View Full Version : Raced a Porsche GT2

02-04-2004, 06:58 PM
My friends dad owns a brand new porsche GT2.. we were cruisin one day after dinner... soooo.. just to say i raced one.. we lined up... let me tell you... i was very depressed. Light turns green... im at it for 5 secs.. i look back he still hasnt left... i look forward.. next thing i see is him literally flying by.. not just pulling.. OH MY GOD.. btw.. 0-60 is 3.6 on that car

02-04-2004, 07:04 PM
It's like a Yugo racing you!! Its just fun to see the other car fly by. After all, you didn't do it expecting to win! (Right??)

02-04-2004, 07:08 PM
yes i forgot to add... I WAS NOTTTT expecting to win.

02-04-2004, 07:57 PM
Many, many moons ago...I had an '88 911...it was one of the best cars I've ever driven in my life...but a GT 2...is one of the best cars ever produced in the HISTORY of the automobile.

Just no room for golf clubs...or I'd have Marty buy me one...
http://www.alltheweb.com/r?ck_sm=15ce5706&rpos=2&oid=-&rpge=1&ref=200340086&r=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.n.ethz.ch%2 Fstudent%2Fmbranko%2F02porsche _gt2_1.jpg

02-04-2004, 07:58 PM
Yeah, but think of it this way:

For half of the some $180 to $220,000 that car costs, you could mod your marauder to well over 1000 hp and eat the crap out of that german chick magnet:P

02-04-2004, 08:18 PM
Or just spend the money on something worth while and buy the new Ford GT.

Oh, and isn't that Porsche the same kind of Porsche they stole in Gone in Sixty Seconds (the second one)?

02-04-2004, 08:22 PM
It's amazing how they make that thing do what it does with a 6 cylinder. I know a guy who's got a Carerra. Love it. I just don't like the way they all look down the center of the dash. The shifter is fine. Just looks too straight-forward. But other than that!

A Marauder with 1000hp is something this world needs...hey Mac, are you ready to shift it up a gear or three or four? :D

02-04-2004, 09:16 PM
Yeah, but think of it this way:

For half of the some $180 to $220,000 that car costs, you could mod your marauder to well over 1000 hp and eat the crap out of that german chick magnet:PCruztaker not to flame but a Porsche does not compare to the Marauder.:nono: The Porsche is a more prestigious and exotic car and like you said costs a bundle more. Sure a Marauder could be modified to beat it but would it matter to anyone? It's like modding a Cobra to outrun an Enzo. Sure the Cobra may be faster and less expensive but its still a FORD. Sometimes you can't impress the people you wish to impress and other times you impress the people you don't care to impress. For me the Marauder is a Kick AZZ car and I like it alot.:up:

02-04-2004, 09:31 PM
Cruztaker not to flame but a Porsche does not compare to the Marauder.:nono: The Porsche is a more prestigious and exotic car and like you said costs a bundle more. Sure a Marauder could be modified to beat it but would it matter to anyone? It's like modding a Cobra to outrun an Enzo. Sure the Cobra may be faster and less expensive but its still a FORD. Sometimes you can't impress the people you wish to impress and other times you impress the people you don't care to impress. For me the Marauder is a Kick AZZ car and I like it alot.:up:Yeah, yeah...I should have elaborated. Just felt I didn't need to. I owned a porsche, whip de do, now my ex wife has it, along with everything else I had at the time...I hope she and the german metal are frying in the desert of nevada!

Ssrew the prestige and put a twin vortec in the marauder...I love making 6 figure silver spooners weep:D

02-04-2004, 09:42 PM
Yeah, yeah...I should have elaborated. Just felt I didn't need to. I owned a porsche, whip de do, now my ex wife has it, along with everything else I had at the time...I hope she and the german metal are frying in the desert of nevada!

Ssrew the prestige and put a twin vortec in the marauder...I love making 6 figure silver spooners weep:D Hopefully the Porsche blew its engine in the middle of the desert and she learned the meaning of "out of the fire and into the frying pan.":flamer::D

Donny Carlson
02-04-2004, 10:40 PM
For that kind of skinny, you can pay Montgomery Scott Automotive to install a warp drive reactor.:D

02-04-2004, 10:50 PM
Well guy when I pull if they are not impressed with what I am driving, well???

However when I step out of the Marauder I have their FULL attention:)

Some days it's good to be the BIG DOG:):):)

02-04-2004, 11:47 PM
[b]Just no room for golf clubs...or I'd have Marty buy me one...
http://www.alltheweb.com/r?ck_sm=15ce5706&rpos=2&oid=-&rpge=1&ref=200340086&r=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.n.ethz.ch%2 Fstudent%2Fmbranko%2F02porsche _gt2_1.jpg

I hear ya Todd......I'm trying to get Marty to buy me a Ford GT, but I don't think I'm gettin through to him. :argue:

02-05-2004, 10:20 PM
While Marty is out buying all of you guys cars, I have a more modest request and would like for Marty to buy me a new Range Rover...........

That way, the Marauder wouldn't have to get bathed in salt everyday.......

02-06-2004, 08:31 AM
Impress someone with my car? Since I'M the one paying for this car, I'm the only one who has to be impressed!

02-06-2004, 11:32 AM
I'm not surprised. That GT-2 is a Bad Ass Mo Fo....

I am an instructor for local Porsche Club driving schools and while I have never had a student with a GT-2, I have had a student with 2004 X-50 Turbo. This is the same engine as the GT-2 but with 4 wheel drive. The car honks and with 4 wheel drive it is reasonably manageable. The GT-2 would be a much tougher car to tame. If I had millions lying around, I would probably have one.

Any late model Porsche is a heck of a car and for the $30K a Marauder costs you can have a nice (used) Porsche.


02-07-2004, 06:10 AM
Impress someone with my car? Since I'M the one paying for this car, I'm the only one who has to be impressed!

Cheers to that! :beer:

02-07-2004, 07:35 AM
In "Fordspeak" it sounds like both vehicles were "functioning within design intent". Both purpose built to perform certain functions. While I enjoy the very rare opportunities to drive cars like the Porsche, Viper, etc. the Marauder fulfills more transportation roles than the Porsche. I can take it to a car show, drag race or road course and have fun and be welcome. But I can also take my parents to church or take a car load of buddies to a swap meet and still have room for all our parts in the trunk. In short- better value felt in the wallet and in the seat! No regrets.

02-07-2004, 09:06 AM
Impress someone with my car? Since I'M the one paying for this car, I'm the only one who has to be impressed!

I LIKE my Marauder !!!!!!!!!!!!! :beer: :beer: :beer:

Joe Clancy

02-07-2004, 04:26 PM
Now did you really think you could win against a GT2 Porsche? But I sure it was fun trying !!

02-08-2004, 01:30 AM
i was hoping for a really bad mis-shift... just kidding.. he would have to accidentally go from 1st to 6th .. back to 5th.. then to 3rd then back to fifth and then tranny dieing for me to win.

02-08-2004, 07:43 AM
I owned a porsche, whip de do, now my ex wife has it, along with everything else I had at the time...

Yeah, but now you've got Jess and Gage. Seems like you traded up, way up, to me my man!

02-08-2004, 07:49 AM
I hear ya Todd......I'm trying to get Marty to buy me a Ford GT, but I don't think I'm gettin through to him. :argue:
Billy I see your lips are moving, but I can't hear anything....


02-08-2004, 03:07 PM
Yeah, Like the day I lined up with a VIPER!!!!!!!
But I had 98 MarkVIII LSC. The Rauder would have a better chance :bigcry: :bs: :bs: