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08-01-2012, 05:23 PM
I'm sick n tired of this wastefull HORSE S&!T spending. Get off the TITTY and Carry your own freakn weight!


08-01-2012, 05:29 PM
cant we like herd all these people to cali so when the earthquake finally does break it off they go with it? :lol:

08-01-2012, 08:02 PM
I couldn't agree with you guys more this is absolute bullS?:t

08-01-2012, 08:09 PM
lol, and she's so brazen about how she's gaming the system too. Either she's a moron (very possible) or the system really is that lax (also entirely possible).

I wonder how much would change if, say, they gave you minutes but you had to buy the phones? Not even a lot of money, just $20 or $30 a phone? And even beyond that, if the only phone models they offered were generic bar phones or flip phones without data plans? Why would someone on a government phone welfare plan need a Blackberry or any Droid OS equipped phone? I'm pretty sure in many cities that offer this service, those on the free phone plans get better features in their plans than I do in my paying plan...

08-01-2012, 08:53 PM
I will not give up my government phone for anything. I would like to thank all the nice folks that pay for my phone, food and rent. Thanks

RF Overlord
08-02-2012, 06:14 AM
You obviously don't understand. She NEEDS those free cell phones so she can call her 6 different baby daddies to tell them she's coming over for the child support right after she stops by the welfare office for her check and goes shopping with her food stamps.

08-02-2012, 06:35 AM
You obviously don't understand. She NEEDS those free cell phones so she can call her 6 different baby daddies to tell them she's coming over for the child support right after she stops by the welfare office for her check and goes shopping with her food stamps.

She also needs to check in with her pimp and dealers from time to time.

08-02-2012, 07:50 AM
Total Gov't, Fed/State/Local = ~42% of GDP
Total Gov't spending per Private Sector Worker - $58,100
1 Gov't Worker for every 6 Private Sector Workers
49% of the bottom income tax filers pay no Federal Income Tax
40% of the bottom income tax filers are on Welfare,( they get a bigger check from the Fed then they pay in FICA and Income tax, hence a net negative payer)
Total Gov't spending = ~$22,000 per person.

At current growth rates Federal Spending will exceed GDP in 20 years!

08-02-2012, 08:14 AM
Just so you know how this came about, it was approved in the Telecommunications Act of 1996, a bill approved by almost all of the Republicans in the Senate (and about half the Democrats) and every single Republican in the House. Dont focus on the scammers getting free phones (thats small potatoes), I suggest focusing on the total scam of the program that is basically payola to the telecom industry.

08-02-2012, 11:06 AM
Well at least I now know my money is going to good use instead of using for my family. How stupid would that be.

Sent from my iPhone
Eaton Swap + 4.10's = Wreeeeeeeeeedom!!

08-02-2012, 11:26 AM
Well at least I now know my money is going to good use instead of using for my family. How stupid would that be.

Sent from my iPhone
Eaton Swap + 4.10's = Wreeeeeeeeeedom!!

Exactly! Also reassuring to know Ill be able to stay in contact with my crack dealer.
If this dam country would control there own money we would still be on top. Kinda like Rome! Politicians ruined the Roman empire and now there ruining this once great country. All about linning there own pockets at our expense.

08-02-2012, 12:09 PM
Well at least I now know my money is going to good use instead of using for my family. How stupid would that be.

Sent from my iPhone
Eaton Swap + 4.10's = Wreeeeeeeeeedom!!

Exactly! Also reassuring to know Ill be able to stay in contact with my crack dealer.
If this dam country would control there own money we would still be on top. Kinda like Rome! Politicians ruined the Roman empire and now there ruining this once great country. All about linning there own pockets at our expense.

I say let's take it back in November. I'm tired of this "Choosing Sides" and being so stubborn from both sides! I want someone up there who will work hard to pull all of us together. I know it can be done. When it comes down to it we all are on the same side, Americans! I want to see us rise to the top and lead. Democrats and Republicans all have good and bad ideas. If we can come together, work out the differences and throw out the bad ideas, there's no telling how far we can go and how much better off we all will be. We all know it's a long shot but so was America when it was formed. Let's get it ON!:flag:

1 Bad Merc
08-02-2012, 12:38 PM
You had me at "I SAY"! :)

08-02-2012, 01:57 PM
It is naive to think there are merely differences of political opinion. With total Gov't spending at 42% of GDP and at current growth rates just Fed spending will equal 100% of GDP in 20 years resulting in complete collapse.
Either you are against further expansion of Gov't or you are for it.

We are at the 50/50 mark where half are for further expansion of Gov't because they get a Gov't check that comes from the half that do not get a Gov't check.

There is no pulling anything together. It is the takers vs everyonelse.

Crown Vicman
08-02-2012, 02:25 PM
LOL I could care less about any phones period. I have a prepaid cell phone and it is used for emergencies ONLY. For someone like me 30 minutes for my cell phone can go 4 to 6 months.

08-02-2012, 03:29 PM
LOL I could care less about any phones period. I have a prepaid cell phone and it is used for emergencies ONLY. For someone like me 30 minutes for my cell phone can go 4 to 6 months.

That's all cute and stuffs.

But do you like these oxygen wasting bags of worthless dog **** using your/our tax money for free veterinarian care for their pets, even though they can't buy a roll of toilet paper to wipe their own ass with their own money because they are using our money?

Total BS. We have to vote a new person in every election in every position. No one deserves a second term unless its my fist down their throats.

Sent from my iPhone
Eaton Swap + 4.10's = Wreeeeeeeeeedom!!

08-02-2012, 04:11 PM
It is naive to think there are merely differences of political opinion. With total Gov't spending at 42% of GDP and at current growth rates just Fed spending will equal 100% of GDP in 20 years resulting in complete collapse.
Either you are against further expansion of Gov't or you are for it.

We are at the 50/50 mark where half are for further expansion of Gov't because they get a Gov't check that comes from the half that do not get a Gov't check.

There is no pulling anything together. It is the takers vs everyonelse.

Fixable- YES.
Pessimism = We will FAIL!
Big Gov't = HELL TO THE NO!

I happen to believe in what we are capable of. I'm glad our founders overcame pessimism when all odds were against them.

08-02-2012, 04:29 PM
I say let's take it back in November. I'm tired of this "Choosing Sides" and being so stubborn from both sides! I want someone up there who will work hard to pull all of us together. I know it can be done. When it comes down to it we all are on the same side, Americans! I want to see us rise to the top and lead. Democrats and Republicans all have good and bad ideas. If we can come together, work out the differences and throw out the bad ideas, there's no telling how far we can go and how much better off we all will be. We all know it's a long shot but so was America when it was formed. Let's get it ON!:flag:

I agree with ya. The whole Dem/Republican things has gotten old along with finger pointing. Like you said lets all get on the same page and fix the mess.

08-02-2012, 05:29 PM
It's clear to me now! This is the group that Obama was talking about, that didn't make it on their own!

burt ragio
08-02-2012, 05:34 PM
I say let's take it back in November. I'm tired of this "Choosing Sides" and being so stubborn from both sides! I want someone up there who will work hard to pull all of us together. I know it can be done. When it comes down to it we all are on the same side, Americans! I want to see us rise to the top and lead. Democrats and Republicans all have good and bad ideas. If we can come together, work out the differences and throw out the bad ideas, there's no telling how far we can go and how much better off we all will be. We all know it's a long shot but so was America when it was formed. Let's get it ON!:flag:

I want you to lead my sales crew. I will take my ebt cards & get free phones for all sales reps so we can stay connected I will also ask when we can get upgraded to I Pads.

08-02-2012, 06:00 PM
... I want someone up there who will work hard to pull all of us together. I know it can be done. ............ We all know it's a long shot but so was America when it was formed. Let's get it ON!:flag:

The Founding Fathers did not pull us all together. They started a Revolution to over throw the Gov't that was placing excessive taxes on them.

I do not believe the 50% that is getting a check from the Gov't is going to vote to reduce their check so that the 50% who are not getting a check from the Gov't can get a bigger check.

I do not believe that the 536 people who control 23% of our economy are going to give up their power in spending it.

I know for a fact that all the pessimism in the World will not make 2+2=5.

08-02-2012, 06:15 PM
I know for a fact that all the pessimism in the World will not make 2+2=5.

:lol: ;)


08-02-2012, 08:39 PM
As long as there is a 24/7 newscycle and talk radio that needs to be fed so that viewers/listeners return day after day after day and advertisers are satisfied, there will be no meeting of the minds.

Keeping us apart is what keeps them in business.

08-03-2012, 04:18 AM
The people of USA are the ONLY ones who can fix the issues before us.

Hold the people you send to Washington accountable for thier actions!

Time for "We the people" to vote and act.

08-03-2012, 07:10 AM
The people of USA are the ONLY ones who can fix the issues before us.

Hold the people you send to Washington accountable for thier actions!

Time for "We the people" to vote and act.

Agreed, but "we the people" are split.

I watch these political rallies on TV (rarely), and I could just (you fill in the blank; I'm too polite).

I swear, regardless if it were Romney or OB speaking, if they were to say, "and, and, and you know, I slept all night without having to get up for any reason. That's better than my opponent", the crowd would stand up and cheer.

Laughable, if it weren't so serious.

08-03-2012, 12:30 PM
The Math!
The Deficit is $1,600,000,000,000 or ~11% of GDP per year. Per the CBO/IMF/S&P/Moodys itneeds to be $450,000,000,000 or ~3% of GDP per year.

Per the CBO rolling back the Pres Bush Tax Cuts for those making over $250K per year generates $70,000,000,000. This leaves a short fall of $1,600,000,000,000-70,000,000,000-450,000,000,000=1,080,000,000, 000 left for to cut.

Roll back all the Bush tax cuts that is another $300,000,000,000 leaving $780,000,000,000 left to cut.

Where is the $780,000,000,000 from? We will have to cut spending 21.6%, ($780mm is 21.6% of $3.6 Trillion current spending) after raising everyone who pays income tax and putting new income tax on millions who currently don't pay income tax.

That equals the REVOLUTION I want, all united aganst a Tyrannical Gov't who has economically enslaved us by putting a Debt on us that we can never pay back.

As you can see simple math dictates that Obama roll back ~85% of his increases in spending

The solution is very simple roll back Federal spending to 2008 levels, this 2008 level was established by a Dem Cong & Repub Pres. Essentially roll back the Pres Obama 29% increased spending. This solution was in the July 2010 CBO report.

The alternative is to continue to end up Argentina 2001 followed by WW. Ain't it great to spend what you don't have?

McClatchy Washington Bureau

Posted on Mon, Dec. 06, 2010

Democrats could scuttle Obama-GOP tax cut deal

Steven Thomma and David Lightman | McClatchy Newspapers

last updated: December 06, 2010 11:06:09 PM

"the plan would total about $900 billion over two years — adding that to the projected federal deficit and the federal debt. Extending the Bush-era tax cuts would cost the Treasury $3.7 trillion over 10 years, including $3 trillion in taxes on annual incomes below $250,000 and $700 billion on incomes higher than that."