View Full Version : That was weird...

02-29-2012, 05:43 PM
I was driving home from work, which is about 15 miles, most of it along a 4 lane (2 each way) highway. I tend to stick to the left lane because most people in this state (Washington) drive at or below the speed limit, so I rarely get passed. I usually do between 68 and 72 depending on how brave I'm feeling and road conditions (60mph speed limit).

As I am cruising along, I notice a Kitsap County Sheriff about a quarter mile ahead of me, and at my current speed, am slowly gaining on him. I shift my speed to 65-68 to avoid a 10 over ticket if he decides to radar me. We keep going down the highway as I slowly gain on him, he mostly stays in the right lane, changing lanes only to pass people in the right lane. My exit is getting close, so I change lanes behind him, maintaining a 2-3 second distance. He gets off at my exit, and, of course, so do I. As we're coasting down the off ramp, he pulls over to the side and I drive by. I come to the stop sign and turn right. He sits at the stop sign making it appear as though he is going to turn left, then right when I get about 100 yards away from the stop sign, he turns right and starts hauling balls towards me. I'm thinking "Oh, here we go." He catches up to me and tailgates (by tailgate I mean I can barely see the hood of his car) me to the next stop sign. I turn left, so does he. We are now on a two lane country road heading toward my house. He tailgates me as I pull away, then once we are up to speed, he rapidly pulls into the opposing lane, gets along side me and paces me for about 150 yards. I slow down to make my next turn, so he slows down and gets behind me again. I turn, and he makes it look like he is going to follow, then quickly does a u-turn and disappears.

The hell just happened? I tried to tell this as accurately and un-biased as possible, so if I was doing something wrong to merit this behavior, please tell me. I'm pretty baffled at this experience.

02-29-2012, 05:54 PM
Maybe he was bored or felt like giving you a heart attack? LOL

02-29-2012, 05:56 PM
i think he wanted to race.

02-29-2012, 06:00 PM
Maybe he was bored or felt like giving you a heart attack? LOL

I guess! I was kind of hoping he would stop me so I could ask him what in the hell he was doing.

i think he wanted to race.

If that was the case, he should have just said something! I would have gladly shown him how it's done. :P

02-29-2012, 06:05 PM
Maybe he is just a ***** idiot. Yep. That's it.

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Eaton Swap + 4.10's = Wreeeeeeeeeedom!!

02-29-2012, 06:43 PM
I had a trooper fly up on me, hang back. Lunge forward, hang back. Then completely circle me. Left lane, stay by my door, goose it, get in front of me, fade back to hang by my passenger door, get behind me again. Then when he got by my driver door for the second time, I stomped it and instantly let off. Just jumped out about a car length, maybe 1 and a half. Well he nailed it also except he didn't let off. Just poof, gone. I figured when he got by my driver door the second time, and wasn't lit up, he wanted to see what was up. Well I showed him, lol. Overdive off at 75, Marauders jump when you stomp it. At least mine does. The worst that could happen was I would get a speeding ticket. I think he was either bored or the cruiser was stolen by someone who wanted to dragrace. It was odd to say the least, just like what happend to you. Mine happend on a nice sunny day, he could clearly see it was a Marauder.

02-29-2012, 06:47 PM
Possibly ran your plate, lost signal, then once it popped up clear went about his/her business or got a call? I don't know just speculating!

02-29-2012, 07:19 PM
I would of slam the brakes. Pull over then ride his ass. Or pull over and say WTF is your deal if I wanted to be nice about it

02-29-2012, 07:29 PM
One time I floored it under an over pass (a lengthy one at that) trooper spotted it and heard it and immediately followed me. I turned right headed to the gym and he did a fly by and gave me a thumbs up (despite speeding) and went about his day.

He was probably just checking out you're ride

Pony seal of Approval

02-29-2012, 08:04 PM
They are a little on edge out there in Kitsap County.. what all the stuff thats going out there.. I heard there is a serial killer running around out there.. Maybe you were profiled?

02-29-2012, 08:08 PM
CBT maybe he was coming on to you.

Comin' in Hot
02-29-2012, 08:11 PM
Littering and, littering and, littering and..... Smoking the reefer...... It sounds like a total super troopers moment to me:lol:

02-29-2012, 08:28 PM
They are a little on edge out there in Kitsap County.. what all the stuff thats going out there.. I heard there is a serial killer running around out there.. Maybe you were profiled?

Yeah, and a Trooper got shot and killed recently on that very highway, I drive by the memorial every day. Sad story.

I've talked to a few of the police around here (WSP, Port Orchard Police) for various reasons, and they have all been very cool, I'm surprised by what happened today. Who knows, maybe I'll see that guy again? It's not like the MM just blends into a crowd haha.

02-29-2012, 08:46 PM
It's fairly apparent that he was experiencing some type of MAN LOVE for your vehicle. Close call indeed !!

Donald (drobin)

03-01-2012, 05:24 AM
It's fairly apparent that he was experiencing some type of MAN LOVE for your vehicle.!!

Donald (drobin)

OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

You have CALLED OUT CASEY!!!!!!!! (CBT)......look out!!!! :lol: