View Full Version : Where Men Live.........

08-04-2012, 08:09 AM
Yesterday my daughter, a city patrol officer, was dispatched to an armed robbery on the parkway. Arriving at the scene she found a distraught young man standing alone by his truck.

He told the responding officers that he stopped to render aid to two young women bending over the open hood of their car.

They held him up, at gunpoint, took his money, jewelry and, pistol.

Asked for a description he was able to give a thorough and complete one down to the type and color of clothes, hair, jewelry, tattoos, and body features. The officers were amazed, then they asked if he was able to get the license plate number, no he didn't look. Asked about the make, model and color of the robbers car, again did not remember. Asked about which direction they fled, our victim couldn't remember that either (this is the north bound lane of a divided parkway).

So, it's true, men look at pretty girls at the exclusion of all else.

Beware of damsels in distress.
