View Full Version : Whoever said Marauders suck in the snow...

01-18-2012, 07:58 PM
...was right. After an hour and a half I still cannot get out of my driveway. I shoveled, laid down de-icer, and chained up and I still cant make it up the slope. Washington blows, I cant wait to get back to San Diego.

01-18-2012, 08:03 PM
Try going up backwards and/or put some heavy weight in the trunk. Weird though. My MM with snow tires drove in eight inches of snow just as well as my wife's old 4wd Chevy Blazer. Are both wheels slipping or just one? Friction plates worn out??? Now her MM (Mercury Mountaineer) with AWD is no contest.

01-18-2012, 08:04 PM
Yeah weight in the trunk and/or some good snow/all season tires and that car will do fine in the snow.

01-18-2012, 08:12 PM
I think it is the somewhat steep slope of my driveway. Everywhere else it did ok with just cable chains.

The thing is, this area doesn't really get much snow. This is supposedly the most they have seen since 1985 or something like that. After this it is supposed to all melt away and that be the end of it, so I really don't want to buy another set of tires just for this.

It just sucks being stuck at your own house because of a lousy foot of snow.

01-18-2012, 08:18 PM
Never had a problem with my Vic in the snow!

Been driving panthers for well over a decade! Never been stuck.

And yes we get bad winters here!

01-18-2012, 08:22 PM
I remember when I went out to Sun Valley, Idaho for a week of skiing back in 87', every freekin driveway of every home was heated. Awesomeness! :beer:

01-18-2012, 08:32 PM
I haven't had any troubles and still on OEM tires.

You must be on ice under snow and probably would have issues with any vehicle. Try 2nd gear so you have less torque at wheels. Weight in trunk will help.

01-18-2012, 09:09 PM
You think that's bad. Try being stuck in the mud in your own back yard.

http://www.mercurymarauder.net/gallery/data/500/medium/IMG_00892.jpg (http://javascript<b></b>:;)
http://www.mercurymarauder.net/gallery/data/500/medium/IMG_00911.jpg (http://javascript<b></b>:;)
http://www.mercurymarauder.net/gallery/data/500/medium/IMG_00922.jpg (http://javascript<b></b>:;)

Traction control was a joke in that muck

01-18-2012, 09:13 PM
Traction control was a joke in that muck
You sure it wasn't because it's a DTR??? :laugh:

01-18-2012, 09:36 PM
You sure it wasn't because it's a DTR??? :laugh:

Ouch! Walked in to that!!! :eek:

01-18-2012, 09:50 PM
You sure it wasn't because it's a DTR??? :laugh:

DTR, BLK, DBP, SB... Mud knows no color...

01-19-2012, 12:55 AM
...was right. After an hour and a half I still cannot get out of my driveway. I shoveled, laid down de-icer, and chained up and I still cant make it up the slope. Washington blows, I cant wait to get back to San Diego.

This event is far from the worst since 1985 2008-09 was much worse. That said my Crown Vics with a little weight in the trunk and traction control got around in much worse than this recent snow event. My Wife's GM did just fine yesterday with it's traction control, some pretty crappy all-season tires, and no weight in the trunk. Today we didn't both have to go some place at the same time so the Panthers stayed put and the Mountaineer went out to throw some snow with its Ice & Snow tires.

That said my MM stays put when it snows partially because it wears ultra high perfromance summer tires but mainly due to the other drivers on the road.

A big part of your problem is trying to back up a hill as you want the drive tires on the down hill side so you don't unload them.

01-19-2012, 02:17 AM
Ouch! Walked in to that!!! :eek:

That what she said! :P

01-19-2012, 08:49 AM
I've had no issues when the tires are good. But worn tires + MM = :eek:.

01-19-2012, 08:55 AM
you guys need to buy this from me. http://columbia.craigslist.org/cto/2804805221.html

01-19-2012, 09:27 AM
Crushed asphalt.

It fixes mud and really helps with snow and ice. And it is pretty cheap to lay down yet won't be scattered or even blown away as easily as gravel.

