View Full Version : No snow, all ice.

01-26-2004, 08:22 PM
The temperature has sat right around 25-32 here, so there's no snow, or not real snow. I don't know about Anderson, where Kurly lives, but one county over, here in Greenville, EVERYTHING is ice. The roads are about a 1/4 or 1/2 of an inch of soild water. I don't know about driving a car, but skateboards, bikes are loads of fun. Going up to the front of the neighborhood, you can watch people fly by in 4x4 SUVs thinkin they've got it down, and then just slide off into a ditch, or through a stop light. It's great! Yeah, we don't get snow much around here...some last year, but the last two days has been all ice.


01-26-2004, 08:32 PM
AAHHHHH! The joys of youth!

Dr Caleb
01-27-2004, 11:04 AM
Be thankful my young friend. A little inconvenience I would welcome!

It's -39 here. It's so cold, the moisture in the air is falling as snow. Blue sky, but snowing. On the news yesterday, to demonstrate the wind chill (-50 ish), they threw a styrofoam cup of boiling water into the air. Most of it turned to steam before hitting the ground, some fell as ice and the rest turned to ice in less than 30 seconds. It's the kind of cold that literally sucks the breath right out of you!

Some pipes in my home have frozen, and I've got 2 dogs living with me and my cat, as it's 'fit for neither man nor beeeeast'. That's fun. Hopefully when it warms up an a week or two, those pipes won't have cracked because that'll be a whole other kind of fun!

The CV really really didn't want to start this morning. I've got a 400w block heater, a 1000w circulating heater and a 50w battery warmer, the fuel is 10% alcohol to prevent it from turning to gel, and the car still had difficulty. So did I :)

I too saw several SUV's in the ditch, and a couple on their side in the center of the highway. They just don't get it!

01-27-2004, 11:30 AM
Man Oh Man that's cold to have to live in.


I guess you have copper pipes?

The others bust usually?
At least that's my understanding.

Think Hot

01-27-2004, 02:16 PM
On the news yesterday, to demonstrate the wind chill (-50 ish), they threw a styrofoam cup of boiling water into the air. Most of it turned to steam before hitting the ground, some fell as ice and the rest turned to ice in less than 30 seconds. It's the kind of cold that literally sucks the breath right out of you!

01-27-2004, 03:16 PM
DR That sure is cold. Lets hope it warms up soon.

01-27-2004, 08:31 PM
It's -39 here. It's so cold, the moisture in the air is falling as snow. Blue sky, but snowing.

Dr Caleb
01-28-2004, 09:48 AM
Man Oh Man that's cold to have to live in.


I guess you have copper pipes?

The others bust usually?
At least that's my understanding.

Think Hot

Truthfully, I'd rather take the cold than the heat. You can dress for cold, but for heat, there is only air conditioning which doesn't help outdoors. Plus the side benefit of living in such a cold place, there are no bugs bigger than my thumb from September to Junel. There are no bugs bigger than my thumb *ever!*. I haven't seen so much as a fly since September!

No, my water pipes are silicone and sewer pipes are PVC tubing surrounded by an insulated copper wire heater core above ground. Much more durable than copper pipe, and less prone to splitting. I have 1 sewer pipe that has frozen because when my place was built, the pipe wasn't on the proper incline. So 1 bathroom isn't usable till it warms up or I install more 'heat tape'.

01-28-2004, 10:21 AM
Truthfully, I'd rather take the cold than the heat. You can dress for cold, but for heat, there is only air conditioning which doesn't help outdoors.
I'm with you there. You can always put on more clothes but you can only get so naked.


P.S. It was a balmy 8 below on my way to work this morning

01-28-2004, 10:50 AM
Sunday.... 4 to 5 inches of snow.

Monday...... freezing rain.

Tuesday..... more freezing rain. Ended up with an inch of ice on top of 4 to 5 inches of snow.

Wednesday...... sun came out..... 36 degree high for day. Slow melt is begining.

Our road crews did the worst job ever at clearing the roadways. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't their fault. This was the worst combination of precipitation I have seen in many years. But it seems to be the normal lately...... snow with an inch of ice on top. In the past we use to get either an ice storm or a snow storm..... now we get both wrapped up in each one. The world is changing. The weather pattern is changing.

01-28-2004, 11:09 AM
I am stationed at Pope AFB in Fayetteville, NC. I went home for the weekend to DC, and coming home I got caught in the sleet.
I saw over 20 accidents sunday afternoon (no exaggeration)
Overturned cars, chain reaction accidents, cars flipped over on the side of the road. It was so icey, that often times I saw accidents that looked as if they happened 15-20 minutes ago, and the paramedics/EMT/State troopers couldn't make it to them. Hell there were so many accidents on I-95 in NC that they probably didn't have enough emergency responders to make it to every accident.

It also didn't help that southerners aren't used to driving on snow/ice. Being from the DC area, I'm used to it. :up:

01-28-2004, 11:55 AM
It was so cold here last night my garage got down to 42 degrees. (tuck under style) It has never been below 50 that I can remember before today. Might have to run a heater in there tonight.

Then I got in the car this morning and watched the temp gauge go from 42 to 24 in seconds, then 7 degrees, to finally settle at -6. This was by the time I had gone 1/2 mile from home on my way to work.

It's one of those days I wish I had a remote start. That way it won't die on me 2 or three times before it gets warmed up. It's embarrasing to have to restart in front of people.

But hey, that heated seat felt VERY nice ealy in the AM!


01-28-2004, 12:30 PM
There are about 15 inches of the white stuff outside. Thank goodness for a snow blower. :D

01-28-2004, 12:37 PM
There are about 15 inches of the white stuff outside. Thank goodness for a snow blower. :D

I have a brand new snow blower, but we haven't been getting enough snow to use it properly. Plus what we do get has an inch of ice on top, the chunks of ice would decapitate somebody if I tried to blow it away. :)

01-28-2004, 01:00 PM
It's one of those days I wish I had a remote start. That way it won't die on me 2 or three times before it gets warmed up. It's embarrasing to have to restart in front of people.

But hey, that heated seat felt VERY nice ealy in the AM!


My remote start works very well, and it was quite toasty by the time I settled my bum in the seat on the way to work. ;) :D

Just teasing :)