View Full Version : 1 year anny....

03-08-2012, 09:10 PM
Well, it's hard to believe, but a year ago today I became a MM owner. (Didn't actually see it/drive it til 3 days later, though)

I've put almost 30K miles on her already (think I'm about 3 or 4 hundred shy), but don't expect to be racking up those kind of miles now that I'm not driving 500 miles round-trip twice/three times a month to see my kids (less than 30).

I vividly remember going to my first MM gathering...the BOC in Mooresville, NC, last May. Met Rex, Tom, Russ, Wendy, slickster, and Colt (an out-of-town MM owner from Mass); felt like part of the family from minute one.

Then, several months later, was introduced to PonyUP and maraudersanta (or is it santamarauder?) at Rex's house for a pool party. Got to eat some great BBQ at Dickie's (still have my cup!) and the kids had a great time swimming with the wiener dogs.

Then, of course, MV9.

All great times...wish I could have made it out for more, and hoping I will be able to this year. Louisville is looking good, the BOC in May definitely, Carlisle in June...dunno right now, MVX--will bust a nut to make it. ATL in Nov most likely.

Becoming a part of this group has given me something to look forward to, something to plan for while I feel like I'm in limbo in regards to the rest of my life. My kids still think my car is 'cool'...they hate it when I get passed by someone else (I've tried to explain to them that passing police cars is NOT a good idea), and yes, my son still calls it the 'murderer'. Outside of seeing my kids, being part of this group has become an important part of my life and I hope that it will never change.

Thanks to everyone for making my first year a great and memorable one and hope to have many, many more with all of you fine folks!

03-08-2012, 09:15 PM
:congrats: on an amazing year!!! :beer:

03-08-2012, 09:59 PM
That made me proud to be a owner :)

03-08-2012, 10:01 PM
Congrats bud, may the memories continue!

03-09-2012, 04:42 AM
Well, it's hard to believe, but a year ago today I became a MM owner. (Didn't actually see it/drive it til 3 days later, though)

Then, of course, MV9.

Thanks to everyone for making my first year a great and memorable one and hope to have many, many more with all of you fine folks!

It was good meeting you, here's to running into you again! :beer:

03-09-2012, 05:39 AM
Great having you as apart of our group and fellow board member---Here to many years to come:beer:

03-09-2012, 05:42 AM
Well, it's hard to believe, but a year ago today I became a MM owner. (Didn't actually see it/drive it til 3 days later, though)

I've put almost 30K miles on her already (think I'm about 3 or 4 hundred shy), but don't expect to be racking up those kind of miles now that I'm not driving 500 miles round-trip twice/three times a month to see my kids (less than 30).

I vividly remember going to my first MM gathering...the BOC in Mooresville, NC, last May. Met Rex, Tom, Russ, Wendy, slickster, and Colt (an out-of-town MM owner from Mass); felt like part of the family from minute one.

Then, several months later, was introduced to PonyUP and maraudersanta (or is it santamarauder?) at Rex's house for a pool party. Got to eat some great BBQ at Dickie's (still have my cup!) and the kids had a great time swimming with the wiener dogs.

Then, of course, MV9.

All great times...wish I could have made it out for more, and hoping I will be able to this year. Louisville is looking good, the BOC in May definitely, Carlisle in June...dunno right now, MVX--will bust a nut to make it. ATL in Nov most likely.

Becoming a part of this group has given me something to look forward to, something to plan for while I feel like I'm in limbo in regards to the rest of my life. My kids still think my car is 'cool'...they hate it when I get passed by someone else (I've tried to explain to them that passing police cars is NOT a good idea), and yes, my son still calls it the 'murderer'. Outside of seeing my kids, being part of this group has become an important part of my life and I hope that it will never change.

Thanks to everyone for making my first year a great and memorable one and hope to have many, many more with all of you fine folks!

If it wasn't for the MM community. My MM would not be so special to me. It's all the great folks here who make such a great car special and the experiences last a lifetime.

Too bad I missed ya at MV9.

Sent from my iPhone
Eaton Swap + 4.10's = Wreeeeeeeeeedom!!

SC Cheesehead
03-09-2012, 05:50 AM
Good stuff, Kyle! :up:

03-09-2012, 09:45 AM
Great having you as apart of our group and fellow board member---Here to many years to come:beer:

Thanks, Tom...I sometimes wonder 'what if' if you would've bought my MM before I did....

I probably would've bought the one in OK, but who knows????

Thanks for being older and slower than me...:lol:

03-09-2012, 09:54 AM
That's a great unsolicited testimonial to the MM.Net and the great bunch of folks that hang out here. Was nice meeting you at MV9. Hope to see you around at more of the events. If you can get to Carlisle, PA in June, you definitely won't regret it. :2thumbs:

03-09-2012, 12:50 PM
That's a great unsolicited testimonial to the MM.Net and the great bunch of folks that hang out here. Was nice meeting you at MV9. Hope to see you around at more of the events. If you can get to Carlisle, PA in June, you definitely won't regret it. :2thumbs:

I'm thinking real hard about Carlisle. Classes for summer semester don't start until June 5th, so it's just a question of $$$. I plan on working for a buddy of mine (he's in housing developments) during the month of May while I'm not in school. Squeezing in a weekend trip to hang out with MM members after working construction for a month and before school starts up again would be great! Will just have to wait and see if it pans out that way...

03-09-2012, 04:48 PM
Thanks, Tom...I sometimes wonder 'what if' if you would've bought my MM before I did....

I probably would've bought the one in OK, but who knows????

Thanks for being older and slower than me...:lol:

That was a close call back then for sure.......it was as tempting as I've been on anything so far......but all has workout for us all .....

I just want to say how much I admire you for going (back) to school after the long service time--That's one great stand up initiative to take on .....am not so sure if I would have at your stage of life, but it remains a as a BIG Salute :up: to you my friend

03-09-2012, 08:52 PM
That was a close call back then for sure.......it was as tempting as I've been on anything so far......but all has workout for us all .....

I just want to say how much I admire you for going (back) to school after the long service time--That's one great stand up initiative to take on .....am not so sure if I would have at your stage of life, but it remains a as a BIG Salute :up: to you my friend

Thanks, Tom. Granted, I used my GI Bill as a 'gateway' to move closer to my kids...had nothing lined up as far as employment in Charleston or here in Asheville and knew the only way I could 'survive' a move to Asheville was to go the GI Bill route. If I can continue with the school thing and get my degree, great! If not, then it will be on to plan C (or D).

But it's not all peaches and cream as I'm wrangling with getting to see my kids as much as I want, disputing this ridiculous lawsuit my other half dropped on me 2 weeks after I moved up here, getting the divorce finalized, and will be tackling the perils of filing for bankruptcy within the next month or so...which poses the possibility of me losing the MM. The thought of the amount of $$$ I will have to spend on lawyers to steer me through all of this nonsensical crap makes me cringe and gets my blood boiling....and I'll just leave it at that.

But, as I type this, I have my kids with me now....my daughter just fell asleep on the couch and my son is entertaining himself with my calculator I bought for my Chemistry class and I'm enjoying every moment I have with them as well as posting/reading on this website. I try my best to stay away from playing the 'what if' game and focus more on 'what's next'.