View Full Version : Something to get your blood boiling - part II

03-19-2012, 08:42 AM
Bill Mahr :eek: actually raises a good point...

http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2012/03/17/real_time_interviews_shameless _welfare_recipients.html

03-19-2012, 09:04 AM
Seems about normal....

03-19-2012, 09:12 AM
The various Gov't benefits are such that too many have an incentive to not work or work less.

I have several realtives that are in good health and highly educated who have turned down raises and stopped working to continue to be eligible for various Government benefits.

Their children go to private school for "free", their mortgages were reduced both principal/interest, credit card debt reduced, earned income tax credits, subsidized car purchase, on and on.

I work 3-4 times more than they do and make 3 times more to pay the taxes so they get "free" stuff.

They live a better life style becasue with all their free time they take numerous vacations.

The insult is some work for non-tax paying entities, claim I am "rich" so I should keep paying higher taxes. Afterall I have money and they don't.:mad:

Yes, when push comes to shove over this I will stand against my own relatives for the future of both their children and ours.

03-19-2012, 09:15 AM
that is the reason o'bomber will be reelected
to many leaches on the government tit

03-19-2012, 06:00 PM
Makes me wonder though... why does the welfare office need a "door man"? Can the welfare queens not find and open their own door? Really?

03-19-2012, 06:17 PM
Bizarre to see this message on Maher, but then again I think that's what even he was trying to pat himself on the back for. I swear, even if that man has a valid point on, he is impossibly frustrating to listen to for his arrogance alone.

Pelosi doesn't seem like she'd be an easy person to converse with either though, gives me the impression that she's a walking catchphrase (and consequently, fits perfectly into the lacking-of-skills journalist she cries out against through said lack of expressive touch.)

What makes me sad is the thought of the possibility that these people in the video aren't just exaggerated stereotypes. I don't want to believe that these people are truly representative of a larger population, I mean that level of ignorance is frankly astounding. I wish she would have interviewed more people than black people (aside from that one white woman that seemed like a hippie), because I'm afraid this will be relegated to more racial nonsense than actual discussions on the behavior of human beings regardless of skin color.

03-19-2012, 06:37 PM
She should make a video of her kicking the living **** out of her momma.

03-19-2012, 07:40 PM
........I don't want to believe that these people are truly representative of a larger population, I mean that level of ignorance is frankly astounding. I wish she would have interviewed more people than black people (aside from that one white woman that seemed like a hippie), because I'm afraid this will be relegated to more racial nonsense than actual discussions on the behavior of human beings regardless of skin color.

The relatives I referrenced are as white as mayonaisse. White trash, black trash, red trash, brown trash or yellow trash, it is all just trash as far as I am concerned.

03-19-2012, 08:33 PM
Makes me wonder though... why does the welfare office need a "door man"? Can the welfare queens not find and open their own door? Really?

I mentioned this in the UN thread. The doorman actually worked at the building across the street from welfare. She also did a similar video with voters in one of the most conservative states (Mississippi) and the responses there were just as appalling, this was also featured ob Real Time. It's very interesting just how uneducated and Uninformed some of the people doing the voting on both sides are

Pony seal of Approval

03-20-2012, 08:26 AM
Bizarre to see this message on Maher, but then again I think that's what even he was trying to pat himself on the back for. I swear, even if that man has a valid point on, he is impossibly frustrating to listen to for his arrogance alone.

Pelosi doesn't seem like she'd be an easy person to converse with either though, gives me the impression that she's a walking catchphrase (and consequently, fits perfectly into the lacking-of-skills journalist she cries out against through said lack of expressive touch.)

What makes me sad is the thought of the possibility that these people in the video aren't just exaggerated stereotypes. I don't want to believe that these people are truly representative of a larger population, I mean that level of ignorance is frankly astounding. I wish she would have interviewed more people than black people (aside from that one white woman that seemed like a hippie), because I'm afraid this will be relegated to more racial nonsense than actual discussions on the behavior of human beings regardless of skin color.

Its sad, at 22 years old I would rather work and work hard than use welfare, I understand some people actually need it because of their situation, but I've met many that actually depend on it as a way of living rather than a stepping stone to go in the right direction. Both New York and Philadelphia and I am sure a bunch more areas have this mind set that you can actually live proudly off of it..

03-20-2012, 08:49 AM
It is increasingly our Gov't policy to reward irresponsible behavior, be it WS/Auto Cos/Unions/Illegals/Crackheads/Lazyiettes/Greedy Borrowers, and penalize responsible behavior.

49% of the bottom who file an income tax return pay no income tax and the 40%of the bottom who file an income tax return get a bigger check from the Gov't then they pay in FICA.

