View Full Version : helpless asian man attacked and jumped by 7 others

01-16-2012, 11:48 PM
Shake my head..disappointed:/


YouTube search: helpless asian man attacked and jumped by 7 others behind school

01-17-2012, 12:08 AM
Bunch of white kids beating up an Asian ans screaming the word "nigga". WTF?

01-17-2012, 12:11 AM
Absolutely disgusting, poor kid. Everyone of them should get a Louisville slugger to the temple!

01-17-2012, 06:13 AM
There has been a wave of flash mobs accross the country which sets a stage for videoing beating up someone. It is becoming a common practise to see videos of a group of criminals beating someone up.

Our local news paper refuses to publish any of this. Any post that references it on the news papers website is immediately deleted.

Do a search flash mob violence.

01-17-2012, 06:21 AM
That is so shameful......I hate to see stuff like this.....aint nothing but a bunch of punk ass kids thinking they are all that because its 6 on 1. What a bunch of **ssy's.

I hope they are all caught and tried as adults and prosicuted to the fullest extent of the law.....or at least some street justice!!

P.S. The video has just been removed.

Da Dark Jedi
01-17-2012, 08:30 AM
We see that alot of that here in Chicago. Just two or so months ago a homeless man was suckered punch on the "L" platform by 4 men (21-25). Prior to that a Gay person was beat up by young thugs in the west loop area. Hell they are beating up people and robbing them while they wait for a bus at the corners. Two years ago a 15 year old was beaten to death by a mob of teens, his head was hit by a 2" by 4" all this was taped to put on facebook by other teens.

01-17-2012, 09:09 AM
It's "funny" till one of the victims has a gun, then it's hysterical. Then the group was "misunderstood", "good boys", "had a bad childhood" etc.......

I would love to be their "victim"......

01-17-2012, 09:14 AM
Then the group was "misunderstood", "good boys", "had a bad childhood" etc.......

That pops up a lot down here on TV, known gang member with a violent rap sheet is killed in gang-related incident and then momma shows up on TV with the T-shirts with the dead man's face on them talking about "her little angel" that "would never do anything bad."

01-17-2012, 09:36 AM
I call it the "Lord of the Flies Syndrome", put a group of young boys together from any demographic with out a father figure and some will become savages killing all.

01-17-2012, 02:26 PM
So I've been told that the 7 kids who did the beating have been arrested and are now being charged...it was on the news this Morning so I'm guessing it'll be on the news tonight not sure but its just sad to see this type of stuff happens 24/7 because nobody has the will to stand up..this time it just happened to be some idiot decided to record.

01-17-2012, 03:33 PM
Dontchya love it when the shytters post video evidence on youtube. Nothing like the judges seeing the crime in progress for themselves.

01-17-2012, 05:33 PM
Agreed!!!! All I know is that justice will be served.:) either the legal way.....or the "Chicago" way haha...these kids Are practically "dead boys walking"

Dontchya love it when the shytters post video evidence on youtube. Nothing like the judges seeing the crime in progress for themselves.

Da Dark Jedi
01-17-2012, 08:24 PM
People that happen here in Chicago, the man (teenager) was 17 yrs old and a HS student at Currie HS. He was lured in the alley by a female (set-up). It turned out the same guy and four of his friends jumped one of the guys who jumped him earlier(Payback). Now he cries BOO-HOO. Helpless Asian man.

Don't start none, won't be none!

So now you know. He got what he dished out!!!!

From James Brown

01-18-2012, 09:54 AM
People that happen here in Chicago, the man (teenager) was 17 yrs old and a HS student at Currie HS. He was lured in the alley by a female (set-up). It turned out the same guy and four of his friends jumped one of the guys who jumped him earlier(Payback). Now he cries BOO-HOO. Helpless Asian man.

Don't start none, won't be none!

So now you know. He got what he dished out!!!!

From James Brown

In that case, it's all OK. I guess that they are going to repeat this 4 more times?

Everyone is so hell bent on "getting even", great society of idiots we have.

Da Dark Jedi
01-18-2012, 10:12 AM
In that case, it's all OK. I guess that they are going to repeat this 4 more times?

Everyone is so hell bent on "getting even", great society of idiots we have.

It has always been that way in the world, it usally takes one form or another. Nobody follows a trail of PEACE. Nor have anybody decided to look to see what happen from the other side. Which was more to this story.

