01-25-2004, 10:02 PM
What happened to the thread on "Best First Mod for the MM version 2"? People were beginning to post what they had done to their cars in detail and next thing you know I click on it to check out new posts and this is what it says:
"vBulletin Message
Invalid Thread specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the webmaster."
Whats up with that?
Do we as members have the power to disable or temporarily close a thread? I notice the icon/button in posts to report a bad post....and also noticed a "member" in the who's online page that listed his/her activity as "reporting a post" on the thread in question. Is it coincidence or intentional? Sortof makes me sick to my stomach to see stuff like this happen, and makes me wonder why.....
End of rant.
"vBulletin Message
Invalid Thread specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the webmaster."
Whats up with that?
Do we as members have the power to disable or temporarily close a thread? I notice the icon/button in posts to report a bad post....and also noticed a "member" in the who's online page that listed his/her activity as "reporting a post" on the thread in question. Is it coincidence or intentional? Sortof makes me sick to my stomach to see stuff like this happen, and makes me wonder why.....
End of rant.