View Full Version : Twice today!!!

06-29-2012, 05:30 PM
Ugh, uneducated automotive peons.

1st Offense: Went to the Hess station today to get something to drink during work. A salt of the Earth Good Ole' Boy walked up and said, "Hey maaaan, that's a sharp looking ride! I've got one at home!" Which peaked my interest, meeting a fellow MM owner! SWEET! Before I could utter one word, he followed it up with, "it's a 2001 Grand Marquis we inherited from my mother-in-law. But I like the wheels you have better." I thanked him, and walked away shaking my head.

2nd Offense: I parked my car up front in the shade of the building at the end of the day. The last customer comes in to drop off their car, and asks me, "Is that your old Police Car out front?" Grrrrrr...

06-29-2012, 05:43 PM
Off with there heads

06-29-2012, 07:03 PM
driving these cars is like being a celebrity - have to deal with the fans even if they are idots

06-29-2012, 07:12 PM
Yep....I took the kid tonight to the local sonic for some slushies (it was 105 deg today)...I forgot Friday night was ricer night at this particular sonic. I got some strange looks as I tooled around and parked. After finishing up our slushies, I barked the S/C a little, and got some thumbs up...One of the kid's started yelling 'we thought you were a copper!'. :rolleyes:

06-29-2012, 08:30 PM
Thanks for shareing . I had one of my daughters friends who never saw my car before 2 weeks ago say " Nice mercury, but it's only a luxary car with mufflers. " when I picked her up with it. What a Idiot ! I didnt even bother saying anything , I let him think he has a brain.

06-29-2012, 08:35 PM
Get used to it, maaaaan....:lol:

I had one guy heatedly argue with me that I was driving an 05 or 06 GM. Even after I went through the shpeil of only 11,000 made in 03/04, only 1400 in silver, blah, blah, he still insisted I was driving a GM.

Had another say he thought I had had my last name imprinted on my rear bumper...I just smiled...had no clue what to say next...

06-30-2012, 03:12 AM
When this happens to me, I just zap them with my Neurolizer and tell them that they have to go forth and do 20 good deeds every day for the rest of their lives.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2

06-30-2012, 03:55 AM
Get used to it, maaaaan....:lol:

I had one guy heatedly argue with me that I was driving an 05 or 06 GM. Even after I went through the shpeil of only 11,000 made in 03/04, only 1400 in silver, blah, blah, he still insisted I was driving a GM.

Had another say he thought I had had my last name imprinted on my rear bumper...I just smiled...had no clue what to say next...

What a great idea! Let's all change our last names to "Marauder".

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2

Comin' in Hot
06-30-2012, 04:43 AM
I had a guy tell me my police car looked like a ghetto cruiser a traffic light. I'm not sure what he thought after the light turned green, I really don't care.

06-30-2012, 05:22 AM
Any number of well-intentioned but misinformed "fans" have told me all sorts of misinformation about my car. I had one guy try telling me they made over 500hp out of the factory and came with a super charger.

The average joe around here just tells me something like "those are nice wheels on your crown vic." The local GM stealership I bought mine from even had "Mercury Crown Victoria" listed on the sales receipt.

06-30-2012, 06:35 AM
When I have to tell someone what kind of car it is I just save the hassle and major confusion and say well it's a grad Marquis. If I was to say mm they would be like um we don't have that part for a Nissan murauno. Or sorry I don't see anything for a mercury mariner

06-30-2012, 07:00 AM
At a gas station just the other day..."how much you want for your Grand Marquis?"...It's a Marauder I say and point to rear bumper..Blank stare..:D

SC Cheesehead
06-30-2012, 07:46 AM
I figure there are about 85% of the people out there that haven't a clue about our cars, another 10% that have heard about them, but are mis-informed (i.e. "they only came in black", "they came with a supercharger from the factory" etc.).

Then there are the 5% that know what the heck they're talking about.