01-19-2012, 09:35 AM
...was right. After an hour and a half I still cannot get out of my driveway. I shoveled, laid down de-icer, and chained up and I still cant make it up the slope. Washington blows, I cant wait to get back to San Diego.

you put chains on the (must be stock bald tires) and it won't go?

MY MM is like a tank with 235 55 17 Blizzaks - Goes anywhere. Try starting off in 2nd gear - and get a "running start" at it.

Fourth Horseman
01-19-2012, 09:43 AM
I don't understand why people say these cars suck in the snow. I've never had any problems with any of my Panther platform cars in snow. I've had my Marauder in blizzard conditions that were putting all wheel drive cars in the ditches, and the big Merc got me home safe. If you live in snow country, get a second set of wheels and put dedicated snow tires on them. Hard to blame the car when the problem is that it has not been properly equipped for conditions.

01-19-2012, 09:47 AM
I don't run stock tires. I have Nitto NT850 255/55R in the back with plenty of tread. I did start in 2nd but there is no room to get a running start. The driveway is steep, no two ways about it. Traction is thrown to the wind when incline is involved.

01-19-2012, 11:14 AM
I don't understand why people say these cars suck in the snow. I've never had any problems with any of my Panther platform cars in snow. I've had my Marauder in blizzard conditions that were putting all wheel drive cars in the ditches, and the big Merc got me home safe. If you live in snow country, get a second set of wheels and put dedicated snow tires on them. Hard to blame the car when the problem is that it has not been properly equipped for conditions.

Please don't insult my intelligence. Either you are lying or you have never tried to drive up a steep grade covered in ice/snow pack in a RWD supercharged V8 with wide rear tires. I tried for an hour and a half and she couldn't do it, even after doing everything I said in the first post. Then a friend drove down in 4LO and pulled right out. To say that your car is superior in these conditions is asinine and very ignorant. There are many other factors to it than just snow on the ground.

You assume too much.

1. I have only lived here a week and I work 14-16 hours a day, that does not leave much time for getting snow tires and/or different wheels.
2. Even chained up, driveway shoveled, and de-ice chemical layed down, I still couldn't get out. Not sure what else I was supposed to do on short notice.
3. This is NOT snow country. Read the news lately? They haven't seen snow like this in over 50 years here, so none of the services here are designed to handle it. I spent a winter in New York, where they too got record snowfall, but they are built to handle heavy snow, so driving the MM there was no big deal. NY didn't have as big of an ice problem either since temps rarely went above freezing. Here is prime conditions for icy roads. Snow all day with a high in the high 30's, then below freezing at night is an exact recipe for ice everywhere.

Here is an article about what is going on here:


01-19-2012, 12:08 PM
I had enough of snow...that's why I moved to Florida :-)

01-19-2012, 01:57 PM
Please don't insult my intelligence. Either you are lying or you have never tried to drive up a steep grade covered in ice/snow pack in a RWD supercharged V8 with wide rear tires. I tried for an hour and a half and she couldn't do it, even after doing everything I said in the first post. Then a friend drove down in 4LO and pulled right out. To say that your car is superior in these conditions is asinine and very ignorant. There are many other factors to it than just snow on the ground.

You assume too much.

1. I have only lived here a week and I work 14-16 hours a day, that does not leave much time for getting snow tires and/or different wheels.
2. Even chained up, driveway shoveled, and de-ice chemical layed down, I still couldn't get out. Not sure what else I was supposed to do on short notice.
3. This is NOT snow country. Read the news lately? They haven't seen snow like this in over 50 years here, so none of the services here are designed to handle it. I spent a winter in New York, where they too got record snowfall, but they are built to handle heavy snow, so driving the MM there was no big deal. NY didn't have as big of an ice problem either since temps rarely went above freezing. Here is prime conditions for icy roads. Snow all day with a high in the high 30's, then below freezing at night is an exact recipe for ice everywhere.

Here is an article about what is going on here:


I see you've been introduced to Pacific Northwest snow..... driving on it turns it into wet ice. I've seen 4x4's spinning all four wheels and going nowhere up a slight incline. Snow is much easier to drive in when it's -3 C (hi 20's F) and lower....

