View Full Version : This ought to get the blood suitably boiling...

03-06-2012, 05:36 PM

This is not a "The Onion" spoof article, this **** is actually happening right now here in San Antonio. Crying victim has reached an entirely new pathetic level.

I have officially lost hope that our country will swing itself back up from this terrible, disgusting low we've fallen into...

03-06-2012, 05:44 PM
So now chanting USA has some racial message. I don't know what to say.

03-06-2012, 06:01 PM
what a crock of **** so does that mean the other team was from mexico

03-06-2012, 06:08 PM
so does that mean the other team was from mexico

Nope. They are from a different high school in the same town.

Because the student body of that school (and therefore the basketball team roster) is predominantly Hispanic, they are claiming that the chant was racist against them.

There are so many shameful holes in their logic that it is PAINFUL to read it, the least of which not being the simple fact that it's not even racism if it's anything at all...

03-06-2012, 06:12 PM

03-06-2012, 06:51 PM

This is not a "The Onion" spoof article, this **** is actually happening right now here in San Antonio. Crying victim has reached an entirely new pathetic level.

I have officially lost hope that our country will swing itself back up from this terrible, disgusting low we've fallen into...

Well it's pretty obvious what the intent behind the chant was...but you need to feel like the victim...so carry on.

03-06-2012, 06:52 PM
In AZ schools hispanic "looking" students were put in a separate class to be taught by a La Raza based "hispanic studies" that teaches the Treaty De Guadalupe is invalid and hispanics should take back what was stolen. The former school super became aware of this and is taking legislative steps to stop it. http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/may/14/arizona-law-ethnic-studies-immigrants-children?INTCMP=SRCH
From Wikki - "The land that the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo brought into the United States became, between 1850 and 1912, all or part of the States of California (1850), Nevada (1864) Colorado (1876), Wyoming (1890), Utah (1896), New Mexico (1912), Kansas (1912) and Arizona (1912) as well as the whole of, depending upon interpretation, the entire State of Texas. The remainder (the southern parts) of New Mexico and Arizona were peacefully purchased under Gadsden Purchase, which was carried out in 1853."

This is nothing new. At tax payer expense La Raza has been preaching that non hispanic people in the USA are subhuman invaders and need to be exterminated.

Pics showing Illegals marcing in the USA under a Foreign flag DEMANDING RIGHTS, i.e WELFARE! http://www.humanevents.com/article.php?id=13863

They even have a word for exterminating us and taking back what they said was taken - 'Reconquista' .

03-06-2012, 06:54 PM
Well it's pretty obvious what the intent behind the chant was...but you need to feel like the victim...so carry on.

Oh please do elaborate, I'd like to hear a logical explanation for this....

03-06-2012, 07:06 PM
Since Kernie believes in open borders we will start shipping all convicted criminals and illegal aliens up to Canada.;)

03-06-2012, 07:09 PM
He better not express his pride that his country of Canada accepts the people that we turn away, those people might feel hurt that he thinks Canada is somehow better than them for doing so. :eek:

03-06-2012, 07:10 PM
Since Kernie believes in open borders we will start shipping all convicted criminals and illegal aliens up to Canada.;)

Open borders? With you guys?! Umm, no.


03-06-2012, 07:12 PM
Like millions of others My family came by boat with out a penny legally.

They learned to speak english. They never accepted any form of welfare, they never served a day in jail. They never demanded "special status" or amnesty.

They never marched in the USA under a foreign flag demanding welfare.

The only time they marched was under a USA flag in a foreign country to liberate others.

They never ever thought of themselves as a victim.

03-06-2012, 07:16 PM
Better yet I say we ship them all up to Kernie's house, he can pay for them and take care of them.:D

03-06-2012, 07:35 PM
When Haggis and I start our own country there will be NONE of this behavior. Sailsman will be incharge of the borders.

03-06-2012, 08:16 PM
Well it's pretty obvious what the intent behind the chant was...but you need to feel like the victim...so carry on.

Its not what you say but how you say it...

