View Full Version : Chick-Fil-A Day

08-03-2012, 09:08 PM
I was just wondering, how many of you went to chick-fil-a day? We went at night and the line was still long. I have to applaud them in standing up for christian values. As for wal-mart, disney and mac-donalds they can go to you know where.

08-03-2012, 09:13 PM
I love that place!!! and his values!!!!

08-03-2012, 09:52 PM
I was just wondering, how many of you went to chick-fil-a day? We went at night and the line was still long. I have to applaud them in standing up for christian values. As for wal-mart, disney and mac-donalds they can go to you know where.

Wanted to go but no locations around me. :(

08-03-2012, 11:32 PM
I went to Mr. Chicken, a NE Ohio staple.
Tastes better, less BS.

08-03-2012, 11:34 PM
I had my chick fil A today!

08-04-2012, 04:58 AM
My wife and daughter went for breakfast and we were gonna go back for lunch, but the lines were ridiculous. We drove around to three different ones Wed night and the lines were beyond ridiculous. One had over a hundred cars waiting in line.

My daughter and I went Fri night to see the gays kissing, and there were none in our area. Didn't want to see the guys, but I was hoping to see a couple of girls going at it, with one of them being the hotness from the Fiat commercials.

SC Cheesehead
08-04-2012, 05:46 AM
Tried, but the past two days the lines have been super long at all three locations near us any time we try to stop in. Gonna try again tomorrow, shouldn't be as big a problem... ;)

08-04-2012, 06:57 AM
http://img18.imageshack.us/img18/811/pricard.png (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/18/pricard.png/)

I believe in freedom of speech, and I believe someone should be able to do whatever they want with their business. I also believe in equality, and if gays want to marry, let them. It does not affect anyone's life. People need to but out of other peoples business. No one is making the religions recognize gay marriage. But that is just my opinion.

Ms. Denmark
08-04-2012, 07:14 AM
I was just wondering, how many of you went to chick-fil-a day? We went at night and the line was still long. I have to applaud them in standing up for christian values. As for wal-mart, disney and mac-donalds they can go to you know where.

I don't believe the personal view that was expressed extended to the company as a whole. I don't believe upholding "Christian values" (whatever is ment by that) is the issue. Instead, upholding the right to express a personal opinion is the real issue IMHO.

nh muscle
08-04-2012, 07:26 AM
I believe getting married is a religious ceremony. A civil union is a non-religious ceremony. So then 2 pickle smoochers does reduce the value of marriage in general. All states should let their voters decide not 1 judge or 30 erps

08-04-2012, 07:30 AM
The real problem isn't Dan Cathy expressing his point of view. That isn't a problem at all. It's the fact that the company is making charitable donations to a recognized hate group. That, and I read about some employees of the chain that want to get the hell out of there now. They're getting constantly bombarded by people bashing gays or people bashing them because they they think all the employees hate gays (even thought there are a lot of gay people working for Chick-Fil-A). It's a really screwed up situation. And as I said to some friends of mine, I hope most of those people are in line to support freedom of speech, not to support bigotry.

And now I can stop "talking".

08-04-2012, 07:49 AM
It's his Personal Conviction and he can run his company how he see's fit under those convictions. I absolutely stand behind him in that conviction. But when it's all said and done, I don't have to give an account for what was done on this planet for anyone but myself. I'll be held responsible for my on actions. I mess up everyday in many areas and I'm not gonna deny that at all. I'm very thankful for mercy and forgiveness.

08-04-2012, 09:43 AM
IIRC, they are closed on Sundays to honor the Christian Sabbath Day. I'm surprised they haven't been boycotted for that too by the agnostics, devil worshippers, athiests and assorted kooks. As for the gay community, they know the squeeky wheel gets the grease so they take every chance to scream as loud as possible. I have no problem with civil unions between same sex partners. Marriage is between a man and woman. I know, I've done it three times. :D I know this makes me a bigot in some peoples eyes. Sorry, I'm allowed to have a different opinion on any issue I choose. Want to get into the 2nd Amendment?

