View Full Version : Need Help!!

02-14-2004, 10:53 AM
Sorry to bother all of you but this puter is being a pain. I keep getting this on start up of the puter. "Explorer has caused an error in HLPOBAK.DLL. Explorer will now close. I can veiw programs and go on line. I am sitting here looking right at it :mad2: I hit close and it keeps coming back. I have restarted and shut down the system but no luck. Any help???????? :bigcry:

02-14-2004, 11:00 AM
Have you installed anything new recently, might have to delete it. What OS are you running? Try Ctrl, Alt, Delete and find that program name and terminate it. If that doesn't work, I'd run a decent virus scan/spyware scan. If it still isn't helping, I'd end up with a tech. Try www.webroot.com (http://www.webroot.com) for some cool products.

02-14-2004, 11:21 AM
Try using this:

What version of Windows?

02-14-2004, 11:29 AM
Have you installed anything new recently, might have to delete it. What OS are you running? Try Ctrl, Alt, Delete and find that program name and terminate it. If that doesn't work, I'd run a decent virus scan/spyware scan. If it still isn't helping, I'd end up with a tech. Try www.webroot.com (http://www.webroot.com/) for some cool products.All good questions and suggestions, James. Here's some more. What version of MSIE are you running? "Explorer" more than likely means Windows Explorer, which is part of your operating system. Have you kept up with Cricital Updates and Service Packs? Can you run in Safe Mode? If you're running Windows ME, get rid of it!!!! Upgrade to Windows XP or even Win98. I did a search, both on my own computer and with Google and got no hits on (HLPOBAK.) Usually a BAK means it's a back-up file.

02-14-2004, 11:36 AM
What version of MSIE are you running? "Explorer" more than likely means Windows Explorer, which is part of your operating system. Have you kept up with Cricital Updates and Service Packs? Can you run in Safe Mode? If you're running Windows ME, get rid of it!!!! Upgrade to Windows XP or even Win98. I did a search, both on my own computer and with Google and got no hits on (HLPOBAK.) Usually a BAK means it's a back-up file.Also good advice...I run XP and it shows "IExplorer" for internet explorer, and "Explorer" for the actual running of windows itself. MM03MOK gives very good advice in sayin junk ME. That OS really did a number on an old Dell we have:shake: Would I be mistake to assume "MSIE" is Microsoft Internet Explorer? I never thought of Google, I'll be sure to use that one from now on!

02-14-2004, 11:40 AM
Also good advice...I run XP and it shows "IExplorer" for internet explorer, and "Explorer" for the actual running of windows itself. MM03MOK gives very good advice in sayin junk ME. That OS really did a number on an old Dell we have:shake: Would I be mistake to assume "MSIE" is Microsoft Internet Explorer? I never thought of Google, I'll be sure to use that one from now on!Yes, MSIE is Mircosoft Internet Explorer. Google is my search engine of choice. For metasearches, I usually use Dogpile, if I haven't had luck with Google.

02-14-2004, 12:08 PM
Best search engine in the world = www.alltheweb.com (http://www.alltheweb.com)

Beats Google handsdown.

02-14-2004, 12:28 PM
This dads puter and he is running ME. I had XP on mine before it died. Now here is a question. I have the XP disc. Can I remove ME and install XP myself??? How is this dun?

02-14-2004, 12:32 PM
Can I remove ME and install XP myself??? How is this dun?Put the XP disk in the drive and follow the destructions, I mean instructions. It knows what to do. :D

02-14-2004, 12:48 PM
So I take it XP will remove all of ME? Not me me!! You now what i mean. Just want to be sure before I do it. What about files and stuff??? Wil I loose anything?

02-14-2004, 12:51 PM
So I take it XP will remove all of ME? Not me me!! You now what i mean. Just want to be sure before I do it. What about files and stuff??? Wil I loose anything?You won't lose anything. Run the disk. Follow the directions. It reviews your current system to determine if it can upgrade. Since this XP disk didn't come with this computer, there's a chance it may not work....unless you bought the complete XP disk. It won't proceed if it knows it doesn't have all the right pieces.