Was it Gandi or King who said, "An eye for a eye leaves people blind"?

01-18-2012, 10:24 AM
It has always been that way in the world, it usally takes one form or another. Nobody follows a trail of PEACE. Nor have anybody decided to look to see what happen from the other side. Which was more to this story.

Was it Gandi or King who said, "An eye for a eye leaves people blind"?

My point is this, if you knew who the people are who attacked you, why not just call the police and let justice be served the correct way, as opposed to the now soon to be indited vigilante's way of doing things.

Which probably would have never happened had no one taken video on put it on the internet.

Da Dark Jedi
01-18-2012, 10:51 AM
My point is this, if you knew who the people are who attacked you, why not just call the police and let justice be served the correct way, as opposed to the now soon to be indited vigilante's way of doing things.

Which probably would have never happened had no one taken video on put it on the internet.

Dude, I agree with you, but that does not happen here in Chicago often enough (where police will investigate). A few month ago I was watching Judge Millian on her show where a woman claimed a guy (her friend threw a drink on her at the club) she in turn told her husband who physically gave the guy a beat down. The Judge response was that if "it happen to her she would expect her husband to do the same thing". Yes this is what we have come to and it's shows on our TV screen as well. The guys involved will be charged as Juvies and one is to appear in court today (he's 17 yrs old).

01-18-2012, 11:39 AM
That's the Chicago way..you hit me today, tomorrow I bury you. Its Just the way things are here. I mean from my experience, if I decide to wear a color and I happened to be at the wrong place at the the wrong time I'd probably get beaten up sadly that's how it is. But I do agree in peace as in "an eye for and eye makes the world go blind"- Gandhi

01-18-2012, 11:56 AM
I think for most it would be more accurate to say An eye and an eye for an eye and an eye makes the World blind.
Wasn't Ghandi assasinated? Maybe he should have said a life for a life makes the World less populated?

01-18-2012, 07:34 PM
Dude, I agree with you, but that does not happen here in Chicago often enough (where police will investigate). A few month ago I was watching Judge Millian on her show where a woman claimed a guy (her friend threw a drink on her at the club) she in turn told her husband who physically gave the guy a beat down. The Judge response was that if "it happen to her she would expect her husband to do the same thing". Yes this is what we have come to and it's shows on our TV screen as well. The guys involved will be charged as Juvies and one is to appear in court today (he's 17 yrs old).

I guess I should clarify, I am ok with handling the problem yourself:uzi:, sometimes the local authorities won't help, you know Mexican/Chicago police, that type of thing. What I have a real issue with...... it recording it and putting the video in the internet, that's just not smart at all, they may as well have just walked into the local PD and turned themselves in:shake:.

You know what they say, 5 people can keep a secret if 4 are dead. :D

01-18-2012, 11:20 PM
What do you mean "Mexican/Chicago police?" You saying Mexican cops wont help out?

I guess I should clarify, I am ok with handling the problem yourself:uzi:, sometimes the local authorities won't help, you know Mexican/Chicago police, that type of thing. What I have a real issue with...... it recording it and putting the video in the internet, that's just not smart at all, they may as well have just walked into the local PD and turned themselves in:shake:.

You know what they say, 5 people can keep a secret if 4 are dead. :D

01-19-2012, 05:57 AM
^^^ Curious myself, what's that supposed to mean? ^^^

01-19-2012, 08:49 AM
^^^ Curious myself, what's that supposed to mean? ^^^

I think what he's saying is Chicago cops are just as corrupt as the federali's

But I'm just guessing. FWIW cops in any city are just the same as any other profession. There are real good ones and real bad ones and ones on every spot in between.

But if you are stupid enough to film yourself committing a crime and then post it on youtube and facebook for everyone to see, you deserve what you get whether it's from a great cop or a corrupt one, whether it's retaliation or not. The ends never justify the means if you are committing a crime

01-19-2012, 10:10 AM
Cops are a direct reflection of the Community. Corrupt Community = Corrupt Cops!

I have never heard of a Cop that came from another Planet. Most come from the Community they serve.

01-19-2012, 10:51 AM
I have never heard of a Cop that came from another Planet.

Haven't you ever seen Terminator?????


Da Dark Jedi
01-19-2012, 11:00 AM
The teens father turned his own son in. He's a Cook County Sheriffs deputy, he at least thought it was the right thing to do. The teen will now be charged as a adult. The father stated "He did the crime now he has to pay for it. I did the right thing".

01-19-2012, 11:10 AM
I still don't know about that comment, I'd still like to hear further explanation!

01-19-2012, 11:28 AM
BTW the offenders were also asian (4) of them acting like savages in a prodominant Chinese and Italian neighborhood.

SC Cheesehead
01-19-2012, 12:57 PM
Haven't you ever seen Terminator?????


^^^^ Same planet, different "time zone."

Sarah Connor (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000157/): Look... I am not stupid, you know. They cannot make things like that yet.
Kyle Reese (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000299/): Not yet. Not for about 40 years.
Sarah Connor (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000157/): Are you saying it's from the future?
Kyle Reese (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000299/): One possible future. From your point of view... I don't know tech stuff.
Sarah Connor (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000157/): Then you're from the future, too. Is that right?
Kyle Reese (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000299/): Right.

01-19-2012, 01:38 PM
I live near a community with ~330,000 people. It is a corrupt community with a corrupt police force and over 35 people have been shot since 1/1/2012.

The police force could be cleaned up in less than 30 days and then the people would trust the police force. Together they would get rid of the criminals.

A National CPA firm admins a drug/alcohol test, credit check, lie detector test, psych test and HS exit exam. The number that fail is published. Fail anyone of the test and you are terminated.
The number that fail and the number that are terminated had better be the same.

I don't think the Civil Service or the Union would prevail in reinstatement.

01-19-2012, 03:31 PM
Cops are a direct reflection of the Community. Corrupt Community = Corrupt Cops!

I have never heard of a Cop that came from another Planet. Most come from the Community they serve.

Do you ever take the time to think about how IGNORANT and FOOLISH you sound???

you cant stereotype an entire police department because you say the entire commmunity is corrupt! thats just pure prejudice!

01-19-2012, 03:45 PM
How about WE blame the parents who raised these savages instead!

01-19-2012, 03:58 PM
How about WE blame the parents who raised these savages instead!
This!!! My parents weren't afraid to put me in my place if i happened to stray from it. As much as i hated it then i feel that i'm a better person for it today.

01-19-2012, 04:53 PM
Sailsmen - "Cops are a direct reflection of the Community. Corrupt Community = Corrupt Cops!

I have never heard of a Cop that came from another Planet. Most come from the Community they serve."

Do you ever take the time to think about how IGNORANT and FOOLISH you sound???

you cant stereotype an entire police department because you say the entire commmunity is corrupt! thats just pure prejudice!

It's pure logic. A Police Dept or any Public Dept is a direct reflection of the Community. Why? It is the Community!

How is it the Community? A Police Dept or any Public Dept is made up of people who come from the Community.

I was told this over 30 years ago by a Sheriff, a professional LEO, who was elected Sheriff of a City of over 700K.

01-19-2012, 05:42 PM
All I gotta say Illinois is known for its corruption..all throughout history.
but Hey cops are people too which means just cause ones corrupt don't mean all are corrupt which is why I don't get why people say "F the police" like that's stupidity..just my opinion haha and yeah I pretty much agreed the kids will act the way their parents(or legal guardian) raised them but I don't I'm just saying from my experience only

01-19-2012, 05:52 PM
^^^^ Same planet, different "time zone."

What? Now you're gonna go all technical on me?????

01-19-2012, 11:03 PM
Sailsmen - "Cops are a direct reflection of the Community. Corrupt Community = Corrupt Cops!

I have never heard of a Cop that came from another Planet. Most come from the Community they serve."

It's pure logic. A Police Dept or any Public Dept is a direct reflection of the Community. Why? It is the Community!

How is it the Community? A Police Dept or any Public Dept is made up of people who come from the Community.

I was told this over 30 years ago by a Sheriff, a professional LEO, who was elected Sheriff of a City of over 700K.

Ok let me give you the FACTS not my opinion, or what joebob told me, look at any major metropolitan city across the u.s. Chicago, Detroit, Newyork, Losangeles, etc these departments are staffed by a majority that does not live within that city limit!
Why you ask??? because like my self, none wish to live around that lawless culture that exist in most inner city lower income neighborhoods, none want to send thier kids to failing schools.
So because we choose to work for big city police departments dont be so closeminded as to say we are no different than those that we police!

Instead educate your self on the facts before inserting your foot in your mouth!