Fourth Horseman
01-19-2012, 03:34 PM
Please don't insult my intelligence. Either you are lying or you have never tried to drive up a steep grade covered in ice/snow pack in a RWD supercharged V8 with wide rear tires. I tried for an hour and a half and she couldn't do it, even after doing everything I said in the first post. Then a friend drove down in 4LO and pulled right out. To say that your car is superior in these conditions is asinine and very ignorant. There are many other factors to it than just snow on the ground.

You assume too much.

Yeah man, I must be lying. I don't actually make 453 WHP with my Marauder and I didn't actually drive 8 hours with it through a blizzard where you couldn't see 10 feet in front of the car. And 2.4ShoFast wasn't following me in his Marauder the whole way.

These cars suck in the snow. In fact, these cars just suck period. You should sell yours right away and get off this forum.

So it's the worst snow there in 50 years and you're complaining that you're having trouble getting up a driveway with your car? What did you think it was, an M-1 Abrams? If the driveway was that steep anything would have struggled to make it out. But yeah, man, blame it on the car. :rolleyes:

burt ragio
01-19-2012, 03:47 PM
I remember when I went out to Sun Valley, Idaho for a week of skiing back in 87', every freekin driveway of every home was heated. Awesomeness! :beer:

I remember my 1st time at Sun Valley. My girlfriend & I were unloading & unknowingly a valet e offers to carry my girlfriend skis to the lodge. I thought is was some wise guy trying to steal her skies.
You gota love a heated driveway in snow country.

01-19-2012, 05:55 PM
So it's the worst snow there in 50 years and you're complaining that you're having trouble getting up a driveway with your car? What did you think it was, an M-1 Abrams? If the driveway was that steep anything would have struggled to make it out. But yeah, man, blame it on the car. :rolleyes:


01-19-2012, 05:59 PM
Yeah man, I must be lying. I don't actually make 453 WHP with my Marauder and I didn't actually drive 8 hours with it through a blizzard where you couldn't see 10 feet in front of the car. And 2.4ShoFast wasn't following me in his Marauder the whole way.

These cars suck in the snow. In fact, these cars just suck period. You should sell yours right away and get off this forum.

So it's the worst snow there in 50 years and you're complaining that you're having trouble getting up a driveway with your car? What did you think it was, an M-1 Abrams? If the driveway was that steep anything would have struggled to make it out. But yeah, man, blame it on the car. :rolleyes:

Do you purposely not read things and make assumptions? I said the person who picked me up was able to drive in and out.

Actively falling snow is COMPLETELY different than trying to drive on ice or snow pack and I am saying you probably have not done the latter since if you had, you would understand why I say these cars cannot handle it. Like I said, I have driven through a lot of snow in my car, no big deal. Throw ice into the mix and you have a whole new animal. I feel like I have said this already :confused:

01-19-2012, 06:33 PM
I for one have not had a problem in the snow with any of my Marauders. Oh, I forgot to say they have never been in snow. I have had fun in the water and mud.
SO sorry for your problems I hope you find a good solution.

01-19-2012, 07:01 PM
Lots of us have driven over snow, ice and slush in the MM. With snow tires, of course.

Search around (winter tire package, snow tires, etc.) on this forum and see the dozens of people who have driven MMs in the winter. I'm going to bet that includes ice (and yes, other areas get ice as bad or even worse than you describe). I know I have driven on some of the worst ice imaginable in my MM and had no more trouble than anyone else. It was the AWD/4WD SUVs in the ditch, not me.

I'll even go so far as to say that pockets of slush are worse than ice. It has the same lack of friction ice does underneath along with the ability to drag one side of your car suddenly, making spinouts much more likely since at least on ice you can usually keep the nose straight.

How much weight was in the trunk when you tried this maneuver? 150-200# of sand in the trunk was a minimum whenever I drove my MM in the winter.

Do you purposely not read things and make assumptions? I said the person who picked me up was able to drive in and out.