02-14-2004, 02:18 PM
Wont work. The XP disc was for my puter. But I dont have the code so I cant transfer. How about removing the Internet explorer program???

02-14-2004, 03:09 PM
I found a temporary solution. First THANK YOU ALL for taking the time to help a freind. :up:

I clicked on top of the message a put it down in the task bar at the bottom of the hompage. Well evertime I clicked on it to make it go away everything went :bs: ME is crap!!! So I will buy XP on line tonight or go buy it monday.

Thanks again, Patrick :bows: :bows:

02-14-2004, 03:17 PM
Wow, I thought I was all alone in computer hell today.:shake:

As I type the the old desktop is getting a labotomy. My windows98 took a bomb over a year ago and has only gotten weirder by the day. Mine hasn't been able to reboot for nearly 2 years. If you choose 'reboot', it shuts the entire computer off, and the beauty part, it won't turn back on until it's damn well ready. I gotta unplug it all the time......
.....anyway, back to topic.
I am installing XP, but I have to babysit it as everytime it reboots....well you know. I sure the XP upgrade works. I'll know in 81 minutes.:baaa:

Goood luck Patrick

02-14-2004, 03:34 PM
Sorry, atleast I'm not the only one!!! Let me know how turns out!

Dr Caleb
02-17-2004, 09:05 AM
The best way to fix Windoze:


'Nuff said :)

02-22-2004, 05:26 PM
Things are getting better. Thanks for all the help. Dads puter has Window XP. So thats fixed. Well after work last night I went to WalleyHell (Walmart) and found and Emachines for $500. 17 flat monitor, CD write and windows XP. I like it so far, but one little thing is bother me so far. It came with Compuserve 7.0. I had Compuserve 6.0 I think. But any way, No place to type in a web address??? I had to do search to find the forum. #27 on the list (WHY???) I tried to save to save to favorites but not working.Ideas???????/

02-22-2004, 05:42 PM
I am glad you fixed it. I fixed mine as well. Turned out XP fixed some issues, but the culprit was a bad serial port, and a blown sound card. So, I need a new sound card, mine is integrated with the modem. No hurry, as I have DSL now, and I rarely need speakers anyway.

In my opinion, Compuserve has blown for the last 15 years. If you didn't sign a contract, and this is just a trial, pitch it for anything else, ie. MSN, AOL, etc.

If you are stuck with it, use it to access the internet, close it, and use Explorer, or any other host that you are comfortable with. I had MSN, but I sure didn't use their home page. I now have DSL thru Yahoo, and I sure don't use theirs either. I have used Internet Explorer for years, that's what I am comfortable with, and that's how I launch thru the internet.

Good luck, and pitch the Compuserve IMHO.

02-22-2004, 06:01 PM
Well I have had Compuserve for awhile and no probs. Unitl now. I have also had account with MSN. But compuserve was more user freindly so I chose them. The thing that fustrates me is in the top bar thier is box for Search & Internet and below was another box to type in an internet addy! Anyone with this version have anyhelp??

Thanks Barry! I thank you for input. I will look to other programs if this doesnt work. Thanks again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

02-22-2004, 06:13 PM
10-4, understood.

Are you able to right click in/on the bar to change its properties?
Or perhaps a view tab?

02-22-2004, 06:48 PM
Nope cant do that!

02-22-2004, 06:51 PM
Where's Mary when we need her? She'd know what to do.

02-22-2004, 07:07 PM
Where's Mary when we need her? She'd know what to do.
Sunning and funning in Flahdah! Call her on her cell phone....

02-22-2004, 07:07 PM
I wiill try tomorrow, Wheres Mary???? Check with you guys tommorrw. Thanks Barry!!!!!!!!!

02-22-2004, 08:22 PM
I got prob fixied!!Thank you a!!!!!!!!!!