View Full Version : Good Luck BTVollmuth

Bradley G
01-15-2012, 05:14 AM
A pleasant surprise to get a visit from my pal and youngest Chi-town Marauder'er (that i know of)at my new work place.
He is returning to SIU this semester to study powertrains.
My new venture, Fidelity Motor Group is a new favorite of his because they dabble in exotics, luxury,hot rods,pretty much anything that is cool.
The first visit BT made was with his Bro and friends in the Marauder and S class, leaving dealer personel wondering how these teeners would be digging the bigie jazz mobiles.
After you left yesterday;

The GM of Fidelity MG. saw you gifted me the Montechristo,
He said, " I did not know you like cigars?",..he genrously followed with,."I get cigars given to me all the time"," this one here in the green tube is always bein' mistaken for a marker, here have it!"
Thanks for your support BTVollmuth, I am proud of your efforts to live your dream! :bows: Good Luck Bro~~~