View Full Version : Stacy's Mom

Donny Carlson
02-03-2004, 10:25 PM
Okay folks, I heard a conversation on the Janet Jackson tube this morning in which the Fountains of Wayne video of "Stacy's Mom" was held up as an example of how youth is being all sexed up by the media.

So, I looked at the video.

You can too, here at IFilm


I gotta say, Rachel Hunter is a BABE!!!:banana:

I pictured the guy in the song as somewhat older than the kid in the video, say a senior in high school, but it still worked.

Fans of "Fast Time at Ridgemont High" will appreciate the homage.

Phoebe Cates. :up: :up:

Macon Marauder
02-04-2004, 06:04 AM
Yeah, Rachel has held up really well. She ain't no spring chicken and has had a couple of kids (I think). That video was my 14 yr. old son's favorite for months. He couldn't believe she was nearly as old as his mom!

02-04-2004, 06:49 AM
To quote Beavis and Butthead:
To quote Waynes' World:

02-04-2004, 08:23 AM
Okay folks, I heard a conversation on the Janet Jackson tube this morning in which the Fountains of Wayne video of "Stacy's Mom" was held up as an example of how youth is being all sexed up by the media.

So, I looked at the video.

You can too, here at IFilm


I gotta say, Rachel Hunter is a BABE!!!:banana:

I pictured the guy in the song as somewhat older than the kid in the video, say a senior in high school, but it still worked.

Fans of "Fast Time at Ridgemont High" will appreciate the homage.

Phoebe Cates. :up: :up:

ya know, if we are gonna get our shorts in a bunch over sex on TV it would probably better for our case if we didn't enjoy it so much. :lol:

Rachael Hunter has aged well.

O's Fan Rich
02-04-2004, 08:31 AM
I don't understand the bathroom scene at the end of that video.
Could someone please explain it to me?

As far as the theme of the song, any guy who has gone through puberty can fully understand.

02-04-2004, 09:58 AM
I found the song...er...interesting. I did like it for several weeks, but I don't watch MTV much...I don't watch TV much at all...so I never saw the video. I'm either at the house, doing work, or out with friends...(more likely the latter). I do love my TV, but it's mostly put to use when I rent or buy movies. I LOVE to watch movies on the tube...(Audio video geek here!)...but I never have the time for cable.

01 Interceptor
02-04-2004, 11:29 AM
Well, if I had to gather a guess. Keeping it PG-13...let's just say Stacy saw her friend polishing his Panther to her mom.