View Full Version : Cell phone use

12-21-2011, 09:36 PM
Can the use of a cell phone while driving, be stopped? I don't mean hands free. Might as well add texting to.

I say it will never happen.

12-21-2011, 09:42 PM

12-21-2011, 09:47 PM
Its already illegal in several cities across the U.S., but then again so is driving with no seatbelt, but that ticket is written on a daily basis, hasnt stoped people from not buckling up, but its illegal

I see the cell phone ban heading in the same direction!

12-22-2011, 05:14 AM
Never be enforced even if it is outlawed. Bluetooth changes everything, a LEO would never be able to tell if a driver was on the phone or just suffering from Tourette's

12-22-2011, 05:25 AM
Starting next year all commercial trucks will be banned to use cell phones while driving.

12-22-2011, 08:46 AM
Can the use of a cell phone while driving, be stopped?

Highly doubtful. :( The Constitution guarantees everyone the right to be stupid if they wish. ;) Exercise of common sense seems to be getting rarer every day.

Apparently, cell phone users don't see the danger in constant distraction or think that only "other" drivers have the control problem. Idiots. Ever notice that you can tell drivers who are on the phone? Their behavior mimicks the tendencies of a drunk driver --- lane weaving, erratic moves, inattention, running stoplights, forgetting to move when the light goes green, 5-10 MPH under the limit, shortcutting turns or curves on the road, pulling out in front of traffic without warning and on-and-on-and-on. They should be trated the same as a DUI.

Cell phone use and texting are rampant in this area. I suspect that it is as high as 50% of drivers in Northern Virginia and the Maryland, DC and VA area are screwing with their phones and many are doing that at 65 MPH on the highway in the left lane. AzzHats !!!!

Cell phones have become "Electronic Pacifiers" for those insecure individuals who need to be in constant touch with others for the most insignificant details of their life. It wouldn't surprise me to find that many of these people sucked their thumb until they were 10 years old. The cell phone is their Woobie security blanket.

Ozark Marauder
12-22-2011, 09:07 AM
My method:

1. Phone rings, turn on blinker, pull off road, stop, put in park, press button, say hello.

2. Repeat #1, substitute say hello, with text back, add I'm driving, and give them ETA to my destination.

Works well............a few seconds of common sense will go a long way.


12-22-2011, 09:28 AM
I talk on my phone when I drive, through a blue tooth headset. All I have to do is reach up to my ear, and lightly press a button. To end the call, I do the same thing. My phone is in the center console, so I can not see it when it rings.

Do I think my driving suffers from talking on the phone, through a headset, no. I may be one of those folks that Bluerauder was referring too who 'thinks' it does not affect my driving. I don't, and if I am not oncall for work, I am happy to ignore the phone when it rings ... I would rather spend the time enjoying the drive or spending it with my family.

As for texting, my general rule of thumb is if I am parked or at a red light. When it turns green, irregardless of where I am with my text, the phone is dropped in the center console and I continue to drive.

As for the OP, will they be able to stop people from doing this ... no way. Car MFGers are helping people to do this with SYNC and built in blue tooth. It ain't going stop.

My thoughts ...

12-22-2011, 09:28 AM
Don't have a cell and do not need one.

12-22-2011, 10:05 AM
Starting next year all commercial trucks will be banned to use cell phones while driving.
Actually it's been in effect for a few years.

What changes in the New Year is the fine. It will be $$$2,750.00 for using a phone in a Motor Coach, school bus or any comerical truck from 2 axles and up, and if the Company is making you answer while driving then they will pay a $$$10,000.00 fine!

12-22-2011, 10:08 AM
With a bluetooth headset, I'm not entirely sure the distraction level would be any different than if you were holding a conversation with someone else in the car?

Full hands-free, with the exception of a tap to take the call, ideally would be no different than adjusting the radio and then talking to someone in the car.

I'd like to see a study on THAT done.

12-22-2011, 10:10 AM
My question to the powers to be is this.....why are cell phone any more evil then 2 way radio's or CB's ?

12-22-2011, 11:48 AM
Can the use of a cell phone while driving, be stopped? I don't mean hands free. Might as well add texting to.

I say it will never happen.

I agree--Maryland just passed their no cell/no texting and I think I see MORE people on phone or texting. There are so many drivers doing it, and way not enough LE to stop and ticket them.

There will just be way more accidents now..............

SC Cheesehead
12-22-2011, 12:27 PM
With a bluetooth headset, I'm not entirely sure the distraction level would be any different than if you were holding a conversation with someone else in the car?

Full hands-free, with the exception of a tap to take the call, ideally would be no different than adjusting the radio and then talking to someone in the car.

I'd like to see a study on THAT done.

According to the NSC, "there is little difference between the driving safety risk of hands-free versus hand-held cell phones..."
http://www.nsc.org/Pages/Hands-FreePhonesNoSaferThanHandheldP hones.aspx

As for cell phones vs. talking to passengers, there have been studies conducted, and indications are cell phones are more distracting.



http://www.pcworld.com/article/154696/cell_phones_distract_drivers_m ore_than_passengers_do.html

12-22-2011, 03:16 PM
My question to the powers to be is this.....why are cell phone any more evil then 2 way radio's or CB's ?

Big Dog Jim,
When using a two way radio, the communication is usually short and to the
point. Just like the use of a computer readout while driving. Information is to the point
GPS is a little different, most times it talks to you. Occasionally you have to
look at it. But unlike the GPS, Most 2way radios are used for short calls and emergency events.
or you are following someone and you hear see information on the subject.
Like I said talk and read time is short.

I do see a number of LEO on there hand held cell phones.
1 It does not set an example for the general public.
2 Most LEO will tell you it is Official business ?? Pull over if you need to pay that much attention to this conversation in question.
3 Our two ways have a number channels to use and you are trained to use
the equipment in these sorts of situations. Anything more extensive would be handled while doing a traffic stop.

Bottom line There is a Big difference.

Stay Safe

12-22-2011, 10:04 PM
Was behind a Dixk on I-10 yesterday, he was texting the whole time. I wish I was in my old LEO Unit so I could tell him how much of a Dixk he was. Messed up traffic for 6 miles. When I finally pulled next to him I took his picture and sent it to the state police. Happy Holidays Axxwipe.

12-23-2011, 09:19 AM
Both are illegal in NYS, thousands of tickets issued and people continue to do it... You can not legislate stupid out of existence.

10-02-2012, 04:29 AM
Can the use of a cell phone while driving, be stopped? I don't mean hands free. Might as well add texting to.

I say it will never happen.

Only if the penalty for doing it is severe enough ....

1. 1st Offense $500. No warnings.
2. 2nd Offense $1,000. Phone confiscated and destroyed on the spot.
3. 3rd Offense 6 month License suspension. "IDIOT" bumper sticker on car for Life.
4. 4th Offense. Public Hanging on Reality TV and elimination from the Gene Pool.

The problem of cell phones and texting on the road has reached epidemic proportions. I see it every day in the Northern Virginia area. NOT ALL of these calls/text are that important. Can't be ....

The number of rear-ender accidents has escalated considerably.

How can anyone text message at 65 MPH on the Capital Beltway safely? They can't. But is is done routinely. Driving the beltway requires constant attention to traffic. Anything less is an accident waiting to happen.

Even if the police can't catch them all ... they should be able to catch enough of the really flagrant violators to make the threat of fines a reality.

Get Off the Phone or Get Off the Road. :mad:

10-02-2012, 05:43 AM
I only text when driving a DTR.

10-02-2012, 05:49 AM
Get Off the Phone or Get Off the Road. :mad:

Amen! Can't say how many close calls I have had because of careless driver texting or yapping away on the phone.

Once the new law started in MD there was a crazy increase of number of people I saw doing it more. Not sure if they were just trying to test the limits because they didn't care or just that stupid.

10-02-2012, 08:54 AM
Starting next year all commercial trucks will be banned to use cell phones while driving.

It started already!! THe ticket for ceel phone use on a commercial vehicle is $$$2,750.00 That's means pick-up trucks, vans, if thye have commercial plates :eek:

US DOT has always been on top of this.

10-02-2012, 10:40 AM
YES! it can be stopped. However, it's highly unlikely that it ever will.

My proposal is equip vehicles with a RFI device that is activated when the cellular device is used while the vehicle is in motion. And YES, it means that it would apply to hands-free as well.

I'm sick-and-tired of dealing-with and driving-for the bozos and bozettes that drive while using them... weave/wander in traffic.
slow-down-speed-up *repeat*
pull-out without looking.
etc., etc., etc..
It's beyond PLAID! and getting worse.

10-02-2012, 11:10 AM
Was behind a Dixk on I-10 yesterday, he was texting the whole time. I wish I was in my old LEO Unit so I could tell him how much of a Dixk he was. Messed up traffic for 6 miles. When I finally pulled next to him I took his picture and sent it to the state police. Happy Holidays Axxwipe.

sooooo... is taking pictures while driving better than texting? you were also endangering other drivers by doing that. so u both were in the wrong. not my opinion... the truth

10-02-2012, 11:25 AM
YES! it can be stopped. However, it's highly unlikely that it ever will.

My proposal is equip vehicles with a RFI device that is activated when the cellular device is used while the vehicle is in motion. And YES, it means that it would apply to hands-free as well.

I'm sick-and-tired of dealing-with and driving-for the bozos and bozettes that drive while using them... weave/wander in traffic.
slow-down-speed-up *repeat*
pull-out without looking.
etc., etc., etc..
It's beyond PLAID! and getting worse.

I agree on the RFI device but that will also stop the passenger's use of cellular devices.

10-02-2012, 04:22 PM
Only if the penalty for doing it is severe enough ....

1. 1st Offense $500. No warnings.
2. 2nd Offense $1,000. Phone confiscated and destroyed on the spot.
3. 3rd Offense 6 month License suspension. "IDIOT" bumper sticker on car for Life.
4. 4th Offense. Public Hanging on Reality TV and elimination from the Gene Pool.

The problem of cell phones and texting on the road has reached epidemic proportions. I see it every day in the Northern Virginia area. NOT ALL of these calls/text are that important. Can't be ....

The number of rear-ender accidents has escalated considerably.

How can anyone text message at 65 MPH on the Capital Beltway safely? They can't. But is is done routinely. Driving the beltway requires constant attention to traffic. Anything less is an accident waiting to happen.

Even if the police can't catch them all ... they should be able to catch enough of the really flagrant violators to make the threat of fines a reality.

Get Off the Phone or Get Off the Road. :mad:

Only problem with this is no one committing the deeds ever think they will get caught. No penalties or thought of such, will ever stop the "i am the exception mind set".

Even funnier the person calling you seems perplexed that you don't won't to talk while you are trying to drive or if you don't answer the phone..

10-02-2012, 07:10 PM
Hand held devices are illegal here but you can’t legislate stupid

10-02-2012, 07:47 PM
You know it not only driving it's at the bank, stores, restrooms, walking, the list goes on and on.

10-02-2012, 08:35 PM
Afraid i'm guilty of walking and texting, haven't fell into any fountains or crashed into anybody....................... .............................. ....yet.

10-03-2012, 03:33 AM
You know it not only driving it's at the bank, stores, restrooms, walking, the list goes on and on.

And inside elevators too !!! Some people just can't live without their electronic pacifiers. It is the technology equivalent of thumb sucking in public for insecure people who must receive constant reassurance of their value by giving and receiving non-sensical information on trivial subjects. :rolleyes:

10-03-2012, 10:42 AM
fastblackmerc - I agree on the RFI device but that will also stop the passenger's use of cellular devices.
EVERY cel' service has Vmail -and- same rules apply to passengers - pull-over to make a call.

There is not one cel' call that's worth a distraction and/or an IMMEDIATE answer. -PERIOD-

10-03-2012, 12:50 PM
EVERY cel' service has Vmail -and- same rules apply to passengers - pull-over to make a call.

There is not one cel' call that's worth a distraction and/or an IMMEDIATE answer. -PERIOD-

As I agree with no driving and cell phone use all together.

I have to ask.

What is the difference between a passenger talking your ear off in the car while driving or the passenger talking the ear off of someone else on the other end of a phone call while you are driving?

Technically they are both distractions. So perhaps everyone in the car should wear muzzles?

Sent from my iPhone

4.10's + Eaton swap = Wreeeeeeeeeeeeeeedom

10-03-2012, 01:29 PM
My question to the powers to be is this.....why are cell phone any more evil then 2 way radio's or CB's ?

The length of the conversation???????

10-03-2012, 04:17 PM
I observed the EXACT same symptoms of erratic driving whether it is a drunk/DWI/DUI or a cell phone/texter on the road. I need no futher proof that it is a problem. Both have impaired judgment and reaction times when driving.

10-03-2012, 07:02 PM
The length of the conversation???????

You have never work for a school bus company. Conversation can in smoe cases be long....1-2 minutes

Chatter is not stop some day:mad2:

Some garages have 300+ buses on one channel:bigcry:

10-03-2012, 07:04 PM
EVERY cel' service has Vmail -and- same rules apply to passengers - pull-over to make a call.

There is not one cel' call that's worth a distraction and/or an IMMEDIATE answer. -PERIOD-

I have pulled safely off the road with my marauder and with a charter coach and almost ticketed:mad2:

The Police are taking a dim view of pulling over to yak on the phone:argue: