View Full Version : Need help with Window tint %

Black 04
02-12-2004, 03:28 PM
Guys, I really need your help here...does anyone have any side pictures of their MM with 35% and 50% tint, I would like to compare the two. I know 50% is real light but my MM is black and I already have the 20% tint in the back window.

I do not want the side windows dark. I like the look that they are lightly tinted.

I cannot decide what % I like, so maybe some pictures can help me out.
You can e-mail me the pictures if you like at voom350@aol.com

Fourth Horseman
02-12-2004, 03:34 PM
This is as close to a side shot as I have posted. My windows are 50%.
Horseman's Tint (http://www.mercurygallery.net/mmnet/showphoto.php/photo/1932/password//sort/1/cat/500/page/1)

I went 50% because in Utah that's all that's legal for the fronts. I didn't want to risk a run-in with the law, and I don't much like having a different tint level in the back than the front. 50% is light, but it still improves the look of the car, and helps cut down on glare on sunny days.

If it was up to me, ie. no law to worry about, I'd have gone 35% all the way around.

Black 04
02-12-2004, 03:54 PM
I went 50% because in Utah that's all that's legal for the fronts. I didn't want to risk a run-in with the law, and I don't much like having a different tint level in the back than the front. 50% is light, but it still improves the look of the car, and helps cut down on glare on sunny days.
Thanks for your reply, that is the same reason I would like to go with 50%, according to NJ laws there cannot be any tint on the driver and pass side windows.

Thanks for the pictures but I really need a side shot to really see what I am looking at.

Fourth Horseman
02-12-2004, 03:57 PM
I'll see if I can get one posted for you this evening when I get home.

Dr Caleb
02-12-2004, 04:30 PM
according to NJ laws there cannot be any tint on the driver and pass side windows.

Front or back? We have similar laws here, but the back window and side rear windows can be completely black if you want, just not the front side windows or windshield. You should check regulations in your area.


I have my rear windows (all 5) tinted to 5%. Really good for heat in the summer, and not too bad at night. People can tailgate me with HID's on bright and it doesn't phase me. Plus the lack of light through the back makes the front seem much darker, even though there is no tint other than factory on the front 3.

You can tell in that photo.

02-12-2004, 04:34 PM
Hey Black 04, this is something similar to what I have on my Marauder.
It's a polarized metallic film that suppose to last a life time....
Check out this web site: :cool: http://www.formulaone.com/

02-12-2004, 04:41 PM
Check my photos out in the Gallery.Theres one with Mac and I at the first chicken fest.My car has 35% tint on the side windows.It's photo DSC00666 and there are acouple others too.

02-12-2004, 04:42 PM
Guys, I really need your help here...does anyone have any side pictures of their MM with 35% and 50% tint, I would like to compare the two. I know 50% is real light but my MM is black and I already have the 20% tint in the back window.

I do not want the side windows dark. I like the look that they are lightly tinted.

I cannot decide what % I like, so maybe some pictures can help me out.
You can e-mail me the pictures if you like at voom350@aol.com

Hey is my old CV with 35% all around:
http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid31/p80e6a04a99252d20bb5e6926a0b4c b31/fd4a667b.jpg
http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid47/pdf4e59dd439834431a4dfbde9ce9f ff2/fcc4f6e0.jpg
http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid63/pdbb7e1011f73dfbd342039694f746 320/fc0a6f5e.jpg

02-12-2004, 04:57 PM
I have 50% on the sides, and 35% on the rear window.

02-12-2004, 05:49 PM
Thanks for the question Black 04. I don't even understand the % scale. Is 35% darker or lighter than 50%?

I've never done it because I always figured it would bubble like a lot of jobs I've seen. But the Marauder does look good with it :up: :pimp:


02-12-2004, 06:00 PM
The percentage number indicates the amount of light that will pass through the tint. Therefore 35% is darker than 50%.

02-12-2004, 06:02 PM
Thanks for the question Black 04. I don't even understand the % scale. Is 35% darker or lighter than 50%?

I've never done it because I always figured it would bubble like a lot of jobs I've seen. But the Marauder does look good with it :up: :pimp:

LarryThe % = the amount of light that can transmit through...and yes 35% is darker than 50%.

IMHO...all tinting should be according to your state's individual limits (there's a complete chart here somewhere)...I say this because my LEO friends have told me that walking up to a car at night with HEAVY tints is about as scary as responding to "domestic desputes"...maybe some of our LEOs here can chime in...

As far as "bubbling"...well...my opinion is window tint follows the proverbial "you get what you pay for" addage. I went with the FormulaOne (mentioned above) and I checked out the work of the guy doing it...and mine looks GREAT. They were not the cheapest ($325), but I have NO worries with it and it's at 35% which is GA's limit.

02-12-2004, 06:03 PM
The higher the % the lighter the tint--so.....35% is darker than 50%.. and so forth--limo tint is often referred to as 5% --see how and why now it's so dark....... :pimp:

02-12-2004, 06:18 PM
Thanks for 'splaining things :up: Are the stock side windows tinted?

Black 04
02-12-2004, 07:11 PM
WOW...thanks for all your responses...this forum rocks...I will probably will go to the tint shop and ask him for some samples.

I am leaning more towards the 50%..that may be the look I am looking for.

02-12-2004, 07:21 PM
Thanks for 'splaining things :up: Are the stock side windows tinted?The factory windows have a built in tint. I've never actually had a machine test them, but it is my estimate that they are between 85-92%. I guess this as a result of a trooper (manually) testing mine after I had the 50% installed with a result somewhere between 37 and 45%. She didn't have her digital tester and used the less accurate flash card sampling comparison test.

02-12-2004, 07:57 PM
I have 35% on the side and rear windows. IMO any darker than 35 it becomes difficult to see. Yes as stated the lower the # the darker the tint.

02-12-2004, 08:04 PM
Same, I had an LEO friend of mine tell me he doesn't like walking up on tints, so I got a great idea.
I'ma get dark as crap tints andif I get pulled over, I'll put all my windows down...if he asks what the hell I'm doing, I'll tell him I wanted him to feel comfortable:beer: 27% is the limit here, I was shootin for 10-20%

Black 04
02-12-2004, 08:05 PM
Do you have 50% on all 4 side windows? Some pictures look darker than others, have they always been 50%?

02-12-2004, 08:40 PM
Yes sir, 50% on all sides, always been.

Things to consider, the back window is 35%, the interior is all black.
At the right angle, the sides will appear darker than say, if you were looking directly into the window. If you look directly into the windshield, it actually appears tinted as well.

This is the main reason tint in any % draws attention from the LEO's, particularly where the tint laws are stricter. I will likely have my first LEO tint encounter this year....I hope not. Knock on wood.

Fourth Horseman
02-12-2004, 10:59 PM
Here's two pics that are the closest things I have to true straight-on side shots. They were taken on an overcast day, so the tint looks a touch darker than it does on a bright, sunny day. Hope these help.

Side Shot 01 (http://www.mercurygallery.net/mmnet/showphoto.php/photo/1972/password//sort/1/cat/500/page/1)
Side Shot 02 (http://www.mercurygallery.net/mmnet/showphoto.php/photo/1971/password//sort/1/cat/500/page/1)

Black 04
02-13-2004, 05:41 AM
Great :up:. Thanks for all your help guys. Now at least I have an idea to go with.

Black 04
02-13-2004, 11:12 AM
Went to the window tint shop today to talk to the owner. I mentioned to him that I brought my MM into his shop 2 months ago for the 20% tint on my back window he replied (Oh I remember that car :rock: ). I told him that I was undecided between the 35% and the 50% tint for the sides. He told me to come outside to see a marqius that he has just finished for a customer with 50% on the side windows and 15% on the rear. When I looked at the marquis I then decided that this is the look that I was looking for, so as soon as it warms up a bit the MM is going in for the 50%.
Thanks for all your help guys.:burnout:

02-13-2004, 04:28 PM
I have 50% on the front windows, and 10% on the rears, pictures in the gallery under darebren I think