View Full Version : Getting an SCT!

01-27-2004, 09:28 PM
HOOOOOLY CRAP! 2 seconds after I said "Hey, maybe I should save this" I ally clicked the mouse in the wrong place and lost everything I typed! DAMN!
Ok, here we go!

As some of the more astute observers on the site may have noticed, I have, on my signature, an SCT from PerformanceFord. unit number 1725 listed as something on it's way. FedEx says it should get here by 4:30 tomorrow (January 28th.) I'm extremely excited about this and I would like to thank Rat for giving me a great deal, being very kind (in giving me the deal, and dealing with me) and being very quick in operating to ship this to me. I ship stuff for a small business on a regular basis, forms are a pain in the ass! I was treated very well and I will definitely recomend him for any of needs he can fufill for any of you all:up:!

The Marquis will be handed to me for college and I think I'll expect to keep it throughout my learning years (That's a joke!) since I can't keep a Marauder on campus and expect it to stay clean, not be stolen and not be damamged...or all three at the same time! So I expect us to get some good years together, and I hope she'll teach me a lot about fixing cars, keeping them up, and tuning them. She'll be my beater! But I'll keep her going and clean!

This is the first real major upgrade to the car (even though it's kind of small) and I hope to get good use out of it. Ever since I was able to smoke tires in the garage without my parents finding out...before I could even drive alone legally, I've been obsessed with the Mercury, the Marquis and then the Marauder. And ever since I ran away from my mom in JCPenny's and disappeared for 30 minutes, jumpped in a fountian and screamed I was being kidnapped by my mother, and threw rocks over a bridge at cars at the age of 5 or 6, I've had a hard time breaking bad habits or bad intuitions. Don't worry, I'll make it to 25! I'm not half as bad as I've seen my friends be, and I'm not stupid enough to endanger my life, I'm always thinking. Yes, TRULY! A thinking stupid teenager. I'm not being impulsive, I plan these things out to make sure there isn't enough risk. (Ignore the last picture I posted in the gallery.)

So if any of you have used chips or SCT's more specifically, let me know how it worked for you, and how to maybe get some better juice from it by doinging the programing myself (as opposed to letting the computer do it's work...unless that's a better idea.)

Thanks again to Rat, and to the rest of you all! (Who respond anyways, screw everyone else;) )

01-29-2004, 11:12 AM
Well, it's all installed and I've been testing it out! I'm extremely impressed with the car's performance now! It's very quick, more responsive, and downshifts exactly when I wanted it too, but wouldn't before. It's the 1725 model. It's great!

01-29-2004, 01:24 PM
Be very careful on wet pavement with the quicker shifting. It WILL break traction. My Marauder just sustained over $5k worth of damage because the car broke traction going in to second, spun a few times and hit a concrete median.

Good Luck,

01-29-2004, 02:03 PM
Be very careful on wet pavement with the quicker shifting. It WILL break traction. My Marauder just sustained over $5k worth of damage because the car broke traction going in to second, spun a few times and hit a concrete median.

Good Luck,
OUCH! :cry: Sorry to hear about that. I know that anytime that traction is reduced my MM is likely to break loose when down shifting. Done it many times and it will get you if your not ready for it.


01-29-2004, 05:00 PM
Having a Marquis, it spun out all the time on wet pavement before I got it reworked. I'd do it all the time for fun in parking lots:rock: :help: :D

02-09-2004, 10:24 AM
Be very careful on wet pavement with the quicker shifting. It WILL break traction. My Marauder just sustained over $5k worth of damage because the car broke traction going in to second, spun a few times and hit a concrete median.

Good Luck,

Really sorry to hear about the accident, hope all is going well. :bigcry:

02-09-2004, 11:13 AM
thanks. Everyone is okay. The pictures are in the gallery if you want to see them.

Really sorry to hear about the accident, hope all is going well. :bigcry:

Fourth Horseman
02-09-2004, 04:11 PM
thanks. Everyone is okay. The pictures are in the gallery if you want to see them.

Ouch! Just looked at your pics. It broke the rear suspension, too? :( Do you have an ETA on when you get it fixed and returned?

02-11-2004, 04:52 PM
woaface, are you using Premium fuel now?

02-11-2004, 08:43 PM
woaface, are you using Premium fuel now?Have been for a few months now, engine had a pinging problem (knocking) that I knew was solved by upping the fuel grade. It's almost always 93 in the tank, sometimes 91.
Yeah, about loosing traction...donuts are so much easier now:beatnik: But I look at the tires after and swear I won't do it ever again. I'm 2 weeks free of car spinning, I'm hoping to keep it like that for a least two months if not three:bs: