View Full Version : Whitney Houston found dead

02-11-2012, 06:40 PM
For those who care.


02-11-2012, 06:44 PM
May she rest in peace. Lets pray for the family and her daughter.

02-11-2012, 06:45 PM
I guess Bobby Brown will be questioned. He beat her enough. "OOOOO love to love you baby" Disco Rules....

02-11-2012, 06:50 PM
A crack addict found dead? Who saw that coming?

02-11-2012, 06:59 PM
Addiction is a very, very devastating affliction. Although she made the choice to initially put the crack pipe in her mouth, once the beast got a hold of her, all of her free will was gone. Some recover, most don't. May she rest in peace, finally, and may her family, and the rest of the world remember the good that she did, and the joy she brought to so many.

02-11-2012, 07:01 PM
Am I supposed to feel sad? Millions of dollars and mega success squandered. Typical hollywood.

02-11-2012, 07:02 PM
For those who care.


Yes - I just read this.

A tragedy for such a wonderful talent.

02-11-2012, 07:07 PM
Her moving 1991 rendition of "The Star Spangled Banner" at the Super Bowl, amid the first Gulf War, set a new standard and once again reaffirmed her as America's sweetheart.

In 1992, she became a star in the acting world with "The Bodyguard."

Loved them both. :beer:

02-11-2012, 07:08 PM
Pretty sad so blessed and threw it all away. RIP.

Ms. Denmark
02-11-2012, 07:13 PM
She and Bobby lived near us in Mendham, NJ. Her fall from grace was so public and sad. She had such a gift with that voice but it wasn't enough...

02-11-2012, 07:21 PM
"Let's get one thing straight. Crack is cheap. I make too much money to ever smoke crack. Let's get THAT straight. Crack is whack."

02-11-2012, 07:23 PM
cocaine is a hell of a drug

02-11-2012, 07:48 PM
cocaine is a hell of a drug


02-11-2012, 07:53 PM
I guess she won't always love you...

What? Too soon

She's known for years crack and cocaine would kill her, kind of sad

Pony seal of Approval

02-11-2012, 07:55 PM
Drugs kill :( RIP god bless

02-11-2012, 08:13 PM
Great set of pipes
Broken noodle.

It is a shame, it is a killer disease.

02-11-2012, 08:20 PM
It seems far to often great gifts become unbearable burdens. What a shame. Dennis

02-11-2012, 08:26 PM
It seems far to often great gifts become unbearable burdens. What a shame. Dennis

Very well put!

02-11-2012, 09:21 PM
For those who care.


Drugs, delayed death from Bobby's abuse, a fresh beating from her best beau?!?!?!!? Natural causes. Who knows. A shame & a colossal waste. :shake:

02-12-2012, 07:40 AM
There but for the grace of God go...

You know the rest.

RIP Whitney...

02-12-2012, 09:50 AM
Yes, drugs kill.

A close friend's son was found dead in an apartment in NY City. Overdose. He had been there for at least three days.

Young guy, in his 20's.

As a kid, he used to come to our house around the holidays.

I can't imagine what my friend and his ex wife went through.

02-12-2012, 10:15 AM
Its a shame how people can be so cold and disrespectful about some one else passing, until its one of there own family members!

02-12-2012, 11:18 AM
Its a shame how people can be so cold and disrespectful about some one else passing, until its one of there own family members!

Hard to feel bad for someone that knew drugs were killing them and continued to do them. I feel sorry for her family and child but for her? No, she started down that road knowing what the consequences were and continued to do so. Yes she tried to get help, but the monkey was on her back, and that's tough to beat.
But also in interviews she had little remorse for the downward spiral she was in and was not continuing to fight the beast. She surrendered to drugs, and lots of people deal with that affliction, but if you knowingly do something that you know can and will kill you and you do it anyways, don't expect me to feel sorry for you, I feel sorry for her family having to deal with her drug addiction and the effect it had on them, but for her? She got what we all knew was coming, and while sad, I'll have no problem sleeping tonight.

Pony seal of Approval

02-12-2012, 11:29 AM
Hard to feel bad for someone that knew drugs were killing them and continued to do them. I feel sorry for her family and child but for her? No, she started down that road knowing what the consequences were and continued to do so. Yes she tried to get help, but the monkey was on her back, and that's tough to beat.
But also in interviews she had little remorse for the downward spiral she was in and was not continuing to fight the beast. She surrendered to drugs, and lots of people deal with that affliction, but if you knowingly do something that you know can and will kill you and you do it anyways, don't expect me to feel sorry for you, I feel sorry for her family having to deal with her drug addiction and the effect it had on them, but for her? She got what we all knew was coming, and while sad, I'll have no problem sleeping tonight.

Pony seal of Approval

You make some valid points, but at the same time this i could care less attitude dissapears when its your child, sister , or brother!

its always easy to point the finger and critize others when you have no emotional connection, my point is simple, would you feel the same if it were your father or brother, or maybe your mother??? i think not

02-12-2012, 11:52 AM
You make some valid points, but at the same time this i could care less attitude dissapears when its your child, sister , or brother!

its always easy to point the finger and critize others when you have no emotional connection, my point is simple, would you feel the same if it were your father or brother, or maybe your mother??? i think not

My brother was a living in the gutter, drug using, money stealing, people using looser. He was like that for about 15 years. Did I feel sorry for him. Hell no. He was a young adult when he started his downward spiral who has parents that tried like heck to show us the right and wrong ways of doing things. Funny. His 4 year old younger brother(me) got it and understood most of what life tries to teach us. He has two sons now with two over the top looser moms. His one son 15years old is lucky he has great and loving grandparents (my parents) who tried like heck to take care of him and so far he his far from being like his loser father, my brother. Fast foward to the last 2 years and my looser brother again hooked up with some looser 10years younger, drug addicted girl after cleaning up his life, getting a job, buying a house and moving to Wisconsin to get away from his old looser friends. So now he is fighting for custody of his 3 year old son who was just recently beaten up, bitten and bruised badly by his mom and her boyfriend. So my looser brother won temporary full custody, looser mom calls him up sobbing that she misses her son, looser brother drives to Illinois picks her up, drives back to Wisconsin when in the middle of the night she steals my looser brothers car and totals it.

At what point is enough enough. You have people who just never learn and are better off dead.

I feel really sorry for my parents who have devoted so much time, love and money cleaning up his messes. I feel sorry for my two nephews who were brought into this hard world by complete and utter losers.

Do I feel sorry for my 42 year old brother. He continues to make such stupid decisions, using and hurting the ones that love and help him. Do I feel sorry for my looser brother? Not a chance in hell!!! I feel more sorry when I see and squirrel struggle to go poop because it's constipated.

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Eaton Swap + 4.10's = Wreeeeeeeeeedom!!

02-12-2012, 11:58 AM
You make some valid points, but at the same time this i could care less attitude dissapears when its your child, sister , or brother!

its always easy to point the finger and critize others when you have no emotional connection, my point is simple, would you feel the same if it were your father or brother, or maybe your mother??? i think not

Honestly, I would feel exactly the same if it was a relative, knowing that I would have done everything to help. But in the end, if my sister continued down that spiral, knowing the consequences, I would not feel sorry for my sister, but rather the rest of my family that lost that sister, daughter, and mother and no doubt were more victims of my sisters hypothetical drug problem than my sister herself.

Pony seal of Approval

02-12-2012, 12:14 PM
If more people had the balls to tell people they were jacked up when they were jacked up, instead of feeling sorry for everyone, maybe they would stand a chance of fixing their life. That is what's wrong with America today. How many people has "sorry" rescued from drugs?

02-12-2012, 01:22 PM
Honestly, I would feel exactly the same if it was a relative, knowing that I would have done everything to help. But in the end, if my sister continued down that spiral, knowing the consequences, I would not feel sorry for my sister, but rather the rest of my family that lost that sister, daughter, and mother and no doubt were more victims of my sisters hypothetical drug problem than my sister herself.

Pony seal of Approval

Honestly i agree with your statement, but at the same time i hate to see people fall, weather its at there own hands, or the victim of a crime.

02-12-2012, 01:32 PM
I feel more sorry when I see and squirrel struggle to go poop because it's constipated.

hahaha :laugh:

02-12-2012, 01:41 PM
My brother was a living in the gutter, drug using, money stealing, people using looser. He was like that for about 15 years. Did I feel sorry for him. Hell no. He was a young adult when he started his downward spiral who has parents that tried like heck to show us the right and wrong ways of doing things. Funny. His 4 year old younger brother(me) got it and understood most of what life tries to teach us. He has two sons now with two over the top looser moms. His one son 15years old is lucky he has great and loving grandparents (my parents) who tried like heck to take care of him and so far he his far from being like his loser father, my brother. Fast foward to the last 2 years and my looser brother again hooked up with some looser 10years younger, drug addicted girl after cleaning up his life, getting a job, buying a house and moving to Wisconsin to get away from his old looser friends. So now he is fighting for custody of his 3 year old son who was just recently beaten up, bitten and bruised badly by his mom and her boyfriend. So my looser brother won temporary full custody, looser mom calls him up sobbing that she misses her son, looser brother drives to Illinois picks her up, drives back to Wisconsin when in the middle of the night she steals my looser brothers car and totals it.

At what point is enough enough. You have people who just never learn and are better off dead.

I feel really sorry for my parents who have devoted so much time, love and money cleaning up his messes. I feel sorry for my two nephews who were brought into this hard world by complete and utter losers.

Do I feel sorry for my 42 year old brother. He continues to make such stupid decisions, using and hurting the ones that love and help him. Do I feel sorry for my looser brother? Not a chance in hell!!! I feel more sorry when I see and squirrel struggle to go poop because it's constipated.

Sent from my iPhone
Eaton Swap + 4.10's = Wreeeeeeeeeedom!!

Every family has one, been down that road so i fully understand where your coming from, sounds like dejavu!

02-12-2012, 01:47 PM

A person has lost their life.

She will be missed by many people who's lives have been touched by her.

Regardless of what caused Whitney's death, it is a sad story.

Do the right thing and pray for her and the people she has left behind.

Rest in peace Whitney.

God bless you and your loved ones.


02-12-2012, 02:09 PM

A person has lost their life.

She will be missed by many people who's lives have been touched by her.

Regardless of what caused Whitney's death, it is a sad story.

Do the right thing and pray for her and the people she has left behind.

Rest in peace Whitney.

God bless you and your loved ones.


Well said, RIP Whitney.

02-12-2012, 02:10 PM
Honestly i agree with your statement, but at the same time i hate to see people fall, weather its at there own hands, or the victim of a crime.

Well said, I would agree with that very much

Pony seal of Approval

02-12-2012, 02:33 PM
Ms Houston had a special talent she shared with the world.
She Married a bum, she, should of, could of would of, walked away from him.
Instead her choice was to self medicate. on the second most additive drug, there is, that is if. it was crack. Worse yet is Methamphetamine

Here is my point!
My Sister has been a junkie for quite a number of years. I think the only reason she is not dead is she was doing life on the installment plan.
She did a 10 year bit in the Federal Correctional Institution at several locations through out the country. As well as some State time in Oregon
and California.

(As a side note, the policy of the Dept.of Justice, Bureau of Prisons, is, NO Good Time and NO Parole. You get 10 years, you do 10 years to the day.)

You would think her not having access to Herion for 10 years would have had some effect on her. I do know she was able to get some drugs while in the FCI's but it wasn't Herion.
What it did for her, is teach her how work the system. She would rather lie to me than tell the truth, even it telling the truth would have ment a better

She sold Herion to support her habit, until she was arrested last month and she now awaits trial for possession and distribution and to add to that she was on probation for simular charges in 2008, The Judge gave her a break, but told her if he saw her again for this type of activity he was going to give her 9 years consecutive to any future sentences.

Do I feel sorry for her? F--k no. She has had so many chances to quite it's not even funny.
She would sell her Methadon to buy Herion. God only knows what else she was involved in. I could find out if I wanted too, but I don't

I had a friend who lived in Brooklyn, was a junkie for a number of years.
Long store short, "he decided to stop being a junkie" his words, and did so.

He had a friend who was a yogo instructor in Manhatten, moved in with him
and did yogo all day, all night, for 3 months only taking breaks for food sleep and bathing.
IT WORKED for him. He is still a little strange, but he is drug free for 15 years I think it is called will power.

I have transported so many people to Federal Prison for drugs. I can't even remember.
Frankly I don't care. Most deserved to be there. People make choices and they have to live with them.
Certainly it presents a BIG hardship on the Families of these Muts and it is a damn shame,
I understand and feel there pain. Been there done that. But at some point you just have to say enough is enough.

Juanita, my sister has stolen so much from me I don't even let her in my house.
I take her calls, but if she is stoned, I hang up. I've told her a million time
don't call me when you are high.

Do I feel sorry for Ms Houston, not really, she has had so many stays at Betty Ford you can't count them. Loved the way she sang and looked early on, but......