Actively falling snow is COMPLETELY different than trying to drive on ice or snow pack and I am saying you probably have not done the latter since if you had, you would understand why I say these cars cannot handle it. Like I said, I have driven through a lot of snow in my car, no big deal. Throw ice into the mix and you have a whole new animal. I feel like I have said this already :confused:

01-19-2012, 07:52 PM
The car isn't terrible in the slush. Tonight I made it out of the driveway with only a little bit of slipping because the ice was gone and it wad just a layer of snow. For weight I have been keeping the gas tank topped off full and a big box of tools in the trunk.

One of the problems I have with spending money on snow tires is that this is highly irregular weather here. Usually, if it even snows at all, it doesn't stick or it is just a little slushy, so I don't really want to spend the money on tires I probably won't need after thiss weekend. I have been thinking about getting some kind of 4x4 for using up here. It would also be good for driving up in the mountains for camping and whatnot.

01-19-2012, 09:16 PM
I've had problems where I'd stop on a slight incline behind a vehicle sitting on top and while waiting for traffic to finally pass by I find myself giving gas and spinning in place on ice. I'd have to time it where traffic is clear, place in neutral, roll backwards, gas up and roll up to the top. It definitely helps with weight in the back!

01-19-2012, 09:33 PM
I had my car slide into my garage while in park, yes I jumped between it and the garage to save it from any scratches. As I told my wife, my skin heals the car's doesn't.

01-19-2012, 09:34 PM
^^^ Lol, that's funny! The things WE do for our MARAUDERs, but that was pretty brave of you! ^^^

01-19-2012, 10:58 PM
This is not the worst weather around here in 50 years! Even if snow is not something we get around here on a frequent basis proper ice and snow tires(snowflake on the mountain and NO studs) are the way to go if you plan on driving it in the winter around here. Summer tires do not grip worth a darn when temps drop below 45. That's why my Mountaineer has bfg winter slalom and a set is on the way for the GM I purchased last week.

01-20-2012, 01:47 AM
On a dry road try smoking tires going forward from a standstill and see what you get. Then try doing it in reverse. Reverse has less traction and will smoke a much longer time.

Try going up backwards and/or put some heavy weight in the trunk. Weird though. My MM with snow tires drove in eight inches of snow just as well as my wife's old 4wd Chevy Blazer. Are both wheels slipping or just one? Friction plates worn out??? Now her MM (Mercury Mountaineer) with AWD is no contest.

Ms. Denmark
01-20-2012, 08:43 AM
I resorted to Blizzacks on steelies one winter. That worked. Then I bought an SUV with 4 wheel drive. That still works great!;) Seriously, you prolly do need snow tires to be safe and sound.

Fourth Horseman
01-20-2012, 10:37 AM
Actively falling snow is COMPLETELY different than trying to drive on ice or snow pack and I am saying you probably have not done the latter since if you had, you would understand why I say these cars cannot handle it. Like I said, I have driven through a lot of snow in my car, no big deal. Throw ice into the mix and you have a whole new animal. I feel like I have said this already :confused:

Yeah man, because all of the blizzards I've driven through for the past 10 years have dumped actively falling snow which then magically vaporizes the moment it touches pavement, leaving me with dry, clear roads to drive on.

Yeah man, you're the only one to ever have to drive in snow and ice with your Marauder, so obviously you have the authority to talk about how much they suck in the snow. And just for the record, check the title of the thread you created. You're the one claiming they suck in the snow. Now you're telling us they're ok in the snow, it's only on ice that they suck?

Meanwhile, my Marauder and my friends' Marauders continue to get the job done all winter long, up hills and down, freshly fallen snow and packed snow and ice, with no more problems than any other car out there that's properly equipped for winter duty. Which, if you're paying attention, is the only point I was trying to make before you seemed to take it personally. Hostile much? All I'm saying is that cars need the proper shoes to work well in the winter. But whatever, man. Maybe we should just add each other to our ignore lists and be done with it.

01-20-2012, 05:40 PM
My Marauder kicked major ass in the winter with snow tires. I had them mounted on aluminum Grand Marquis rims. I'd sail by d-bags who thought their front wheel drive and lots of all wheel drive vehicles where the bomb until the bad Merc cruises on by and puts them to shame.

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Eaton Swap + 4.10's = Wreeeeeeeeeedom!!