If I get a divorce and only work 4 months during the year I will live a better life style even though my income would be cut 66%. How? Because of all the Gov't benefits I will be eligible for.

So why am I doing it??? Who is the FOOL????

03-20-2012, 10:06 AM
Sometimes I wonder if these folks that are being interviewed, from both sides, are playing to the camera.

I saw that Mississippi interview also.

Interesting how both interviews placed emphasis on extreme comments from either side.

Weren't there any normal folks there to be interviewed, or is it just that normal folks aren't interesting enough to put on TV?

03-20-2012, 11:29 AM
Normal folks aren't angry at every report they read, and it is the purpose of these reports to generate outrage and therefore support for their "side." So no, normal folks don't serve their purpose.

03-20-2012, 04:18 PM
I mentioned this in the UN thread. The doorman actually worked at the building across the street from welfare. She also did a similar video with voters in one of the most conservative states (Mississippi) and the responses there were just as appalling, this was also featured ob Real Time. It's very interesting just how uneducated and Uninformed some of the people doing the voting on both sides are

Pony seal of Approval

That makes more sense - guy working across the street.

I haven't seen the other vid, but I'd be willing to bet Maher wasn't making excuse after excuse after that one...

03-20-2012, 07:29 PM
That makes more sense - guy working across the street.

I haven't seen the other vid, but I'd be willing to bet Maher wasn't making excuse after excuse after that one...

No he wasn't, which ticked me off about the New York video. She actually did a balanced video showing terrible uneducated potential voters on both sides. When it was Mississippi, he just made jokes, when it was New York, he made excuses.
I like to watch the show, even though it is definitely left, he still usually has someone on from the right and there is some good conversation, the New Rules are pretty funny as well. But there is no defending what anyone said in either video, they were all idiots

Pony seal of Approval

03-21-2012, 09:27 AM
No he wasn't, which ticked me off about the New York video. She actually did a balanced video showing terrible uneducated potential voters on both sides. When it was Mississippi, he just made jokes, when it was New York, he made excuses.
I like to watch the show, even though it is definitely left, he still usually has someone on from the right and there is some good conversation, the New Rules are pretty funny as well. But there is no defending what anyone said in either video, they were all idiots

Pony seal of Approval

100% agreed... it's sad to think that Nancy Pelosi's offspring is more level headed than our big media hosts...

03-21-2012, 09:29 AM
100% agreed... it's sad to think that Nancy Pelosi's offspring is more level headed than our big media hosts...

She probably decided to be the exact opposite of her mom. Turned our great! :beer:

03-21-2012, 09:53 AM
Ya she did the big switch, harder to sell this shock type stuff to the liberals, pure gold to the hard right crowd.
Look at late night AM radio, full of Hannity impersonators, must be a dozen of them, all yelling at the same time. No shows for liberal audiences.


03-21-2012, 11:17 AM
Nothing on that video was news. Everybody knows that mentality has been there for many, many years, and is increasing exponentially under Obama. And that government dependence is what the left is so desperately trying to preserve for nothing more than votes and power.

No one yells louder and is more vulgar and disgusting than Bill Maher, Ed Schultz and Keith Olbermann. Maddow is just sickeningly smarmy.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TOgz9rV7w9E I can come up with dozens of vulgar clips of your heroes.

Show me ONE video where Hannity, O'Reilly or Beck is vulgar and disgusting. Just one.

03-21-2012, 11:27 AM
Ya she did the big switch, harder to sell this shock type stuff to the liberals, pure gold to the hard right crowd.
Look at late night AM radio, full of Hannity impersonators, must be a dozen of them, all yelling at the same time. No shows for liberal audiences.


Because CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, PBS, HBO, etc, all have 50% of their talk shows time dedicated to conservative talk show hosts, right?

TV is dominated by liberals with Fox being the counter balance.
Radio is dominated by conservatives with NPR being the counter balance.

The difference is, TV is a helluva lot more popular than radio, except for during rush hour.

03-21-2012, 12:14 PM
Why is it called compassion by Liberals to economicaly enslave humanbeings by being dependent on Gov't "benefits"?:confused:

Being paid not to work and being paid to not be self sufficent economicaly enslaves humanbeings to the Gov't.

03-28-2012, 12:45 AM


03-28-2012, 05:05 AM
The enslaver takes fish from the fishermen, keeps the filets for their "over head" and gives the scraps in exchange for a promise of "support", i.e. mob rule, and not to fish?

And that is New Age Compassionate Liberalism! All hale the "giver of scraps" and the "leftist taker-redistributer" of the bounty belonging to all.

03-29-2012, 11:22 PM
My well fair checks bought all my Marauders. Louisiana Gold Card.