View Full Version : Clint Eastwood Halftime Commercial

02-05-2012, 06:24 PM
I know this is a Dodge commercial but I like the deeper meaning.

AMERICA! :flag:


02-05-2012, 06:28 PM
Exactly!!! :flag:

02-05-2012, 06:59 PM
As great as a commercial it is. And it really is. Its still made by and paid for by all the power/money hungry people that are trying like heck to take control over the people.

I kinda of see it as another way for the powers to be to feed us this propaganda BS. Going on the fears of many Americans.

Flame away!!

02-05-2012, 07:11 PM
remember dodge is imported from Detroit and their engine are from mexico
that should say enough
I think it was the best commercial all things considered

02-05-2012, 07:26 PM
I appreciate the fact that an Italian company is promoting America.

02-05-2012, 07:30 PM
I hear what you're saying and totally respect that. I want to look a little further into the HeartBeat of who we are as Americans. We are a better people than some shallow propoganda crap if that is what they are trying to do. I want to see America come back together and make this country GREAT again. Piss on Democrats and the Republicans (Which I AM) who don't want to come in and make us a Team again instead of this individual power grab BS. So, that being said....... I do believe America is in a "halftime lull". We are at a crossroads and I'm hoping we make the right decisions to put leaders who will come in and start us back on the road to being who we are supposed to be. THE BEST!

If they are in there and fall under the catagory of the power/money hungry people that are trying like heck to take control over the people. Vote them out on their A$$. :beer: "We the People..."

02-05-2012, 08:16 PM
Pride of country reduced to a cheap advertising spiel. For a foreign-owned car company no less!

02-05-2012, 08:27 PM
I custom ordered a Ram truck back in 2000. They had an American plant and a Mexican plant assembling these trucks. Where do you think they sent the order? :mad:

Bottom line is profits.

02-05-2012, 09:32 PM
Its an American brand owned by a foreign country. I think we know how we got here...but the real question where do we go from here? Generous salaries, retirement benefits, high cost of doing business in the US, economic down turn, global competition (imports Japan, Korea), high cost of energy, globalization huh and products suck until recently. Not to mention crownie capitalism - aka picking winners and looser by govt doesnt work. Let the market fail to weed out the bad apples and let the successful ones thrive. And lets not demonize the successful we should aspire to be successful. They are smart to try and capitalize on the mood of the country "if" it works. Problem is they are the beneficiaries of govt bailouts...

Ok back to the point of the OP I too liked the "commercial".

02-05-2012, 11:35 PM
I don't disagree with the message, but the Challenger pictured in the commercial is made in Brampton, Ontario.

Of course, our cars were made down the road a piece...

Eastwood still rules.

02-06-2012, 01:46 AM
Great commercial, even if it is from a questionable corporation. Makes me want to see Clint Eastwood act again.

02-06-2012, 04:09 AM
The NFL pulled it!!:argue:

02-06-2012, 01:32 PM
Anything to get a break from all the flesh commercials. 80% were nearly obscene.

02-06-2012, 01:55 PM
I hear "halftime in America" is code for Obama is only half finished and needs another term. Don't forget that the taxpayers bailed out Chrysler, got the shaft and then Obama gave the company to the unions at the expense of shareholders. And we the taxpayers PAID for that commercial.

I just lost all respect for Eastwood.

02-06-2012, 02:03 PM
I don't disagree with the message, but the Challenger pictured in the commercial is made in Brampton, Ontario.

Of course, our cars were made down the road a piece...

Eastwood still rules.
What he said.........!

02-06-2012, 02:06 PM
Clint is a symbol and a messenger..... Nothing more.... I am conflicted, because I don't like the direction current leadership is taking our country, but I feel strongly that we need to have something on a national scale to cheer about, not bash........

The energy of this country is at an all time low.... Folks are frustrated, skeptical, and genrally distrusting that anyone besides themselves are looking after their interests........

Maybe we need more companies to step up and communicate plans to look after more than their own ability to make money. Then follow through and demonstrate that its not just advertising.....

I would support that company......

02-06-2012, 02:11 PM
It gave me goose bumps hahaha

RF Overlord
02-06-2012, 02:35 PM
Unfortunately, being an "American" doesn't have the same meaning as it did 20 or 50 years ago...when it meant pride, integrity, and quality. Now all it means is "what's in it for ME?"

Don't get me wrong, I still love my country, but by allowing Wall Street to run the place, we've lost a LOT of respect globally.

02-06-2012, 03:10 PM
I really enjoyed the commercial very motivating! as for this country it was founded on greed, and is being lost the same way!

02-06-2012, 03:33 PM
I know this is a Dodge commercial but I like the deeper meaning.

Darn, I missed this commercial 'cause I left my son's house right at halftime and missed all of the 3rd quarter. Looks like the NFL pulled the commercial from YouTube.

02-06-2012, 04:02 PM
Hey Charlie, I just checked and the link in the first post still works. :beer:

02-06-2012, 04:31 PM
kept waiting for Eastwood to pull a .357 and blast someone in the face

02-06-2012, 05:57 PM
I liked it, if the intent of the message was to instill pride and patriotism.

02-06-2012, 05:58 PM
I liked it, if the intent of the message was to instill pride and patriotism.

Thank you! :beer:

02-06-2012, 05:59 PM
Thank you! :beer:
I got yer back! :uzi:

02-06-2012, 06:00 PM
kept waiting for Eastwood to pull a .357 and blast someone in the face

LMAO!!! Now that would have been so funny!

Sent from my iPhone
Eaton Swap + 4.10's = Wreeeeeeeeeedom!!

02-06-2012, 06:01 PM
I liked it, if the intent of the message was to instill pride and patriotism.

No, the intent of the message was to sell Chryslers. And secondarily to sell another 4 years of Obama. How do you think Chrysler will ever "pay back" all that bailout money?

02-06-2012, 06:06 PM
No, the intent of the message was to sell Chryslers. And secondarily to sell another 4 years of Obama. How do you think Chrysler will ever "pay back" all that bailout money?
Really? I thought it was an ad for a new Clint Eastwood movie where he takes America back from trolls, and it just happened to feature *****y cars that are "assembled" in a war torn third world poverty mill. But there weren't any naked women so I was only half paying attention. Thank you for clearing it up for me.

02-06-2012, 06:11 PM
At $116,000 per second of airtime, of course they want to sell automobiles.

Yes. Chrysler accepted Government assistance, and personally, am glad Ford did not.

Go back in time just a bit and remember the big hitters:

Ford, GM and Chrysler.

Roots of American Automobiles and the Big 3.

Companies buy and sell off. And although we may not agree with it, it's a fact of life.

Ford has controlling interest in Mazda.

Would I buy one? Can't see it, as I am loyal to the Blue Oval.

Damn good commercial if you ask me. It's all perception, and how one wishes to receive the message.



02-06-2012, 06:33 PM
At $116,000 per second of airtime, of course they want to sell automobiles.

Yes. Chrysler accepted Government assistance, and personally, am glad Ford did not.

Go back in time just a bit and remember the big hitters:

Ford, GM and Chrysler.

Roots of American Automobiles and the Big 3.

Companies buy and sell off. And although we may not agree with it, it's a fact of life.

Ford has controlling interest in Mazda.

Would I buy one? Can't see it, as I am loyal to the Blue Oval.

Damn good commercial if you ask me. It's all perception, and how one wishes to receive the message.



I'll second this. Any company is trying to make money first and foremost, that's why they spend that cash for the most expensive commercial spot all year.

They aren't doing it to send a message. This commercial was similar to the eminent one last year saying how great Detroit was. They expanded it to the while country this year with king bad ass Dirty Hairy.

I liked it

Pony seal of Approval

02-06-2012, 06:34 PM
I'll second this. Any company is trying to make money first and foremost, that's why they spend that cash for the most expensive commercial spot all year.

They aren't doing it to send a message. This commercial was similar to the Eminem one last year saying how great Detroit was. They expanded it to the while country this year with king bad ass Dirty Hairy.

I liked it

Pony seal of Approval

Pony seal of Approval

02-06-2012, 06:36 PM
ford sold it's controlling interest of Mazda a while ago when they got rid of the British car companies

02-06-2012, 06:37 PM
dirty harry carried a model 29 s&w .44 mag. not a 357

02-06-2012, 06:39 PM
dirty harry carried a model 29 s&w .44 mag. not a 357

That's right. And in all the confusion no one knew if he fired five or six shots, so you have to ask yourself one question, Do I feel lucky?....

Pony seal of Approval

02-06-2012, 06:44 PM
That's right. And in all the confusion no one knew if he fired five or six shots, so you have to ask yourself one question, Do I feel lucky?....

Pony seal of Approval

Well, Do ya' punk?

02-06-2012, 07:37 PM
Dirty Harry FTMFW

Pony seal of Approval

02-06-2012, 09:14 PM
Clint is the man for sure. His Dirty Harry roles in SF was SOOOOO non PC i love it! We need Hugh Jackman to reprise the Dirty Harry series!

02-07-2012, 09:43 AM
That's right. And in all the confusion no one knew if he fired five or six shots, so you have to ask yourself one question, Do I feel lucky?....

Pony seal of Approval

I own a Trilogy Marauder, I'm way beyond lucky!

Paul T. Casey
02-07-2012, 10:20 AM
The Chebbie Truck commercial was much better.

02-07-2012, 04:25 PM
I hear "halftime in America" is code for Obama is only half finished and needs another term. Don't forget that the taxpayers bailed out Chrysler, got the shaft and then Obama gave the company to the unions at the expense of shareholders. And we the taxpayers PAID for that commercial.

I just lost all respect for Eastwood.

Where's the Like button! Clint sent a letter to O'Reilly claiming there were no cars ... really? Challenger at school, truck in field, Jeep in city, etc! I want to watch the ad again to complete the list and times each vehicle appears.

02-07-2012, 04:30 PM
kept waiting for Eastwood to pull a .357 and blast someone in the face

Clint uses a .44 magnum loaded with .38+ rounds. Source is "Magnum Force" when shooting with David Soul and the rest of the death squad at the indoor range.

02-07-2012, 04:53 PM
Where's the Like button! Clint sent a letter to O'Reilly claiming there were no cars ... really? Challenger at school, truck in field, Jeep in city, etc! I want to watch the ad again to complete the list and times each vehicle appears.

I think old Clint was used as a sucker and didn't put the pieces together. I saw that too, tons of cars in the "commercial". It really is pure, blatant propoganda. Now he has to backpedal. Poor guy.

PS They even showed an ASSEMBLY line with welders and the finished Grand Cherokees at the end of the line! Move on.....nothing to see here!

02-07-2012, 05:21 PM
The Chebbie Truck commercial was much better.

What DOOM said ...

Chevy guys standing in a circle stuffing cream filled peckers in their mouth.

What are you guys complaining about??? :confused:

02-08-2012, 07:45 PM
Too bad he didn't do it for FORD instead, especially being the main actor for Gran Torino!

02-19-2012, 07:47 AM
Clint should do an apology spot for his moment of weakness participating in such drivel in light of the $7k bonuses announced today.

02-19-2012, 08:48 AM
Clint should do an apology spot for his moment of weakness participating in such drivel in light of the $7k bonuses announced today.

I give GM credit for giving something back to the working class instead of giving it all to the corner offices.