View Full Version : N.J. Death Race 2012?

04-25-2012, 09:40 AM
http://www.nj.com/news/index.ssf/2012/04/second_state_trooper_suspended .html

Click the link to read all about it! Hot news here in NJ:) Seams two or more State Police gave a high speed escort to a "few" high end sports cars in March of this year and the State Police were flooded with people calling to complain about it. Now if you have ever driven the Garden State Parkway then you know it moves along (off peak) at about 75MPH +

Also they are checking in another event loke this last year.

Carefull with the some words might offend.( I heard nothing really bad)

I just wish I was on the GSP that day with my (stock) marauder :)

Mr. Man
04-25-2012, 10:05 AM
I saw this on one of the local Mustang sites last night and I have two comments:

1 All police involved in this should be fired not just suspended or relocated.:shake:

2 The two jabronies who shot this video are the poster children for why siblings should not marry.:shake:

04-25-2012, 10:36 AM
I saw this on one of the local Mustang sites last night and I have two comments:

1 All police involved in this should be fired not just suspended or relocated.:shake:

2 The two jabronies who shot this video are the poster children for why siblings should not marry.:shake:

Jealousy rears its ugly head.

04-25-2012, 10:37 AM
I had to mute it while watching it because I wanted to punch both these kids in the face.


04-25-2012, 11:11 AM
According to the local paper here in North Jersey, one elderly woman almost panicked and went off the road.

Others complained that while riding in the middle lane, the convoy was passing them on the right and left at high speeds.

NJ Parkway also gets it's share of crossing deer.

I was on a three lane highway the other day when some nutjob (two nutjobs were playing "catch me if you can" games) passed me on the right shoulder at high speed.

This was in a stretch of highway with numerous parking lot access/egress for shops/stores.

Not too bright.

04-25-2012, 11:15 AM
Maybe I'm just noticing it more because I find it terribly annoying, but this quote:

"Nassry, a 25-year veteran of the force, earned a regular salary of about $102,000 last year, not including overtime or other pay, state records show. Ventrella, who has been on the force for six years, earned a regular salary of about $70,000 last year, not including other pay."

What the **** does that have to do with ANYTHING? Are journalists so bad that they can't find enough substantive material otherwise without resorting to irrelevant information, or am I not crazy and the push to alienate people who get paid well is permeating EVERY outlet?

Anyway, back on topic...

Have you guys seen any of the Bullrun rally or the Gumball 3000? It's interesting to see documentaries about them, you see a wide range of responses from the different police agencies.

Mr. Man
04-25-2012, 12:42 PM
Jealousy rears its ugly head. Not sure what you mean Barn.:dunno:

Maybe I'm just noticing it more because I find it terribly annoying, but this quote:

"Nassry, a 25-year veteran of the force, earned a regular salary of about $102,000 last year, not including overtime or other pay, state records show. Ventrella, who has been on the force for six years, earned a regular salary of about $70,000 last year, not including other pay."

What the **** does that have to do with ANYTHING? Are journalists so bad that they can't find enough substantive material otherwise without resorting to irrelevant information, or am I not crazy and the push to alienate people who get paid well is permeating EVERY outlet?

If I were to guess I would think the reporters put the salaries in the story to question why some trooper who is well paid would use such poor judgement as to put their career in jeopardy. I would think losing a 100+ a year job would be hard to replace, especially in this economy.:twocents:

04-25-2012, 01:15 PM
Mr. Man, I wish I could agree with you, and in more reasonable times, I think your logic would be spot on. But given the constant diet of class warfare this country is being fed, it is my opinion that the "journalist's" reason for quoting salary was basically to say, "look at how much this dumb cop makes...!" I wish I was not so cynical...:shake:

If I were to guess I would think the reporters put the salaries in the story to question why some trooper who is well paid would use such poor judgement as to put their career in jeopardy. I would think losing a 100+ a year job would be hard to replace, especially in this economy.:twocents:

04-25-2012, 01:21 PM
If I were to guess I would think the reporters put the salaries in the story to question why some trooper who is well paid would use such poor judgement as to put their career in jeopardy. I would think losing a 100+ a year job would be hard to replace, especially in this economy.:twocents:

Why not mention that they have a wife and kids then? Or any family for that matter? Wouldn't that be an even more powerful motivator, especially since ideally law enforcement officers should, above and beyond any economic sense, have a strong sense of right and wrong?

That reasoning just ultimately doesn't really stand under scrutiny.

04-25-2012, 02:09 PM
Also another big issue was duck tape over the plates of the "high end sports cars" Troopers should have never let them on the road.

In 2010 they did cover the plates, this last time they did...:mad:

04-25-2012, 04:25 PM
Mr. Man, I wish I could agree with you, and in more reasonable times, I think your logic would be spot on. But given the constant diet of class warfare this country is being fed, it is my opinion that the "journalist's" reason for quoting salary was basically to say, "look at how much this dumb cop makes...!" I wish I was not so cynical...:shake:

In NJ, this is not a very high salary for a policeman.

And, $102,000 in the very expensive NY/NJ metro area is not a lot of money. (Many Wall Streeters live in Jersey. Their average annual bonus is a few hundred thousand dollars.)

On 1/4 acre with a 2,000 sq ft house (built in 1964) in North Jersey, my town taxes are approaching $9,000 per year.

04-25-2012, 05:02 PM
I'm not seeing an "issue".

Mr. Man
04-25-2012, 08:08 PM
Why not mention that they have a wife and kids then? Or any family for that matter? Wouldn't that be an even more powerful motivator, especially since ideally law enforcement officers should, above and beyond any economic sense, have a strong sense of right and wrong?

That reasoning just ultimately doesn't really stand under scrutiny.
I never read the article he was referring to so there may have been reference to the troopers and their family situations. I just don't know. I was just offering up what I thought might be a reason as to why salaries were noted.

I would rather have a police force that exemplifies good judgement over a narrow interpretation of what is judiciously interpreted as right or wrong.

Many laws are frankly stupid. I wouldn't want a police force to be so rigid in their enforcement of stupid laws that all sense of reasonable reality went out the window. Speeding comes to mind. We all speed, most of us daily and most of us not by much, perhaps 3-5mph over. Most police don't even blink an eye if you pass them like that but if your going faster you shouldn't be surprised to see lights in your rear view. Clearly speeding is a black and white (no pun intended) right or wrong issue but most officers use good and reasonable judgement when it comes to this type of enforcement. Again just my :twocents: :)

04-26-2012, 10:31 AM
I'm not seeing an "issue".

Car's with duck tape over the plates beening escorted by State Police and you have no issues?

Also they zoomed through E-Z Pass and paid no tolls?

04-26-2012, 12:33 PM
I'm not seeing an "issue".
Im there with ya!:beer:

04-26-2012, 06:48 PM
Maaan!!! ME WISH ME HAD HIGH END CAR:(.....WOW......FUN.....!!! !

Hope u guys don't take this the wrong way!! Man that looked like FUN... Man I
Live for the moment and save for another day.. I'M JUST GLAD my car is not SC I would have love to been in there!! Police escort !!! COME ON!!
