View Full Version : Happy Birthday Wishes!

02-06-2004, 07:03 AM
To President Ronald Wilson Reagan (93)

May God Bless you, sir!!!

02-06-2004, 09:06 AM
A great man and a great President. Need more like him.

Paul T. Casey
02-06-2004, 09:26 AM
May I also add THANK YOU!!! to the birthday wishes.

02-06-2004, 09:59 AM
The thing that stands out most for me in remembering Ronald Reagan is that he brought back pride for this country. Vietnam was not that long ago and we had lost faith in the politicians due to Watergate and were being stepped on by every two bit nation under Carter. The Iran Hostage Crisis was enough to finially get people to step up and take some action.

Shortly after Reagan was elected, Iran freeded the American hosatges in their country, why because Reagan would not back down and would have sent in the military to reslove the problem. Like he did with Libya after the nightclub bombing in Berlin, by the way I was stationed in Berlin when that happened. I also remember a lot of the German people thanking me and telling me that it was about time America did something, now that is all changed. I was also there when he gave his speech telling Gorbechev to tear down the Berlin Wall. My how people forget how it was over there.

He did a lot for this country and the most important thing IMHO is that he gave us PRIDE to be Americans.

God Bless and Happy Birthday.

02-06-2004, 10:22 AM
I remember the day he was shot. I was in grade school and was deeply offended by my classmates who were happy about it. The memory still angers me today.
