View Full Version : Breaking News in Maryland on Concealed Carry
07-25-2012, 07:48 AM
07-25-2012, 04:30 PM
Ok . In simple terms...what does this mean..for Md anyway
Mike M
07-25-2012, 04:40 PM
If it's not blocked, you should be able to carry with no hassles.
My state you can carry concealed or exposed and many do.
It is one of our rights that a politician should not be able to take away.
07-25-2012, 04:51 PM
FOK Illinois!! I hope they all go to hell in Springfield.
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Eaton Swap + 4.10's = Wreeeeeeeeeedom!!
SC Cheesehead
07-25-2012, 04:54 PM
Ok . In simple terms...what does this mean..for Md anyway
I think what it means is that up until now the State Police needed a really, really, REALLY good reason to consider granting anyone a concealed carry permit.
Now, if you apply for one, and the SP asks why, and you tell 'em, "to protect myself, my loved ones, and my property should the need arise," they can't tell you, "sorry, you'll need a better reason than that." ... :rolleyes:
07-25-2012, 04:55 PM
I think what it means is that up until now the State Police needed a really, really, REALLY good reason to consider graning anyone a concealed carry permit.
Now, if you apply for one, and the SP asks why, and you tell 'em, "to protect myself, my loved ones, and my property should the need arise," they can't tell you, "sorry, you'll need a better reason than that." ... :rolleyes:
Ding ding!
07-25-2012, 04:59 PM
shouldn't need any god damn reason at all if you are a law abiding citizen :mad2:
07-25-2012, 05:03 PM
This is awesome! My wife and I have had ours for two years now. I carry every day, almost everywhere.
07-25-2012, 05:30 PM
I think what it means is that up until now the State Police needed a really, really, REALLY good reason to consider granting anyone a concealed carry permit.
Now, if you apply for one, and the SP asks why, and you tell 'em, "to protect myself, my loved ones, and my property should the need arise," they can't tell you, "sorry, you'll need a better reason than that." ... :rolleyes:
Ding ding!
shouldn't need any god damn reason at all if you are a law abiding citizen :mad2:
WTF---This is WRONG--SO WRONG--Glad NC is not Like That
SC Cheesehead
07-25-2012, 05:34 PM
WTF---This is WRONG--SO WRONG--Glad NC is not Like That
What, you think you should have a really, really, REALLY good reason to pack? ;)
07-25-2012, 06:06 PM
that's awesome , just when I had written Maryland off as a place I would ever live.
07-25-2012, 06:13 PM
It means squat, it will never pass our liberal socialist state government.
07-25-2012, 07:41 PM
I will never forget as a child waking up to the dog barking, my Mom screaming and my Dad yelling stop or I will shoot.
Had my father not been armed there is no telling what that drug crazed criminal would have done!:mad2:
07-25-2012, 08:02 PM
I will never forget as a child waking up to the dog barking, my Mom screaming and my Dad yelling stop or I will shoot.
Had my father not been armed there is no telling what that drug crazed criminal would have done!:mad2:
Wow thats pretty crazy
Sent from my Samsung Droid Charge
07-25-2012, 08:53 PM
07-26-2012, 03:16 AM
That is such BS. Last I checked. You could outlaw guns altogether and the bad guys will always have a source for the weapons.
I'll take my chances with protecting myself from homies and the government thank you.
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Eaton Swap + 4.10's = Wreeeeeeeeeedom!!
SC Cheesehead
07-26-2012, 05:11 AM
That is such BS. Last I checked. You could outlaw guns altogether and the bad guys will always have a source for the weapons.
I'll take my chances with protecting myself from homies and the government thank you.
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Eaton Swap + 4.10's = Wreeeeeeeeeedom!!
Yup, the only thing stricter gun laws will do it make it harder for law abiding citizens to own them, bad guys don't play by the rules....
Mike M
07-26-2012, 09:45 AM
Violence Policy Center statistics are probably the last place to get any accurate numbers. Do a little research on that one.
07-26-2012, 11:16 AM
Violence Policy Center statistics are probably the last place to get any accurate numbers. Do a little research on the one.
07-26-2012, 11:38 AM
I beleive people should fully express what they believe. All who propose a ban on guns should be required to display a "gun free" symbol on their person, vehicle, residence and place of business. This way the criminals know where to go to ply their trade safely and I know where not to go.
When guns are outlawed only outlaws will have guns!
I know of many a gun hating Liberal who after Katrina became members of the NRA and fully believe in the Second Amendment. Interesting how your beliefs change when it is yourself and your family who are the ones that are victims.
I know a number of people, including myself and my family, who are alive because they were armed.
07-26-2012, 11:41 AM
Makes me appreciate the state I live in.
07-26-2012, 11:48 AM
When I lived in NYC, same time FALN was bombing the buildings I was walking by, the guns laws were so strick the criminals biggest fear was being caught with a gun. So the criminals rented them from the fruit stands, reducing the time it was in their possession.
Why not jsut pass a law you cannot committ murder with a gun, or robbery or rape or any felony with a gun???
07-26-2012, 06:00 PM
Most Police Officers who don't want guns in the hands of law abiding citizens, are probably the type of officers that don't like being measured on how they perform their job...... Seen many who think because they have a gun/badge, that they can make the rules up as they go along, and nobody will challenge them......... They enjoy not working too hard, for the advantage they hold over the people they supposidly protect......
On the other hand I count as friends some very professional police officers, and to the person could care (as long as they are licensed, and inform the officer) if law abiding citizens carry weapons....
Lets face it for years there were professions where measuring performance was nonexistent, or it was very hard to develop metrics...... Police Depts. are catching up, but still have a ways to go.... And old fear mongering is hard to change...
SC Cheesehead
07-26-2012, 07:29 PM
Interesting blog.
The guy tells it pretty straight.
07-26-2012, 07:46 PM
Interesting blog.
The guy tells it pretty straight.
That's not interesting, that's stupid.
What a moron.
07-26-2012, 08:38 PM
That's not interesting, that's stupid.
What a moron.
I suppose you didn't read it...he seems very intelligent in his analysis of what happened, or could've not happened if there was a law abiding armed citizen in that theater.
P.S. what does it matter to you, you live in Canada! This is The United States of America and many of us take our constitutional rights seriously, and will die defending them...thank you very much!
SC Cheesehead
07-26-2012, 08:55 PM
That's not interesting, that's stupid.
What a moron.
I could ask why you feel that way, but somehow I doubt it would matter, kammerade.... :rolleyes:
07-26-2012, 09:39 PM
Interesting blog.
The guy tells it pretty straight.
He makes some valid points... A little off on spelling and grammer but I won't hold that against him.....
The bottom line is nobody knows what they would do in a situation like Aurora, CO....... Unless you are trained at an extremely high level and practice it like tradecraft.... Like TJA or a few others here..........
I consider myself to be a fairly observant person, but I can say with full confidence that the difference between what I think I would do, and what I would actually do facing down a situation like that tragedy, could be miles apart............
Its time like the blogger suggests that all of us check ourselves just a little bit. Be honest about what we are really capable of...........
Its kinda like the guy who soups up his Marauder with every go fast part in creation, and all he wants to do is sit in a lawnchair and look at it...... vs. developing the skills to handle the beast under any circumstance you may encounter.......... Sorry... Just had to bring it back to Marauder land.:)
07-26-2012, 09:57 PM
That's not interesting, that's stupid.
What a moron.
Yeah. Until an armed criminal is pointing a gun at you or beating your family while your tied up. Then what? Are you going to say "that's stupid. What a moron" and crap yourself?
Or would you rather at least have a fighting chance?
And don't give me that crap saying the odds of that happening are slim to none. Guess what? It happens.
Me, I'd rather go down trying and fighting.
It's just common sense. But a lot of folk lack common sense and think all these crazy laws and the government will protect them. Last I checked. All these crazy laws and my loving uncle Sam are not going to keep a crazed person from coming into my home. But my sidearm may prevent him from leaving my home with a pulse and possibly committing more crimes, EVER.
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Eaton Swap + 4.10's = Wreeeeeeeeeedom!!
07-27-2012, 01:15 AM
That's not interesting, that's stupid.
What a moron.
I don't understand what's stupid about the article. I really don't.
His focus was less about the rhetoric of gun control per se and more about how people make instant and permanent decisions on matters they aren't informed on nor are they involved in. That problem is RAMPANT in this nation lately (I like to call it "everyone's a pundit" syndrome.)
Whether or not I would agree with this individual on strong topics, I have a strong feeling we could coexist no matter the outcome.
SC Cheesehead
07-27-2012, 03:37 AM
That's not interesting, that's stupid.
What a moron.
I don't understand what's stupid about the article. I really don't.
His focus was less about the rhetoric of gun control per se and more about how people make instant and permanent decisions on matters they aren't informed on nor are they involved in. That problem is RAMPANT in this nation lately (I like to call it "everyone's a pundit" syndrome.)
Whether or not I would agree with this individual on strong topics, I have a strong feeling we could coexist no matter the outcome.
Ummmm, I think I know the kammarde's problem.
A wise man once said, "The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they are ignorant, but that they know so much that isn't so."
07-27-2012, 04:38 AM
All 5 'Death Wish' movies are on AMC today, tell me you would not do what Charles Bronson does if that happened to your family.
07-27-2012, 05:44 AM
In LA we all carry weapons. I usually have two on me at all times. Problem is they are hard to carry in a swim suit. Oh I carry knives too.
I usually tell criminals I know Check Norris and Billy too. Billy carries an AX.
07-27-2012, 05:55 AM
I guess your fox news fans are used to hearing 'shut up' hurled out at anyone who doesn't agree with them and think nothing of it.
07-27-2012, 05:57 AM
In LA we all carry weapons. I usually have two on me at all times. Problem is they are hard to carry in a swim suit. Oh I carry knives too.
I usually tell criminals I know Check Norris and Billy too. Billy carries an AX.
How is that everyone armed thingy working out for you there in LA?
Crime must be lower, right?
All the victims saved, wow.
07-27-2012, 06:23 AM
I guess your fox news fans are used to hearing 'shut up' hurled out at anyone who doesn't agree with them and think nothing of it.
What a lame comment. You lose the argument by a landslide and all you can say is "Oh yeah? FOX NEWS"! Pathetic.
Ozark Marauder
07-27-2012, 06:34 AM
Makes me appreciate the state I live in. too. Stay safe, and keep training.
07-27-2012, 07:13 AM
What a lame comment. You lose the argument by a landslide and all you can say is "Oh yeah? FOX NEWS"! Pathetic.
I lost an argument?
07-27-2012, 07:19 AM
I lost an argument?
07-27-2012, 08:32 AM
Ok, so we outlaw firearms. So instead of using a gun Mr. Joker comes in the back door with two 5 gallon pails of gasoline, throws them on the crowd and lights a match. Damn, we better outlaw gasoline! Better yet, outlaw cars that kill and mame thousands per year. Fatal MVAs were up substantially in the 1st quarter of this year. Where is the out cry?
The koo koo in Auroa knew the theatre was a gun free zone. Law abiding citizens follow the law. The fox was free to raid the hen house...
Once again people relying on the police protect them proved it is not going to happen. You are responsible for your own safety. The police pickup the pieces after you failed.
Someone knew about this knut and once again failed to drop a dime. I hope they are happy with the outcome. :shake:
07-27-2012, 08:55 AM
Ok, so we outlaw firearms. So instead of using a gun Mr. Joker comes in the back door with two 5 gallon pails of gasoline, throws them on the crowd and lights a match. Damn, we better outlaw gasoline! Better yet, outlaw cars that kill and mame thousands per year. Fatal MVAs were up substantially in the 1st quarter of this year. Where is the out cry?
The koo koo in Auroa knew the theatre was a gun free zone. Law abiding citizens follow the law. The fox was free to raid the hen house...
Once again people relying on the police protect them proved it is not going to happen. You are responsible for your own safety. The police pickup the pieces after you failed.
Someone knew about this knut and once again failed to drop a dime. I hope they are happy with the outcome. :shake:
A well trained, well paid, well funded, content police force is the way to go, not arming every Tom:eek:, dick and harry.
How anyone can argue that is beyond me.
Lots of LEO's around here, now i know you don't wanna go against the grain and be seen agreeing with kernie, but how do you front line guys feel about arming the average Joe?
Be honest.
SC Cheesehead
07-27-2012, 09:33 AM
A well trained, well paid, well funded, content police force is the way to go, not arming every Tom:eek:, dick and harry.
How anyone can argue that is beyond me.
Lots of LEO's around here, now i know you don't wanna go against the grain and be seen agreeing with kernie, but how do you front line guys feel about arming the average Joe?
Be honest.
Ummmm rayjay is retired LEO, Shaijack is a retired LEO...:shake:
And it's not about "not arming every Tom:eek:, dick and harry," it's about making a choice, and the freedom to make that choice. But then again, the concept of self determination and individualism is kinda a foreign concept, ain't it, kammarade? :rolleyes:
07-27-2012, 11:13 AM
In LA we all carry weapons. I usually have two on me at all times. Problem is they are hard to carry in a swim suit. Oh I carry knives too.
I usually tell criminals I know Check Norris and Billy too. Billy carries an AX.
I can throw a double headed Michigan 28' and have it sick 5' up in an oak tree.