01-20-2012, 05:33 AM
And none of those Police Depts have ever had a history of Corruption? Have any Police Depts ever had a history of corruption?:confused:

"...because like my self, none wish to live around that lawless culture that exist in most inner city lower income neighborhoods.."

Are you not making "closeminded" statements?

A Community is not limited by "city limits". Community is a group of people who interact.

When a corrupt Community elects a corrupt Mayor and the corrupt Mayor appoints a corrupt Police Chief what do you have? You mentioned Chicago, how many Police Chiefs of Chicago came from outside Chicago?

The point that you are not seeing is some people complain about the Police like they are from another Planet, they are not they are from the same community as those who complain. Don't like them move to a different community or change the community.

This is what I posted "Corrupt Community = Corrupt Cops". This is what you apparently are reading A Corrupt Community means everyone in the Community is Corrupt = Corrupt Cops means all Cops are Corrupt.

When someone post we have a Corrupt Gov't do you read everyone in Gov't is Corrupt?

01-20-2012, 09:38 AM
Ok let me give you the FACTS not my opinion, or what joebob told me, look at any major metropolitan city across the u.s. Chicago, Detroit, Newyork, Losangeles, etc these departments are staffed by a majority that does not live within that city limit!

True, just recently NY made it a rule that you must have a city address to have a city job. They also enforced it with most guys who got on the job within the last 5 years.

01-20-2012, 09:53 AM
“Residency: Residency in the City of Chicago is required of all employees. Proof of residency will be required at the time of employment. Residency within Chicago is not required during the application and testing process.” https://portal.chicagopolice.org/portal/page/portal/ChicagoPolice/GET_INFORMED/InsideCPD/JoinTeamCPD

NYC 5-12-10 Mayor EO Residency requirement for Police
Police Position Number
1st Deputy Commissioner 1
Assistant Commissioner 16
Asst Deputy Commissioner 6
Chief of Staff 1
Deputy Commissioner 15

Perhaps some are declaring residency in one place while living another, or the rule is new or there is an administrative grandfather enforcement or other explanations?

01-20-2012, 12:03 PM
“Residency: Residency in the City of Chicago is required of all employees. Proof of residency will be required at the time of employment. Residency within Chicago is not required during the application and testing process.” https://portal.chicagopolice.org/portal/page/portal/ChicagoPolice/GET_INFORMED/InsideCPD/JoinTeamCPD

NYC 5-12-10 Mayor EO Residency requirement for Police
Police Position Number
1st Deputy Commissioner 1
Assistant Commissioner 16
Asst Deputy Commissioner 6
Chief of Staff 1
Deputy Commissioner 15

Perhaps some are declaring residency in one place while living another, or the rule is new or there is an administrative grandfather enforcement or other explanations?

I do know of a Chicago officer living way out in the sticks by me. He uses his parents address. No way in hell does he want to pay outrageous Chicago taxes. Worry about his families well being. Plus he wanted a big piece of property to live on. He loves his job and loves where he lives. I see no issue with it.

- Sent from my iPhone
Eaton Swap + 4.10's = Wreeeeeeeeeedom!!

01-20-2012, 05:57 PM
And none of those Police Depts have ever had a history of Corruption? Have any Police Depts ever had a history of corruption?:confused:

"...because like my self, none wish to live around that lawless culture that exist in most inner city lower income neighborhoods.."

Are you not making "closeminded" statements?

A Community is not limited by "city limits". Community is a group of people who interact.

When a corrupt Community elects a corrupt Mayor and the corrupt Mayor appoints a corrupt Police Chief what do you have? You mentioned Chicago, how many Police Chiefs of Chicago came from outside Chicago?

The point that you are not seeing is some people complain about the Police like they are from another Planet, they are not they are from the same community as those who complain. Don't like them move to a different community or change the community.

This is what I posted "Corrupt Community = Corrupt Cops". This is what you apparently are reading A Corrupt Community means everyone in the Community is Corrupt = Corrupt Cops means all Cops are Corrupt.

When someone post we have a Corrupt Gov't do you read everyone in Gov't is Corrupt?

LMAO!!!! ok bud your just not getting it! again most police officers are NOT from the same community they police, they are from another county, or state.

And ummm most communities are divided by there city limits! do you think ted from semi valley ,ca hangs out with pookie from compton ca???? hmmm i would think not bud!

01-21-2012, 09:39 AM
I think this MIGHT be an answer to all this corruption if not well just enjoy the video.
