View Full Version : New SCT helps when racing someone.

01-30-2004, 09:06 PM
Even though going 100 on a (very open!) public road isn't a good idea. Yeah, he had NO chance, once the car downshifted to second at 60mph, he was toast! He was rice-ish I admit, but his car was pretty tricked out. Looked like it could do a little something. GAH! That was fun.

01-31-2004, 10:18 AM
Assuming you really are 16 yrs old, then I guess you won't get a lot of positive responses here since even though many of us drive that fast once in awhile when there isn't any traffic (but NOT every day, or even every week) because you're a new driver it's probably even a worse idea for you to do that than it is for an experienced driver.

I don't mean to preach to you Dude, but in my experience two of the most dangerous things on the street when traveling fast are an unexpected deer crossing the street in front of you(and they're always unexpected) and some black ice on the road, because you can't even see it until you hit it, and you're already sideways. I don't know how often you're getting into the 30's where you live temperature wise, but you might want to keep that in mind.

Please don't think that I'm talking down to you. I'm just trying to help you learn from my experiences. Fortunately for me I've lived throught them to be able to talk about it. And I'm not in a wheelchair for the rest of my life either.

01-31-2004, 10:38 AM
...but in my experience two of the most dangerous things on the street when traveling fast are an unexpected deer crossing the street in front of you(and they're always unexpected)...

I hate unexpected deer... they're always showing up at my doorstep unannounced... they never call beforehand, the freeloading b*stards... next time they ring my doorbell I'm gonna pretend I'm not home.

01-31-2004, 01:07 PM
BillyGMan. I don't mind preaching. I'd rather you preach than say "Hey, great stuff man!" I will join in the preaching! It was an open road with no traffic at that point. Not exactly deer country. This isn't something I do on a regular basis. It's only been done a few times (2 or 3).I understand that I'm inexperienced, but I like to set my thoughts somewhere between "Gotta learn somewhere, start young" and "This is really stupid!" By the time I realized I was doing 100, I immediately slowed down to about 60 or 70, which is almost the average pace of traffic on that road. Thanks for the advice, bring it on any time:D

01-31-2004, 03:43 PM
Hey man, you sound real cool. I appreciate your attitude, because it sounds like a good one overall. BTW, which wheels do you have on your car? Are they stock? If so, are they the brushed aluminum ones (they look really good IMO) or are they the spoked hub caps? my Marquis had those spoked things, but I really didn't like them.

01-31-2004, 11:01 PM
Hey man, you sound real cool. I appreciate your attitude, because it sounds like a good one overall. BTW, which wheels do you have on your car? Are they stock? If so, are they the brushed aluminum ones (they look really good IMO) or are they the spoked hub caps? my Marquis had those spoked things, but I really didn't like them.I try, no point in being an ass, every other teenager is. I have the "eyedrop" rims. There are 16, "eyedrop" holes around them. They are a real b*tch to clean out...takes me about 3-5 minutes a rim. Which reminds me, I need to start a post about my brakes, and how I think they were installed in some way that was really wrong....

02-01-2004, 02:09 AM
I try, no point in being an ass, every other teenager is.

yep, unfortunately that's true, but quite frankly I'm amazed that you recognize that since you're a teenager yourself. You either have a great mentor who has much wisdom, or you are very intelligent and emotionaly mature for your age, or all of the above. I'm very impressed.

As far as the brake issue, by all means start a thread on that, because I'm sure you'll get a lot of valuable feedback from a number of other members here. There's a lot of knowledge on here amongst our members, and many who are willing to go the extra mile when it comes to being helpful.

02-01-2004, 01:04 PM
You either have a great mentor who has much wisdom, or you are very intelligent and emotionaly mature for your age, or all of the above. I think it all started when I started left the public school for homeschool and eventually started to listen to my parents more, got new friends, got new ideas about the world, and started watching Fox News for late-night entertainment:D

02-01-2004, 01:21 PM
AAAHHHHHHHH!!! Fox news, uh? A great choice. That's also my station too. I luv watching Bill O'reily, as well as Hannity & Colmes. yes, I am a conservative Big Time, and it sounds like you are too(uh, if someone who's 16 even knows what that means. If you do, then you would be the first teen I've ever heard of who does. That isn't a put down though, because I had no clue when I was a teen)

02-01-2004, 07:55 PM
AAAHHHHHHHH!!! Fox news, uh? A great choice. That's also my station too. I luv watching Bill O'reily, as well as Hannity & Colmes. yes, I am a conservative Big Time, and it sounds like you are too(uh, if someone who's 16 even knows what that means. If you do, then you would be the first teen I've ever heard of who does. That isn't a put down though, because I had no clue when I was a teen)Love O'Reilly! But he's a little middle of the road for me;) I also read Human Events...great conservative weekly news paper. I most admire Ann Coulter and Michelle Malkin.:up: Ask me what conservative meant a year or two ago, and I would have answered saving bald eagles:D

02-01-2004, 09:38 PM
Normaly I wouldn't say this to a teenager, but after seeing your input in the forums sence I've become a member, way to represent! BTW, I wish more teenagers had your level of matuity and respect. It's a pleasure to have you on the boards. Just don't make a habit of the speed thing. I've had enough close calls when I was your age that it's a small miracle that I've made it this far.

02-01-2004, 09:44 PM
Just don't make a habit of the speed thing.
I can't, the only place to speed like that now is 30 miles from here, and I can't put that many miles on the car. So even if I wanted to, I'd get busted for wasting so much gas and rackin up the milage:) But seriously...it is not, and will not become a habit. I think my maturity (somewhere around here) has come from my sister, who out of the closest people to me, knows the most about cars, driving and having the experience to handle the road.

02-01-2004, 09:45 PM
James your on the right path........

Keep your wits about you and watch the speed................

Still got to love 'em back country roads:):):)

02-01-2004, 09:55 PM

YES! So are you! I didn't get typed up as "woa"

02-01-2004, 10:00 PM
YES! So are you! I didn't get typed up as "woa"
Screen names are great no doubt about it.

Some times you need a "better" connection:)

02-01-2004, 10:10 PM
Really quick, probably my last post for this thread, I wanna touch on this again. I do speed in general. Not REALLY bad like the thread is about, but I generally keep with the pace of traffic, or 5 above. With that, I'm EXTREMELY cautious. Despite the fact that I went crazy on some guy the other day, I held my cool earlier this evening when I went out with a friend to return a movie during halftime. As I take a right turn at a light, I see something in the corner of my eye, i look over, and a guy had made a left turn from the other side of the intersection and was within 3 inches of left-rear quarter panel. I gas it and he brakes and misses...lucky him. It more struck me as odd that upset me, I thought I had made the turn without looking to see him coming. I asked my 2 passengers if I had messed up somewhere and neither of them had seen him either. It's a very larger intersection. I then guess (by the fact that he was 2 feet from my bumper) that he was in a hurry to get home for *gasp!* the Superbowl! As I flip my signal on to the right for my next turn to go back home, he races up on my butt AS I'm braking. Scared me like crap, as I can't speed up because I'm already starting to turn and there are a number of cars) and I think he's about to hit me. He goes AROUND me into on-coming traffic and again skirts my car and misses by really close. I beeped once, cursed to myself, and kept driving. We talked about it and I was kinda happy I didn't tear off after him. I know it seems really arbitrary, but it's a true story...lol, just happened earlier. I know the key to being a great driver, speeder or slow-poke, is to keep a watchful eye and stay calm. I really try to force that on myself and keep it on my frontal lobe at all times.

I recieved a bad rep and the quote was "Drive like your life depends on it, because it does. Silly boy!"

That's damn straight! I need to make a post-it-note of that on my dash...NO joke!

02-01-2004, 11:40 PM
I most admire Ann Coulter and Michelle Malkin.:up: Ask me what conservative meant a year or two ago, and I would have answered saving bald eagles:D

Yep we're definately on the same page Jim. I like both of those ladies also.