View Full Version : NFL Fans Get in Here

05-03-2012, 12:40 PM
Now that all the punishments have been handed out for bountygate, the comparisons have taken place to spygate, the Vikings stadium proposal is finally getting a vote, we just completed the draft this has been an active off season

Not to mention the sad, sad passing of one of the games great's Junior Seau to an apparent self inflicted gun shot (Rest in Peace)

I'm curious to get some of your opinions, especially as it relates to bounty gate and the punishments. I feel rather strongly about it (I should because the NFC championship game against the Vikings nad the previous game that year against the Cardinals are most oftn pointed to as examples) I think the punishments for the coaches and the players are just, possibly even a little light. Sorry Saints fans. But I think we have to look at order of blame and the punishments dealt out, if I were to rank it as far as most responsible to least responsible in a top 5, it would be

Gregg Williams (Suspended Indefnitely)
Jonathan Vilma (Suspended 1 year)
Sean Payton (suspended 1 year)
Mickey Loomis (Suspended 8 games)
John Vitt (Suspended 6 games)

My honest feeling is that it is one thing to tell a defender to go out there and knock someones block off, it's another to tell him to go after heads and ACL's in pile ups. If you ask me they got off light, and the Union defending 4 players that were a danger to the other 1300 is even more deplorable.

those are my thoughts, I know some will disagree and I would like to have a good honest debate about it that respects both sides.

so what do you guys think?

Mr. Man
05-03-2012, 01:30 PM
Now that all the punishments have been handed out for bountygate, the comparisons have taken place to spygate, the Vikings stadium proposal is finally getting a vote, we just completed the draft this has been an active off season

Not to mention the sad, sad passing of one of the games great's Junior Seau to an apparent self inflicted gun shot (Rest in Peace)

I'm curious to get some of your opinions, especially as it relates to bounty gate and the punishments. I feel rather strongly about it (I should because the NFC championship game against the Vikings nad the previous game that year against the Cardinals are most oftn pointed to as examples) I think the punishments for the coaches and the players are just, possibly even a little light. Sorry Saints fans. But I think we have to look at order of blame and the punishments dealt out, if I were to rank it as far as most responsible to least responsible in a top 5, it would be

Gregg Williams (Suspended Indefnitely)
Jonathan Vilma (Suspended 1 year)
Sean Payton (suspended 1 year)
Mickey Loomis (Suspended 8 games)
John Vitt (Suspended 6 games)

My honest feeling is that it is one thing to tell a defender to go out there and knock someones block off, it's another to tell him to go after heads and ACL's in pile ups. If you ask me they got off light, and the Union defending 4 players that were a danger to the other 1300 is even more deplorable.

those are my thoughts, I know some will disagree and I would like to have a good honest debate about it that respects both sides.

so what do you guys think?

I think the GIANTS will WIN the SUPERBOWL and that you are correct that the Saint's players got off light.:)

05-03-2012, 06:59 PM
put an asterisk next to that super bowl win

05-03-2012, 07:05 PM
put an asterisk next to that super bowl win

For the Saints or Giants?

Just kidding Mr Man

I think they played good enough to win the Superbowl, and the Vikings did everything they could to lose the game. I do get hung up on the Favre hit that injured him. It was a late hit, that should have been called and would have been an automatic 1st down.

Not to mention some terrible calls that heavily favored the Saints in Overtime.
It stinks that the reputation of the whole team goes down because of this, Brees is a stand up guy, but his Superbowl win will forever be linked to bounty gate

Pony seal of Approval

05-03-2012, 07:15 PM
I totally agree with you ponyup these guys got a slap on the risk for potentialy ending a players career!

i would have handed down more severe punishments so no other team/player(s) would dream of risking there lively hood, its all they understand, no rangerover payments!

05-03-2012, 07:21 PM
They should all be out of football in all capacities for life. For Christ sakes. Pete Rose was banned for life just for betting. These wastes of breaths got off lightly for trying to intentionally injure players. What a joke.

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Eaton Swap + 4.10's = Wreeeeeeeeeedom!!

05-03-2012, 07:25 PM
...slap on the risk for potentialy ending a players career!

they did end Warners career. it was because of that hit he decided to retire. the Cardinals haven't been the same since :(

05-04-2012, 03:10 AM
they did end Warners career. it was because of that hit he decided to retire. the Cardinals haven't been the same since :(

I'd say the ended Favres too, the Vikings guilted him to come back one more year, but he was nowhere near the same

Pony seal of Approval

05-04-2012, 04:23 AM
I say cut off their manhood and shove it down their throats.

05-04-2012, 04:30 AM
I say unless it is a blatant late hit, screw it. They know the risks when they sign them multi-million dollar contracts, and if they don't, too bad, should have learned to read while in school.

05-04-2012, 05:35 AM
I'm interested to see how it effects the rest of the NFL this year..........

At the team level, I know the Pats, Jets, Ravens, Lions and Raiders could clean up their game some.

We know James Harrison is gonna play how James plays, but what about the rest of em??? Suggs, Suh, Koppen ect.....