03-06-2012, 08:17 PM
I don't see a problem. This country is going into the toilet fast if we allow any group to dictate what we as Americans can or cannot say! Why was this turned into something negative by the winning team? Where else in the world can a multitude of ethnic groups gather to play a sport against other kids whose ancestry has also immigrated to this country in the past???????? I know the answer. USA, USA, USA, USA, USA, USA! If I were there, I would've rallied the entire place to join in on the chant. Or would that have insulted someone? Feed them beans!

03-06-2012, 08:22 PM
They can wave the Mexican flag at 4th of July parades no big deal. We say USA USA and we're racists? This crap just really pisses me off to no end!

03-06-2012, 08:36 PM
Hey Kernie how big is your house?

"March, 2011
What GAO Found
The number of criminal aliens in federal prisons in fiscal year 2010 was about 55,000, and the number of SCAAP criminal alien incarcerations in state prison systems and local jails was about 296,000 in fiscal year 2009 (the most recent data available), and the majority were from Mexico. The number of criminal aliens in federal prisons increased about 7 percent from about 51,000 in fiscal year 2005 while the number of SCAAP criminal alien incarcerations in state prison systems and local jails increased about 35 percent from about 220,000 in fiscal year 2003. The time period covered by these data vary because they reflect updates since GAO last reported on these issues in 2005. Specifically, in 2005, GAO reported that the percentage of criminal aliens in federal prisons was about 27 percent of the total inmate population from 2001 through 2004."

"About 50 percent of the criminal aliens in our study population were arrested at least once for either assault, homicide, robbery, a sex offense, or kidnapping. About half of the criminal aliens were arrested at least once for a drug violation."

03-06-2012, 08:43 PM
Its not what you say but how you say it...

Ya i know, it's a gift.


03-06-2012, 08:52 PM
Whats wrong with Mexico? It is a country with vast natural resources and an industrious population.

Why would Mexicans at great risk to themsleves and their families break into the USA?

Answer Mexicans, Mexicans who are corrupt and Mexcians who tolerate corruption.

The corrupt Mexican Govt's economic policy is to send their citizens to work in the USA illegally via issuing fake IDs and providing pamphlets on how to work illegally in the USA.

20% of the Population of Mexico is in the USA illegally.

Secure our Borders and enforce our laws. Mexicans will return to Mexico and with no outlet for the corrupt Mexican Gov't these Mexicans who returned will over throw their corrupt Gov't, which will break the cycle of poverty.

Employ illegals and you are continuing the cycle of poverty by supporting the corrupt Mexican Gov't.

Granting illegals amnesty and you are condeming many of them to a life of poverty. With amnesty their labor advantage evaporates resulting in a mostly unskilled and illiterate labor pool to compete for jobs.

03-06-2012, 08:54 PM
Hey Kerine more power to the illegals. They will turn the USA into Mexico and then break into Canada to escape their NEW MEXICO!

03-06-2012, 09:05 PM
Why must we live in a world like this. I love Mexico! But its definitely sssoo messed up because of the druglords(not as much from the govt) I love USA!! But it isn't that great either.
Brothers lets not point the finger and blame, everywhere we go nowadays just isn't as right as it was intended it to be. Just my 2cents

03-07-2012, 04:53 AM
So during the Olympics when Americans chant USA, we should be getting sued by complete countries. Makes sense to me. :rolleyes:

03-07-2012, 06:24 AM
Thats freedom...

03-07-2012, 06:25 AM
So during the Olympics when Americans chant USA, we should be getting sued by complete countries. Makes sense to me. :rolleyes:

Nothing wrong with the chant of course, but we all know the context it was used here. Can the fake outrage, focus on the real stuff.

Foriegn flags in a parade on the fourth of July, now that's real and would tick me off big time.


03-07-2012, 06:33 AM
Nothing wrong with the chant of course, but we all know the context it was used here. Can the fake outrage, focus on the real stuff.

Foriegn flags in a parade on the fourth of July, now that's real and would tick me off big time.

That's racist....

03-07-2012, 09:04 AM
Could the context be the offended subscribe to the La Raza Reconquista Pledge. That the USA is a group of subhuman invaders who need to be exterminated?

If so then our very existance offends them.

03-07-2012, 09:18 AM
Could the context be the offended subscribe to the La Raza Reconquista Pledge. That the USA is a group of subhuman invaders who need to be exterminated?

If so then our very existance offends them.

That is true, La Raza means The Race. That is all they care about, thier race, and how to advance it by any means.

03-07-2012, 09:20 AM
Too funny.


EL PASO, Texas -- For the third year in a row the Texas Department of Public Safety has issued a travel warning advising students to stay out of Mexico during Spring Break. It comes just days before the majority of students in Texas depart for spring break trips.

03-07-2012, 09:26 AM
In my opinion, it comes down to this:

To actually take it seriously as a racial attack, you automatically discredit it as a valid racial attack; to look at it as though it somehow suggests some form of racial superiority is to ignore what it would really be classified as, which at best could be over-zealous nationalism, and if you get offended at the thought of the very country you are a citizen of, well **** I guess there's no hope for you here. In fact, to suggest that shouting "USA" is somehow a RACIAL thing and not a NATIONALIST thing is to imply your own racially-biased slant on what it means to be American, which they have made abundantly clear is, in their minds, white people.

Minority or not is a complete non-sequitur in this case, as not only would it not even need to get that far logically to prove the point of a racial attack (which I still don't buy that it is), but hispanic people are most definitely not a minority in this town.

03-07-2012, 09:32 AM
Well it's pretty obvious what the intent behind the chant was...but you need to feel like the victim...so carry on.

agreed... let's just drive :)

03-07-2012, 09:37 AM
Last time I checked, the Constitution includes the right to free speech. It does not include a right to not be offended.

03-07-2012, 09:39 AM
Too funny.


EL PASO, Texas -- For the third year in a row the Texas Department of Public Safety has issued a travel warning advising students to stay out of Mexico during Spring Break. It comes just days before the majority of students in Texas depart for spring break trips.

I will never go backto Mexico after the incident I had in the '80s. Let's just say I am luck to be alive.

03-07-2012, 09:43 AM
I will never go backto Mexico after the incident I had in the '80s. Let's just say I am luck to be alive.

Couldn't pay me to go back.

03-07-2012, 09:53 AM
Couldn't pay me to go back.

The Donkey show did not make you enough pesos?

03-07-2012, 10:01 AM
In my opinion, it comes down to this:

To actually take it seriously as a racial attack, you automatically discredit it as a valid racial attack; to look at it as though it somehow suggests some form of racial superiority is to ignore what it would really be classified as, which at best could be over-zealous nationalism, and if you get offended at the thought of the very country you are a citizen of, well **** I guess there's no hope for you here. In fact, to suggest that shouting "USA" is somehow a RACIAL thing and not a NATIONALIST thing is to imply your own racially-biased slant on what it means to be American, which they have made abundantly clear is, in their minds, white people.

Minority or not is a complete non-sequitur in this case, as not only would it not even need to get that far logically to prove the point of a racial attack (which I still don't buy that it is), but hispanic people are most definitely not a minority in this town.

I don't think you understand their perspective. You are just too closed minded to be enlightened.


03-07-2012, 10:11 AM
In my opinion, it comes down to this:

To actually take it seriously as a racial attack, you automatically discredit it as a valid racial attack; to look at it as though it somehow suggests some form of racial superiority is to ignore what it would really be classified as, which at best could be over-zealous nationalism, and if you get offended at the thought of the very country you are a citizen of, well **** I guess there's no hope for you here. In fact, to suggest that shouting "USA" is somehow a RACIAL thing and not a NATIONALIST thing is to imply your own racially-biased slant on what it means to be American, which they have made abundantly clear is, in their minds, white people.

Minority or not is a complete non-sequitur in this case, as not only would it not even need to get that far logically to prove the point of a racial attack (which I still don't buy that it is), but hispanic people are most definitely not a minority in this town.


You wanna dumb that down for me?


03-07-2012, 10:12 AM
agreed... let's just drive :)

That's great advice! Beauty day eh!


03-07-2012, 11:22 AM

You wanna dumb that down for me?


lol, ok.

The tl;dr is:

To say what they did is racist shows YOU are a racist, by YOUR OWN standards.

03-07-2012, 12:12 PM
The Donkey show did not make you enough pesos?
:lol: Good one, dammit.

03-07-2012, 12:34 PM
I just want to say one thing......................... ...... One thing.

Sent from my iPhone
Eaton Swap + 4.10's = Wreeeeeeeeeedom!!

SC Cheesehead
03-07-2012, 12:57 PM
I just want to say one thing......................... ...... One thing.

Sent from my iPhone
Eaton Swap + 4.10's = Wreeeeeeeeeedom!!

Olson Johnson (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0399663/): Now who can argue with that? I think we're all indebted to Gabby Johnson for clearly stating what needed to be said. I'm particulary glad that these lovely children were here today to hear that speech. Not only was it authentic frontier gibberish, it expressed a courage little seen in this day and age.

03-07-2012, 01:07 PM
I wonder if anyone bothered to check if members (OR THEIR PARENTS) of the Hispanic team were in fact illegal aliens. Statistically the answer would be yes -- In which case chanting USA is all the more valid - kids are fed up with freeloaders trying to take over.

New proposed law: Any lawful gun owning verified American is not only free, but encouraged to shoot at any person or persons entering the US from any non-designated border crossing.

Problem solved. Taxpayer cost: zero

03-07-2012, 02:25 PM
Just give up, Texas.


03-07-2012, 02:29 PM
Mexico is a shithole. No wonder they all come here and wave their sh****y flag.

03-07-2012, 02:31 PM
Just give up, Texas.


It's one thing to learn a country's national anthem, kinda makes you cultured to at least be familiar with the traditions and important things of other nations (working to get rid of that whole "arrogant Americans" rep we keep earning). However, being forced to recite a foreign pledge of allegiance? Lol, I'd be done with that school forever. One may have to attend at least a public school until they finish high school, but clearly this institution no longer classifies itself as such.

03-07-2012, 02:39 PM
Wow!! Its such a nice day!! Why not let's all get along, get the car keys, and drive!! I'm sure or hope one day we can all really get along Hispanic African Caucasian..what's the difference? All races have their bad and good people:) lets Just enjoy our days together in peace after all you never know what might happen tomorrow.

03-07-2012, 04:09 PM
Boiling !!! :mad:

03-07-2012, 04:49 PM
she did the right thing I would not stand and pledge allegiance to a foreign country

03-08-2012, 08:32 AM


"Although local stations report that the rival team's school of Edison High School is 96% Latino, students from Alamo Heights claim that fans have chanted "U-S-A" in games against non-minority players as well."


"Students at the high school pointed out that the chant had been used at other games against schools of non-minority players."


"Edison coach Art Vela said his players were in the already locker room and didn't hear it."


"Then there is the issue of how the media reported this incident. When the story broke on Sunday evening, the reports gave the impression that all Heights students were guilty of chanting. Furthermore, no Heights students were interviewed to give their version of the events. It appears some Edison students were chanting “Alamo Whites”, however that was not reported. The unfortunate portrayal that was given by the media was that of “mean racist whites against poor victimized Hispanics.”

So apparently, the majority of the chant was by fans in the audience, not the actual basketball team. The chant happened not AT the players of Edison, but just a chant out loud, of which the players didn't even hear as it happened, so the district is TELLING the students to feel offended, over something that Alamo Heights does apparently at many games that don't include primarily Mexican (let alone any minority) rival teams. I haven't even bothered finding the quotes about how Alamo Heights is not exclusively a white school, and as such there were non-white audience members on the Alamo Heights side participating in the chant as well.


03-08-2012, 08:38 AM
And your a racist for even posting this. ;)

03-08-2012, 09:19 AM
"Then there is the issue of how the media reported this incident. When the story broke on Sunday evening, the reports gave the impression that all Heights students were guilty of chanting. Furthermore, no Heights students were interviewed to give their version of the events. It appears some Edison students were chanting “Alamo Whites”, however that was not reported. The unfortunate portrayal that was given by the media was that of “mean racist whites against poor victimized Hispanics.”

Not that i'm all that worried about it but from your post, the above...

This stuff has been going on down your way for a long time it seems, i keep reading about the back and forth BS. No doubt the school authorities are trying hard to eliminate this stuff which no doubt is why a seemingly minor occurance was reported.

Why are you posting this stuff up anyway?

P.S. Don't call me racist again, you know squat.

Ozark Marauder
03-08-2012, 09:26 AM
Wow!! Its such a nice day!! Why not let's all get along, get the car keys, and drive!! I'm sure or hope one day we can all really get along Hispanic African Caucasian..what's the difference? All races have their bad and good people:) lets Just enjoy our days together in peace after all you never know what might happen tomorrow.

Well said, even if it's from a guy with a dtr. :rolleyes: Sorry couldn't resist...........

03-08-2012, 09:34 AM
mebbe we should give back Santa Anna's leg....


Santa Anna's generalship eventually led to Mexico losing Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Colorado, Nevada, and southern California to the U.S. "Everybody thinks we went to war in World War I because the Germans sunk the Lusitania. No we didn't. We went to war because the Germans offered the Mexicans all of that territory back if Mexico would side against us."

03-08-2012, 09:37 AM
I've been to this roadside attraction. Have pics of my Marauder there, it is bonkers, actually ran off the road when I went past it and saw it up on a hill.


03-08-2012, 10:40 AM
"Then there is the issue of how the media reported this incident. When the story broke on Sunday evening, the reports gave the impression that all Heights students were guilty of chanting. Furthermore, no Heights students were interviewed to give their version of the events. It appears some Edison students were chanting “Alamo Whites”, however that was not reported. The unfortunate portrayal that was given by the media was that of “mean racist whites against poor victimized Hispanics.”

Not that i'm all that worried about it but from your post, the above...

This stuff has been going on down your way for a long time it seems, i keep reading about the back and forth BS. No doubt the school authorities are trying hard to eliminate this stuff which no doubt is why a seemingly minor occurance was reported.

Why are you posting this stuff up anyway?

I'm posting it because an end to racism clearly isn't the goal of the "victims", as this whole situation has shown to be grasping at straws just to be able to claim victim status. I would like to believe this is the perfect world where if we all put down our guns, violence and hate will go away, but empirical evidence has shown otherwise. This is not a justification to be the first one to provoke an attack always, but more of a justification to take a stand when need be to make sure that in fact the envelope doesn't get pushed too far the other direction, in the hopes that a REAL end to this problem might be feasible.

(tl;dr: racism shouldn't be tolerated in any form, but neither should pandering to those that cry victim in an unjustified situation just to try to get a leg up)

I don't want racism, frankly I don't fully understand how people think in this day and age that race is somehow a truly indicative character trait for people in and of itself, but I also live in a place and an era where I am NEVER allowed to forget that because I have white ancestry and that people of white decent sometimes have ancestors that exploited others because of their race, I will ALWAYS be guilty of ALL their crimes and should pay retributions for all of eternity to anyone that may or may not have ancestors that were victims of such crimes.

P.S. Don't call me racist again, you know squat.

Sure sucks being on the receiving end of that slander/libel (whatever the delivery may be), don't it?

03-08-2012, 10:57 AM
Sure sucks being on the receiving end of that slander/libel (whatever the delivery may be), don't it?[/QUOTE]

No it doesn't suck, no one has ever leveled that accusation at me before, some college kid from texas who drives a camaro just doesn't count.
Have a nice day.

03-08-2012, 11:10 AM
No it doesn't suck, no one has ever leveled that accusation at me before, some college kid from texas who drives a camaro just doesn't count.
Have a nice day.

Is this what you are referring to?

To say what they did is racist shows YOU are a racist, by YOUR OWN standards.

If so, it is what it is. The fact that you say I'm Texan and drive a Camaro as though it pertains to this situation in an attempt to denigrate me speaks volumes about how you view people. If you genuinely like to associate irrelevant information about people to prove an un-related point as though this irrelevant tidbits are indicative of who they are as a person, then you really just show me how much more right I would be in what I said.

03-08-2012, 05:00 PM
Not that i'm all that worried about it but from your post, the above...

This stuff has been going on down your way for a long time it seems,
Why are you posting this stuff up anyway?

P.S. Don't call me racist again, you know squat.

Let me get this straight, non-racist person:

1. You don't care when he posts the facts of what really happened.
2. You know the true intent of the chant without knowing who chanted or wanting to know the facts.
3. When it turns out things weren't exactly the way you wanted them to be, you wonder why people keep posting about it?

Funny how that works out, eh?