02-12-2012, 05:44 PM
It's nowhere near as bad as drugs, but my 30 year old daughter has had asthma all her life.

While living at home, we coerced her to stop smoking, but now she's moved out and has picked up the habit again.

Yes, she's an adult, and yes, it's her choice, but if something bad should happen, it will destroy me and my wife

02-13-2012, 12:10 AM
if i had to pray for everyone that died, i'd be doing it non stop. roughly 146,000 people die every day. sure, she was famous, but what about the other 145,999 people that died that day?

02-13-2012, 11:28 AM

02-14-2012, 07:49 AM
Sad to see such a talented person throw their life away. Drug and alcohol abuse is just a slow form of suicide. We've all known them; get involved, make a difference.

Ozark Marauder
02-14-2012, 09:24 AM
Life is not a dress rehearsal......Choices have consequences.....Still.....I can't believe her true close friends and family didn't know what was going on.

Where were they?

Everybody has hidden demons that manifest when they are alone, with only their inner thoughts.

Sure, I'll say a prayer for her, a tortured soul who was forsaken by so-called friends, and celebrity leeches. All you have to do is watch these self-centered phony people on these T.V. shows, saying they knew, and did nothing to intervene.

So Whitney, may you find peace now, in a better place, I'll miss your smile and voice...........

02-14-2012, 10:54 AM
I watched the Grammys Sunday mainly to see the Whitney tributes. (Actually, I DVR'ed it so I could cut out all the unnecessary stuff.)

I enjoyed most of the show, which actually surprised me.

Bruce, Taylor Swift, Adele, and Bruno Mars had performances that I went back and watched again more than once.

Nice to see Glenn Cambell and the Beachboys still able to perform, and watching Sir Paul play an old Beatles tune, even with a less than perfect voice, was a high point for me.

The memorial section always gets to me because, as an older poster, I can remember many of these artists.

I knew that Gene McDaniels had passed away, but I was unaware that one of the original Coasters and Ferlin Husky (he made one song that I thought was great as a teenager, "Gone") had died.

It's like a piece of your history also dies.

Still wonder what it would have been like to see Elvis show up at one of these shows.

02-14-2012, 02:43 PM
I think Sir Paul play a Rolling Stones song. Hellter Skiller
I could be wrong.

02-19-2012, 03:43 PM
Three pages for Whitney Houston and no one noticed/posted Don Cornelius passed away recently.

Rest in Peace, Love, and Sooooooooul, Don. Loved watching Soul Train in my youth.

02-19-2012, 03:57 PM
Three pages for Whitney Houston and no one noticed/posted Don Cornelius passed away recently.

Rest in Peace, Love, and Sooooooooul, Don. Loved watching Soul Train in my youth.

You just love watching men in tight pants.

Sent from my iPhone
Eaton Swap + 4.10's = Wreeeeeeeeeedom!!

02-21-2012, 07:19 PM
I did not know Don Cornelius passed away recently.
My he rest in peace.
I really don't have that much time to watch TV or read the paper. I like the crossword puzzles
Good show as well, The opening animation use in the show, was very suggestive.
I like R&B and he presented a lot of talent to Television
God Bless his soul.

02-21-2012, 07:42 PM
I wish they'd stop with the damn Whitney Houston crap. If I have to hear that damn song one more time, I'm gonna run amuck and start killing everyone in alphabetical order.
Had ET on last night while I was making dinner and they played clips of that damn song 15 times in a half hour broadcast.

Pony seal of Approval

02-22-2012, 05:26 AM
I wish they'd stop with the damn Whitney Houston crap. If I have to hear that damn song one more time, I'm gonna run amuck and start killing everyone in alphabetical order.
Had ET on last night while I was making dinner and they played clips of that damn song 15 times in a half hour broadcast.

Pony seal of Approval

Your ghey!!!

02-22-2012, 05:31 AM
Your ghey!!!

It wasnt on on purpose, it was on after the news (which was also playing the damn song)

But I do enjoy the occasional trist with Joe

Pony seal of Approval

02-22-2012, 05:33 AM
It wasnt on on purpose, it was on after the news (which was also playing the damn song)

But I do enjoy the occasional trist with Joe

Pony seal of Approval

Sure it wasn't......ghey..ghey..ghey

O's Fan Rich
02-22-2012, 08:13 AM
Whitney died???????