View Full Version : Leaving Las Louisville

02-16-2012, 07:15 AM
The following is a completely, and I mean completely fictitious account of one person's travelling car and wandering mind...

‘Leaving Las Louisville’

What happens in Louisville doesn’t always stay in Louisville, he thought to himself. Because if it were true, this damn hangover would be miles behind. He smiled and shook his head, wishing there wasn’t a kickboxing match going on in there. Oh well, if it was still pounding when he stopped for gas he would fire up a smokey treat and burn it out, along with any chance for glaucoma to ever set in. Speaking of gas, he thought, mebbe I should have topped off back in town. Earlier, he had pulled into a station behind a Silver Birch Marauder and a Black Marauder, but the needle was a little over half a tank. “I’m just gonna roll out.” , he said to Silver and Black. “See ya, wouldn’t want to be ya.”, said Silver. “Smell ya, shouldn’t have to tell ya.”, said Black. He raises one eyebrow at them quizzically and ponders: Why come to Louisville? Oh yeah, for the love. “See and smell this.”, he says as he gives them the finger and rolls away in his Blue Marauder. If a Blue Marauder were on cinder blocks in someone’s front yard with chickens running around it, it would still be cooler than any other colored Marauder. He leaves the gas station and meanders down the side road back past the hotel and for some reason is remind of that Eagles song ‘Hotel California’. The hotel, it calls to him. “Stay. Don’t go. You can’t leave. Fine. Go. But you’ll be back. Oh yes, you will be back, you can check out any time you like. But you can never leave.” Depression sets in as he glances at the hotel in his rear view mirror. “If all good things must come to an end, what happens to all bad things?”, he wonders…..
(to be continued….)

02-16-2012, 07:21 AM
The following is a completely, and I mean completely fictitious account of one person's travelling car and wandering mind...

‘Leaving Las Louisville’

What happens in Louisville doesn’t always stay in Louisville, he thought to himself. Because if it were true, this damn hangover would be miles behind. He smiled and shook his head, wishing there wasn’t a kickboxing match going on in there. Oh well, if it was still pounding when he stopped for gas he would fire up a smokey treat and burn it out, along with any chance for glaucoma to ever set in. Speaking of gas, he thought, mebbe I should have topped off back in town. Earlier, he had pulled into a station behind a Silver Birch Marauder and a Black Marauder, but the needle was a little over half a tank. “I’m just gonna roll out.” , he said to Silver and Black. “See ya, wouldn’t want to be ya.”, said Silver. “Smell ya, shouldn’t have to tell ya.”, said Black. He raises one eyebrow at them quizzically and ponders: Why come to Louisville? Oh yeah, for the love. “See and smell this.”, he says as he gives them the finger and rolls away in his Blue Marauder. If a Blue Marauder were on cinder blocks in someone’s front yard with chickens running around it, it would still be cooler than any other colored Marauder. He leaves the gas station and meanders down the side road back past the hotel and for some reason is remind of that Eagles song ‘Hotel California’. The hotel, it calls to him. “Stay. Don’t go. You can’t leave. Fine. Go. But you’ll be back. Oh yes, you will be back, you can check out any time you like. But you can never leave.” Depression sets in as he glances at the hotel in his rear view mirror. “If all good things must come to an end, what happens to all bad things?”, he wonders…..
(to be continued….)

F** you dude, you didn't even offer to share. Bogart!!!

02-16-2012, 07:32 AM
…..screw it, I will just drown out all the sadness and the kickboxers in my head. “Demons be gone! The power of Lemmy compels yooooouuuuuuuu!”, he screams over the opening of ‘Ace of Spades’. He rolls along, breaks right at the intersection, and lets off the gas because he sees the light up ahead is yellow. Power down, damn. As he rolls to a stop and the light turns red, a slammed import that will never stay together long enough to be considered a classic is right beside him and looking over. The male is saying something. “Say what?”, he says to fart-can man. He leans over his girlfriend and says “I said them cars are all over this town, what’s up? Old folks convention? Why you drive that big old car?” The Blue Marauder driver‘s situational awareness skills have been honed by years of military duty, and having to keep one eye out for incredibly angry boyfriends and husbands. His left hand is on the steering wheel. His right hand holds the coffee cup firmly in the cup holder, right thumb over the drink hole. He knows what’s coming. He already scanned the intersection and ramps and knew they were empty, so he looks over and says “ Because unlike your girlfriend, I like a little luxury with my performance.”, winks at the gal, whose jaw is dropped but smiling, and he squalls tires thru the red light and turns down the on ramp a few hundred feet away. “……and don’t forget the Joker…..” Lemmy is yelling as the Marauder merges with oblivion on the Interstate……
(to be continued…..)

02-16-2012, 07:54 AM
…….Full stomach, empty wallet. That could be the theme for Louisville, at least for me, he thought. How much raffle stuff is in my trunk, anyway? Good Lawd, the basket of booze alone must have cost 200 bucks to make. If I get rear ended and it breaks I will be mega-pissed, and have to explain to Charlotte what happened. I have enough money for gas, food, and ciggs left in my Louisville fund to make it home without taking out any more, but damn it would have been nice to win L-C-R, he thought. Who won the games last night? Mr. and Mrs. Pantheroc? Mr. and Mrs. Swordfish? Mr. 1stMerc? I could probably remember better but some dude in a Viking helmet was pouring me shots from a bottle that looked like it had hieroglyphics on it where letters should be. Mr. Haggis? Gaaaaahhhh…..head is throbbing. Hmmm….Mrs. guspech750 jumped in the pool in her White Sox pajamas. Mr. knine says get in, as he scans the night sky, there is a Waffle House out there somewhere. It calls to us. Who all piled into that car? Mr. Zack? Ms. Becky? Tall guy with grey hair, for sure. The events and people are blurred together when in an alcohol and smoke filled haze. Churchill Downs. Louisville Slugger factory. Maker’s Mark. Folks getting married. Austin’s. Pig City B-b-Q. Mohamed Ali. Wasn’t there a giant cave? He is trying to rattle off happy people and awesome events in his mind, who cares if they are in order as long as they hold off the sadness. It’s like being in a dogfight except you are out of bullets and still getting shredded. Juke left. Juke right. Climb, roll, **** they are right on me because they are IN me. Slam the throttles forward, the Marauder, the all weather fighter/bomber pitches forward, screaming. Grrrrrrr!! I’d rather be drinking and laughing under the canopy!! Where the hell is my wingman……..
(to be continued…..)

02-16-2012, 07:56 AM
…….cell phone ringing snaps him back to reality. Speaking of wingmen. A voice says “Marco.” He replies “Polo.”
“Is your hand held radio on?”
“Affirmative.”, is his reply.
“Holy…well you are out of range. What mile marker you at?”
“********. You didn’t leave THAT far ahead of us. Speed?”
He glances at the speedo, up to the open road, back at the speedo again. “Cruise control set at 68.”
He closes the cell phone and grins. Yes, the cruise control is set at 68, but that is not what he is actually doing. 105 and change. “Velocitas Eradico!!!”, he yells while cranking up ‘Driving Wheel’ by Foghat. Damn, coffee is getting low.
Text message this time. “Mile marker?”
“U not doing 68 liar”
Oops, the jig is up, he knows who’s back there, beyond the horizon. And he knows no matter how fast he goes, they are in the hammer lane like a Black and Silver bullet train until they catch him. Wingmen and women, flying up behind like a thief in the night. For a split second he wondered if he should have gave a little extra umph when he tightened his new spark plugs down the other night in the hotel parking lot. “Oh well, no balls no babies.”, he snorted, choosing to ignore the fact that he was now beyond double over the posted speed. Been getting hilly thru here, only a matter of time before I top a hill and get an extra 2 nights in Kentucky. Better let off, he says a couple mile markers later. Damn, coffee is down to a si…..what in the name of…SONOFABITCH!! Waaaaaaay back, way back at the top of that hill, is that? Can’t be, only 2 things fly with running lights on during the day. Marauders and airplanes. Must be an airplane making an emergency landing on the Interstate, and besides, that can’t be a Marauder, they’d have to have been doing a hunnered plus for m….dammit, right behind those two shimmering lights, another set.
The hand held radio, which he forgot was even on, crackled to life so loud he almost crapped his hangover into his pants.
“BUSTED, *****!”
Damn, ninjas!......
(to be continued…..)

02-16-2012, 08:25 AM
…….nope not ninjas. Marauders, coming in fast up my 6 o’clock. Man, these cars sure look good flying at cruising altitude. He almost lifts off the pedal but figures what the heck, roads are wide open, they gonna earn it. Closing in didn’t take them long. Grins and picture taking ensued. 3 Marauders wide, staggered slightly for maximum photo effect. Rats, they accidently go 4 panthers wide when a Super Trooper zips down onto the Interstate for an attack on their formation from the 3 o’clock position. Realizing he was outgunned, he unexpectedly took the very next exit only a few hundred feet away. Further up the road, they pass a lone Marauder, obviously injured on a mission as it is barely maintaining safe speed and altitude. The 3 Marauders do a fly-by, dipping their wings in salute. Onward they fly towards home bases. Coffee gone, everyone hungry, they stop at Cracker Barrel. The waitress looks at the men and says “Damn. Didn’t know ZZ Top was in town.” Everyone laughs, and he thinks “Nice, my headache is gone!”
Leaving Las Louisville. Depression sets in. Then you run into the Silver Marauder and Black Marauder hooligans you left at the gas station hours earlier, and suddenly the happiness floods back in.
He gets a coffee to go after they finish lunch, and the formation splits for the final leg of the run home. Silver and Black split left, around a mountain. Blue Marauder driver breaks right. The terrain changes almost instantly when you make that split, hand held radios are no good, so you say your goodbyes and can’t wait to see you’s again in a hurry. Then, left in radio silence, he wonders over the hum of the engine: Does Mike have the dates set for next year yet? Does he have the events picked? Probably not, lazy bastid…..

02-16-2012, 10:27 AM
All the WIN points you scored were lost after I read this ->

"Probably not, lazy bastid….. "


Seriously Casey,

Great read man!

And remember you texting me saying that your were suffering from the "Blues", on the ride home.

Last year, once Charlotte and I made it back to my place and hauled our gear in, we parked our asses on the couch and the both of us were dozing in a matter of minutes.

Months of planning and anticipation...

Gone. In 2-3 short days.



02-16-2012, 10:52 AM
Months of planning and anticipation...

Gone. In 2-3 short seconds



fixed for ya chief


Pony seal of Approval

02-16-2012, 10:57 AM
Great read man.

02-16-2012, 11:59 AM
Love it Casey! :beer:

Mr. Man
02-16-2012, 12:06 PM
I see somebodies weekend started early this week:rolleyes:

02-16-2012, 12:11 PM
That was pretty cool.

1 Bad Merc
02-16-2012, 12:28 PM
That was really cool Casey! Liked how you tied in the old B-24? Marauder bombers into the story.

I didn't know you sidelined as a closet writer :)

02-16-2012, 02:34 PM
You should send it in to Ford.... Maybe not, but it was entertaining. Casey is a closed book that is opening slowly. A real writer. I did enjoy it.

02-16-2012, 03:03 PM
humm fictious he says .... sounds a lot like i was there hahaha and a black also

02-16-2012, 03:37 PM
humm fictious he says .... sounds a lot like i was there hahaha and a black also

Names were withheld to protect the.....innocent, but like I said, it is purely fiction, none of it happened, no fun was had, and all names and events included were made up. :cool:
Except the part where we flew past Rex. Ooops! :P

02-16-2012, 04:03 PM
Pure awesomeness Bro! I laughed so hard Mel tinkled a little bit. :)

02-16-2012, 05:14 PM
Pure awesomeness Bro! I laughed so hard Mel tinkled a little bit. :)




02-16-2012, 05:15 PM
Hi Casey. Maybe you can read me a bedtime story!!

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Eaton Swap + 4.10's = Wreeeeeeeeeedom!!