View Full Version : Internet bar fight!

02-06-2004, 07:14 PM
I just wasted an hour of my life! I went to Blue Oval News to see if there was anything of interest in the CV/GM/Marauder thread.

What I found was 2 pages (of threads, not just posts), of what I will diplomatically call 'arguments'. I call it the internet equivalent of a barfight. No 'swear words' mind you, but you can tell that these guys are fogging up their monitors, they're so mad. I saw lots of doctored pictures that looked like they must have gone to a LOT of trouble to create.

Someone posted a question asking what the forum was really about, since he/she was actually looking for CV/GM info:

http://warnerrobert.com/ubb/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f =26;t=001759;p=1

and within 2 pages of his new thread it's back to the barfight! After I read the replies to his post, I decided I would NOT post to ask why they didn't answer his question. (I was already jumpy from the post that mentioned "following" someone to another site). I'm sure most longtime members here are aware of all of this, but I've just never seen it mentioned. Sure opened my eyes!

I respect their right to talk like that on a website, and I am sure that it is not the only place to find this kind of "dialogue"; I just can't get that mad. It does remind me that whether it's a website or the town hall meeting, there usually has to be someone around with a 'stick' to make it work.

Thank you Logan, LML, and everyone else who helps keep it civilized here.

02-06-2004, 07:28 PM
What you missed is that most of the posters are just ONE guy, Deputy Dawg 558, secret squirrel, and numerous others are just the "sheriff"....(yes the same sheriff from here) This is a hobby to him and numerous guys have fallen into his traps, he loves the controversy. I don't get it, but it makes HIM happy so let him play on. I left after about an hour. doesn't make sense to me why it is allowed, but its a wasted board. Throw an extra THANKYOU to Logan now and again for keeping this board far and away from what you see over there.

Don't bother going there, this is the only consistant board that entertains and is informative, without the garbage

P.S. thankyou Logan (I almost forgot )

02-06-2004, 07:50 PM
I've seen worse. Try military.com's point/counter point. They've got more than thier share of trols. Some of them keep coming back after their IP's been blocked.

Donny Carlson
02-06-2004, 09:06 PM
Thank you Logan, LML, and everyone else who helps keep it civilized here.
I second that!

Jeez, I tried to read some of those threads over on BON, but, seriously, that stuff is mind numbingly juvenile.

I notice Sheriff has been away from here for awhile. One thing for sure, "our" Sheriff is a good deal better behaved that the CVN and BON version, thank goodness.

02-06-2004, 09:25 PM
MapleleafMerc, that particular forum hasn't had any real CV/GM/MM info since before this board was up, when a few people who were waiting for their Marauders in the Spring of '02 were posting there.

Don't be fooled by the posts of people looking like they are asking for info either, many of them are just old hands from there using new names.

Yes, thankfully we have this place. Why would you look for MM info anywhere else? :)

02-07-2004, 09:03 AM
Arguing on the internet is like competing in the special olympics...

Even if you win, you're still retarded

02-07-2004, 10:58 AM
I like to think it's the car:)

02-07-2004, 05:04 PM
I second that!

Jeez, I tried to read some of those threads over on BON, but, seriously, that stuff is mind numbingly juvenile.

I notice Sheriff has been away from here for awhile. One thing for sure, "our" Sheriff is a good deal better behaved that the CVN and BON version, thank goodness.
I was just thinking the same thing.

02-07-2004, 07:06 PM
Arguing on the internet is like competing in the special olympics...

Even if you win, you're still retarded

I resemble that remark! :lol: :beer:

See, I even had to edit my spelling ;)

02-08-2004, 09:18 PM
MapleleafMerc, that particular forum hasn't had any real CV/GM/MM info since before this board was up, when a few people who were waiting for their Marauders in the Spring of '02 were posting there.

Don't be fooled by the posts of people looking like they are asking for info either, many of them are just old hands from there using new names.

Yes, thankfully we have this place. Why would you look for MM info anywhere else? :)

Umm...boldly going??? Ya got me RC! ;)