View Full Version : Lets see if we can get together and help this dog.

06-23-2012, 06:28 PM
I was reading a thread on CVN, and normally wouldn't even post a thread off the board, but after reading the story, I thought I would see if the group on here could help this animal with surgery and vet bills.

We as a group recently helped a fellow MM owner with getting his car back together after a theft and recovery, I see this a equally worthy cause.

Link to the collection site.....


Link to the CVN page....


Most of us have animals, and we know that they are like our kids, lets band together and help this one.:beer:

06-24-2012, 03:37 AM
Yes! After all it's a dogs life.

06-24-2012, 05:52 AM
Were can we send a paypal to ? This pup should not be put down .

06-24-2012, 06:17 AM
Were can we send a paypal to ? This pup should not be put down .

Paypal is in this link..... http://www.indiegogo.com/Pi

You have to click on the "contribute" button, it will let you send Pay Pal.

06-24-2012, 06:17 AM
Were can we send a paypal to ? This pup should not be put down .

It's in the first link...


06-24-2012, 06:22 AM
I honestly cannot believe this link was looked at 120+ times and no one has donated, I guess if we were fixing a Marauder, it would be different? :confused:

IMO, this community has changed, people cannot even spare $5 for an animal that is in need of medical help....

06-24-2012, 07:07 AM
Darren, I like you so I hope you don't take this in the wrong way. I feel for this dog and it makes me sick to see him like this and I am dumbfounded to think that any Vet would practice in this manner. But, he would have been in a lot less pain if they would have just put him down. I have had dogs, cats, and snakes and even though I have loved every last one of them almost as much like a family member, I have never once been ready to pay for something major. I'd like to feel that in the last year or so that for once in my wreckless life I have finally gotten myself in a good financial state and would possibly reconsider when something like this would arise with my now one and only cat, but I could not promise it.

I give my animals the absolute best as oppossed to being strays and I take pride in that. But when talking numbers such as this, its time to let them go. The only time I went a different route is when my St. Bernard developed hip displaisia. I was looking at numbers from $5-8,000 in Vet bills, but she was a damn good dog, still young and healthy otherwise and the Vet suggested I give her to a local St. Bernard rescue that will have the money to fix her up. I have cried very little in my life, but this was one of them. It kills me to never have known the outcome to this day and I also will not allow myself such a beautifull animal again because I failed on her.

Sorry for the speech, and very sorry if I offended any here, but a dog is a dog and if you can't afford it, you shouldn't have the luxury and responsibilty of parenting it. You are very right about comparing this to a stupid car, as it should be a no-brainer but after all that kid needed wheels to work and make money. For that comparison ONLY I will donate $20. Although a pitifull amount, it is something. And if everyone that viewed this would have only put up $11 this problem would be solved. I do a LOT of freebie work and donate a LOT of parts and material, why can't Vet's do the same... There is a time to make a buck, and there is a time to give back. I can't BELIEVE a Vet would do something like this.

I may be cold hearted when it becomes man vs. beast, but we all have an ugly side, fortionately I have matured at least 5% since puberty. Peace.

Sent from my Ally using Tapatalk 2

06-24-2012, 08:59 AM
Darren, I like you so I hope you don't take this in the wrong way. I feel for this dog and it makes me sick to see him like this and I am dumbfounded to think that any Vet would practice in this manner. But, he would have been in a lot less pain if they would have just put him down. I have had dogs, cats, and snakes and even though I have loved every last one of them almost as much like a family member, I have never once been ready to pay for something major. I'd like to feel that in the last year or so that for once in my wreckless life I have finally gotten myself in a good financial state and would possibly reconsider when something like this would arise with my now one and only cat, but I could not promise it.

I give my animals the absolute best as oppossed to being strays and I take pride in that. But when talking numbers such as this, its time to let them go. The only time I went a different route is when my St. Bernard developed hip displaisia. I was looking at numbers from $5-8,000 in Vet bills, but she was a damn good dog, still young and healthy otherwise and the Vet suggested I give her to a local St. Bernard rescue that will have the money to fix her up. I have cried very little in my life, but this was one of them. It kills me to never have known the outcome to this day and I also will not allow myself such a beautifull animal again because I failed on her.

