View Full Version : Buried "Sassy" our Yorkshire Terrier

01-31-2004, 07:40 AM
10 years old, died ( put her down) from a brain tumor. She had several what appeared to be total recoveries since mid November, but each time the symptoms started she would hit lower before recovery.

Best described as, "fat, dumb and happy!"

Wife insisted in burying her in the back yard. We buried her last nite. The kids 7 & 8 took it pretty hard.


It's amazing how attached you can get to the family pets.

01-31-2004, 08:06 AM
I'm sorry that it happened. Mother nature just took it's course. My condolences.

01-31-2004, 08:22 AM
Sympathies from me, Stanley and Stella (my beloved Chocolate Labs). I know how attached you can get to your pets. Mine are like family.

UAW 588
01-31-2004, 08:37 AM
Sorry to hear of your loss. I have a 2 1/2 year old German Shepherd that we just simply adore. I'm dreading the day I have to say goodbye to her. She is just like a child to me and the wife, and the day she leaves us I know I'll be crushed and probably cry like a baby. My condolances to you and your family. :(

DOHC 4.6
01-31-2004, 08:48 AM
You have my sympathies. I know how you feel. We lost our 10 yr old Golden just after the new year. He had a sinus/nasal tumor the size of your fist. He was diagnosed in December 02 and given 2 months to live. He made it for 13 months. Happy and playful with no pain until two days before we had to put him down. His ashes are in a nice wooden box on our dresser next to the ashes of our 11 yr old Golden that we lost almost 4 years ago to kidney disease. They were best buds and are back together again. We now have two 3 yr old Goldens who keep us and each other on the go constantly.

01-31-2004, 04:21 PM
No words can help ease the pain of your loss. I have two shepherd mixes 3 yrs. old and a Rottie mix 2 1/2 yrs. old. We are also fostering another Rottie approx. 1-1/12 old. We have found him a new home and the thought of not having him around is tearing my heart out. Hopefully I'll have many many more years before any of them meet thier maker.
Are thoughts and prayers are with you.
Phil, Cathy, Bogey, Tucker, Dante, and Parker

01-31-2004, 04:26 PM
My condolances. I know what you and your family are going through. :(

Donny Carlson
01-31-2004, 05:41 PM
Wow. I am very sorry, man. My ex and I had a Yorkie, named King Tut after the Steve Martin song/skit on SNL. He was like a child and my ex took him everywhere, even went with us flying to Colorado for a ski trip. He passed away suddenly at about the same age as your Yorkie. We interred him in a pet cemetary in Pasadena, TX. His grave, which was on the edge of the cemetary under a tree, is almost in the middle now. Even has a head stone. My ex and I took it pretty hard, so I can empathise with how you feel.

02-03-2004, 05:42 PM
My prayers are with you!!!! Our Bud is getting close to being have to be put down. He's almost 14. He is a Boxer Bloodhound mix, 125pounds!!!! So his back end is pretty bad with arthritis. Heis steriods now but Doc said just a matter of time. There should still be a photo of him the photos gallery. Sorry for your loose!!!!!!! :bows: :bows:

02-03-2004, 07:35 PM
Sorry for your loss.
It's amazing how attached we get to our pets and how much their loss can affect us.
One of my most miserable days was getting a cat euthanized and staying with it to try to make its last moments comfortable while the vet administered the drugs. The cat had feline AIDS....

Fourth Horseman
02-04-2004, 02:18 PM
10 years old, died ( put her down) from a brain tumor. She had several what appeared to be total recoveries since mid November, but each time the symptoms started she would hit lower before recovery.

Best described as, "fat, dumb and happy!"

Wife insisted in burying her in the back yard. We buried her last nite. The kids 7 & 8 took it pretty hard.


It's amazing how attached you can get to the family pets.

Sorry to hear about your loss, Sailsmen. That's never easy. :depress:

02-04-2004, 09:23 PM
Sorry to hear about your loss but consider that the poor creature is in a better place not having to suffer. Had the same experience with a pet and it was very hard on all the family.

02-05-2004, 10:59 PM
Sorry to hear of your loss.

We get so attached to those little critters. We lost our beloved 15 year old Pomeranian Cagney in July. I missed work that day and cried like a baby. Our 4 year old is still waiting for him to come home from the doctor. He died naturally. We were getting close to having to make the decision all pet owners dread. Two weeks went buy and I couldn't stand it.....so Kirby, another male Pom adopted us. Our daughter calls him "little-one Cagney."

02-06-2004, 09:43 AM
Sorry to hear about your pup. :bigcry:

We have two husky's and its amazing how fast they grow and get older. They really become members of the family.

02-06-2004, 09:50 AM
Can relate...Had to put down our 11 year old Dalmation Jan. 12th. Wife still cant talk about it. It sucks big time!!!! Sorry for your loss and hope it gets easier...

02-06-2004, 05:42 PM
Fat dumb & happy,
Can't ask for better then that.

I'm sure you treated her like gold.

02-06-2004, 06:47 PM
Sorry to hear our your family's loss.
We lost out dog at 9 years old to renal failure (kidney). Not a pleasant sight or task. Putting our Heide down was tough. Digging her grave in the backyard was the pits; I cried the whole time I was digging. It was the most unhappy Thaksgiving we have ever had.
I do not envy you having to dig that grave. If there is a fortunate part, at least you are in the UNfrozen south and NOT in the FROZEN north like we are right now. 2 inches of rain on top of snow and ice and no where for the water to go! Arg.
We feel you pain and suffering.
Give it some time and then go out and find your kids a new dog! That will cheer everyone up!

10 years old, died ( put her down) from a brain tumor. She had several what appeared to be total recoveries since mid November, but each time the symptoms started she would hit lower before recovery.

Best described as, "fat, dumb and happy!"

Wife insisted in burying her in the back yard. We buried her last nite. The kids 7 & 8 took it pretty hard.


It's amazing how attached you can get to the family pets.

02-07-2004, 03:03 PM
Thanks to all for the kind words.

(If you met me you would never think a guy that's a Lurch look/sound a like would have been so moved by the death of the family dog.)

Today we had a party for my 8 year old! This weekend is definitely better than last! :D

02-07-2004, 03:15 PM
My condolences to you and your family on your loss.

I know exactly how you feel ... I've been thru the same.



02-07-2004, 04:01 PM
Sailsmen, As everyone else here has expressed their condolences and I`d wish to pass along the same sentiments. I had to laugh at myself as I returned home from work this afternoon. I wore a sweatshirt with a picture of three Labrador Retrievers; yellow, brown and black. The characters on the job were probably laughing BUT who cares we all love our pets- especially our dogs. MANS BEST FRIEND