View Full Version : Dialup Warning... Bus Theme Vids

Donny Carlson
01-24-2004, 09:02 PM
If you are on dialup, go get a copy of War and Peace and put a pot of coffee on.

(be advised, viewer discretion advised on the first vid because it's a shocker and involves real school kids)

First Vid --

Why School Buses Should Have Seat Belts



Second Vid

Why THIS School Bus HAS a Seat Belt!!!



Long Live #3
01-24-2004, 09:59 PM
That first vid was scary. I guess that's why I never wanted to ride a bus. The second one was really cool! That's a bus I'd ride anyday!

01-24-2004, 10:04 PM
Now thats going to bother me .put up some kind of warning b4 you show children getting hurt. WARNING !! kids get hurt in this video and you dont know what happens to them!!!!

01-24-2004, 10:14 PM
Why School Buses Should Have Seat Belts

I had to spend way too much time on school buses out here in the sticks, and some drivers were nearly that bad. Maybe that's why I hate public transit now;)

Second Vid

Why THIS School Bus HAS a Seat Belt!!!
What's the rest of his racing fleet? Dump trucks and backhoes? :lol:

Donny Carlson
01-24-2004, 10:15 PM
Now thats going to bother me .put up some kind of warning b4 you show children getting hurt. WARNING !! kids get hurt in this video and you dont know what happens to them!!!!Sorry. Done and done. The post now has a viewer descretion warning.

Here is a news story regarding the bus crash and vid.

CIRCLEVILLE, Ohio -- Video of a Pickaway County school bus that veered off a road and rolled onto its side was played in court Thursday as the bus driver went on trial

The driver, Lani Davis, 44, was charged with failure to control her Logan Elm School District bus.

The tape showed children tumbling and screaming on Sept. 30 as the bus rolled onto its side on Morris-Leist Road near the high school. The video was recorded by an overhead camera inside the bus.

Davis wept in court as witnesses said they saw a car the bus driver said ran her off the road. The bus swerved and rolled over as it tried to get back on the road, Roberts reported.

"I just swerved to the right to miss it, instead of hitting it head-on," Davis said. "The bus went into the ditch. I was worried about the safety of the kids and tried to keep it from rolling over."

None of the 30 kids on the bus was seriously injured. Davis has been a driver for Logan Elm for four years, Roberts reported.

Davis is on administrative duty until a judge makes his decision. If found guilty, Davis could be fined $100.

01-24-2004, 10:29 PM
Whew!!! Thank god and thanks don for tellin me cause now the whole family watched it and were worried ..Life is hell....

01-24-2004, 10:29 PM
Does anyone know what happened to those kids in the end?

The thought of my son in that kind of situation one day... *shiver*

edit: thanks for the update. As a parent, that kind of stuff tends to hit me below the belt nowadays. It's reality, but it still hurts to see it...

01-25-2004, 12:36 AM
None of the 30 kids on the bus was seriously injured.

They all had the cushion of eachother???

01-25-2004, 02:20 PM
We had to watch that video for a week here on the news. It was not nearly as bad as it seems. In reality it is much safer on a school bus than many people realize. People overreact anytime there is an accident involving a school bus. The media loves to report these stories.