View Full Version : Dumb and Dumber

07-13-2012, 03:42 PM
My Policewoman daughter was dispatched a couple to days ago to a bank robbery in progress at one of the big downtown banks. A few minutes later the call came in to assist an old lady who was assaulted on the side walk at the same location as the bank, other officers responded. These two incidents are related. You can't make this stuff up.

Robber #1, passed a note to the teller at the bank written on a bank deposit slip from the kiosk in the lobby. He even signed it. He passed the note to the teller who then told the robbers to take off their hats while in the bank. They both complied. Now the cameras were able to get clear facial pictures. The teller excused herself to get the money but the robbers became impatient and ran out onto the sidewalk.

There they encountered a little old lady and demanded her purse. she said "no", they strike her knocking out some teeth. Attempting to flee they couldn't run because their saggy pants kept falling off and tripping them up. Other citizens and an off duty police officer were then able to appended them.

This sidewalk action was on the radio and overheard by my daughter still in the bank gathering info, she ask for the name of the two purse snatchers and what do you know it was the same name that the bank robber wrote on the deposit slip/note. Gotcha.

So, the perps were caught but the little old lady will need dental work.

All in a day's work says my daughter.

Comin' in Hot
07-13-2012, 03:45 PM
Never underestimate human stupidity!

Local Boy
07-13-2012, 07:39 PM
^^^So True!^^^


07-15-2012, 01:19 PM
DUH.......wonder how they be likin' BUBBA??:eek: