View Full Version : our trip to France hope you read it and enjoy

08-10-2012, 06:14 PM
Written by My wife Trezi enjoy

I am sorry for the delay of sending you our accounts of France. This is it. It is a longy and I hope you are not bored with it.

This is the Journal:

We truly enjoyed our trip to France: the week zipped by like a flash of light.

Steve threw in a few unexpected glitches for the both of us ....... once we arrived in Paris De Gaulle Airport in France .... we realized ... our connecting flight to Toulouse was at another airport. So we had to fetch our luggage and find a bus to the ORLY Airport which was one and a half hours away (sitting in traffic). Once we arrived in Toulouse and picked up the car rental.... we then realized the Hotel reservations were made for the Marriott in Paris .... rather than in Toulouse. So you know who will be not be making reservations in the future. So we both just rolled with all of the surprise punches and realized .... it was the Good Lord's Will.

Fortunately the Marriott we stayed in in Toulouse three years ago did have a vacancy for us. The next morning before we left for Carcassonne .....a van had just pulled up with a load full racing bikes for the Tour de France . It would have been a delight if we were able to stay and witness such a triumphant event.

Driving south to Carcassonne with MS. TOM TOM ... was so useful in getting around in France. They still have roundabouts rather than STOP LIGHTS. We passed fields, meadows and hillsides full of happy Sun Flowers . The country side roads were truly immaculate: most of the roof tops were laid with Spanish tile which gave it such a nicer look and every home had (functional) shutters which were closed in the evening and then opened up in the morning. As we drove through each little town, everyone had flower boxes below each window and they were full of colorful, brilliant and gorgeous flowers. They even had filled flower boxes lined up on the railing of the bridges that we drove over. It just made us smile back at all of the healthy, vibrant and glorious
flowers: it looked so welcoming. As we were approaching a town you would see a sign with the town's name on it (i,e, Mirepoix ) and as we left the town ..... they would have another sign with a SLASH through the name of the town indicating we were leaving it.

Once we arrived in Carcassonne, we visited the Carcassonne Castle and the restoration of the ancient city back in the day (i.e. a city within a city). We stayed in the Eastern part of the Carcassonne this time and we were only two blocks away from the Castle and the Old city. As we walked across the draw bridge into the restored city ... there were stores (for candy, cookies, biscuits, clothes sandals etc .... we felt as if we were at a Renaissance fair), restaurants, pubs and of course jousting matches and a beautiful Gothic Nazarine Cathedral which we visited.

In the 12th century, the Trencavel Dy nasty was
one of the most powerful families in the South of France. In 1208 Pope Innocent III called for a crusade against the Cathar heresy. Carcassonne was besieged and surrendered in 1209. In 1226 Carcassonne became part of the royal domain and the town became the fortress which we visited. Over the centuries as the fort, chateau or castle and little city was taken over by various assailants and then restored ... more
things were added (ie. parapet walk, ramparts, courtyards, halls. outer walls, etc). It certainly was our highlight here in Carcassonne. We also had a lovely dinner at the hotel.

The next morning we headed North East to Lespinassiere for my consult. It was a very erry and chilling drive driving up into the Black Mountains on a one way highway or road. We knew we were lost and fortunately the good Lord was with us, as we saw a family sitting outside in their courtyard having coffee and they were from England (Praise-The-Lord as they spoke English) and directed us to the Restaurant for our rendezvous. They said that they had a reservation there at the same restaurant and that they would see us there.

This little town must have had 150 people in it and the Restaurant Les Ardeilles was opened only twice a week. Sure enough we arrived an hour earlier (11am) and all of a sudden we saw this Mom pushing her stroller up the hill straight to the restaurant and I thought that it must be (my consult). So we approached her and sure enough it was her. We spoke a little Spanish together and with her mother until our translator arrived. Our translator is a mother of one of the Little Sisters of the Community of the Lamb. And wouldn't
you know that Little Sister Judith was born in Poughkeepsie NY( same as Steve)....and her Father was an IBM er ....what a small world). Then we started the consult outside on the table in front of the restaurant and then continued it in the restaurant with all of her family. The entire long table was filled with everyone from her family: her husband (the Mayor of Lespinassiere), her three beautiful children, her mother, my translator, her husband , Steve and I. We were all one big happy family. The other long table adjacent us was filled with the Brits whom we met who gave us the directions to the restaurant. A few other small tables were full as well. We all had a choice of A or B: no written menu. The olives, the wine, the bread came out, then all of the individual appetizers (prosciutto or salmon) , the big meal (duck or chicken), then the homemade desserts (tiramisu or ice cream) and then the coffee and the after dinner drinks. We didn't leave til 4pm..... it was an all day event and it surely was a delight. The consult went splendid and she was most appreciative for the devices to evert nipples for her colleagues.

After this big event we hopped in the car and headed to Mirepoix (which is only about 5 miles from St. Pierre). We arrived later than we would have liked. We took the long scenic route and enjoyed going through all of the vineyards on our way.

Mirepoix is an ultra-charming medieval town and it is a Hidden Gem in Southern France. Our hotel was right in the center of the town in the front of the square. The hotel was built the mid 16 century with updated plumbing: decorated with a bunch of wooden heads and gargoyles - almost each with a story.

And the best part of Mirepoix is of course their breakfast: their rolls and croissants were out of this world. The best breads ever ...... in all of France. We would just return to Mirepoix and at this Hotel just for their breakfast any time. The reason I gained a few more pounds than I expected.

Our first morning in Mirepoix, while munching on our croissants etc outside on their side walk ....looking out on to the square........ a parade appeared before us with peasants all in garb dancing and playing their instruments as if back in the day. They were celebrating and enacting everything that they did in the 12 century (playing games, training donkeys, selling trinkets, displaying their jousting attire, etc). It certainly was a fun surprise.

Then we had to scurry on to St. Pierre to attend Drew's mass and ceremony of ... taking his vows. Since Chere was staying with the Little Sisters, she was there to greet us as we arrived and we all drove to the Green Chapel which is their outside Chapel ..... amongst all of God's creations. It truly is magnificent to enjoy what Our Heavenly Father created for us. Once we arrived .... finding our seats on the hill (to see everything) Drew came out of thin air and greeted us with the biggest smile and warm hugs. He looked so happy and so much at peace with himself. Then he had to return down the hill and to the front row where he was praying. We waved and hugged all of the familiar faces of all the Little Brothers and Sisters we met three years ago and in Kansas City. Then all of a sudden Cailin appeared walking down the aisle with the Little Sisters and then she was guided up on the hill with us. Cailin said the Little Sisters let her sleep in, since she arrived so late the night before.

I have to tell you the entire mass was in French and the little Brothers and the Little Sisters sing every thing so wonderfully with such joy and veneration (and all of this is without music). They even sang the Litany of the Saints which we rarely ever hear (except for special celebrations)and this is one of my most favorite times in mass. It was sung so profoundly and with such deity. One other thing I love about the Community of the Lamb's Masses is that after the gospel is read.... everyone sings it in French and they have such a inspiring melody to it ..... it makes one listen with such admiration.

I would like to add that whenever there is complete silence in the little Green Chapel ...all of a sudden we hear the birds singing their songs so merrily. Sucha gift from heaven.

When it was time for Drew and Antonio (the other Little Brother) ......they prostrated themselves down on the ground (on top of a Rug which was laid down for them) where they professed their life to The Lord.

When they took their vows (of chastitiy, obedience and poverty) they knelt in front of Little Brother Fr. Jean Claud and Little Sister Marie (who are the Founders).... and we heard them both say loud and clear I PROMISE . It surely was an Alleluia moment.

When the priests sing the Liturgy of the Holy Eucharist and the Holy Blood of Christ . It just makes you want to love Our Lord even more and more: as they sing it with such deep reverence and respect.
Oh the mass was said by the Bishop who is only 92 years old: God Bless him.

to be continued

08-10-2012, 06:17 PM
After the magnificent ceremony and celebration ...200 people were invited for the feast outside on the picnic tables. The food was scrumptious and then the parade of desserts came down the hill to greet us. Drew's cake was so delicious with a vanilla cake layered in between with vanilla pudding and then was topped with a fresh creamy strawberry sauce ..... it was yummo

We helped rearrange everything for the next event which was for the outside Vespers : praying and the singing of the Psalms. Then we were invited to a late buffet dinner with all of the 23 little Brothers and the 120 Little Sisters. Antonio's family couldn't stay as they had to return to Spain. Mind you Drew (Little Brother Clement) is still the only US Little Brother.

Whenever we visit Little Brother Clement.... all we do is ......pray, sing, attend mass and eat ...pray, sing, attend mass and eat.... etc.

The next day after our last breakfast in Mirepoix, we returned back to St. Pierre early, way before 12 noon mass so we could present our gifts.

Steve and I gave Little brother Clement some gifts for the Community of the Little brothers; 4 back packs (1 holds about 60 liters and the other three hold about 30 liters), a tall wooden pepper mill and some spices (which Drew said they needed). We also gave the Little Brothers a monetary donation and a little over 200 Holy Water Bottles.

Chere also gave some wonderful gifts ... pads of paper, red licorice, a gold chalice and Paten, a mass travel kit and a monetary donation.

Cailin donated some very special TANDY leather to LB Clement, so he could make his own leather sandals. And Sara's husband's (David) Mother Karen gave a bit and bridle to the Little Brothers for their Donkey, as LB Clement wanted Chere to train the Donkey to pull the cart. So that was what Chere was to do while she was there... to train the Donkey. So the Little Brothers certainly made out with some lovely gifts.

After the gifts we all attended another wonderful mass at the Green Chapel and then we (Chere & Cailin as well) had a lovely pork tender loin lunch with all of the little Brothers who spoke English. Little Brother Jean Claude (the founder) was there and was so pleased with all of our gifts. We received a special blessing from the priest for our 20 year anniversary, we said our good-byes and headed up to Toulouse for our last evening in France.

I would like to add ...Drew shared with me that in three years he may renew his vows and then three years later he may take his final vows. So this is good to know. (

Our trip home from France ... was uneventful. As soon as we arrived home ...the same day we had to unpack and re-pack our bags for Orlando for the ILCA convention. It was really a pleasure to see some familiar faces (from NY) in a different place.

Ozark Marauder
08-11-2012, 09:39 AM
Sounds like you had a great (blessed) time...now I'm hungry from all the food descriptions..:D


Ms. Denmark
08-11-2012, 10:00 AM
Sounds idyllic and delicious, Trezi. (Good food for body & soul). Thanks for sharing!!