06-30-2012, 08:08 AM
I figure there are about 85% of the people out there that haven't a clue about our cars, another 10% that have heard about them, but are mis-informed (i.e. "they only came in black", "they came with a supercharger from the factory" etc.).

Then there are the 5% that know what the heck they're talking about.

5% is generous!!

My best was a guy at my insurance asking how many miles were on my Mau-Sedn ( 'mau'-seed'-unn')

Apparently he had never heard of a Marauder before, but the dealer abbreviation for Marauder Sedan is Mau-sdn, so thats what he called it.

I should have asked him if he had seen any Mau-coupes or Mau-verts. :lol:

06-30-2012, 08:46 AM
I had some ignorant :censor::censor::censor: working at a Mcdonalds drive through ask if it was a Chevy...:confused:

06-30-2012, 10:03 AM
O.K. guys...I'm in (was) the 10% that didn't have a clue....But I've found this wealth of information available here ,and I'm going to use it to make an informed purchase when the time comes.

I've owned an 87 CV,89 GM, and gave my son a 99 GM for his outstanding job he did in high school,(Graduated with a 4.0, for 4 straight years) so ,needless to say, I'm kinda familiar with the platform.
Was EXTREMELY dissapointed when I found the "Lack of" performance parts available for his DOHC 4.6..(yes, I've recently been informed of the Kenny Brown P2)as with gas prices climbing twards the $4.00 mark,I wanted to "build" or "add" some perfomance into his car,as this would probably be the last time we could afford it....

So when he was away at Boot Camp, I was driving GM once a week into work to keep it loosened up,stopped at a store to get a drink, and when I came out was IMPRESSED with what looked to be a Black GM parked next to me in parking lot.

Was cool...nice rims,tint,blakened lights,absolutely flawless paint,so I thought"Real nice car" and backed up to exit parking slot when I saw the "MARAUDER" on the rear bumper.

That was 7 months ago, and I'm still educating myself as to which or what i really want....

So... THANKS EVERYBODY...I'm still learning....:bows:

Ozark Marauder
07-01-2012, 08:51 AM
I mostly get, "That's a nice looking car, What is it?". I did have an older gentleman ask, "Is that one of those special police "pursuit vehicles?"


http://i1220.photobucket.com/albums/dd451/gos2pid/60157_1471656671598_1239087505 _31345644_4177462_n.jpg




07-01-2012, 09:01 AM
yeah, I stopped in a po-dink town at this shady shade tree mechanic shop to get a pop out of thier vending machine out front while waiting for someone to meet me. Had to get change from the "mechanic" then he says nice car.... blah blah blah, I ended up saying it supercharged, and he says, "yeah be bought a nice 01 grand marquis from this lady in town for like $300 bucks, them motors are pretty fast" to which I questioned (and knew the correct answer and wanted to hear his) "the four valve motor?" and hes say "yeah, was a hell of a deal, I bet we can get $600 out of the motor alone." So I basically went to my car and moved down the block some....

07-01-2012, 09:04 AM
I figure there are about 85% of the people out there that haven't a clue about our cars, another 10% that have heard about them, but are mis-informed (i.e. "they only came in black", "they came with a supercharger from the factory" etc.).

Then there are the 5% that know what the heck they're talking about.

I had one of those 5%--I was parking the DTR at my friend's house. when us three gals got out of the car, one of the neighbor guys was walking by and said "wow ladies, nice looking Marauder!" Nothing else to respond except, "Why, thank you, !!!"

One more--I'm turning out to the street and car coming opposite direction. When they pass me bunch of guys scream "NICE CAR, LADY". Now, maybe they didn't know what it was, but at least they had the good sense to notice a good looking car:D:D

Big Black Beast
07-02-2012, 04:13 PM
Some girl at a sandwich shop referred to me as "the guy with the cab".:rolleyes:

07-02-2012, 04:21 PM
So far we've been asked twice what it is and 2 if we want to sell it...we don't even have the license plate yet!