While I don't care for Harrison off the field, but I like the way he plays the game.

05-04-2012, 05:36 AM
I say unless it is a blatant late hit, screw it. They know the risks when they sign them multi-million dollar contracts, and if they don't, too bad, should have learned to read while in school.

I agree, except they were blatant late hits and they were paying players to injure other players based on the audio track of Gregg Williams

He wasn't tell them to lay the snack down, he was tell them in pile ups after the whistle to go after guys ACLs and head shots.

I agree they assume a certain risk by suiting up and injuries happen, they should just happen within the rules of the game.

Late hits definitely cost the Vikings in the NFC Championship, how many other teams did it hurt? I just want it to be above board and may the best team win, which leaves the Vikings out :( but I digress

Pony seal of Approval

05-04-2012, 07:58 AM
Yeah it's kind of hard to deny it when someone has it on tape. Have any players come forward with any leagal action, as in they can prove they got injured on a bad hit after they were told to clothesline someone? Or better, has anyone stepped up and said "yes i was paid 5 grand on such and such day for laying the smack down on so-and-so's knee."? This story was huge, then it seems to have died, probably all get swept under the rug. Imagine all the people watching thousand of hours of NFL footage trying to see if the cameras picked up anything to back up the bounty hunting taking place.

05-04-2012, 08:12 AM
They hit on Kurt Warner that year was fine by me, Hines Wards was doing it to Defensive Backs for sometime it's football I really don't want to see people complain about being hit too hard, plus even Kurt Warner was fine with the hit..

And I don't really care for the bounty but being a Panthers fan i'm down with it. Just a better chance for us.

05-04-2012, 08:19 AM
Yeah it's kind of hard to deny it when someone has it on tape. Have any players come forward with any leagal action, as in they can prove they got injured on a bad hit after they were told to clothesline someone? Or better, has anyone stepped up and said "yes i was paid 5 grand on such and such day for laying the smack down on so-and-so's knee."? This story was huge, then it seems to have died, probably all get swept under the rug. Imagine all the people watching thousand of hours of NFL footage trying to see if the cameras picked up anything to back up the bounty hunting taking place.

Don't think any player has brought legal action, I'd be surprised if they did with it bring an old boys club.

The only instance of a hit earning money, was the hit on Favre, players were recorded as saying "I want my $10k" later evidence showed that was the amount Vilma put up personally.

I don't think we will ever hear all the evidence, and I doubt this has been the only bounty program, but they were the ones that got caught.

It was a three year investigation with expert investigators made up of former FBI and Secret Service Investigators, the NFL seems pretty sure of their evidence which is why I think the penalties were so stuff, they have to send a message to all the teams that didn't get caught

Pony seal of Approval

05-04-2012, 08:30 AM
My issue with it too, is that the NFLPA is suing the NFL for all the consussions and injuries yet, many of these are the same players who purposely went out of their ways to hurt their fellow players and now are blaming the NFL for lack of care.


05-04-2012, 09:17 AM
Well if you really want to protest it. Do not watch any NFL games on TV nor go to any games in person. Also do not buy any products from advertizers and call such companies and tell them that you do not agree with the policies of the NFL.

05-04-2012, 01:41 PM
Well if you really want to protest it. Do not watch any NFL games on TV nor go to any games in person. Also do not buy any products from advertizers and call such companies and tell them that you do not agree with the policies of the NFL.

Wowowo, let's not get crazy, a winter without football would be like Louisville without the Captain, oh sure you might have a good time, but why do without?

Seriously though, I think it's just a few teams, and the message has been sent, I'd be really surprised if we say anything bounty wise again

I think Goodell sent the right message

Pony seal of Approval

05-04-2012, 01:59 PM
Then like I said earlier:

I say cut off their manhood and shove it down their throats.


05-04-2012, 02:02 PM
Then like I said earlier:


A new mouthpiece? V

Patent it and market it my friend

Pony seal of Approval

Paul T. Casey
05-04-2012, 02:19 PM
Pete Rose was banned for life just for betting.

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Eaton Swap + 4.10's = Wreeeeeeeeeedom!!

... and he knew going in what the rules were as far as betting on the games. Perhaps one of the few times a major league player in any sport got a just punishment. As for the Saints, I'm leaning towards two lifetimes and 2 two years for those involved. Kind of like NASCAR's policy myself. Screw it up once and you're out.

05-04-2012, 06:31 PM
If you do the crime, you should do the time.
I refuse to purchase any NFL products or go to any games.
Every team has done it. I have an idea. Lets hang the Saint out ot dry for the 2012 season.
It is like everyone of us has broken the law, you need to turn yourself in and confess your crimes.
If the Saints do not get off of their AZZes and sign D.Breeze then they will have a bigger problem.
NFL is trying to project that they are protecting the players to help with the suit they will lose.
My .02.

05-04-2012, 06:54 PM
Well I will agree they need to sign Brees, that dude has been a franchise savior.
I also agree every team has done it, but the Saints got caught, they have to hang them out to dry in order to get everyone to stop

Pony seal of Approval