View Full Version : You'd never know they were out of money

Mike Poore
03-27-2012, 08:23 AM
We left PA on I-80, mid-state at O dark:30, and it was 35 degrees. By the time we hit Youngstown the sun was up and it was clear & bright and the temp hit 40. We started to notice the bridges were wet and finally discovered the reason by the time we were west of Akron on I-76 when we encountered the truck spraying anti-freeze liquid on the bridges. (they freeze before the road, don't y'know). Barb observed that the thermometer had hit 45, and by the time we hit Columbus at noon, it had hit 50; but never mind, they were still spraying the bridges. What can they be thinking? :lol:

03-27-2012, 09:01 AM
Who are you?

03-27-2012, 09:09 AM
Every department of government spending the total budget to avoid a cut next year? Seems universal in my experience, both as tax payer and a vendor to governmental buyers at all levels. God bless the clowns. Dennis

03-27-2012, 09:26 AM
I know of someone who was contracted to set up 60 EDP work stations in a new office location for a Federal Agency. After he set it up he was told due to a change in plans to throw it all away.
He refused to and was able to because the contract did not call for him to throw it away.

At 44-46% of GDP Gov't gots lots of MONEY! Income Tax Payers how does it feel to be an Endentured Servant for the rest of your working years???


03-27-2012, 09:34 AM
Income Tax Payers how does it feel to be an Endentured Servantfor the rest of your working years???


Those two words are so true it is not funny. We are no longer citizens living in a Rebublic, but are 'ENDEDTURED SERVANTS' to the government.

03-27-2012, 10:07 AM
On February 10, 2012 President Obama announced his new "rule by Executive Order" that requires one Group, in this case Health Insurance Companies owners and employees, to give their Labor and their Property to another group, in this case employees of religious institutions, FOR FREE.
This is Slavery, to force one group to work for another with out compensation.

President Obama knows this is SLAVERY and has ordered it as a test. There has been no objection to my knowledge on the basis of violating the 13th or the 4th Amendments. He is now the Supreme Ruler of all. What Group will he enslave next? Will you stand by and watch the enslavement of your fellow man? When will he enslave you?

03-27-2012, 11:25 AM
Use it or lose it.

03-27-2012, 11:46 AM
Wait til the president finds out that the Marauder group is a under ground radical group. He will take away our Marauders and give them to other less fortunate members of the US....

03-27-2012, 07:50 PM
Wait til the president finds out that the Marauder group is a under ground radical group. He will take away our Marauders and give them to other less fortunate members of the US....

That should go over well.

We can probably rely on our crown vic brothers, and form an army more deadly than anything that walked this earth. We would be able to drink gas stations dry, easily. :eek:

^-- read above in the 300 narrator's voice.

03-28-2012, 07:48 PM
That should go over well.

We can probably rely on our crown vic brothers, and form an army more deadly than anything that walked this earth. We would be able to drink gas stations dry, easily. :eek:

^-- read above in the 300 narrator's voice.

I'm in! High fives for the ladies, open mouth tongue kisses for the men!

Joe Walsh
03-28-2012, 07:57 PM
A buddy of mine works for the Social Security Administration in Woodlawn, Md.
If I could repeat some of the stories he tells me of the absolutely incredible and unbelievable waste that goes on... just in that one building......:shake:......... :mad2:

Your tax dollar being burned faster than they can tax us!

When they finally break the camel's back...all hell is going to break loose!

Do yourself and everyone else a favor: VOTE THE CLOWNS OUT OF OFFICE!!!

BTW: Hi MIke and Barb!

03-29-2012, 10:57 AM
On February 10, 2012 President Obama announced his new "rule by Executive Order" that requires one Group, in this case Health Insurance Companies owners and employees, to give their Labor and their Property to another group, in this case employees of religious institutions, FOR FREE.
This is Slavery, to force one group to work for another with out compensation.

President Obama knows this is SLAVERY and has ordered it as a test. There has been no objection to my knowledge on the basis of violating the 13th or the 4th Amendments. He is now the Supreme Ruler of all. What Group will he enslave next? Will you stand by and watch the enslavement of your fellow man? When will he enslave you?

It is not just Obama doing this, it is all the people in Washington doing
the bidding for there paymasters (The Lobbiests) That's who is paying for the votes of the bicameral congress. No one leaves there broke. Not even the disgraced ones. If you can work for two years and walk away with a pension at full pay and Medical benny and other examptions that you and I are not legally allowed to take advantage of, then you are right we are inslaved to there paymasters.

03-29-2012, 12:03 PM
It is not just Obama doing this, it is all the people in Washington doing
the bidding for there paymasters (The Lobbiests) That's who is paying for the votes of the bicameral congress. No one leaves there broke. Not even the disgraced ones. If you can work for two years and walk away with a pension at full pay and Medical benny and other examptions that you and I are not legally allowed to take advantage of, then you are right we are inslaved to there paymasters.

What you post is correct.

No other President in my life time or elected official has ORDERED ONE GROUP TO GIVEAWAY IT'S PROPERTY OR LABOR TO ANOTHER GROUP FOR FREE!

With over 300,000 Federal Laws no one is innocent, only those who pay remain free of proscecution.

FREEDOM is NOW only what is granted to us by this Gov't.

The complete opposite of the foundation of this country.