View Full Version : MESSAGE From the "Director Of Craft Services"

12-31-2011, 08:51 AM
:) Hey guys & gals........ Just want to wish all of you a better 2012, than your 2011..... With a few reminders.......

If you are gonna drink and drive.......... Leave the Marauder at home and take the "beater":D Don't Drink and Drive.... Ya might spill some:eek:

No...... Seriously...... Just don't do it..... With the state of the economy and municipalities down on tax revenue, you know the authorities will be out in force.... You know if you get caught it will be extremely expensive, never mind the fact that you don't want harm to come to anyone as a result of stupidity that could have been avoided, by just not driving.........

Any who....... A sober message before I break out the red cups (Toby Keith beat me to the song:beer:). Gonna start the day with coffee & Irish cream, have a lil wine with dinner, and thats it for me....It's Amateur Night and normally don't venture out, but the Trilogy Taxi will be "in service" for my wife :D who accepted an invitation to a party.

So Happy New Year Marauder Community:party::toast::toast: :toast:& :beatnik:Be Safe Out There......

Ms. Denmark
12-31-2011, 09:33 AM
Well said and great advice. As much as I love my fellow MM.netters....I love their Marauders almost as much. :cool: I don't want anyone or anything to get crunched!!!

RF Overlord
12-31-2011, 10:02 AM
The days of getting pulled over and being to to "go home" are long gone. Nowadays, if the fines don't hurt you, the insurance surcharges will...not to mention the humiliation of being arrested and the increased likelihood of losing your license and possibly your job.

It just ain't worth it, folks.

12-31-2011, 12:12 PM
Yep. We never go out for New Years. Too many A-holes who just over do it and I don't want to risk our lives for a silly night of drinking. We will be out this year though since we are in Hawaii and will celebrate New Years at the restraunt we had our after wedding dinner at with our daughter and it's walking distance.

Have a Happy New Years Eve. Please be safe my fellow peeps. Leave the MM at home.


- Sent from my iPhone
Eaton Swap + 4.10's = Wreeeeeeeeeedom!!

12-31-2011, 01:32 PM
State and Local LOE's are out already. Was stopped at a random check today. I don't drink so there were upset.
Will take the F-150 tonight. Be Safe.

12-31-2011, 02:59 PM
Yesterday when I drove into CC Phila at around Noon I saw no less then 2 radar set ups and 5 CVPI working hard, on the way home @ 3:15AM I saw 4 CVPI working solo in the Bucks County area of I-95 North bound. This was Friday 12/30.

So stay put if you can tonight:)

12-31-2011, 03:04 PM
Gonna go to a friends tonight and celebrate then will stay over at their place...good advice above to all cuz I will not cry at the funeral for anyone...

Now, I WILL cry for the damaged/destroyed Marauder....
