View Full Version : had lasix done yesterday

08-02-2012, 07:37 AM
Ive been wearing glasses and contacts for over 20 years. I woke this morning and could see the clock on the wall for the first time in my life. Incredible feeling. Worth every penny, if your considering it , do it. You will not.regret it

08-02-2012, 08:15 AM
Awesome! A few of my friends had it too and they had the same reaction as you - wake up and they can see!!

I've been wearing glasses/contacts for over 25 years (and I'm only 33!!:eek:) and I wanna get it done too... just been too chicken :o.

Perhaps I'll look into it, finally. I've LOVE to wake up and not have to reach for my glasses or worry about my contacts popping out.

Must be an great feeling :)

Granddaddy Marq
08-02-2012, 08:19 AM
So you can see this, Get Well Soon!

Ozark Marauder
08-02-2012, 08:22 AM
My dad has this surgery a while ago...everything went well except for he had constant eye watering in his right eye. It turned out that the lot number of the saline irrigation fluid used was defective and recalled. It seems that hospital didn't remove it from their inventory until 3 months after the recall. It was not the procedure or doctor's fault. He sued the hospital, and received a settlement. But here it is years later, and through a number of more treatments he still has times when his eye acts up.

Just saying that any surgery is invasive and sometimes does not have a good outcome. I thought at times I would have this done as I wear contacts and use glasses also, but......


08-02-2012, 08:33 AM
I had it done 12 yrs ago, at first I was 20/20 and 20/15. Now as time has past I am more closer to 20/30 20/40 still legal to drive without correction, but not perfect. The doctor says with age it will correct back closer to 20/20, but I am tired of waiting. Do not want to have to wear glasses again.

08-02-2012, 12:40 PM
I've put this off for years because with my luck something will go wrong. You only get one set of eyes.

08-02-2012, 02:52 PM
I've put this off for years because with my luck something will go wrong. You only get one set of eyes.
you said it i had it done or tryed to but on the 1st eye the dr. if you can calll him that, f@#%ed up the cornea flap part i wore a patch over my eye for months wondering if would heal. well it did but ever since yhen no one goes near my eyes. these dr.s are in it for the money they really don't care about you as a person. also i later found out that i actually wasn't a good candidate for the procedure, the shape of my eye or some noise like that. so there will always be a money hungry dr. out there willing to risk your eyes for a pay day. but good luck..

08-02-2012, 04:55 PM
Wife had it done 4 years ago and is very glad she did. Did they give you goggles to wear?