View Full Version : "Top Ten List"

04-23-2012, 12:16 AM

Read #3...The jackass is bitching because he expierenced "major" problems after 18 years...althought I do agree with the other 9.

Comin' in Hot
04-23-2012, 03:52 AM
"It was voted as one of the most dangerous cars by Forbes.". That's bunny, I always read it was one of the safest cars in a crash, I'm sure it has nothing to due with the 90 year old behind the wheel.

SC Cheesehead
04-23-2012, 06:06 AM

Read #3...The jackass is bitching because he expierenced "major" problems after 18 years...althought I do agree with the other 9.

Yeah, maybe spending a couple bucks for a tune-up at 100K might help...:rolleyes:

04-23-2012, 07:03 AM
Yeah, maybe spending a couple bucks for a tune-up at 100K might help...:rolleyes:
my friend didn't touch the plugs in his GM until it had 200k on it still going strong and has been driven cross country since

04-23-2012, 07:14 AM
that "author" clearly just got bored and made stuff up. so many incorrect facts, if he had done any research he could have found that the tire blowing problem with the explorer was ultimately found to be a fault with Fords recommended tire pressure, and was no fault in the tires. Ford paid for every lawsuit against firestone in those incidents

04-23-2012, 07:55 AM
I always take my car safety advice from financial magazines.

04-23-2012, 10:05 AM
Forbes though???

04-23-2012, 10:17 AM
Anybody notice most of those were FOREIGN cars!

04-23-2012, 11:12 AM
Anybody notice most of those were FOREIGN cars!

The guy who wrote the article is retarded, so that doesn't really mean anything.

04-23-2012, 11:30 AM
Did you read #6 and #8?

#6 “Collisions and problems driving are a source of problems for this car. This is another car popular amongst youngsters, and is not a good combo.”

Arent problems always a problem?

#8 "The 2009 model is not good either. This is extremely dangerous due to the number of collisions reported per year."

How is the manufacturer responsible for the # of collisions on either of these cars?

Maybe I should blame Trilogy Motorsports for my bald rear tires?

04-23-2012, 12:23 PM
I always take my car safety advice from financial magazines.

Liked the post you left on the article. :beer:

04-23-2012, 12:34 PM
What an absolutely stupid article.

Who in their right ****ing mind complains that after 14 years they actually had a problem with their car? I suppose this same person was surprised that they had to change the oil on occasion; "doesn't that already come with the car?"

This is not even mentioning the many different times when people have survived unreal accidents in panther body cars. Anyone remember the article about the drunk girl that literally got her GM airborne and plowed into a row of other parked panther cars and WALKED AWAY, without a scratch no less?

Mr. Man
04-23-2012, 12:58 PM
This is an article written by someone who has no automotive knowledge about cars other than the fact that they probably got to work in one.

Editor most likely gave this person an assignment to list top tens for something and a quick Google search gave them someone else's dopey list.

Aside from some bizarre quirks of the Ferrari lighting itself on fire(where is the Pontiac Fiero?) because of some sort of flammable glue they used the rest of the cars are no more dangerous than any other if they are used appropriately.

My buddy rolled his Samurai on it's side going around a corner to fast and that was his fault, it's not a sports car. We went 4 wheeling in it once and try as hard as we could we couldn't get it stuck.

Who is driving around in an Explorer with OEM tires 10-15 years after the Firestone tiregate scandal? Now if the list was top 10 pieces of crap Ford has sold an unwitting public then maybe:rolleyes:

If you want to list top ten most dangerous cars why not list the cars most people die in. I bet it's the Camry or Accord or maybe even the F-150 as there are bizzions of them out there. Doesn't mean they are any more dangerous than any other car or truck. It just means that they're so many out there the probability of being in an accident in one is higher because of shear numbers.:twocents: