View Full Version : Maui?

03-04-2012, 08:08 AM
I know a few of our members live in Hawaii, and a few more have recently visited. What I'm asking, is any advice, whether it be recommendations or things to skip or avoid. Area / Hotel to stay or avoid? Any day trips? Will we need a car? Where to start? How did you plan your trip?

Planning on a trip the week before Memorial day.

Thanks in advance,

03-04-2012, 08:29 AM
You will have a great time. Do not rent a convertible. They are very prone to be broken into. I noticed not many people that live there have a convertible so theives know that most likely the convertible is a visitor and filled with your valuables. I just went online and reserved a hybrid from Enterprise in order to save a few bucks and not waste time at gas stations.

Do not eat at the hotels and around the hotels. A total waste of $$$$$$ and the food sucks. Instead. Drive out to where people live and eat at the Mom and Pop joints where the locals eat. Its Best food and very cheap$$. We were eating from little food stands and local little restraunts hidden out in the countryside.

As far as hotels. I cant help you there. My wifes aunt owns a condo across the street from the ocean in Waikiki.

For us. We didnt plan on anything. We feel nothing sucks more than trying to stick to a schedual especially on vacation. we tend to stay away from the touristy things. we will do a few touristy things but thats it. Go to the state parks. Very beautiful waterfalls, plants and trees. Some of the overlooks in the mountains are pretty bad ass too. I do recommend the submarine ride http://www.hawaiiactivities.com/activity/template/SimpleSearch.vm?search_0area=1 5&search_0activity=3829&search_0sort=11&gclid=CL21_NPGza4CFcNrKgodpk3V Aw

They are a lot of fun. I did it 11 years ago and we went to 125' down and saw amazing underwater life. This last trip a few months ago, we didnt do it as my daughter didnt want to go. And dont forget to go snorkling!!!

Get a direct flight. You dont want to waste time on a layover and risk being delayed. I payed a little more for a direct flight, but I just dont want to fiddle FK around at another airport wasting my vacation time.

Oh I am sure Ill have more to add.

If you are going to Maui. I think you guys should take a plane to Oahu and visit the Arizona Memorial. Very moving.

03-04-2012, 08:35 AM
Also. If you have a refrigerator in the hotel room or if you rent out a condo. Thats even beter as we had one in our condo. Just go grocery shopping and youll save quite a few bucks there too.

03-04-2012, 08:47 AM
Back in the 90s I would stay at the Royal Lahaina Hotel. I liked that it was on the beach and away from the rest of the tourist mass. I liked (at the time) the contemporary Hawaiian decor,...allot of teak wood.


You need to get up at O-dark 30 and drive up to the top of Mount Haleakala for the sunrise. If you do take my advise and go see the sunrise, pack a sweater as it'll be in the 30's up there.

http://www.google.com/search?q=mount+haleakala+sunri se&hl=en&prmd=imvns&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=hoxTT6L9C_KpsALFt4jwBQ&ved=0CGEQsAQ&biw=916&bih=707

Then there is the drive to Seven Scared Pools, make sure you have a FULL tank of gas.



03-04-2012, 09:14 AM
Thanks Joe and Jabird!

03-04-2012, 09:16 AM

Local Boy and screamn are 2 of our members over in Hawaii.

I cannot recall which Island(s) they live on though?


03-04-2012, 09:22 AM
Hopefully Takedown will chime in too as both he and his wife have family out there and have been there often.

Drew. Where are you?? :)

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SC Cheesehead
03-04-2012, 10:08 AM
My sisters live on Maui, and I stayed with them on my trip over there a few years back, so I can't make any recommendations on hotels, but +1 to what Joe said on restaurants; the mom 'n pop places have great food.

If you get a chance, drive up to Hana, and check out Charles Lindbergh's grave site, IMO, one of the most peaceful places on earth.

Lotsa other great stuff to see, suggest spending at least one day snorkeling, beautiful doesn't begin to describe the view along the coral reefs, walk along a black sand beach.

Oh yeah, and stop at Hilo Hattie's for a "subdued" Hawaiian shirt... ;)

03-04-2012, 04:03 PM

Local Boy and screamn are 2 of our members over in Hawaii.

I cannot recall which Island(s) they live on though?


I live in Honolulu on the island of Oahu.

Maui is another steller island but I've only visited there once in the late 70s when I was just a kid.

I wish I could help you.

On the other hand, if you're planning a visit to Oahu I can steer you on where to visit the wonderful sites and da best grindz dat will broke your mouth (aka delicious food).

Have a safe and enjoyable visit.

03-04-2012, 07:19 PM
Maui is great. Yes the road to Hana is an adventure.

Local Boy
03-05-2012, 07:49 PM
The guys have summed it all up for you...+ 1 for the drive to Hana...be prepared to go swimming...Just stay out of the water if the mountains look like it's raining up there, and there is alot of water coming off the water fall...it creates a strong undertow and becomes very dangerous for swimmers...same for the ocean, if there is alot of white water and/or the water is brown from storm run off...STAY OUT!...and enjoy the sand and sun...

I would also add try to get up Haleakala and watch the sun rise from up there...It's absolutely beautiful...

One more thing...Don't get drunk and mouth off in a local bar...We all enjoy "Happy drunks", but there are some who will not tolerate an angry/hostile drunk (local or not)...

Have a good time, Brutha...Maui is a beautiful Island...


Mr. Man
03-05-2012, 11:38 PM
Don't forget the Beefcake pics on the beach for Joe, Brad and Bob :D

03-06-2012, 04:05 AM
Don't forget the Beefcake pics on the beach for Joe, Brad and Bob :D

Mmmmmmmm. Beefcake. They are sooooo dreamy.

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