08-04-2012, 09:44 AM
http://img18.imageshack.us/img18/811/pricard.png (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/18/pricard.png/)

I believe in freedom of speech, and I believe someone should be able to do whatever they want with their business. I also believe in equality, and if gays want to marry, let them. It does not affect anyone's life. People need to but out of other peoples business. No one is making the religions recognize gay marriage. But that is just my opinion.

Well said HiHo.


08-04-2012, 10:42 AM
The real problem isn't Dan Cathy expressing his point of view. That isn't a problem at all. It's the fact that the company is making charitable donations to a recognized hate group. That, and I read about some employees of the chain that want to get the hell out of there now. They're getting constantly bombarded by people bashing gays or people bashing them because they they think all the employees hate gays (even thought there are a lot of gay people working for Chick-Fil-A). It's a really screwed up situation. And as I said to some friends of mine, I hope most of those people are in line to support freedom of speech, not to support bigotry.

And now I can stop "talking".


And another point... there is a difference between marriage in a church and a marriage in a legal sense. You get a marriage certificate before you are married in a catholic church. I was legally married three days before our wedding in a church (my wife is catholic, i am not). So no one is telling the church to recognize same sex marriage. Don't like it? Don't allow it in your religion! Simple as that. Again, not trying to stir the pot, just sharing my opinion.:) EVERYONE in the good ol usa is entitled to their own beliefs, and their own opinions.

08-04-2012, 11:12 AM
It's his Personal Conviction and he can run his company how he see's fit under those convictions. I absolutely stand behind him in that conviction. But when it's all said and done, I don't have to give an account for what was done on this planet for anyone but myself. I'll be held responsible for my on actions. I mess up everyday in many areas and I'm not gonna deny that at all. I'm very thankful for mercy and forgiveness.

Very well said! i couldnt agree more:beer:

08-04-2012, 11:15 AM
https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/418427_10150948748157827_20282 89020_n.jpg

08-04-2012, 11:32 AM
The irony is that Gov't did not start licensing marriage until after the Civil War to control who could marry who.
Simple get Gov't out of marriage. Then Gov't can't say who can and cannot get married or what the definition of marriage is.
As respects Chick I have the same view that both Obama and Chick had up until Obama needed to boost his campaign. Why weren't the Chick protestors protesting Obama up until 2 months ago????

The Southern Poverty Law Center also list the Jewish Defense League and Nation of Islam as Hate Groups.
"Listing here does not imply a group advocates or engages in violence or other criminal activity."
Please explain how Rahm Emanuel as Mayor of Chicago can embrace the Nation of Islam, a Hate Group, and be against Chick for giving money to a Hate Group??????

I have seen upclose what the Southern Poverty Law Center does. The poorest parish in the state had a well known firm that is highly rated by all the communities it is located in looking to open a plant. The SPLC sent their people in thier BMWs from New Jersey to organize these impoverished people to successfully oppose the plant.
At the end the plant did not opent, the people stayed impoverished and the SPLC people drove their BMWs back to their mansions in NJ.
Ohh, the plant opened in another state and the people in that area are not iumpoverished.

08-04-2012, 11:44 AM
https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/418427_10150948748157827_20282 89020_n.jpg

American Christians donate more time and money around the world than any group of people on the planet.


Christians tend to be the most generous group of donors. An examination of the three dominant subgroups within the Christian community showed that evangelicals, the 7% of the population who are most committed to the Christian faith, donated a mean of $4260 to all non-profit entities in 2007. Non-evangelical born again Christians, who represent another 37% of the public, donated a mean of $1581. The other 42% of the Christian population, who are aligned with a Christian church but are not born again, donated a mean of $865. Overall, the three segments of the Christian community averaged donations of $1426.
The Christian giving was divided between Protestants (mean of $1705) and Catholics ($984).
In contrast, Americans associated with non-Christian faiths gave away a mean of $905 during 2007. Atheists and agnostics provided an average of $467 to all non-profit organizations.

Stop hating.

08-04-2012, 11:58 AM
I went there and had dinner on Thursday.

08-04-2012, 12:19 PM
I find it sad that not recognizing Christian values seems to make me an agnostic, devil worshiper or other kook.

Im fine with a company owner having a religious stance and standing behind that, I don't think he's right, but he has his opinion I have mine. In the eyes of the law, not the church, I believe gays should be allowed to marry, and that's all I have to say about it

I certainly don't believe we should be celebrating a companies admonishing of that on this board, especially since we have gay members

Off of soap box

The Ice Bucket Approves of this message

08-04-2012, 12:28 PM
American Christians donate more time and money around the world than any group of people on the planet.


Christians tend to be the most generous group of donors. An examination of the three dominant subgroups........
Stop hating.

I really didn't want to get involved in this discussion, but I'd like to point out something:
You make the claim that "American Christians donate more time and money around the world than any group of people on the planet." Then you go ahead and list all the stats about financial contributions per denomination, per capita. That's great. It's well documented how much money people who are heavily into their religion donate for the greater good.
The statement in the picture from a_d_a_m sheds light on the "time" portion of the argument. If only we had the problem of all those folks crowding to help out their fellow human beings who are in need at soup kitchens and shelters.
Personally, I know more than my share of hypocritical Catholics. They're the ones who fight to be closest to the parking lot exit every Sunday. When Mass is over....look out!! They'll run your butt over and not look back. BUT, they went to Church, so they're good people in their own mind. They can act any way they want towards their fellow man all week because God will forgive them on Sunday. Maybe it's different in different areas but in the NY/NJ area, it's all I've ever seen.

Far too many people are far too involved in other people's business. Like I tell my 6 yr-old: "You worry about you. Don't worry about them. You've got enough to worry about, don't you think?"

Can't we all just get along?? (....it appears not)

08-04-2012, 12:33 PM
Wanted to go but no locations around me. :(

Same here. :alone:

08-04-2012, 12:34 PM
Wickedmerc and PonyUP, kudos.

08-04-2012, 12:40 PM
https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/418427_10150948748157827_20282 89020_n.jpg

You truly are ignorant.
After the camera left Katrina strucken areas it was Chrsitians as unpaid volunteers by the tens of thousands who came to rebuild and care for those who could not care for themselves. They paid their own way and used their vacation time to do so. Churches opened up to be used as staging areas for first responders and provide soup kitchens.

I did not see any of the many groups that are speaking out today against Chick do anything to help anybody after Katrina.

How do I know this I remember stepping over first responders sleeping on the floor of a church that opened it's doors for their use for free. I remember working soup lines in a church to serve anyone who walked in the door for free.

I remember a church taking my family and others in to provide shelter during a hurricane for free.

I remember at great risk to myself and my freedom helping others. I literally took my shirt off and gave it to someone who was in more dire circumstances than me.
The first pic is of some of the people the church provided shelter from the hurricane. The room in the back ground is hwere they set up cots. They served three hot meals a day. Provided toys and toilettries.
The second pic is the church members who volunteered to serve.

08-04-2012, 12:51 PM
You truly are ignorant.
After the camera left Katrina strucken areas it was Chrsitians as unpaid volunteers by the tens of thousands who came to rebuild and care for those who could not care for themselves. They paid their own way and used their vacation time to do so. Churches opened up to be used as staging areas for first responders and provide soup kitchens.

I did not see any of the many groups that are speaking out today against Chick do anything to help anybody after Katrina.

How do I know this I remember stepping over first responders sleeping on the floor of a church that opened it's doors for their use for free. I remember working soup lines in a church to serve anyone who walked in the door for free.

I remember a church taking my family and others in to provide shelter during a hurricane for free.

I remember at great risk to myself and my freedom helping others. I literally took my shirt off and gave it to someone who was in more dire circumstances than me.
The first pic is of some of the people the church provided shelter from the hurricane. The room in the back ground is hwere they set up cots. They served three hot meals a day. Provided toys and toilettries.
The second pic is the church members who volunteered to serve.

Waffle House also helped a lot, Christians are not the only people that help during a crisis, Americans do that and to brag that Christians do it the most laughs in the face of every Christian belief

A good Christian never notes their good deeds, they just do them

Having a religious debate on a car site has no place

I refuse to think of myself as some kook because I don't agree with the majority

My deeds speak for themselves, and I'll never need to brag about it to feel good about myself

The Ice Bucket Approves of this message

08-04-2012, 12:53 PM
PonyUp - "..... to brag that Christians do it the most laughs in the face of every Christian belief

A good Christian never notes their good deeds, they just do them

Having a religious debate on a car site has no place

I refuse to think of myself as some kook because I don't agree with the majority

My deeds speak for themselves, and I'll never need to brag about it to feel good about myself".

You obviously were not here! If you were you would not be judging me. Working a soup line and giving someone your shirt is hardly a good deed to brag about.
Statements of fact about what others did to refute a lie is not bragging.

Your post is one big brag!

Using your standard the Bible would never have been written.

Baaad GN
08-04-2012, 01:01 PM
The whole issue is more of the politically correct crap, ya know you can try and force people to do many things and pass all the law's you want but you can not force me or anyone else to believe something they don't believe in!
Really is turning out to be a sic world lately!

08-04-2012, 01:02 PM
The only thing I have to say to that is.... Whatever

Don't think I castes any judgement towards you, as I was responded to many things in this thread.

You called someone ignorant based on their post, trying to bring a little levity, but god forbid someone take a stance different than Christisnd, especially on this board

My point was, which obviously you missed, maybe you can google it and copy and paste a response like usual

Christians are not the only people that help, or are generous, IF you think do, than you are the ignorant obr

The Ice Bucket Approves of this message

08-04-2012, 01:04 PM
The above post was in response to Salesmen aka copy and paste

The Ice Bucket Approves of this message

08-04-2012, 01:04 PM
Attacking Chick-fil-a is nothing more than a publicity stunt, and it's sad how transparent it is at that.

First off, why is it just now that people are shocked at his attitude on the subject? Did they want to bait him out and MAKE him say it before they called for his economic execution? This man has FOR YEARS been open about his conservative religious views.

Secondly, the only rational argument I've heard against him that doesn't in some way infringe on the very rights those that accuse are in fact using to do accuse him of bigotry, is that his organization donates to other organizations classified as hate groups. This opens another can of worms though:

Why attack him instead of the organizations in question if not for cheap publicity? An intelligent response to this man's expression of opinion on the matter would have been to use it to reinforce a campaign against the "hate groups," for example "You have known for a long time that these organizations are intolerant and shouldn't be allowed to continue on, and as the support of this man adds considerable strength to their causes, it is all the more important that you step up and help to end their hate instead of sitting idly by and hoping it goes away."

Did they do that? OF COURSE NOT. Why handle things the intelligent way when you can make a publicity stunt out of it? The answer to that is they don't agree with his opinion and feel he should flounder because of it.

Also, another example continuing with the "hate groups" in question: how many people out there in the long-standing argument about the nature of planned parenthood have argued that just because they do abortions doesn't negate the myriad of helpful services they provide for women in other areas? If you are one of them, I'd like to hear you explain to me how that's fine for them, but an organization like Fellowship for Christian Athletes should be disbanded despite the other benefits it provides its members just because it takes a conservative religious stance on marriage?

And ultimately, what is the root of what the anti-Chick-fil-a group really wants? If they don't like these organizations, how do the organizations actually threaten them? If it's about political sway, shouldn't they be more pissed about the power of lobbying instead of the fact that indeed the organizations have members and contributors? Why him and not the numerous other supporters of these "hate' organizations? Oh right, because he has a lot of money, and the only argument IS against lobbying, except attacking lobbying doesn't allow them to put the screws to Chick-fil-a for having a different opinion than they do.

It's things like that that show me, without a doubt, that for the anti-Chick-fil-a group it isn't just about protecting their own right to have their opinion, it is fully about trying to tarnish the image of Chick-fil-a for holding the values it does.

08-04-2012, 01:10 PM
I really didn't want to get involved in this discussion, but I'd like to point out something:
You make the claim that "American Christians donate more time and money around the world than any group of people on the planet." Then you go ahead and list all the stats about financial contributions per denomination, per capita. That's great. It's well documented how much money people who are heavily into their religion donate for the greater good.
The statement in the picture from a_d_a_m sheds light on the "time" portion of the argument. If only we had the problem of all those folks crowding to help out their fellow human beings who are in need at soup kitchens and shelters.
Personally, I know more than my share of hypocritical Catholics. They're the ones who fight to be closest to the parking lot exit every Sunday. When Mass is over....look out!! They'll run your butt over and not look back. BUT, they went to Church, so they're good people in their own mind. They can act any way they want towards their fellow man all week because God will forgive them on Sunday. Maybe it's different in different areas but in the NY/NJ area, it's all I've ever seen.

Far too many people are far too involved in other people's business. Like I tell my 6 yr-old: "You worry about you. Don't worry about them. You've got enough to worry about, don't you think?"

Can't we all just get along?? (....it appears not)

Why do you think Christians and especially Catholics are fair game for your criticsm? If it was any other group, Muslims, Jews, Mexicans, Gays, Blacks, Asians, Budhists etc etc it would be off limits, you would be a racist and you would be barred from this site. As a Catholic I am deeply offended by your comments and will wait for your sincerest apologies.:bigcry:

(Not really, but you (should) get the point. But I AM Catholic, and your comments are extremely ignorant).

08-04-2012, 01:13 PM
Attacking Chick-fil-a is nothing more than a publicity stunt, and it's sad how transparent it is at that.

First off, why is it just now that people are shocked at his attitude on the subject? Did they want to bait him out and MAKE him say it before they called for his economic execution? This man has FOR YEARS been open about his conservative religious views.

Secondly, the only rational argument I've heard against him that doesn't in some way infringe on the very rights those that accuse are in fact using to do accuse him of bigotry, is that his organization donates to other organizations classified as hate groups. This opens another can of worms though:

Why attack him instead of the organizations in question if not for cheap publicity? An intelligent response to this man's expression of opinion on the matter would have been to use it to reinforce a campaign against the "hate groups," for example "You have known for a long time that these organizations are intolerant and shouldn't be allowed to continue on, and as the support of this man adds considerable strength to their causes, it is all the more important that you step up and help to end their hate instead of sitting idly by and hoping it goes away."

Did they do that? OF COURSE NOT. Why handle things the intelligent way when you can make a publicity stunt out of it? The answer to that is they don't agree with his opinion and feel he should flounder because of it.

Also, another example continuing with the "hate groups" in question: how many people out there in the long-standing argument about the nature of planned parenthood have argued that just because they do abortions doesn't negate the myriad of helpful services they provide for women in other areas? If you are one of them, I'd like to hear you explain to me how that's fine for them, but an organization like Fellowship for Christian Athletes should be disbanded despite the other benefits it provides its members just because it takes a conservative religious stance on marriage?

And ultimately, what is the root of what the anti-Chick-fil-a group really wants? If they don't like these organizations, how do the organizations actually threaten them? If it's about political sway, shouldn't they be more pissed about the power of lobbying instead of the fact that indeed the organizations have members and contributors? Why him and not the numerous other supporters of these "hate' organizations? Oh right, because he has a lot of money, and the only argument IS against lobbying, except attacking lobbying doesn't allow them to put the screws to Chick-fil-a for having a different opinion than they do.

It's things like that that show me, without a doubt, that for the anti-Chick-fil-a group it isn't just about protecting their own right to have their opinion, it is fully about trying to tarnish the image of Chick-fil-a for holding the values it does.

Maybe gays don't like organizations like chick fil a, because their religion calls their lives an abomination?

I also don't recall anyone asking chic fil a their opinion, it was offered, surprise as a publicity stunt, and the **** worked on both sides because people are nothing more than frickin sheep

The Ice Bucket Approves of this message

08-04-2012, 01:14 PM
The only thing I have to say to that is.... Whatever

Don't think I castes any judgement towards you, as I was responded to many things in this thread.

You called someone ignorant based on their post, trying to bring a little levity, but god forbid someone take a stance different than Christisnd, especially on this board

My point was, which obviously you missed, maybe you can google it and copy and paste a response like usual

Christians are not the only people that help, or are generous, IF you think do, than you are the ignorant obr

The Ice Bucket Approves of this message

So If I quote you don't assume I am referring to you???? I searched both Google and Bing and all they came up with was "PonyUp is a BRAGGER"!!!!

But I am not judging you!

08-04-2012, 01:17 PM
I really didn't want to get involved in this discussion, but I'd like to point out something:
You make the claim that "American Christians donate more time and money around the world than any group of people on the planet." Then you go ahead and list all the stats about financial contributions per denomination, per capita. That's great. It's well documented how much money people who are heavily into their religion donate for the greater good.
The statement in the picture from a_d_a_m sheds light on the "time" portion of the argument. If only we had the problem of all those folks crowding to help out their fellow human beings who are in need at soup kitchens and shelters.
Personally, I know more than my share of hypocritical Catholics. They're the ones who fight to be closest to the parking lot exit every Sunday. When Mass is over....look out!! They'll run your butt over and not look back. BUT, they went to Church, so they're good people in their own mind. They can act any way they want towards their fellow man all week because God will forgive them on Sunday. Maybe it's different in different areas but in the NY/NJ area, it's all I've ever seen.

Far too many people are far too involved in other people's business. Like I tell my 6 yr-old: "You worry about you. Don't worry about them. You've got enough to worry about, don't you think?"

Can't we all just get along?? (....it appears not)

Time? Here is an article by Arthur Brooks of Stanford University. Read it and LEARN something about the world you live in.


08-04-2012, 01:26 PM
So If I quote you don't assume I am referring to you???? I searched both Google and Bing and all they came up with was "PonyUp is a BRAGGER"!!!!

But I am not judging you!

Just where did I brag, point to one instance

Can't find one? It's because I didn't. I don't talk about the deeds I do or don't do. I don't need validation from a car board because I worked in a soup kitchen, but apparently you do

I'll go give someone my shirt do I can brag about it

The Ice Bucket Approves of this message

08-04-2012, 01:27 PM
Maybe gays don't like organizations like chick fil a, because their religion calls their lives an abomination?

I also don't recall anyone asking chic fil a their opinion, it was offered, surprise as a publicity stunt, and the **** worked on both sides because people are nothing more than frickin sheep

The Ice Bucket Approves of this message

Which is an opinion, the same as the opinions they have about themselves. But that still doesn't address the question of how his opinions actually hinder their lives, which is what the rest of my post was about (you know, the "hate" organizations and such?)

Still, not a shock about their stance either, hasn't been news for years and years and years, not a publicity stunt if it's not even surprising, which is why it makes no sense why people are flipping out now...

This is why this debate gets no where: no one can get un-stuck from arguing whether or not it's allowable to even have the opinion that homosexuality is not ok. That isn't an argument for or against it, either, it's just a statement of fact.

08-04-2012, 01:28 PM
So If I quote you don't assume I am referring to you???? I searched both Google and Bing and all they came up with was "PonyUp is a BRAGGER"!!!!

But I am not judging you!

And it's funny, I searched google and all I came up with for you is Sailsmen is an *******, oh and since that will get edited, I'll say Icehole, use your imagination, or copy and paste another "clever" response

The Ice Bucket Approves of this message

08-04-2012, 01:32 PM
Which is an opinion, the same as the opinions they have about themselves. But that still doesn't address the question of how his opinions actually hinder their lives, which is what the rest of my post was about (you know, the "hate" organizations and such?)

Still, not a shock about their stance either, hasn't been news for years and years and years, not a publicity stunt if it's not even surprising, which is why it makes no sense why people are flipping out now...

This is why this debate gets no where: no one can get un-stuck from arguing whether or not it's allowable to even have the opinion that homosexuality is not ok. That isn't an argument for or against it, either, it's just a statement of fact.

I'm okay with someone being against homosexuality, I just don't think it has a place in this board, and at the end of the day, it is discrimination, probably on both sides

Your definitely right Blu, both sides used it as few publicity, chick fil a sold a bunch of chicken sandwiches, and gays got to advance their beliefs in a public forum

But regardless of religious beliefs, and regardless off stance, I don't think it is okay to call homosexuality an abomination

How many here have had pre-marital sex? Guess what, according to many religions you are now damned. No one is railing against straight sex in a non marital relationship

The Ice Bucket Approves of this message

08-04-2012, 01:40 PM
This went to hell in a hurry.

You know what happens next..