Sorry for the speech, and very sorry if I offended any here, but a dog is a dog and if you can't afford it, you shouldn't have the luxury and responsibilty of parenting it. You are very right about comparing this to a stupid car, as it should be a no-brainer but after all that kid needed wheels to work and make money. For that comparison ONLY I will donate $20. Although a pitifull amount, it is something. And if everyone that viewed this would have only put up $11 this problem would be solved. I do a LOT of freebie work and donate a LOT of parts and material, why can't Vet's do the same... There is a time to make a buck, and there is a time to give back. I can't BELIEVE a Vet would do something like this.

I may be cold hearted when it becomes man vs. beast, but we all have an ugly side, fortionately I have matured at least 5% since puberty. Peace.

Sent from my Ally using Tapatalk 2

No offense what so ever. You are right on more than one account in your post, the vet should be doing the work for free or a discount, as my vet's that I use do, additionally, if you are going to foster rescue's, you need to be able to take care of them, both emotionally & financially. I have given my support both ways locally, and financially for out of town rescues, that's just me.

As far as the MM in Fla, I donated, but my gut says if you can't afford insurance for the car, you shouldn't have had it in the first place, but as a collective, we got it back on the road.

As far as putting down an animal for the $$$ it takes to save them, I'll put down the $$$ before I put an animal down. I put 4k in 3 months into 2 puppies I saved from a puppy mill, both are alive and happy today, 1 lives with my wife and I, honestly, it's the best money I ever spent. Everyone is different, we all have different priorities and finances, I can understand that, I also know that most people will p1ss away money on useless things and not donate to help save a life.

Not to get on a soapbox, but look at campaign donations, millions of dollars donated to elect someone into a public office, but the same people won't give a nickle to a homeless family on the street, or anyone else for that matter. So my expectations were just a little more based on past times where people helped others who needed it. But it's all good, I tried, and I made a donation, if other ante' up a couple of bucks, great, if not, well..... I know where I will stand on the next round of "help me fix my car".... just sayin'....

06-24-2012, 10:38 AM
As far as the MM in Fla, I donated, but my gut says if you can't afford insurance for the car, you shouldn't have had it in the first place, but as a collective, we got it back on the road.

I know where I will stand on the next round of "help me fix my car".... just sayin'....

I couldn't agree more on insurance.

Also, I am done with the money donations here. I don't expect a card or a hug for that matter, but to not even send a simple PM just saying thank you burns my ass! Not. A. One. from any that I have contibuted on. That is nothing short of a slap in the face.

I will just stick to local charities whether it be MM's or free the midgets from people like me or whatever else floats my boat.

Just glad there is people out there such as yourself willing to help and expect nothing in return. If whatever it is works even a little, then you can at least say you tried. That's what I do.

Sent from my Ally using Tapatalk 2

06-24-2012, 11:37 AM
Thanks Spectragod for posting this up on mm.net :) hope we can get to the goal for this dog and save him . I am a dog lover and could never see my black lab like this . I sent my paypal hope the best for this little guy.

06-24-2012, 12:15 PM
You know one way to look at is just this simple.

If I do nothing then who will step up?

06-24-2012, 12:36 PM
I couldn't agree more on insurance.

Also, I am done with the money donations here. I don't expect a card or a hug for that matter, but to not even send a simple PM just saying thank you burns my ass! Not. A. One. from any that I have contibuted on. That is nothing short of a slap in the face.

I will just stick to local charities whether it be MM's or free the midgets from people like me or whatever else floats my boat.

Just glad there is people out there such as yourself willing to help and expect nothing in return. If whatever it is works even a little, then you can at least say you tried. That's what I do.

Sent from my Ally using Tapatalk 2

I'm all about saving the midgets, let me know where to send money.:D

And let me be the first to say "thank you" for helping.

06-24-2012, 12:39 PM
You know one way to look at is just this simple.

If I do nothing then who will step up?

Is that the question you would want someone to ask themselves if you were in need of help?

So far, others have stepped up......and you?

06-24-2012, 01:40 PM
Of course you can save\help 10 HUMAN BEINGS in 3rd world countries for the same money as one dog in our neck of the woods, but hey whaddu i know.

Meanwhile, millions of healthy dogs are put down every year.

I wasn't going to respond to this silly thread till ya got all pissy.

06-24-2012, 02:06 PM
Is that the question you would want someone to ask themselves if you were in need of help?

So far, others have stepped up......and you?

To which event do you refer?

06-24-2012, 05:44 PM
Of course you can save\help 10 HUMAN BEINGS in 3rd world countries for the same money as one dog in our neck of the woods, but hey whaddu i know.

Meanwhile, millions of healthy dogs are put down every year.

I wasn't going to respond to this silly thread till ya got all pissy.

You know, first off, you mentioned human beings, where does that fall into play, the reference I made was about donating to help someone with their car, for the money people have donated over the years for various causes, motors etc., where were you saying how many people could be helped with that money. So what your saying is that it's "just" a dog, so no one should care about it? You know, we could continue this in the "members section", but surprisingly, you don't contribute here either.

You can help those people, but a couple things come into play, first off, poverty, sickness & disease is all they have ever known, we will never be able to change that.

More importantly 90% of the money donated winds up supporting the people selected to disperse the funds/ food/ medication, or to the controlling entity in that country.

Healthy dogs & cats are put down every day, it is beyond sad to see, you have to save what you can.

I donate to many other charities as well, if it even matters, if it's any of your business. So there you have it, how's that for "pissy"?

Same ole' $h1t, start a thread, and everyone has to enter their own opinion, just like the F.S. section. Mods, close this thread, this was only an effort to help a puppy that someone asked for help with, not a thread for all the insecure people to bandstand on.

06-24-2012, 05:54 PM
Good on ya Spectragod.... I am going to look into this pups situation. Suffice to say, I know how you feel about our animal friends. :bows: I can't offer much, but I will be throwing in what I can with the knowledge that this dog will show more appreciation to the folks who rescued it, than spoiled kids do:o.

Throw a buck or $2..... It won't kill anyone here.......

06-24-2012, 06:00 PM
You know, first off, you mentioned human beings, where does that fall into play, the reference I made was about donating to help someone with their car, for the money people have donated over the years for various causes, motors etc., where were you saying how many people could be helped with that money. So what your saying is that it's "just" a dog, so no one should care about it? You know, we could continue this in the "members section", but surprisingly, you don't contribute here either.

You can help those people, but a couple things come into play, first off, poverty, sickness & disease is all they have ever known, we will never be able to change that.

More importantly 90% of the money donated winds up supporting the people selected to disperse the funds/ food/ medication, or to the controlling entity in that country.

Healthy dogs & cats are put down every day, it is beyond sad to see, you have to save what you can.

I donate to many other charities as well, if it even matters, if it's any of your business. So there you have it, how's that for "pissy"?

Same ole' $h1t, start a thread, and everyone has to enter their own opinion, just like the F.S. section. Mods, close this thread, this was only an effort to help a puppy that someone asked for help with, not a thread for all the insecure people to bandstand on.


I am not closing this thread as there is more good to come out of this than bad.

My hat is off to you my friend!



06-24-2012, 06:13 PM

I am not closing this thread as there is more good to come out of this than bad.

My hat is off to you my friend!



Thats the damn truth:bows::beer:

Da Dark Jedi
06-25-2012, 03:20 PM
Donation made! Thanks for the link. There's more response for other (what I call "Poor begging") than this link has generated. As a aminal lover, like JB, Darrin and others, I understand that even this low amount won't cover the Vet bills. I hope the this helps.