View Full Version : As of 45 minutes ago, it's finally over!

05-01-2012, 09:53 PM
Spring semester is done....what a whirlwind 3+ months it has been. Below is a list of things I had to deal with during my first semester of school since 1999:

-Moved to Asheville 2 days before semester started
-Had ex drop 2 lawsuits on me; both summons filled with lies
-Faught with UNC-A appeals committee for almost 2 months; they classified me as out-of-state and kept asking me to sign promissory note in the amount of $4800 and threatened to drop me from my classes if I didn't sign it
-Had mortgage payment go through twice, causing several checks to bounce (including one to my lawyer) and general chaos for a week
-Couldn't get a signal on my cell phone inside home for nearly 3 weeks; had to go back to campus library almost every night to get homework done since I use my phone to get on internet from home
-Brake light issues on my MM
-Had renter of my house in SC pay March rent 2 weeks late
-Finally got my gov't move money and GI Bill monies mid and late Feb
-Ex incorrectly filed taxes to get refund and stick me with $3000 tax bill; had to hire accountant; ex will get a nasty letter from IRS eventually and I'll be getting a refund later this month
-Attended two 'mediation sessions' concerning my kids; got to sit there and listen to my ex lie through her teeth and play the victim role to the hilt while I had to sit there and not be able to do anything about it
-Got my picture taken holding a piece of paper with letters and numbers on it prior to court session back in March

Got a month off from school now...maybe I can catch my breath...I survived it all.

05-01-2012, 10:04 PM
I know that feeling, my friend.

I submit my final draft of my thesis on Friday, and after that, I'm graduating on the 12th. :)

edit: looks like that's about as much as I can relate to though. Kudos man for pulling through all that mess.

05-01-2012, 11:20 PM
:congrats: bro! :beer:

05-02-2012, 12:31 AM
Sorry to hear about your troubles, but thats life ups, downs , and inbetweens (been there plenty), my advice to you is not to let your stresses/low points in life get you down, these are the things that make us stronger, and wiser.

This too shall pass!

05-02-2012, 01:28 AM
One day you will look back on these days as "the good old days"

05-02-2012, 03:25 AM
Long road indeed Kyle, everytime you feel stressed, go for a cruise in the MM, always helps me

Pony seal of Approval

SC Cheesehead
05-02-2012, 04:06 AM
"That which does not kill us makes us stronger."

Hang in there, bubba; sounds like you've got the worst of it behind you.

05-02-2012, 04:20 AM
Congrats Kyle on surving Hell, it only gets better.

05-02-2012, 04:20 AM
Good For You Kyle!!! You are admired by your friends (us all Carolina members for sure) for all your stamina to hang in there and push forward.....I thinks its great what you have accomplished myself....It surely was not as easy as it was to read here on the keyboard am sure.--Great to have you as a friend and member here with us!!!!!!!!!

05-02-2012, 04:31 AM
Geeeeez ..... all that stuff within a short time span puts you at about 150 on the Stress Meter. Glad to hear that you survived. :up: Sounds like your Ex is a real "Piece of Work".

Congrats on your schooling !!!! :congrats:

05-02-2012, 05:05 AM
Great news Kyle!

You'll be able to destress this weekend :up:

05-02-2012, 05:09 AM
Spring semester is done....what a whirlwind 3+ months it has been. Below is a list of things I had to deal with during my first semester of school since 1999:

-Moved to Asheville 2 days before semester started
-Had ex drop 2 lawsuits on me; both summons filled with lies
-Faught with UNC-A appeals committee for almost 2 months; they classified me as out-of-state and kept asking me to sign promissory note in the amount of $4800 and threatened to drop me from my classes if I didn't sign it
-Had mortgage payment go through twice, causing several checks to bounce (including one to my lawyer) and general chaos for a week
-Couldn't get a signal on my cell phone inside home for nearly 3 weeks; had to go back to campus library almost every night to get homework done since I use my phone to get on internet from home
-Brake light issues on my MM
-Had renter of my house in SC pay March rent 2 weeks late
-Finally got my gov't move money and GI Bill monies mid and late Feb
-Ex incorrectly filed taxes to get refund and stick me with $3000 tax bill; had to hire accountant; ex will get a nasty letter from IRS eventually and I'll be getting a refund later this month
-Attended two 'mediation sessions' concerning my kids; got to sit there and listen to my ex lie through her teeth and play the victim role to the hilt while I had to sit there and not be able to do anything about it
-Got my picture taken holding a piece of paper with letters and numbers on it prior to court session back in March

Got a month off from school now...maybe I can catch my breath...I survived it all.

That's all that's happened to you since 1999? Dude, I almost felt sorry for you lol.

05-02-2012, 05:38 AM
Hurray for Kyle!!

Sent from my iPhone
Eaton Swap + 4.10's = Wreeeeeeeeeedom!!

05-02-2012, 07:09 AM
Sorry to hear about your troubles, but thats life ups, downs , and inbetweens (been there plenty), my advice to you is not to let your stresses/low points in life get you down, these are the things that make us stronger, and wiser.

This too shall pass!

A little over 3 years ago, I was diagnosed with dysthymia--a low-grade form of chronic depression--when I was having "issues" during my deployment in Iraq. I chose not to follow up in regards to treatment/meds; thought everything was 'fine and dandy' after I returned home.

Went to mental health office in summer of 2010; was put on Zoloft and began seeing psychiatrist once/twice a month. Best move I made. We got to the real root of my depression issues over the course of a year. Got off the meds end of last summer since I finally understood what was happening in my brain. My shrink was the best and I hated to have to stop seeing him at the end of last year, but he did a great job laying down the foundation for me to continue on my own.

It's still a battle, but now that I know/understand how I let things affect me, my periods of 'incapacitation' are less frequent and don't keep me prisoner for long.

Bottom line--if I hadn't gotten help when I did, I would not be here today. I wouldn't have survived long enough to buy my MM, celebrate my 40th b-day, see my kids, or retire from the Air Force. Hence, that's why I chose "Silver Phoenix" for the name of my MM because I have risen from the ashes...

05-02-2012, 07:29 AM
My Mother used to tell me " If you think that's bad just wait till tomorrow"

illegitimus non carborundum

05-02-2012, 07:34 AM
Yes! Mother said there would be days like this.......just never said how many.

05-02-2012, 07:38 AM
I am sure you are glad you had a Marauder to drive, if I had to drive a Kia Soul
or a Nissan Cube (gag) I probably wouldn't be here today. Congrats, 21 years
in the military is hard enough without other hardships life throws at us.

05-02-2012, 07:57 AM
WOW, You had your fill of issues.
You did the right thing. You handled it with intelligents and did what you had to do.
When I came home for Viet Nam. I went through some what the same thing. I did what
you did. Looked for help and held my head up high. At that time we were called baby
kilers, Murderers, war mongrals, You name it they called it.
And then to have an ex do everything to make your life hell. Been there as well.
She Bankrupted me as well with credit card dept.
I stand up and congradulate you on your handling this with the power within you .
War is HELL no dough. I went into Law Enforcement. That, stranges as it may seem helped a lot.
Thank you for your service to our Great Country. Trust your gut, it will serve you well. It did in the Jungle for me, as it did you in the desert.

05-02-2012, 08:30 AM
WOW, You had your fill of issues.
You did the right thing. You handled it with intelligents and did what you had to do.
When I came home for Viet Nam. I went through some what the same thing. I did what
you did. Looked for help and held my head up high. At that time we were called baby
kilers, Murderers, war mongrals, You name it they called it.
And then to have an ex do everything to make your life hell. Been there as well.
She Bankrupted me as well with credit card dept.
I stand up and congradulate you on your handling this with the power within you .
War is HELL no dough. I went into Law Enforcement. That, stranges as it may seem helped a lot.
Thank you for your service to our Great Country. Trust your gut, it will serve you well. It did in the Jungle for me, as it did you in the desert.

And thank you, sir, as well as all of you that have served/are serving now.

:bows: :bows: :bows:

This can also be said for those in law enforcement and fire-fighters as well...risking your life to help others is no joke.