View Full Version : Lakewood Four, Heart Wrenching. Viewer discretion advised

01-12-2012, 04:22 PM
Please view this with prayers in your heart.
This should not happen ever again......

Be who you are and say what you feel..because those that matter don't mind..and those that mind don't matter.
Received this from a fellow retired officer and thought I'd pass it on.
The link will let you see the video reference the four officers that were ambushed and killed in a coffee shop in Lakewood, Washington on Nov. 30th 2009. It shows the location and some interviews with officers including the interview with the officer that shot and killed the suspect and the video from his units dash camera from that night. Also the video of the funeral attended by hundreds of brother officers both in State and out of State.

Please stay safe

01-12-2012, 04:38 PM
I just recently attended the funeral for Officer John David Dryer of the East Washington, PA police department. It a sad thing to go through a funeral for a fellow brother. Washington Pennsylvania is literally 25 minutes from where I live on I-70. Funeral procession to the church was hundreds of plice vehicles long. Motorcycle officers came in 30 degree weather spitting snow. We stood outside at attention for an hour then got to go in for the funeral and then come back outside for them to carry away his body. Realized when I went back out that the PA State Police stood outside in formation the entire time(Service was 2 hours long!). After the funeral we drove by the spot where he was shot and killed on I-70. Reasons like this make me HONORED to be on my departments recently formed honor guard.:flag:

01-12-2012, 04:58 PM
Very Sad, and difficult to watch, makes me remember any shift can be my last.

01-13-2012, 07:37 AM
Very Sad, and difficult to watch, makes me remember any shift can be my last.

You are so right. Every time we have to go through a door with force,
we are confronted with the same possibility, of loss of life or serious injury.

The difference here is these folks didn't have any chance. The mut was
intent on killing Police officers. As you can see from the video, this perp
was high on Meth or something, that is why the officer that discover the
stolen car, put three 9mm into him and he just keep on coming.

That is the affects of Meth, Cocaine, and other drugs.
I don't believe there is any reason to think of gun control here.
This mut would have gotten a gun anyway.
Fact is, if someone would have had a gun, he or she could walked up on
the perp and put one in the back of his head, Assuming the citizen had the
presents of mine to act accordingly.

I assume when ever I go out everyone is armed and I watch there hands and eyes, that usually give you the clues.
If you own a gun legally then, learn how to us it and go to the range often
and practice. If you pull it out be ready to use it.


01-15-2012, 07:47 PM
It's ashame we have to live among scumbags in society who have the same rights and liberties of decent folks. Scumbags like this should be lethally exposed of!

01-16-2012, 11:55 AM
Every one of this animal's family/friends that intentionally ran interference for him to avoid capture should all get the chair. Very disturbing story, my heart goes out to the fallen's family.

beantown mm
01-16-2012, 02:45 PM
Wow, just watched this and what a Powerful video.. Prayers to their families and THANKS To all who put themselves in harms way so people like me and my kids are safe evey day...............