07-27-2012, 11:16 AM
Kernie - When those rapist break in your house and start torturing and raping you and your family what are you going to do? Say hey please wait until the police get here?
Have you posted your gun free symbols on your house, car, person and business?
07-27-2012, 01:56 PM
Mr. Joker comes in the back door with two 5 gallon pails of gasoline, throws them on the crowd and lights a match.
We outlaw matches, not gasoline!
07-27-2012, 02:10 PM
Kernie - When those rapist break in your house and start torturing and raping you and your family what are you going to do? Say hey please wait until the police get here?
Have you posted your gun free symbols on your house, car, person and business?
Ha! Well i'm quite sure i don't need to worry about being rap-ed! I mean i'm cuter than SC but i'm no justbob!
As for symbols on my house and cars? Very few where i live would not have those symbols, perhaps a few hunters whose weopons are in a locked cabinet with triggerlocks, maybe a cop or two, i dunno, lol. As i've said before, i've never seen a handgun in my 53 years except on a cops hip.
Question to you, you have lax gun laws, high gun ownership, why do you live in a high crime region and i don't?
Another question, if the most stringent 5 gun law states have an average 4 coffins per 100,000 people and the 5 most lax gun law states have an average 17 coffins per 100,000 people, what does that tell you?
07-27-2012, 02:18 PM
17 coffins per 100,000 people, what does that tell you?
Perhaps it has something to do with citizens shooting and killing the criminals that deserve to be shoot and killed.
Um less people living in certain states so killings per capita are scewed and do not tell the whole story.
And you would believe what you are told as truth?
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Eaton Swap + 4.10's = Wreeeeeeeeeedom!!
07-27-2012, 02:30 PM
Perhaps it has something to do with citizens shooting and killing the criminals that deserve to be shoot and killed.
Um less people living in certain states so killings per capita are scewed and do not tell the whole story.
And you would believe what you are told as truth?
Sent from my iPhone
Eaton Swap + 4.10's = Wreeeeeeeeeedom!!
I'm quite sure there are more truly innocents in the 17 coffins than the 4 coffins.
You are just mad cause i said justbob not gusbech.
07-27-2012, 02:42 PM
I lost an argument?
Seriously, how come i'm so right and everyone else is so wrong?
07-27-2012, 02:51 PM
I firmly believe in the 2nd Amendment as does every LEO I have ever discussed it with. Privately the Chiefs will say the same, but publicly they have a job to protect. I have absolutely no problem with law abiding citizens possessing and carrying firearms. 99.99% of the legal gun owning public will never committ a crime with their firearm. -And- now its coming out that this slime was actually a being treated koo koo. Is anyone suprised? Maybe his shrink should also stand trial. :mad2:
07-27-2012, 05:56 PM
You could eat off the streets of Windsor the last time I was there too, but if you travel to Detroit is a completely different story...... It has nothing to do with weapons...It has to do with the mind set of the people.....
Weapons don't kill.... People with stinky thinking do... Weapons are just the instruments they use, and no matter what law is out there, will always be in supply..... Criminals in Canada have guns too Kernie... Don't kid yourself on that one.....
Question to you, you have lax gun laws, high gun ownership, why do you live in a high crime region and i don't?
07-28-2012, 06:50 PM
Kernie they killed 7 in New orleans yeaterday. I don't know why they missed me. Better to be protected then be a statistic. I don't flash my weapons just carry them. I like the weight.
07-29-2012, 04:44 AM
It is the very foundation of the USA that manhas a right from God to self defense. Take that right away by giving it to the State and you are merely a slave of the State. It is called Socialism a/k/a the National Socialist German Workers Party.
07-29-2012, 09:17 AM
It is the very foundation of the USA that manhas a right from God to self defense. Take that right away by giving it to the State and you are merely a slave of the State. It is called Socialism a/k/a the National Socialist German Workers Party.
But would god carry an assault rifle?
07-29-2012, 10:18 AM
You could eat off the streets of Windsor the last time I was there too, but if you travel to Detroit is a completely different story...... It has nothing to do with weapons...It has to do with the mind set of the people.....
Weapons don't kill.... People with stinky thinking do... Weapons are just the instruments they use, and no matter what law is out there, will always be in supply..... Criminals in Canada have guns too Kernie... Don't kid yourself on that one.....
There are illegal handguns in Canada, Toronto has had a couple shootouts in public places by braindead gangbangers recently with bystander fatalities. But only the gangs seem armed, the scale of carnage reflects the fact that the average joe isn't packing or owning. Metro Toronto with 3.5 million people have 32 murders to date this year, 22 by way of firearms.
Kernie they killed 7 in New orleans yeaterday. I don't know why they missed me. Better to be protected then be a statistic. I don't flash my weapons just carry them. I like the weight.
I do understand wanting to be armed with that kind of stuff going on, it's just bad for society. I do respect both you guys and your opinions, you guys see it firsthand.
07-29-2012, 11:28 AM
There are illegal handguns in Canada, Toronto has had a couple shootouts in public places by braindead gangbangers recently with bystander fatalities. But only the gangs seem armed, the scale of carnage reflects the fact that the average joe isn't packing or owning. Metro Toronto with 3.5 million people have 32 murders to date this year, 22 by way of firearms.
What about Vancouver? Not disputing your stat. btw.....
The United States of America was founded with a provision that American have a right to legally bear arms..... Does Canada have such a provision?
Not that I agree with everything Mitt Romney says, but in an interview with Piers Morgan on CNN last week, he was asked questions about Auroa, CO and if more gun laws would have any effect....
His response was to cite the shooting in Norway (a country that has stricter gun laws than the U.S.) and indicate, that if a person is deranged or criminally dangerous (there is a difference) then there is no way that any law is going to keep them from getting a gun, and doing what they want to do.........
Criminals will always have access to weapons Kernie, and law enforcement can't and has not done a thing to universally disrupt/eliminate their access to them......... Not saying I would be able to effectively use my weapon in a situation where my life or the lives of other people were in danger from nut cases or criminals (not trained like a TJA, or Shajack)..... Justwant to have that opportunity, if a situation ever arises rather than waiting for help from God knows where.
Often times through no fault of their own, the Police are just janitors with a gun, badge, mop & bucket cleaning up after the fact. This is reality in our country. Police/military only having guns, is not the answer.... Maybe it is in Canada, but Canada is not The United States of America....Nor will it ever be on any scale of worldly measure...... That is also reality....
07-29-2012, 12:14 PM
What about Vancouver? Not disputing your stat. btw.....
The United States of America was founded with a provision that American have a right to legally bear arms..... Does Canada have such a provision?
Not that I agree with everything Mitt Romney says, but in an interview with Piers Morgan on CNN last week, he was asked questions about Auroa, CO and if more gun laws would have any effect....
His response was to cite the shooting in Norway (a country that has stricter gun laws than the U.S.) and indicate, that if a person is deranged or criminally dangerous (there is a difference) then there is no way that any law is going to keep them from getting a gun, and doing what they want to do.........
Criminals will always have access to weapons Kernie, and law enforcement can't and has not done a thing to universally disrupt/eliminate their access to them......... Not saying I would be able to effectively use my weapon in a situation where my life or the lives of other people were in danger from nut cases or criminals (not trained like a TJA, or Shajack)..... Justwant to have that opportunity, if a situation ever arises rather than waiting for help from God knows where.
Often times through no fault of their own, the Police are just janitors with a gun, badge, mop & bucket cleaning up after the fact. This is reality in our country. Police/military only having guns, is not the answer.... Maybe it is in Canada, but Canada is not The United States of America....Nor will it ever be on any scale of worldly measure...... That is also reality....
I don't know about Vancouver, couldn't find the stats you seem to be refering to. Here are reliable stats for Canada in 2010,
So according to the CBC {reliable} stats there were 554 murders in Canada in 2010, 1.62 per 100,000, 170 of those murders by guns, 9 in Vancouver. I can own just about anything but assault rifles, getting a handgun permit is possible for some, myself included but it's a huge PITA, strict rules, courses ect., prettymuch no-one has one, no-one i know of, good! But comparing Canada vs. USA isn't my point. And yes mass murders can happen anywhere anytime.
Compare states with harsh gun laws to states with lax gun laws, night and day, that's my point, and i've made it enough, endless debate with little common sense being applied.
Over and out,
07-29-2012, 02:33 PM
It is your right to self defence, not a requirement of self defence. You still have the right to watch your wife and daughters get gang banged while you ask them to wait for the Police.
07-29-2012, 10:35 PM
It is your right to self defence, not a requirement of self defence. You still have the right to watch your wife and daughters get gang banged while you ask them to wait for the Police.
Yea thats pretty much what I was trying to say, but with a lil less of an edge Billy:D
No matter the difference of laws from state to state, we have a million different gun laws now, and yet we have the crime that we have (and yes they should be different from state to state, as AZ has different situations to deal with than say PA)....... Ergo A new law written is going to have little effect on those who have no regard for laws....... All they will do is make more law abiding citizens into easier targets for criminals in this country.....
:beatnik:So stay up there in nice safe Canada Kernie, cause you probably would be looked upon like a sucker and have yer lunch money shook outta ya, you come down here without some "steel". I jest, but you will never be able to make your point purely by looking at statistics.... Gotta walk dem streets to know for sure....... I have, and I don't leave home without it.......Like Shajack says...."I don't mind the weight".:burnout:
Went to the range Saturday, went nutty. Right arm/shoulder still feeling it today.
I don't live in a high crime area, and I'm not much for hunting animals. But if criminals or animals attack, it's on.
Virginia is fairly lax on gun rules for people who pass the paperwork check for new guns. You can also go to a gun show here and buy a gun and not fill out any paperwork, if you buy it from a non-dealer. I have. I've also bought "assault rifles", new in the store, in less time than it takes to fill your Marauder's gas tank.
Here in Virginia, you can walk into a gun show with a loaded weapon, and unload it at the desk. Your ammo/clips will be tagged and bagged (you keep the gun) by actual police officers in uniform and you can get your ammo back on your way out.
I had a friend get stationed here and he went to his local police station and said "I'd like to register/report my weapons." He was told "We'd rather you didn't." He didn't know you didn't have to here.
All my numbers are written down for fire/flood insurance purposes, or in case I lose one.
I'm sure it struck fear into the criminals minds when guns were outlawed in places like D.C. and they realized they might go to jail for having one. :shake:
The one thing I don't like about our laws is they punish the average citizen, because it is easier to punish the masses than catching and punishing the actual criminals. Take Sudafed and a couple other cold medicines. Junkies figure out how to make it into meth. What does the government decide is the solution? You would think it would be to make the punishment so harsh they would not do it. Nope. Let's make everyone have to get a prescription from a doctor before they can buy it anymore. For ****ing cold medicine.
Kernie, people here that opt to protect themselves have realized that when seconds matter, the police are only a few minutes away. And if you think police carry guns to protect YOU, you are crazy, they carry to protect themselves from whatever they are responding to, as it should be.
07-30-2012, 08:32 AM
I realize that the self defense argument is big and has a lot going for it, because law enforcement can't be everywhere at all times. But, you have to look at what could possibly happen.
You pull out your gun, the bad guy (or guys) has his gun, and the odds are 50/50 that you'll come out on top, if it's just one bad guy. If it's more than one.......
But, ask yourself, would you play Russian Roulette with a gun that had three bullets in it even if the prize, should you live, is $1,000,000? I doubt it.
I'm not taking sides, but you have to look at potential outcome. Not everything works out the right way everytime. Bad things happen to good people.
I don't want my wife "hurt", but I also don't want to see her dead or attending my funeral because the right side lost. I don't want either of us to die defending my Samsung TV. I can buy a new TV.
I recently watched the 71 year old guy pull his gun in the internet cafe holdup, and I thought, what if those two a--holes weren't young, frightened dirtbags?
What if they decided to fire back? How many innocent people might have lost their lives instead of their creditcards or wallets?
"Stuff" can always be replaced. A person's life can't. Isn't that why the police tell civilians not to put up a fight unless there is a real life threatening potential?
But, that one worked out well, so chalk one up for the right side.
Again, I don't have a dog in this fight. Just doing some soul searching. Interesting topic.
I realize that the self defense argument is big and has a lot going for it, because law enforcement can't be everywhere at all times. But, you have to look at what could possibly happen.
You pull out your gun, the bad guy (or guys) has his gun, and the odds are 50/50 that you'll come out on top, if it's just one bad guy. If it's more than one.......
But, ask yourself, would you play Russian Roulette with a gun that had three bullets in it even if the prize, should you live, is $1,000,000? I doubt it.
I'm not taking sides, but you have to look at potential outcome. Not everything works out the right way everytime. Bad things happen to good people.
I don't want my wife "hurt", but I also don't want to see her dead or attending my funeral because the right side lost. I don't want either of us to die defending my Samsung TV. I can buy a new TV.
I recently watched the 71 year old guy pull his gun in the internet cafe holdup, and I thought, what if those two a--holes weren't young, frightened dirtbags?
What if they decided to fire back? How many innocent people might have lost their lives instead of their creditcards or wallets?
"Stuff" can always be replaced. A person's life can't. Isn't that why the police tell civilians not to put up a fight unless there is a real life threatening potential?
But, that one worked out well, so chalk one up for the right side.
Again, I don't have a dog in this fight. Just doing some soul searching. Interesting topic.
I respect your opinion, but you have odds confused with chances. Chance never changes. Odds do. The chance of you getting shot is 50/50, the criminal will either shoot you or not when he pulls the trigger. The odds can change considerably in your favor if you are a better/faster shot, no matter how many criminals draw on you.
I work very hard for what little I have and I'm not giving up anything without a fight. I'd rather read some mother moaning and groaning about how her son was perfect and always went to church and would never rob nobody blah blah blah than have my family read my obituary with something to the effect of "he was shot and killed even after giving the robbers everything they asked for."
That whole turn the other cheek crap is a bunch of crap but, different strokes for different folks.
07-30-2012, 09:18 AM
I respect your opinion, but you have odds confused with chances. Chance never changes. Odds do. The chance of you getting shot is 50/50, the criminal will either shoot you or not when he pulls the trigger. The odds can change considerably in your favor if you are a better/faster shot, no matter how many criminals draw on you.
I work very hard for what little I have and I'm not giving up anything without a fight. I'd rather read some mother moaning and groaning about how her son was perfect and always went to church and would never rob nobody blah blah blah than have my family read my obituary with something to the effect of "he was shot and killed even after giving the robbers everything they asked for."
That whole turn the other cheek crap is a bunch of crap but, different strokes for different folks.
I agree casey, but back to OP, it (CC) will never happen in Maryland
07-30-2012, 09:56 AM
I'm not gonna debate it anymore, i've prettymuch made my points only to aggravate the topic.
One thing i find funny, if we could magically trade shoes from our lifetimes, you guys would be 99% agreeing with my thinking.
Which is, 'I like it when guns are not even a thought, let alone a factor in my everyday life, i feel sorry for those Americans that have to live with this scourge'.
Meanwhile in your shoes it's more like half want less guns and tougher gun laws, and the other half drive marauders.
Same deal with universal healthcare, {not that i want to go there, lol} find me a canuck who would trade systems with Americans, meanwhile in the states likely again, it's 50/50, half see the wisdom of universal care, the other half drive marauders.
I know i said 'over and out' and now i'm back, lol, this time i mean it!
Have a good day and don't weigh yourselves down, it's bad for the knees and society.
07-30-2012, 10:11 AM
Here's the thing..... In situations like that Internet Cafe' incident, we assume that those 2 young mend were just going to rob the place/patrons......... How do we know what they would have done if afforded more time........... We don't know.....They could have lined everyone up against the wall and shot them.... Or not, but there is no telling.... I am not willing to wait for fate. Not saying I'm Clint Eastwood or anything..... But as CBT said, "when seconds count, and help is minutes away, I want the option" (or sumthin like that :))...
I realize that the self defense argument is big and has a lot going for it, because law enforcement can't be everywhere at all times. But, you have to look at what could possibly happen.
You pull out your gun, the bad guy (or guys) has his gun, and the odds are 50/50 that you'll come out on top, if it's just one bad guy. If it's more than one.......
But, ask yourself, would you play Russian Roulette with a gun that had three bullets in it even if the prize, should you live, is $1,000,000? I doubt it.
I'm not taking sides, but you have to look at potential outcome. Not everything works out the right way everytime. Bad things happen to good people.
I don't want my wife "hurt", but I also don't want to see her dead or attending my funeral because the right side lost. I don't want either of us to die defending my Samsung TV. I can buy a new TV.
I recently watched the 71 year old guy pull his gun in the internet cafe holdup, and I thought, what if those two a--holes weren't young, frightened dirtbags?
What if they decided to fire back? How many innocent people might have lost their lives instead of their creditcards or wallets?
"Stuff" can always be replaced. A person's life can't. Isn't that why the police tell civilians not to put up a fight unless there is a real life threatening potential?
But, that one worked out well, so chalk one up for the right side.
Again, I don't have a dog in this fight. Just doing some soul searching. Interesting topic.
I'm not gonna debate it anymore, i've prettymuch made my points only to aggravate the topic.
One thing i find funny, if we could magically trade shoes from our lifetimes, you guys would be 99% agreeing with my thinking.
Which is, 'I like it when guns are not even a thought, let alone a factor in my everyday life, i feel sorry for those Americans that have to live with this scourge'.
Meanwhile in your shoes it's more like half want less guns and tougher gun laws, and the other half drive marauders.
Same deal with universal healthcare, {not that i want to go there, lol} find me a canuck who would trade systems with Americans, meanwhile in the states likely again, it's 50/50, half see the wisdom of universal care, the other half drive marauders.
I know i said 'over and out' and now i'm back, lol, this time i mean it!
Have a good day and don't weigh yourselves down, it's bad for the knees and society.
Why would you leave a healthy debate? This has been one of the tamer ones, lol.
07-30-2012, 11:30 AM
Why would you leave a healthy debate? This has been one of the tamer ones, lol.
OK, fair enough, it has been civil, a few folks didn't like me calling that blogger a moron, really it was the repeated screaming headline "you can just shutup" that
ticked me, after seeing that, his opinion didn't merit reading.
Anyhow, why did you buy an assault rifle? Perhaps it was simply because you could...
Like every Tom:eek:, Dick and Harry should be allowed to possess one of these badboys, whats next rocket propelled grenades for that rotten cat that keeps on trespassing?
And where are all these 'criminals' you guys keep talking about, you have 7 times per capital the number of folks who's freedom you have curtailed. How many freaking criminals do you have?
Can we let the reefer guys out already?
SC Cheesehead
07-30-2012, 11:32 AM
OK, fair enough, it has been civil, a few folks didn't like me calling that blogger a moron, really it was the repeated screaming headline "you can just shutup" that
ticked me, after seeing that, his opinion didn't merit reading.
Anyhow, why did you buy an assault rifle? Perhaps it was simply because you could...
Like every Tom:eek:, Dick and Harry should be allowed to possess only of those badboys, whats next rocket propelled grenades for that rotten cat that keeps on trespassing?
And where are all these 'criminals' you guys keep talking about, you have 7 times per capital the number of folks who's freedom you have curtailed. How many freaking criminals do you have? Can we let the reefer guys out already?
Does there really have to be any other reason? ;)
07-30-2012, 11:43 AM
Does there really have to be any other reason? ;)
I vote yes, and i think if it were put to a vote stateside, yes certainly would score a big win.
Overkill, can i get some agreement on that one, i know there is a non-member reading this who agree's with getting assault rifle outta a civil society, sign up! Get in here! I'm dying, lol.
SC Cheesehead
07-30-2012, 11:57 AM
I vote yes, and i think if it were put to a vote stateside, yes certainly would score a big win.
Overkill, can i get some agreement on that one, i know there is a non-member reading this who agree's with getting assault rifle outta a civil society, sign up! Get in here! I'm dying, lol.
Why ban assault rifles? What will that accomplish? What's the difference between a law-abiding citizen owning a single shot rifle and one that owns an assault rifle?
Does owning assault rifles versus other firearms create a "non-civil" society; and if so, how?
For that matter, what constitutes an "assault rifle?" Is it magazine capacity? Is it the way it looks? Plastic components? Barrel length? Caliber?
Perhaps some politician's perception? :rolleyes:
Why not consider adopting the cold war logic of mutually assured destruction; ergo, if we were all armed with assault rifles, then perhaps bad folks would think twice before committing violent crime against good folks... ;)
07-30-2012, 12:09 PM
Why ban assault rifles? What will that accomplish? What's the difference between a law-abiding citizen owning a single shot rifle and one that owns an assault rifle?
Does owning assault rifles versus other firearms create a "non-civil" society; and if so, how?
For that matter, what constitutes an "assault rifle?" Is it magazine capacity? Is it the way it looks? Plastic components? Barrel length? Caliber?
Perhaps some politician's perception? :rolleyes:
Why not consider adopting the cold war logic of mutually assured destruction; ergo, if we were all armed with assault rifles, then perhaps bad folks would think twice before committing violent crime against good folks... ;)
Ugg! Too many questions, partypoker time at 3:15.
Where do you draw the line? Are RPG's okay? Surface to air missles?
Do you really believe what you are saying is a good thing?
Just messing with me, right?
Good lord! LOL.
Edit: come to think of it, you guys don't have the freedom to play partypoker, how come?
07-30-2012, 12:30 PM
No law abiding citizen should tell or force apon their beliefs just like religion. No law abiding citizen is going to shoot up a place with a bb gun or an assault rifle. There doesn't have to be more gun laws against law abiding tax paying citizens. What needs to be done it there needs to be less plea bargains for criminals and just lock them up or kill them.
Is there a good reason to own an assault rifle. Sure there is. They are fun to shoot. Is there a good reason to own a 1000 hp car. Yep. Fun to drive. Both are over kills and both kill. But both are fun as hell.
Sent from my iPhone
Eaton Swap + 4.10's = Wreeeeeeeeeedom!!
07-30-2012, 12:50 PM
All 5 'Death Wish' movies are on AMC today, tell me you would not do what Charles Bronson does if that happened to your family.
How did you stand watching "Death Wish 3,4,and 5?" They became parodies of themselves after the second one. :D
Like every Tom:eek:, Dick and Harry should be allowed to possess one of these badboys, whats next rocket propelled grenades for that rotten cat that keeps on trespassing?
No, only psychopaths would do that, not law abiding responsible gun owners. That's kinda the entire point to this thread which was missed 4 pages ago. We had plenty of annoying cats and animals entering our yard in Queens all while my father has been a pistol/rifle permit bearing gun owner for over 25 years. Never once did he reach into the gun closet and decide to blow away a animal or hold up a convenience store, or commit a murder. He enjoys his target practice at a range and likes to know that his family has a chance if someone decides to break down the front door and do us harm.
07-30-2012, 12:54 PM
Is there a good reason to own an assault rifle. Sure there is. They are fun to shoot. Is there a good reason to own a 1000 hp car. Yep. Fun to drive. Both are over kills and both kill. But both are fun as hell.
And there is the end of the discussion!:D I personally have no need or desire for an assault rifle (who does determine what is/is not an assault rifle??? Hmmmmm), but have no interest in restricting law abiding citizens from owning them if they so choose.....:beer:
07-30-2012, 01:15 PM
Again guys, where do you draw the line? Your arguments approve RPG's
Sorry CBT, this is silly.
07-30-2012, 01:35 PM
How did you stand watching "Death Wish 3,4,and 5?" They became parodies of themselves after the second one. :D
No, only psychopaths would do that, not law abiding responsible gun owners. That's kinda the entire point to this thread which was missed 4 pages ago. We had plenty of annoying cats and animals entering our yard in Queens all while my father has been a pistol/rifle permit bearing gun owner for over 25 years. Never once did he reach into the gun closet and decide to blow away a animal or hold up a convenience store, or commit a murder. He enjoys his target practice at a range and likes to know that his family has a chance if someone decides to break down the front door and do us harm.
In NYC? I was reading about a former marine who went up to a security guard at the empire state building asking to check his gun. Yup, now facing a 3 year minimum sentence for packing in NYC. No choise, no options, 3 years loss of freedom mandatory for someone with no intent. Very harsh.
Are those type rules working in NYC? Awnser, yes, any leeway to help out this obviously innocent marine with no bad intent, sadly, no.
07-30-2012, 01:41 PM
In NYC? I was reading about a former marine who went up to a security guard at the empire state building asking to check his gun. Yup, now facing a 3 year minimum sentence for packing in NYC. No choise, no options, 3 years loss of freedom mandatory for someone with no intent. Very harsh.
Are those type rules working in NYC? Awnser, yes, any leeway to help out this obviously innocent marine with no bad intent, sadly, no.
Story correct, punishment is not. He got hit with a $1000 fine and 10 days community service. Its illegal to carry a handgun into NYC unless you have a NYC permit.
07-30-2012, 01:46 PM
Story correct, punishment is not. He got hit with a $1000 fine and 10 days community service. Its illegal to carry a handgun into NYC unless you have a NYC permit.
OK, thanks for the correction, the article i read said he was going for 3 years mandatory. Good to see some common sense applied with a 'guilty plea'.
My bad.
Edit: There are strong gun laws in NYC, do you believe it is good for you and your fellow NYC residents? Has the gun crime rate fallen?
07-30-2012, 02:01 PM
OK, thanks for the correction, the article i read said he was going for 3 years mandatory. Good to see some common sense applied with a 'guilty plea'.
My bad.
Edit: There are strong gun laws in NYC, do you believe it is good for you and your fellow NYC residents? Has the gun crime rate fallen?
Probably depends on the neighborhood..... Some parts of Manhattan are as quite as the country side regardless of what the gun laws are..... Some parts of Brooklyn are exactely the opposite, yet they are governed by the same laws........ Been that way fa eva:)
07-30-2012, 02:11 PM
Again guys, where do you draw the line? Your arguments approve RPG's
Sorry CBT, this is silly.
I'm not approving RPGs. But nor am I putting a ban on a butter knife because they too can kill.
The line needs to be drawn more harshly on the criminals. Of course law abiding citizens should not have certain military equipment.
But law makers should not keep on infringing on its law abiding tax paying citizen. And that goes for laws that have nothing to do with firearms.
Need to be more harsh punishments on those who commit felonies and such. Not more laws restricting the people.
Sent from my iPhone
Eaton Swap + 4.10's = Wreeeeeeeeeedom!!
07-30-2012, 02:13 PM
Edit: There are strong gun laws in NYC, do you believe it is good for you and your fellow NYC residents? Has the gun crime rate fallen?
Probably depends on the neighborhood..... Some parts of Manhattan are as quite as the country side regardless of what the gun laws are..... Some parts of Brooklyn are exactely the opposite, yet they are governed by the same laws........ Been that way fa eva:)
What Mike said... You can walk through most of the five boroughs and not have to worry about getting blasted. Take that same walk through the south Bronx, east Brooklyn, some parts of Queens, and way uptown Manhattan and you run the risk of being a victim. Long Island was having a rash of home invasions until a few intruders entered the home of a gun owner. Now's its not nearly as often as it was within the last few years. Criminals always look for the easy mark and those that can't defend themselves. Take the guns out out of law abiding citizens hands and we all become the easy mark. Then what? I'd prefer to be judged by 12 then carried by 6.
07-30-2012, 02:25 PM
Probably depends on the neighborhood..... Some parts of Manhattan are as quite as the country side regardless of what the gun laws are..... Some parts of Brooklyn are exactely the opposite, yet they are governed by the same laws........ Been that way fa eva:)
I'm betting those folks in the nicer niebourhoods prefer less popping sounds on the other side of the tracks.
And more importantly, can we let the reefer guys enjoy freedom?
Where are you non-members? I know i'm not a one percenter!
07-30-2012, 02:32 PM
I'm not approving RPGs. But nor am I putting a ban on a butter knife because they too can kill.
The line needs to be drawn more harshly on the criminals. Of course law abiding citizens should not have certain military equipment.
But law makers should not keep on infringing on its law abiding tax paying citizen. And that goes for laws that have nothing to do with firearms.
Need to be more harsh punishments on those who commit felonies and such. Not more laws restricting the people.
Sent from my iPhone
Eaton Swap + 4.10's = Wreeeeeeeeeedom!!
You have been there, done that! I know i'm repeating myself but this stat is truly telling, you have 7 times the locked up population per capita than most western 1st world countries! Do you want 10 times per capita, when do you lose your self-applied freedom crown, jeez!!
07-30-2012, 02:34 PM
All of these replies are CBT's fault.
Off to bed, work tonight.
SC Cheesehead
07-30-2012, 02:35 PM
What Mike said... You can walk through most of the five boroughs and not have to worry about getting blasted. Take that same walk through the south Bronx, east Brooklyn, some parts of Queens, and way uptown Manhattan and you run the risk of being a victim. Long Island was having a rash of home invasions until a few intruders entered the home of a gun owner. Now's its not nearly as often as it was within the last few years. Criminals always look for the easy mark and those that can't defend themselves. Take the guns out out of law abiding citizens hands and we all become the easy mark. Then what? I'd prefer to be judged by 12 then carried by 6.
Why is this such an easy concept for you and I to grasp, Paul, and so tough for some others? :dunno:
07-30-2012, 03:56 PM
Just want to ask a question, mind you I have no stake in this
Why does tougher gun laws translate into good law abiding citizens not bring able to buy guns?
Thinking of the average every day idiot driving on the highways, that cuts through 4 lanes of traffic, running two cars off the road because he was texting and wa going to miss his exit.
This same idiot can go to a gun show in Virginia apparently and by a gun in less time it takes me to fill up on gas.
Why does this not concern anyone?
I want law abiding citizens to be able to buy guns, but shouldn't it be tougher than picking which gun you want?
Criminals will always find a way to be criminals, and they aren't buying guns legally, so I'd rather be armed than unarmed, but I also don't want the "winners" in the people of Wal Mart parodies armed
The Ice Bucket Approves of this message
07-30-2012, 04:54 PM
Here's the thing..... In situations like that Internet Cafe' incident, we assume that those 2 young mend were just going to rob the place/patrons......... How do we know what they would have done if afforded more time........... We don't know.....They could have lined everyone up against the wall and shot them.... Or not, but there is no telling.... I am not willing to wait for fate. Not saying I'm Clint Eastwood or anything..... But as CBT said, "when seconds count, and help is minutes away, I want the option" (or sumthin like that :))...
In the same vein. Mike, how do we know that these two scumbags weren't going to make a stand and fire back killing who knows how many innocents? Also, since I believe they were carrying satchels, their main goal was to get money, wallets, credit cards, etc, not heads.
And, as any law officer would say, once you feel your life is endangered, do whatever is necessary.
This guy was 71 years old. I'm nearing 70. I don't see, hear, and move like I did when I was 40, and I'm sure whatever age you are, you aren't the same guy you were 20 years ago. We age, reflexes slow down, the senses deteriorate, but he's in a crowded internet cafe firing his weapon? Lucky these two guys were dirtbags.
As mentioned above, there are people with vailid driver's licenses that I would not let drive my Galaxie, but if they can walk and chew gum at the same time, and don't have a record, they can get a weapon in some states, and a powerful one at that.
I am not against private weapon ownership, but I believe that a weapon owner must first prove that he can physically and mentally handle a gun.
Anything can kill, but not everything has a purpose to fire a projectile into something, whether it's live or inanimate.
Someone mentioned "turn the other cheek crap".
Well, if I had my way, they would take this Colorado killer, and place him in a room with a family member from each of the dead folks. Then, the coroner's report can read that he "died of natural causes", hopefully after a long, long time.
Is that considered "turning the other cheek", because if it is, guilty as charged?
07-30-2012, 06:03 PM
In the same vein. Mike, how do we know that these two scumbags weren't going to make a stand and fire back killing who knows how many innocents? Also, since I believe they were carrying satchels, their main goal was to get money, wallets, credit cards, etc, not heads.
And, as any law officer would say, once you feel your life is endangered, do whatever is necessary.
This guy was 71 years old. I'm nearing 70. I don't see, hear, and move like I did when I was 40, and I'm sure whatever age you are, you aren't the same guy you were 20 years ago. We age, reflexes slow down, the senses deteriorate, but he's in a crowded internet cafe firing his weapon? Lucky these two guys were dirtbags.
As mentioned above, there are people with vailid driver's licenses that I would not let drive my Galaxie, but if they can walk and chew gum at the same time, and don't have a record, they can get a weapon in some states, and a powerful one at that.
I am not against private weapon ownership, but I believe that a weapon owner must first prove that he can physically and mentally handle a gun.
Anything can kill, but not everything has a purpose to fire a projectile into something, whether it's live or inanimate.
Someone mentioned "turn the other cheek crap".
Well, if I had my way, they would take this Colorado killer, and place him in a room with a family member from each of the dead folks. Then, the coroner's report can read that he "died of natural causes", hopefully after a long, long time.
Is that considered "turning the other cheek", because if it is, guilty as charged?
Great post Jerry, I couldn't agree more
The Ice Bucket Approves of this message
07-30-2012, 11:05 PM
I don't disagree with anything you have said here Jerry.... I too believe there should be some kind of sensible qualification/background check for people purchasing guns of any kind..... It should not be turned into a barrier over time though, which often is the case in these situations.... Give legislators a little leeway to pass/modify a law, and they blow it way out of proportion compared to the original intent.... Or they keep pecking at it over time till it resembles nothing that is was supposed to be....
Its the same reason some in politics strictly follow the constitution, and others seek to muddy the waters so that folks far removed from the original draft, or halls of legislative power have little understanding of it, and over time will care less about the importance of it as the governing document for our country..... Sorry for the mini rant.. :)
And, as any law officer would say, once you feel your life is endangered, do whatever is necessary.
This guy was 71 years old. I'm nearing 70. I don't see, hear, and move like I did when I was 40, and I'm sure whatever age you are, you aren't the same guy you were 20 years ago. We age, reflexes slow down, the senses deteriorate, but he's in a crowded internet cafe firing his weapon? Lucky these two guys were dirtbags.
As mentioned above, there are people with vailid driver's licenses that I would not let drive my Galaxie, but if they can walk and chew gum at the same time, and don't have a record, they can get a weapon in some states, and a powerful one at that.
I am not against private weapon ownership, but I believe that a weapon owner must first prove that he can physically and mentally handle a gun.
Well, if I had my way, they would take this Colorado killer, and place him in a room with a family member from each of the dead folks. Then, the coroner's report can read that he "died of natural causes", hopefully after a long, long time.
Is that considered "turning the other cheek", because if it is, guilty as charged?
SC Cheesehead
07-31-2012, 04:02 AM
I don't disagree with anything you have said here Jerry.... I too believe there should be some kind of sensible qualification/background check for people purchasing guns of any kind..... It should not be turned into a barrier over time though, which often is the case in these situations.... Give legislators a little leeway to pass/modify a law, and they blow it way out of proportion compared to the original intent.... Or they keep pecking at it over time till it resembles nothing that is was supposed to be....
Its the same reason some in politics strictly follow the constitution, and others seek to muddy the waters so that folks far removed from the original draft, or halls of legislative power have little understanding of it, and over time will care less about the importance of it as the govenoring document for our country..... Sorry for the mini rant.. :)
^^^^^ VERY well said, Mike, and I'll leave my political comments at that. ^^^^;)
Gotta agree with both you and Jerry, there should be some basic "fitness" requirements for gun ownership, (i.e. physically and mentally competent), but IMO, beyond that you are, indeed, getting into the realm of barriers for the law-abiding citizen.
08-01-2012, 08:30 AM
"Assault" rifles. Makes me laugh every time. A name given to a rifle by liberals that works the same as any other rifle but is made to look cool to increase sales. "Why call it a rifle when we can call it an "assault" rifle"! And always make people think that "machine guns" are legal when they are not. Also make sure to insinuate that RPG's, surface to air missiles and incendiary bombs are right around the corner if we don't act now to strip guns from everyone. They know their talking points well. Canada has fallen into line nicely........
SC Cheesehead
08-01-2012, 10:18 AM
"Assault" rifles. Makes me laugh every time. A name given to a rifle by liberals that works the same as any other rifle but is made to look cool to increase sales. "Why call it a rifle when we can call it an "assault" rifle"! And always make people think that "machine guns" are legal when they are not. Also make sure to insinuate that RPG's, surface to air missiles and incendiary bombs are right around the corner if we don't act now to strip guns from everyone. They know their talking points well. Canada has fallen into line nicely........
Yeah, somebody's gonna have to 'splain to me how these are so different:
Remington R-25, .308 Win
from this:
Remington Model 742, .308 Win
I'm waaaaaaaaaaaay to dense to figure it out why the R-25 is so "dangerous"... :confused: ------> :shake:
08-01-2012, 11:25 AM
Yeah, somebody's gonna have to 'splain to me how these are so different:
Remington R-25, .308 Win
from this:
Remington Model 742, .308 Win
I'm waaaaaaaaaaaay to dense to figure it out why the R-25 is so "dangerous"... :confused: ------> :shake:
The one rifle has camouflage so you have the ability to blend in to your surroundings when you walk into a McDonalds to blast everyone. :confused:
Sent from my iPhone
Eaton Swap + 4.10's = Wreeeeeeeeeedom!!
SC Cheesehead
08-01-2012, 12:15 PM
The one rifle has camouflage so you have the ability to blend in to your surroundings when you walk into a McDonalds to blast everyone. :confused:
Sent from my iPhone
Eaton Swap + 4.10's = Wreeeeeeeeeedom!!
Sooooooooooo, maybe we need to outlaw Ronald McDonald costumes as well...
just sayin'
08-01-2012, 06:08 PM
Sooooooooooo, maybe we need to outlaw Ronald McDonald costumes as well...
just sayin'
Here's the number of people that have been killed by a Ronald McDonald's costume.
Just sayin'
SC Cheesehead
08-01-2012, 06:29 PM
Here's the number of people that have been killed by a Ronald McDonald's costume.
Just sayin'
Ummmm, I think you missed my point, Jerry....
08-02-2012, 04:40 AM
Here's the number of people that have been killed by a Ronald McDonald's costume.
Just sayin'
Yeah, but it scared the HELL out of me as a child and I am still scared today of creepy men in clown suits; i.e. Casey. Kyle and Joe to name a few.
08-02-2012, 05:02 AM
Ummmm, I think you missed my point, Jerry....
Yeah, guess I did.
SC Cheesehead
08-02-2012, 05:59 AM
Just hadda pass this along...
I got a new dog to guard our house. It was a little more than I thought I should pay but I think when word gets out we'll be a relatively crime free neighborhood.
The nice part is he is a year old and already fully trained. For your safety you might want to call the house from the driveway and in the safety of your car!
Again guys, where do you draw the line? Your arguments approve RPG's
Sorry CBT, this is silly.
Never apologize for giving your opinion. I don't mind your opinions at all, brother. Truthfully, you tend to liven up debates on here, lol.
08-06-2012, 01:08 PM
Just hadda pass this along...
I got a new dog to guard our house. It was a little more than I thought I should pay but I think when word gets out we'll be a relatively crime free neighborhood.
The nice part is he is a year old and already fully trained. For your safety you might want to call the house from the driveway and in the safety of your car!
lmao, the one where he's "ghillied" up in the sheets cracks me up.
SC Cheesehead
08-06-2012, 01:48 PM
lmao, the one where he's "ghillied" up in the sheets cracks me up.
Yeah, I got a kick out of that, too.
Good pooch to go along with the posing, don't think any of mine would sit still long enough for the poses.
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