View Full Version : About to kill some other drivers.

01-30-2004, 06:44 PM
Yesterday was going well, but I had to deal with other drivers in rush hour. Now usually this is a small to medium feat. But I'm cool, I've got company in the car and everything is going well.

Right up until someone in a Volvo trys to switch lanes when I'm beside them. Not in their blind-spot...but BESIDE them. My friend and I look over...and no joke, this is 11 or 12 years old. WTF! Ok, no road rage yet...that is, in a perverse sort of way, really funny.

Now just a little on down the road, at 545 or 6, it's rush hour and I'm sitting at a light, way back, and last in line. I need to turn around and I have lots of room to get in my left lane. I check both mirrors, and all I see is an F550 towing truck about 75 or 50 feet behind me and slowing way down. So I put my turnsignal on, wait a second, look again (no movement) start to go, and as I'm half way out, the mofo speeds up, doesn't signal, and almost takes off the back end of my car. So I start screamin and cussin at him and then I realize that my window is down so all he sees is my mouth agape and fog on the glass. Damn.

Ok, so I've sat at the light for a minute or two, and I'm calm. Still need to turn around but no room to go left now. I take a right at the light and pull into the first place on the right. A nice lil' neighborhood. As I get turned around and sit back there for a minute or two waiting to turn left, a guy in his 40's or so, strolls up behind me in a Jeep. I keep my eye on him and after about two seconds, while lookind down at his lap, he s his steering wheel to the left, goes AROUND me in the other side of the road, and blocks me off. Now I've had it, I want to ram my car into his and push into oncoming SUVs. So I roll down my window (didn't forget!) and I start cursing as loud as I can, and he freaks out and takes off like a shot to the right, almost tearing off the front of my car in the process. Great, passenger's side, driver's side rear, and driver's side front have almost been obliterated today. I'm going to kill someone. My passenger isn't who I had in mind...he's a strong dude. So now there's a gap and I tear off after the guy screamin tires for about 50 feet and I'm RIGHT on his bumper. He pulls off suddenly to the left and I figured, ****** it, he'll jump out and cap me in the ass, and that's that. So I go ahead, still cussin, just not chasin him, I turn around. I come back by where he turned in and the mofo is sitting in the first driveway there with his reverse lights on and his hand on the back of the passengers seat waiting to get out of there. Maybe he thought I was going to kill him. Maybe he was right. Now I'm slightly ed, laughing a little.

What's up with some people! JEEZE! I understand people havin some problems, but everyone has to have drama within a 20 minutes and I'm part of the party!? Gah!

01-30-2004, 09:41 PM
I take it you where having a bad day? Remember to breath....now breath deep..hold it...hold it....hold it. Ok let it out. Now do you feel better? Not working sing the theme song to Gilligan's Island and I promise you'll fell better.

MAD-3R's Wife
01-30-2004, 09:46 PM
Remember to breathe.. in.. out.. in.. out.. in.. out.. keep repeating

and remember all the other fun stuff that goes in.. out.. in.. out..

01-30-2004, 09:51 PM
Remember to breathe.. in.. out.. in.. out.. in.. out.. keep repeating

and remember all the other fun stuff that goes in.. out.. in.. out..

HAHAHA! Well, my dad is hoping I'm not there yet. So far he should be proud.

01-30-2004, 09:53 PM
I take it you where having a bad day? Remember to breath....now breath deep..hold it...hold it....hold it. Ok let it out. Now do you feel better? Not working sing the theme song to Gilligan's Island and I promise you'll fell better.
Tried that when I laughed at the child driver:burnout:

01-31-2004, 05:37 PM
I can understand your fustrations. Your story is true to everyone. And everyone has similar situations two share. To me and just my two cents here is the problem......

MANNERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 111

This just gets me :censor: . I am old schooled. Yes Sir, No Mam, Hold the door for someone and just treat someone like you would like to be treated!! GOD I get so tired of this.

Maybe we can just get along!!!!!!!!!!!


01-31-2004, 06:05 PM
One word here---"Prosac"-- Friday's require it........ :bigcry: :bounce:

01-31-2004, 06:23 PM
James - Road rage causes people to do things they wouldn't ordinarly do. Avoid it remember it takes two to tango. Stay cool at all times especially when driving.

01-31-2004, 08:37 PM
Enjoy it while you can..... because it only gets worse..... every year.

I have never seen as many piss-poor drivers in my entire life as there are on the highways today. I blame it on the public school systems. They're not turning out the brightest people in the world. How can we expect tham to leave high school with an IQ of 56 at best, and display an IQ of 120 on the highway? :)

02-01-2004, 09:32 AM
Defensive driving is the key to keeping others from damaging your car and/or you. Try to keep away from the idiots, some who don't even have a license to drive.

02-02-2004, 05:40 AM
James - Road rage causes people to do things they wouldn't ordinarly do. Avoid it remember it takes two to tango. Stay cool at all times especially when driving.

I agree with you, but that's easier said then done.

Some people are SUCH idiots... :fire:

02-02-2004, 03:46 PM
I always make the assumption that other drivers are going to do exactly the opposite of what they should. Has worked for me so far (keeping my fingers crossed)