12-19-2011, 03:41 PM
Go to UTI. I'm going to the one in MA in july. The place is so clean you can eat off the floor. And i went to a thing called powerpalooza and that sealed the deal for me. My brother went to lincoln tech and said it was awful and not worth the money.

12-19-2011, 04:08 PM
Is there still a Lincoln Tech in Columbia, MD? Years ago there was one on snowden river parkway, near apple Ford.

12-19-2011, 04:13 PM
this trade sucks.lol look for something else.
talking from experience.

12-19-2011, 06:43 PM
just from my experience, i went to eastern technical, took automotive as my career, and never followed through with it.....a few months ago, i met a old buddy that was in my class, he did follow through with auto as his career, and quit and went to doing hvac for houses....i asked him why, and he said because 'it sucked'. not everybodies car is like yours...or mine. half of the people driving don't know how to change a flat, most dont do their own oil changes, and could care less about their vehicles in a sense.

if you do go to school for auto, i would go just for my own knowledge, not to make a career out of it. just my .02cents--whitey

12-19-2011, 07:43 PM
I went to UTI and with 5 years at a Lincoln dealership I'm @ 70k a year trans tech. I personally would pick a different job as the automotive industry is in pain. If you cant do drive or trans work you will be a 40k/year technician.

12-19-2011, 08:25 PM
thats for all shooting my careers dreams down it was eithier automotive or electrician guess im going ot follow through with what i was originally going to do is electrican and theres school 5 min from house

12-20-2011, 04:59 AM
just from my experience, i went to eastern technical, took automotive as my career, and never followed through with it.....a few months ago, i met a old buddy that was in my class, he did follow through with auto as his career, and quit and went to doing hvac for houses....i asked him why, and he said because 'it sucked'. not everybodies car is like yours...or mine. half of the people driving don't know how to change a flat, most dont do their own oil changes, and could care less about their vehicles in a sense.

if you do go to school for auto, i would go just for my own knowledge, not to make a career out of it. just my .02cents--whitey

What does a car owner not changing their own oil or flat tires have to with being an automotive technician? :shake: :shake: :shake:

In fact that's a good thing... more work for you!

12-20-2011, 05:15 AM
Here you go, if you enjoy it and have patience do it if not don't do either or.

12-20-2011, 08:27 AM
Im 21 right now and I went to UTI and did the whole program auto/diesel/and ford fact I loved the place. College isn't my thing but cars and anything with wheels is. I graduated on a Friday and walked into a Lincoln mercury dealer on Saturday and have been here ever since almost two years now and I wouldn't want to work in another profession simply because this is what I like to do. Money isn't always everything . So im gunna tell you to follow what you want and what interest you. Any questions about the school feel free to ask.

I am here: http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=42.235740,-71.177919

12-20-2011, 08:32 AM
Go post over on www.garagejournal.com

There is a wealth of information on that forum.

Tell 'em I sent ya!

Ozark Marauder
12-20-2011, 08:41 AM
thats for all shooting my careers dreams down it was eithier automotive or electrician guess im going ot follow through with what i was originally going to do is electrican and theres school 5 min from house

"Never continue in a job you don't enjoy. If you're happy in what you're doing, you'll like yourself, you'll have inner peace. And if you have that, along with physical health, you will have had more success than you could possibly have imagined" Johnny Carson........:D

12-20-2011, 08:59 AM
I like working with my hands and originally was a welder. Did not enjoy that. Joined the Air Force and went into Electronics and enjoy that have been doing it for 40 years now. I went to two different schools for electronics in the service. I do not make lots of money but I live well enough. I agree that if you enjoy what you do and almost look forward to going to work everyday then go for your dream. Just do your best while doing it. Good luck on your decision!:beatnik:

12-20-2011, 03:55 PM
i used to love working on my car and friends cars before i got into the trade. Now and days, after work i don't want to look at another car, even my own.
i was even told before i started my apprenticeship "don't make your hobby your profession." wise words...

12-20-2011, 05:21 PM
i used to love working on my car and friends cars before i got into the trade. Now and days, after work i don't want to look at another car, even my own.
i was even told before i started my apprenticeship "don't make your hobby your profession." wise words...

This 100% at some point a job will become just that a job and at 5:00 you will not want to see another car. That's why I didn't become a gynecologist it would have ruined my favorite pastime:D

12-20-2011, 05:59 PM
Is there still a Lincoln Tech in Columbia, MD? Years ago there was one on snowden river parkway, near apple Ford.

Yes it is! Wondering why he said Pa. :confused:

12-21-2011, 09:17 PM
i went to a tech school for auto and all we did was live work. Man it gets real old after 4 years of working on POS cars. All the rust and grease is not fun unless its on a nice car. Any time i had to work on a old corolla or honda i hated it. But when a mint 68 camaro or built mustang was in i LOVED it. I'm going to uti to do performance and work in a CLEAN shop. I don't want to change brakes for a living but i do want to put power adders on for a living.

12-22-2011, 06:07 AM
i went to a tech school for auto and all we did was live work. Man it gets real old after 4 years of working on POS cars. All the rust and grease is not fun unless its on a nice car. Any time i had to work on a old corolla or honda i hated it. But when a mint 68 camaro or built mustang was in i LOVED it. I'm going to uti to do performance and work in a CLEAN shop. I don't want to change brakes for a living but i do want to put power adders on for a living.

Come work as an intern in our shop.

SC Cheesehead
12-22-2011, 07:18 AM
Come work as an intern in our shop.


IMO, that would be THE dream job for a mechanic.

No POS cars to be found at Mo's, just real American Muscle.

12-22-2011, 12:49 PM
Come work as an intern in our shop.

If I lived remotely close to you I probably would.

12-22-2011, 01:26 PM
If I lived remotely close to you I probably would.

The winters in GA beat the winters in MA hands down!!!

I live in MA for three years when I was in law school. It was the worst decade of my life!!!

12-22-2011, 02:15 PM
The winters in GA beat the winters in MA hands down!!!

I live in MA for three years when I was in law school. It was the worst decade of my life!!!
Yeah, The winters hear blow big nuts. But so far not one speckle of snow has hit the ground.:banana:

12-22-2011, 02:37 PM
What does a car owner not changing their own oil or flat tires have to with being an automotive technician? :shake: :shake: :shake:

In fact that's a good thing... more work for you!

fordbodymike said it on page 2.....working on pos cars suck......<exactly what i was trying to say.....joe schmoe sees a hose leaking, puts some bubble gum on the hose thats leaking, brings it to you to fix and now you have a bubble gum mess to fix....:flamer::P

12-22-2011, 03:24 PM
Im 21 right now and I went to UTI and did the whole program auto/diesel/and ford fact I loved the place. College isn't my thing but cars and anything with wheels is. I graduated on a Friday and walked into a Lincoln mercury dealer on Saturday and have been here ever since almost two years now and I wouldn't want to work in another profession simply because this is what I like to do. Money isn't always everything . So im gunna tell you to follow what you want and what interest you. Any questions about the school feel free to ask.

I am here: http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=42.235740,-71.177919
Those are the same programs im taking.

12-22-2011, 03:26 PM
thats for all shooting my careers dreams down it was eithier automotive or electrician guess im going ot follow through with what i was originally going to do is electrican and theres school 5 min from house

When i went to my tech school, i originally wanted electrical because the pay is good. But damn, that is the most boring shop in the world. I did nothing but put wires together.