View Full Version : I think I found the final Merc....

04-01-2012, 08:39 AM
The last Grand Marquis was produced as part of a fleet shipment on 01.04.2011.

It was this car here....
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/208739_192414137469638_1919905 10845334_560807_2960647_n.jpg

Perusing this morning, I found this car here....

Possibly the last Grand Marquis, and Mercury? (http://www.carmax.com/enus/view-car/2011-mercury-grand-marquis-ls-8096196.html?AVi=5&N=4294966933+69+4294966729+429 4966897&D=90&zip=67226&pD=0&pI=0&pT=400&pC=200&pB=0&No=0&Ep=search:findcar:used&Rp=R&PP=20&sV=Grid&Us=2&CD=14+966+240+190+398+9&Q=b605b27b-5cc5-4688-b641-ef9d29892368)

I have pretty decent reason to believe that this car is the final GMQ, and final Mercury. What do you guys think? FWIW, I don't do April Fool's Day jokes, because I'm no darned good at them. I've been trying to figure out where this car went for a few months now.


04-01-2012, 09:11 AM
The last Grand Marquis was produced as part of a fleet shipment on 01.04.2011.

Perusing this morning, I found this car here....

Possibly the last Grand Marquis, and Mercury? (http://www.carmax.com/enus/view-car/2011-mercury-grand-marquis-ls-8096196.html?AVi=5&N=4294966933+69+4294966729+429 4966897&D=90&zip=67226&pD=0&pI=0&pT=400&pC=200&pB=0&No=0&Ep=search:findcar:used&Rp=R&PP=20&sV=Grid&Us=2&CD=14+966+240+190+398+9&Q=b605b27b-5cc5-4688-b641-ef9d29892368)

I have pretty decent reason to believe that this car is the final GMQ, and final Mercury. What do you guys think? FWIW, I don't do April Fool's Day jokes, because I'm no darned good at them. I've been trying to figure out where this car went for a few months now.

Probably not, since you say last one was sold as a fleet shipment and the one for sale's AutoCheck does not mention "Fleet" which they normally mark. :shake:

04-01-2012, 09:15 AM
Whoa, you're right. I overlooked that part. I think I will still make some calls tomorrow, simply because all these checkout guys tend to get things wrong here and there.

I was going off the build date listed. I'm still going to follow it up, just in case there's a goof.


Mr. Man
04-01-2012, 09:42 AM
Thought the last one went to the Middle East.

04-01-2012, 09:48 AM
That was the last Crown Vic. It was a 2012, and unable to be sold in the United States due to the edict that all 2012 models be equipped with Electronic Stability Control. (IIRC)


04-01-2012, 09:51 AM
Whoa, you're right. I overlooked that part. I think I will still make some calls tomorrow, simply because all these checkout guys tend to get things wrong here and there.

I was going off the build date listed. I'm still going to follow it up, just in case there's a goof.

It is a nice car, but I think more posters get their things wrong.

04-01-2012, 05:15 PM
Just confirmed by a CVN member, this is not the final car. There's another behind it, and he found the window sticker for it.

Sorry for the scare! I'll keep looking for that last car. It's floating around somewhere.


04-02-2012, 06:01 AM
There was a thread on here about the final car....IIRC some one from the middle east bought it and was to put it in a collection.

04-02-2012, 07:28 AM
There was a thread on here about the final car....IIRC some one from the middle east bought it and was to put it in a collection.


04-02-2012, 07:50 AM
Well if you do it you can't have my plate!
