View Full Version : non-car related help needed

06-17-2012, 07:38 PM
I went to Catholic schools my whole life; grammar school, high school and even college. My uncle was responsible for funding much of that schooling not only for me but for my 3 siblings as well. While I/we received awesome educations, I emerged from my schooling not a very religious nor spiritual man. After speaking to him today, weakened yet resiliant, I realized I need help.

My uncle recently received some very bad news. Tomorrow (Monday, 6/17), he will begin a battle that many have fought, but very few have won. I have a simple, yet urgent, request. Over the next few days, if you should speak to whomever it is you turn to for help, please add a quick thought for my Uncle John. While I'm not a very religious person, he very much is. I don't really believe in the power of prayer but in this instance, I'm willing to give it a shot.


06-17-2012, 08:21 PM
I would love to help you and pray for Uncle John and his over coming his bad news.

06-17-2012, 08:44 PM
Doug, I will pray for your uncle. I encourage you to do the same, we do not
have to be "spiritual" or have all the answers to do that. Prayer is simply
communicating to God our needs and that is always easier when we are asking
for someone else.

06-17-2012, 09:06 PM
I will also gladly pray for your Uncle. At the same time, I will echo Merrill's statements ...

Ms. Denmark
06-18-2012, 05:28 AM
Doug, your uncle will be in our prayers daily. We're so sorry about this bad news and hope you can take some comfort knowing your friends here care.

SC Cheesehead
06-18-2012, 07:39 AM

I most certainly will keep your Uncle John in my prayers.

Miracles have been worked through the power of prayer, have faith.

06-18-2012, 04:52 PM
First and foremost, thanks for your thoughtfulness folks. I really appreciate it!

Please don't think I'm here asking for others to pray for a loved one without having done so myself. However, I feel like a hypocrite. I know I have fundamental issues with the Church but I really don't want to turn this into a "what my problem is with the Church" session. The point is that my uncle is extremely devout. He has tremendous respect for the Church and attends Mass daily. I was hoping to reach-out to like-minded folks for support.

It's a comfort thing and I realize that it's a little selfish. However I do plan on telling him about this and that he is receiving prayers and well-wishes from people who do not know him but share his faith. I would expect he would be encouraged by that information and that lifting-of-his-spirit is my ultimate goal. If prayers and positive thoughts can cure advanced, inoperable cancer of the pancreas and liver, I'll be attending mass until the day I die.

06-18-2012, 07:19 PM
Ther are many benefits to a personal relationship with Christ, my mom died just over two years ago when her cancer returned. There is a different perspective about life and it's trials and they are both easier to deal with in a positive way. Does God have the power to heal your uncle, or my mother? Yes, but often relationships with family and God are strengthened by someones death. We need to remind ourselves that our diffucult times are not about us. Be strong for your uncle and family.

06-18-2012, 07:37 PM
My family and I will definately lift your Uncle John up in our prayers. I appreciate the fact that you felt comfortable enough to mention this to everyone out here. That's a huge step. Asking for help would not come easy for myself. However, I know you're hurting right now and probably looking for some answers. My prayer will be for your uncle's healing along peace and wisdom for everyone involved.

Paul T. Casey
06-19-2012, 09:03 AM
I'll be praying for you and your Uncle. Just keep in mind, God answer's all prayers. His answer isn't always what you think is right.

06-19-2012, 12:57 PM
First and foremost, thanks for your thoughtfulness folks. I really appreciate it!

Please don't think I'm here asking for others to pray for a loved one without having done so myself. However, I feel like a hypocrite. I know I have fundamental issues with the Church but I really don't want to turn this into a "what my problem is with the Church" session. The point is that my uncle is extremely devout. He has tremendous respect for the Church and attends Mass daily. I was hoping to reach-out to like-minded folks for support.

It's a comfort thing and I realize that it's a little selfish. However I do plan on telling him about this and that he is receiving prayers and well-wishes from people who do not know him but share his faith. I would expect he would be encouraged by that information and that lifting-of-his-spirit is my ultimate goal. If prayers and positive thoughts can cure advanced, inoperable cancer of the pancreas and liver, I'll be attending mass until the day I die.

Let me help you reconcile.

Prayer is but one "form" or 'word' for the focus of positive energy. Just because you've never used someone else's "word" for the activity, doesn't mean you haven't done it. A man willing enough to reach out for positive energy is a man who has provided much of his own.

Similarly, I grew up baptist and today have no 'religion' in me. That however, doesn't mean I don't have positive energy for my fellow man. Especially one in need of some of my energy.

So, best thoughts and wishes. Take a deep breath and know you've reached out and will receive the best this group has to offer.

06-19-2012, 07:29 PM
Thanks folks. I really appreciate it.

06-19-2012, 07:35 PM
positive energy? i'll be praying to God...almighty.

06-19-2012, 07:42 PM
I will also gladly pray for your Uncle. At the same time, I also echo Merrill's statements ...